My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance Chapter 125

35. A Futile Attempt YILEYNA My eyes flashed and it was almost as if we moved as one. Both Theon and I raised

our hands,Theon's glow swirling around his sword as I raised a wall of ice.

The Naga slammed into it, before the ice was cracked by Theon's sword slamming through and into the Naga's



My heart thumped.

His move shocking me.

Sure, the barrier was not the same ice that I encased the castle with, but for him to breakit so easily...

He was strong, and it confirmed that he held back during our training too...

I shook my head, looking for a way to get closer.

If I could encase his body in ice...

"Yileyna!" Hunter shouted just as the Naga's tail slammed into me.

I went flying as Theon sliced its tail off and I flipped in the air, landingon my feet.

I touched the sludgy water with my hand, sending ice through it and letting it wrap around the Naga's tail, he

hissed shoving Theon off him.

He was injured but it wasn't fatal.

"Stop." I commanded, raising my hand and creating a shield of ice.

"We are not here to kill." I wasn't sure it'd work, Hunter and Theon were both holding their swords ready, their eyes

flaming and theirauras blazing around them.

"You do not venture into the lands of Naran, where you are not welcome." The Naga hissed.

It was the first time I had heard one speak.

His voice was deep and raspy, and his cold, sinister glare was trained upon me as he struggled against the ice that

encased the tip ofhis tail and spread upwards.

"We would not have if we had any other choice." I replied firmly.

His lips curled maliciously.

"Then you will die here!" "They hold no compassion; they are more monster than human." Hunter warned coldly.

The Naga smiled and turned his attention to him.

"We like the kill..." His voice was darker and more sinister, and then he suddenly lunged at me.

"Don't!" I said to the men, raising a barrier that the Naga smashed into.

"You will die!" He hissed, slithering around the barrier.

I stepped back as he stretched to his limits, his lower body frozen in the ice as he thrashedaround.

He roared, venom dripping from his fangs as he lunged at me once more, not caring about the damage to his tail.

I was ready for him.

He ripped free from the ice, his body bloodied, but before he even reached me, Hunterand Theon attacked,

decapitating his head and piercing his heart.

I closed my eyes as his deep greenish blood splashed across my face.

"Do you men think killing is the only option? I was trying to talk to him!" I said as the Naga’s body dropped into the

sludgewith a thick splash.


"He isn't one we could have talked to.

Look at the mark on his neck? He has been deemed a criminal by the empire itself."Hunter said quietly.

I sighed, wiping my face and staring at the green blood.

I was trying...

I exhaled but said nothing.

Was killing the answer to everyone's issues? "You don't plan to ask the Naga Emperor for this pearl, doyou, Yileyna? It won't work." Theon asked sharply.

"Yeah, the plan was to sneak in and simply search for it, right?" Hunter added.

I frowned.

I was planning on trying to negotiate with them...

I wanted them to know that we were not all enemies...

Was I so wrong to wish for that? I looked at the body of the Naga on the floor, wondering if he had family...

"Yileyna." Theon's voice came, bringing me from my thoughts.

He walked towards me.

Raising his hand, he brushed my cheek with his forearm, removing some more blood.

"Come on, let's go." I looked into his eyes, unable to hide the pain I was feeling.

"Theon, killing isn’t the answer." I whispered.

"I don't want the deaths of so many on my hands, even if refusing to kill makes meseem weak." I was ready for him to tell me it was the duty of an Alpha to bear the burden, but it didn't come.

He cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him.

"You won't have to, I'm here to do the killing and carry that burden, which really

isn't so hard for me." His voice was quiet, his eyesemotionless as they stared into mine intensely.

Although I knew I should argue I didn't want him to kill anyone either, I couldn't respond.

His words had made my heart soar, my chest pounding as I leaned into his touch..

When the hope of ever being together was gone...why were you making it harder? Why are you showing me the you that I always wanted to see? "It’s only one Naga,don't feel bad.” He said quietly, staring down at me, his fingers gently caressing my cheeks.

Did he not realise it was his actions that were getting to me? His handsome face, even dirty, was incredibly sexy.

A few strands of his coppery brown hair flicked in front of his forehead.

I nodded slowly, forcing myself away from him and looking at the dead Naga.

"I still don’t think killing is the answer." I insisted.

Hunter sighed.

"I understand what you mean, but Naga are a cursed species, one that is more beast than human.” We carried on walking, and I didn't know how to reply, insteadremaining silent.

How do I argue with that when I knew that already, but then why did it still feel sowrong? Hours

passed and darkness was nearing.

Hunter’s tension was clear, and I knew that he knew far more than I about the dangers that lingered here.

He had made it clear we were not to travel at night, no matter what happened.

We were currently looking for a place to stay, and although we hadn't come across any moreNagas, we had seen two feasting on an alligator.

The little water that the land contained did not look pleasant, and I wondered how theland and its inhabitants survived.

Watching them from afar as they devoured the raw meat of the alligator made me shudderinwardly.

We had slowly edged away, lucky that they had been far too engrossed to even notice us.

Theon now signalled us to stop and we all froze, making sure to keep our heartbeats calm.

The sound of laughter reached me, and I peered out through the trees, only to spot two young Naga females, giggling and chattering as they talked insnake tongue.

They were barely older than twelve.

From the waist up they looked entirely human, save for their green-hued skin.

They wore black shirts.

