My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

43. His Lies THEON.

The doors to the castle were opened for me, and although I could sense the tension and uncertainty from the guards, it was obvious that despite the fact they may be suspicious or cautious of me, they were unable to refuse me entry.

All eyes were on me as I walked through the courtyard, illuminated by a few dim lanterns.

“The King‘s son is back!” “Alpha Theon is here!”

“Alpha, come, I will have a room ready for you immediately.” One of the castle servants offered.

“I wish to see my father, immediately.” I replied coldly. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

Despite the calmness I was portraying, I was a mess inside. I wanted to see Yileyna, wanted to make sure she was ok. It was plaguing my mind to not know what she was going through.

I had travelled for hours straight, and I made the journey that should have taken much longer, I completed it in a day. Just the thought of Yileyna was enough to keep pushing me to carry on. My muscles were screaming in exhaustion, but I didn‘t let it show. “The Alpha is ready to see you in the throne room.” One of Theoden‘s men said, making me turn my head to him sharply. “I don‘t need an appointment to see my own father.” I said before pushing past him and heading for the throne room. I walked through the castle, paying attention to the changes, there was no hustle and bustle around here like it once used to be. Sure it was night, but there was always someone walking around the castle when Andres was in power. There was no odd cry of a child of one of the families residing here, nor the smell of something pleasant from the kitchens. I didn‘t realise it when Theoden had taken over as much as I did now, as I looked at the world around me with a new outlook. One where the haze of lies had been removed from my eyes.

The Obsidian Shadow Pack insignia had replaced the ones of the Silver Storm, and they glared down at me. A pack I was once proud of... I realised that this would be the end of the Obsidian Shadow Pack. When the war was over and victory was ours, I would ask Yileyna to accept the people who were innocent into

her pack. I couldn‘t ask Thea and Raiden to head the pack either, because Yileyna needed Raiden. There was too much darkness and sins tied to the name of the Obsidian Shadow Pack, sins that could not be wiped away or forgotten. 1

The passageways were lit dimly and there were far more guards scattered throughout, guards that he had purchased at the expense of our people. That knowledge sent a flare of rage through me.

The urge to draw my sword and slay them was tempting, but I held back. I needed to find Yileyna first.

I entered the throne room to find it empty. It had changed, with the banners and colours now of the Obsidian Shadow Pack adorning the entire room. Colours I was once proud of...

This belonged to Yileyna, and I knew she would be the queen that everyone would love when the time came.

“Theon!” His merry voice was a front, and when I turned to see the smile on his face, I noticed it didn‘t quite reach his eyes, even as he rushed towards me, arms spread.

I smiled slightly and closed the gap between us, knowing I was far better at hiding my emotions. There was a powerful darkness encasing him, almost like a layer. What was that? It felt like Arabella‘s darkness...

“Dad, I‘m finally back.” I said as we embraced. The urge to rip his heart out right now overcame me, but I could feel the darkness pushing against me and I stepped back, trying not to be repulsed or to let my anger show. My stomach twisted as I smelt Yileyna‘s scent lingering on him.

He had her.

I didn‘t know how to feel, it meant she was safe, but it also fucking terrified me not knowing if she was ok.

“That you are, that you are, and in good time! I was wondering where you might be.” Theoden exclaimed, striding over to his throne and sitting down.

I looked at him emotionlessly, crossing my arms. “I was tracking the heart, however, she kept on slipping through my grasp. I‘m sorry but these injuries slowed me down.” I frowned icily as I glared at the floor. I was getting better but I didn‘t plan on telling him that. “Oh, I see, well good news! I found her.”

I nodded. “I know, I tracked her close to here and had a feeling you succeeded. I‘m glad to hear it.” I replied smoothly. He ran his fingers through his beard, watching me intently, “You know we need the heart on our side for the betterment of the future, Theon. “Theoden said, lacing his fingers together as he sat on his throne arrogantly.

“Of course.”

“Well then, it was a hard decision to make, but I think it‘s the right one... I am afraid I have decided I will marry her myself.”

My heart thundered; thousands of emotions flashed through me as my eyes

flickered. I wanted him dead.

He watched me keenly, and never had I ever had to try harder to keep control of myself, as I lowered my head to him. “I am truly relieved. I am sorry father, I know you wanted me to marry her at one point, but despite wanting to please you, marrying someone who is part siren... it would have been hard. You are far stronger than I am, mentally and physically.” I looked up at him, wanting to rip his head off. Our eyes

met and I made sure to keep my emotions in check, looking at him with fake approval and relief. His eyes flickered before he let out a small chuckle and sat back, clearly much more at ease.

“Ah you always understand, and fear not, the poison for the sirens is prepared. When the time is right, I will release it into the ocean, and we will kill them all. We will get our revenge.” He said darkly. “I can‘t wait, they deserve all that is coming to them. Tell me, what do you want me to do? I‘m back and I‘m ready to assist you, with this plan or anything else. We need to kill them all.” He was nodding slowly, looking at me with pride, yet his orange eyes held a manic light as if he was lost in envisioning what the future would hold.

