My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His

Vengeance Chapter 122

32. Troubles of the Heart CHARLENE. It was two nights later, and tomorrow we were splitting into two groups.

At dawn, Yileyna, Hunter, and Theon would bead toNaran, and I would travel forward with the rest.

I was terrified of what may happen to them, but I had to remind myself that Hunterknew the Naga better than

anyone and has spent his life fighting them, and Yileyna and Theon were powerful too.

Igazed up at the full moon as I sat beside Yileyna and Thea. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

I had gotten to know Thea a little better, Hunter and Theon’s sister was lovely.

Despite everything she had gone through, she had the will of fire flowing within her veins.

Last night she had awoken screaming, it had taken Theon and Yileyna both to snap her out ofit.

She was taking it worse, not wanting Theon to leave her again, and I didn’t blame her.

Hunter's words from earlier when she wanted to go with them to Naran now returned to my mind, as another

thought came to me...

(Earlier that evening) "Please Theon, let me come with you, I don't want to lose you again." Thea begged.

It was just the five of us, but Theon was beginning to hesitate, and I was certainhe would give in.

"Thea, it's dangerous." "I'm strong, Theon! I can do this, I don't want to be leftalone." I exchanged looks with

Yileyna, feeling sorry for her.

"Thea...look-” "She can't come." Hunter cut in, his expression hard.

"What?! Why not?! I'm strong, I have learned to fight!" "You're my blood and Naga do not forget, the fact that

the same blood runs through our veins isenough for them to want to shred you apart." Hunter's serious reply


"Yileyna is the only one of the three of us that will be safe, due to their fear of Sirens.

We cannot risk your life, Thea." "But you and Theon will be there...

I don't need saving, but if-" "He's right Thea, you're not going, end of discussion.” Theon said coldly.

(End of flashback) "Yileyna...

Do you think the Napa that attacked Theod when we found him, was because of their grudge against Hunter?"

Shelooked at me sharply, and her beautiful multi coloured eyes widened, before she nodded.

"That makes sense..." "And then...

The fact you injured it, and it did back away...

Could it have sensed your siren side?!"Texclaimed.

"Wow, I never even thought of it...but I think you could be right." "I think I probably am, for once."

"Not foronce, you often are." Yileyna smiled as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

She held Thea's hand and I smiled, loving how she was making her feel involved.

I can see us having an excellent bond, Thea, her two brothers, Yileyna and I...

"I feel...agitated." Thea sighed, "I can't believe it's the full moon tonight..." 2 "Same..." I replied softly.

Yileyna looked at us and tilted her head.

"Hmm, I feel at peace..." She whispered softly.

"It's almost like the calm before the storm..." The feeling in the air was odd, and I felt restless.

Maybe with everything that was to come, I felt like this...

"Mates...So do you think you and Theon could be mates? Wouldn't it be nice, just like Charlene and Hunter?"

Thea asked her.

My heart skipped a beat, and I looked down.

Mates...we weren't fated.' "Theon...we were mates...but we rejected one another." Yileyna said softly.

I saw the pain in her eyes, and I realised even though they had rejected one another, she was still hurting...

"You love him, he loves you...Why? Is it because of Theoden?" Her eyes flashed, and Yileyna looked down.

I know why...because he was responsible for her parents' death...

"It's quite complicated, but if they are to be, I'm sure they'll figure it out.

Hunter and I are not fated." I told her, trying to change the subject.

"You're not? Wow, I would never bave guessed." She smiled.

"Because they are so in love, who needs the bond." Yileyna chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile as they teased me, and for a moment I forgot all my worries "Well you are right!

The fact they are marked and are always looking at each other..." Thea teased.

"Oh not to mention the love bites I saw on My Queen's neck this morning." Vileyna smiled, nudging me as both girls started laughing.

I was about to reply when we heard footsteps and Thea tensed, her eyes blazing a brightgreen.