One had long hair, and the other had short hair.

But it was their laughter that made me think that they were not entirely monsters, not yet.

It is the way one starts to think that makes one a killer.

We can still teach love and compassion, Nagas didn't need to become the hostile monsters they were.

Was it fear of the enemy? Was it the hatred for werewolves? Why were they as they are? I couldn't help but wonder.

The innocence of the girls as they chased each other unknowingly, the way they chattered and tumbled onto the ground, it remindedme of Charlene and me from long ago...

Everyone deserved a chance.

There was no way for us to move on unless they left, but they didn't seem to plan on going anywhere and instead settled down toeat some fruit.

Hunter was right, often Naga slept during the day and awakened at night, which meant the moment darkness falls,this place would be crawling with them.

Their senses were keen, their poison fatal, and their strength far greater than that of a werewolf.

Hunter motioned us to follow, spotting a narrow path around the denser trees, and we did, slipping through the trees only to hear soundsfrom the other side.

We did need to rest and find a place to lay low for the night.

There were far too many things in this forest now.

"Shall I create a fog?" I murmured.

Hunter frowned, glancing through the trees at the darkening sky.

"It may help a little, but do it gradually." He replied quietly.

"I don’t think we’ll be resting tonight..." Theon added, both Hunter and I looked at himsharply, but he wasn’t looking at us.

His eyes were glowing gold as he stared far beyond.

We both turned, spotting the silent pair of gleaming red eyes that were watching us through the trees metres away...

"Allow me." I warned, focusing on my siren side, calling upon my powers.

Just enough to show him who I was. saw the tips of my hair change, the shimmery hue that my skin took up and the air felt suddenly dryer.

"You looking prettier isn’t going to get him to go away, or not try to kill us." Theon murmured, making Hunter snicker despitethe situation.

I wanted to glare at him but I stayed staring ahead.

"Who are you and what do you want here?" His dangerous voice came.

I couldn't see him, apart from his red eyes, there was nothing more, just-


Even with my fog lifted, I couldn’t see him.

"I am from Astalion, and I wish for an audience with your Emperor." I stated, holding his gaze.

He tilted his head.

"And why do you think you are worthy of his company?" He hissed.

"No siren has ever managed to last in these lands." "I am not simply a siren. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Tell me, will an heir to a kingdom be enough for an audience?" He stepped forward,slithering between the trees

before he raised his head, and I saw myself staring at a powerful Naga.

Red eyes, and long black hair, if it wasn't for the scales that covered his neck, onewould almost forget what he


Plump lips, a sharp strong nose, and he held an arrogance and power around him.

"An heir? To what throne?" He asked, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

The Alpha of the Silver Storm Pack and the future queen of the Aethirian Ocean." He raised his eyebrows, and I

couldfeel the hostility and dominance growing from him, and the two Alphas by my side.

I raised my finger slightly by my side, hoping they heeded my warning and stayed put.

“Does royal blood run in your veins, or do you just think you are entitled to those lands and the sea?" He spat

venomously, his fangs glintingdangerously, but I held his gaze.

"I am the daughter of the late King Andres Aphelion of Astalion, the granddaughter of the Imperial Emperor

Queseidonof the seven seas, as well as the heart of Kaeladia itself, as mentioned in the prophecy of old.

I have come here for a purpose, one that no one will stand in my way to stop me from achieving." "Then you will

kill me?" Iraised my eyebrow.

"I do not want to leave a trail of bodies in my wake, many have died and killed for no reason.

I am not threatening you, I am declaring my reason for being here." I replied coldly.

He smirked, his gaze running over me.

"Yileyna..." Theon muttered.

I know it was risky, but I needed to give this a chance.

“You are indeed something we have not come across before, but the Emperor sees no one, not even his own


"Then who can I speak to?" "What is it regarding, you can tell me, I am one of the Emperor's grandsons." He said,

crossing his arms.

That made sense...

I could feel his power.

"Don’t do it." Hunter murmured.

I ignored him, I had to try.

"It is regarding a pearl that the Naga Emperor stole from the sea.

A pearl that belongs in the trident of Emperor Queseidon." He looked at me coldly, his fangs flashing when


"So he sent you? Without an army? Are you insulting our power?" "You may have your people alreadygathering

around us, but I assure you, you will not win this.

Let it not come to that.” I warned.

"Ah, but no sirens can come here." He sneered.

"Emperor Queseidon has an army of imperials ready to walk this land and reclaim that pearl.

If it is handed to me, I will make sure that this Kingdom is safe.

It was a little lie...

They couldn't come here...

He let out a contemptuous scoff.

"Do you really think the words of a mere shifter will do anything? You are in Naran, andyou will not be making it out

of here alive." His voice changed, becoming something entirely different as he spoke in Snake Tongue.

"Not everyone is good." Theon said quietly.

"And not everyone wants to change." Hunter added.

"I know.” I whispered softly.

We all formed a circle, back to back, readying ourselves as our auras swirled around us.

There was no longer any need to hold back...

They knew we were here, but deep down I knew if I didn't at least try that I was no better, butl had no chance to

explain as the Emperor's grandson lunged at us.

A terrifying unearthly hiss left his mouth as Theon raised his sword, which was glowing with his amber coloured

fire, ready to meet him head-on.

From all sides, I sensed the power of many more Nagas approaching.

We were completely surrounded.

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