“For now, I want you to tighten security. We will soon have the Alpha gathering, and there... there I will become stronger. You have always been a good son, and when this is over, I will give you land and a pack of your own.”

So he would try to keep me far away.

“Thank you, but more than an Alpha position, I just want revenge on all those who have hurt those whom I love. I will find contentment the day they are all

slain, only then will I be at peace.” I said murderously, fuelling all the hatred and rage for him into my words. My eyes blazed venomously, and I felt satisfied when he looked a little unnerved.

“Ah, of course, I want only the same. Now tell me Theon, have you heard anything of Hunter? Rumours are he is standing against us.” He declared, clearly changing the subject. “Hunter?” I asked sharply. When I was let into Westerfell I knew even if he had Thea, Raiden, and the others, it meant he didn‘t know of my involvement, or they were playing smart. But now, seeing him, I had a feeling he really didn‘t know what I had been up to and that was exactly what I wanted. I still wouldn‘t trust him, and I wasn‘t so sure he‘d trust me entirely, however, I knew I was and always have been just a pawn to use in his game.

At least I‘d play along, act like I respected him and wanted to serve him, when all I fucking wanted was to kill him.

But until I found out what that darkness encasing him was... I had to be careful, I couldn‘t attempt to kill him only to be thwarted. There had to be a plan in place. “Yes Hunter, he was creating a resistance, gathering those loyal to Yileyna De‘Lacor. I want him dead and perhaps you are the person who is best suited to find him.” His eyes were on me keenly and I was sure this was another test...

If he was trying to outwit me, then he could carry on trying. I was not a fool. “I‘m afraid Hunter is not someone I will touch... We promised Mom... Yet I understand that he is trying to thwart your plans, and if that is the case, then I will not protest if you have someone kill him. I just apologise that I cannot be part of it.” I replied quietly. Our eyes met and he nodded slowly.

“I understand, your love for your mother holds no bounds.” He nodded curtly, and I knew he had bought it when he began talking about his plans. Now all I needed to do was assess the numbers and prepare for a takeover, but before that... I needed to see her... 1 I left the throne room after telling Theoden I would turn in for the night. I was glad my room hadn‘t been stripped bare, although I knew someone had been in here. If they had been looking for anything then they had probably been met with disappointment. I was not someone to keep anything materialistic, nothing that can be held against me and nothing personal. I showered quickly, my chest no longer needed bandaging. Although I was still

wounded, they were getting better with the help of the pearl that I knew possessed exceptional powers. Whatever this thing was, it was powerful. I had tried to open the small pouch but the intensity of the light from it burned, and so I had quickly closed it again. After getting dressed, I had taken a charm to hide my scent, before I set out to find her.

It hadn‘t been as simple as that. I learned she was in the Alpha quarters, but the entrance was guarded and the windows were barred, so I had to wait for the guards to move. However, even when the guards changed shift, I didn‘t manage to slip inside. I had gotten to the door but it was locked. I had heard the

guards approaching, chatting quietly, and so I had slipped away before I was caught. The only other way I could think of was through the window in the guest room that looked out to the courtyard. I wasn‘t sure if that one was unguarded as it was a difficult place to get to, but I planned to find out. It took me a while to sneak past all the guards, and looking up at the window, the memory of that night returned to me and my heart thudded. Memories that were so much lighter than the ones surrounding us now. I climbed up swiftly, knowing I was going to have to pry the window open. To my dismay, it was barred too. Frowning, I glanced down, before getting to work swiftly. I began work on loosening the bars with the sharp point of my dagger.

One bar almost slipped from my hand, but I caught it just as two guards passed by far below.

“Did you hear that?”

“No, what is it?”

“Never mind.”

I closed my eyes, exhaling softly before getting back to work. It took a while, and balancing dangerously on that ledge as I worked wasn‘t easy. A few times more guards passed by and I had to do my fucking best not to make any sound. When I had finally managed to take a few bars off, I pried the window open and squeezed inside, shutting the window behind me and silently made my way out of the room.

Silence filled the main hall, and Theoden‘s smell was faint, meaning he hadn‘t come back here after our meeting, but there was one scent that was stronger. A scent that made a wave of relief flood me.


My heart was racing as I followed it to the old Alpha‘s bedroom. I saw the key in the lock and turned it slowly before opening the door, trying to control my raging


There she was, dressed in an extravagant dress. The first thing I noticed was the large black collar, that oozed darkness, that wrapped around her neck as she hugged a bundle to her chest from where she sat on the floor.


Her head snapped up to me and our eyes met, pain and anguish filled her red eyes and tears streaked her face.

She was in pain.

“Theon.” She whispered.

My heart squeezed and white–hot anger raged through me as recognition filled her eyes. She had been so shaken she hadn‘t even been able to recognise me. I did my best to keep my voice level, but even then I was unable to hide the pain from it.

“Hey Little Storm. I‘m here.”

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