Her heart began beating violently, and I turned, frowning as I saw none other than Raiden come into view holding some mugs.

His eyes were glowing green, his gaze on Thea.

Their hearts were thumping, and I realised what was happening.

Yileyna looked at me and I knew she was thinking the same thing.




We had just finished the last of our planning, Yileyna had been here all afternoon but had decided to spendthe evening with Charlene before they headed on their own path tomorrow.

Seeing her was as if she was someone else...

I could see how the time apart had changed her.

She didn't laugh as much, her smiles were smaller, and in her eyes, I could see theweight she carried...

I didn't want to see her hurt or in pain, but the moment she had kissed my foreheadl realised she was someone else.

She had become the queen she was born to be...

Someone who did not need my love, but my loyalty...

"Will you go give these to our ladies?" Hunter asked me quietly, holding out three mugs ofcoffee.

"You haven't seen your woman all day, do you not wish to see her before you leave?" I asked him.

He gave me a small smirk.

S UL T ER "If I go now, I will take her from her friend and thenshe will not forgive me.

They haven't seen each other in ages, and this meeting was flerting.

The Alpha Queen has been too busy with plans, so let them have this time." "They will bave moretime." I replied quietly, taking the drinks from him.

He nodded, giving me a small smile, and I wondered if it was something else that was on his mind.

2 I carried them through the trees, and suddenly the most intoxicating scent hit me.

My heart thundered as the scent consumed me and the laughter of the women reached me.


She had shifted! Was it her? My heart was racing as I rushed through the trees, whenl spotted the three of them laughing, Yileyna...

even in the middle of the clearing she shone like a diamond under the moonlight.

But it was then I realised it wasn't her, and my gaze snapped to the slender she-wolf by her side.

Theon's sister.

Thea was my mate.

Our eyes met and the howl of my wolf in my head echoed as he yearned to claimher, my own mind shattering me.

How could I have even thought Yileyna could be mine?

Thea's heart was beating fast, and I remembered what shehad been through...

Her plump lips, her slender nose, and those eyes that had seen far too much looked at me with curiosity and uncertainty, and I couldn't helpbut look at Yileyna.

She was looking at Charlene, and when she turned to look at me, she gave me the smallest shake of her head.

Do not hurt her.' Her voice was firm and powerful through the mind link.


'Look at her, not me, Raiden.' I looked back at the she-wolf, who was looking at Yileyna and me, before she quickly got up and ran.

She realised.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"Thea!" Charlene stood up and ran after her.

I saw Yileyna's eyes glow brighter as she stood up Even in her simple grey pants and that leather corset, she looked like a goddess, "Don't do thisto her Raiden' 'We do not control our hearts Yileyna...

You know how I feel about you.' I replied through the link Her eyes softened and she walked towards me, but even her walk was different, shouldersback, chin up, and the power that radiated off her was stronger than ever She was not the girl I had fallen in love with, but I still loved her.

Loved the woman who did not need a man.

"Raiden...Thea is an amazing girl, one who has been through hell...Give her a chance." I looked into those beautiful eyes that pulled you in, the urge to simply want to gaze into themforever.

"I'm not...I just-1 don't want a mate."

"Wrong. You just don't want to accept anyone else, but life is short Raiden, don't ruin the one chance of havinga true mate's love." She whispered softly, placing a hand on my arm.

I looked down at it, slender and perfect...

"Am I foolish to want something else?" I asked her.

Someone else? The memory of her kiss on my forehead lingered in my mind.

I loved her.

I truly loved her.

"Not in this life." She replied softly, her eyes full of sadness and sympathy.

Those four words broke my heart, the pain was excruciating.

If this was how I felt now, then what was the pain of a rejection? "I know I'm crossing the line...

You are my Queen, but can I ask a question?" She looked into my eyes andnodded.

"Is he your mate?" I asked quietly.

She smiled slightly, but there was only sadness in it.

"He was." She responded, making me frown.

"Raiden, let me go.

Move on and one day you will laugh at the fact that you actually ever had feelings forme." "Is that a suggestion, or an order, my queen?" I asked quietly.

I loved this woman, and I wanted her.

No one else but her....

Why did she think my feelings could be cast aside? She frowned silently at my words, butsighing, she looked at the moon.

She looked breath-taking, gazing up at the moon like that, her hair almost glowing...

Don't do that...

You are consuming me already...

"It is advice from the heart.

I cannot force you, nor change your emotions, but as a friend, I would advise youto get to know her, at least

give her a chance." With those words leaving her lips, I knew she meant it.

I was nothing more to her than a friend...

I stepped back and went down on one knee, my eyes stinging as I refused to let my heartbreak show.

My heart was thumping as I rested my forearm on my raised knee and placed my other hand on her feet.

"Forgive me for my rudeness and my emotions. From this day forth, I will not cross the line. I will always love

you, because you are my queen and Alpha. I won't cross my boundaries again. I apologise." I promised

quietly, doing my best to control my emotions.

She bent down and cupped my face.

"I am blessed to have you by my side." As her Beta, but at least I will get to see herand to serve her until the

day I die.

I stood up, taking her hands and helping her to her feet, before I bowed my head to my Queen.

"It is my greatest honour. Goodnight." Our eyes met and I didn't want the moment to end...

I will miss you...

"Good night." She whispered, and I was forced to turn and walk away...

Perhaps one day I would be able to approach my fated mate, but tonight my heart was bleeding...,


"Thea!" I called, my own tears streaming down my cheeks.

Her pain was clear, and it broke my heart, Goddess, why?



I stopped when I saw her curledup against a tree.

"I'm fine." She whispered, her head buried in her arms.

"Oh, my sweet." I knelt down next to her, stroking her hair.

"I'm fine, really." She looked up at me and gave me a defiant smile.

I tilted my head and pulled her tightly against my chest.

Oh, Raiden...

"Should I just reject him?" She asked me quietly, making me freeze.

My heart thumped, and I looked down at her.

"Are you...Do you want to?" “Mm...He doesn’t want me, so I'll reject him." She said, her eyes flashing as she

took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'll do it." 1 She stood up, that vulnerability I had seen within her eyeswas gone.

"I would say sleep on it.

Come, let's head back." I replied gently as we walked through to the open area where we had setup camp The

smell of the fresh dirt and the trees around us was soothing.

I knew the area was safe and guarded, but we needed to return to camp.

I was expecting Hunter to come... after all, tomorrow we will be separated... but... he hadn't even approached


The moon was up in the sky but still, he hadn't come

Was he worried I would make it harder for him to leave? Orwas he avoiding me for some other reason? I

pushed the thought away, taking Thea's hand as I guided her through the trees.

She was lost in thought now, and I knew no matter how she was acting, her mind was in turmoil.

Yileyna was waiting near the tent, concern clear on her face.

Thea forced a smile before looking at both of us.

"I'm...going to go to bed." She waved at us both, and Yileyna nodded.

The moment she disappeared inside the tent, Yileynd came over to me and I hugged her, knowing she must

be feeling awful.

"You should get to bed, we are leaving early." She said to me.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"For a walk." She replied.

? I nodded and headed towards mine and Hunter's tent, I will ask him to come watch over Thea withme.

We could talk from nearby, but make sure she's ok too.

I know she probably wouldn't want Yileyna near her.

It hurt knowing that Yileyna was being put into this situation when it was not her fault.

I suddenly froze, a delicious scent wafted into my nose, and with a terrifying realisation, it hit me that one of the

men presentwas my mate.

I needed to hide, or get far away where he can't smell me!

I turned, my heart thumping, about torun when a hand wrapped around my upper arm stopping me in my

tracks, as intense sparks rushed through me like a current of electricity.

"Not so fast, Princess..." o My eyes flew open when I recognised the voice, my heart pounding violently...

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