My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

50. Stronger Together


The mages continued to hold the illusion as we made our way closer to the outer wall. I could see the warriors on the watchtowers seem to hesitate, scanning the grounds. We stopped far behind.

The battle plans were in place, and when I was about to give the final command to march onwards, everyone seemed to be distracted. I sensed them before I even turned to confirm it.

The imperial sirens. Even with legs, they still didn‘t pass as humans; their beauty was different, and seeing them in such a large number made them stand out even more than the fae. These were the imperial sirens of the emperor... Yileyna‘s family.

There were over a thousand, for sure. Their armour was a shimmery metallic blue silver. At the front were two men and Deliana. The three held tridents, whilst the rest behind them wielded swords or whips.

The Naga tensed, and no one spoke as the man that was beside Deliana looked at me intensely. The imperials were watching the Nagas, but neither species said anything.

“I come to assist my granddaughter, the heart of Kaeladia. She has proven herself efficient. Tell me, as the queen‘s mate and champion, will you ride into battle with the pain that you hide?”

All eyes turned on me and I looked back at him, my eyes flashing. “It has not held me back, even when I went with Yileyna into Naran.” I replied firmly.

“Strong and stubborn. Pride fit for a king, boy. However, your pride will not help you.” He stated arrogantly. He shifted his trident in his hand, the power radiating off it was obvious, and I could feel it

sending waves through the crowds, but there was nothing dark in it...

He raised it and pointed it at me as several of Hunter‘s men tensed, ready to protect me if need be. I raised a gloved hand, stopping them. It was obviously Hunter‘s orders.

“A small injury will not hold me back, it never has and it never will. We must continue on.” I stated clearly.

“And we shall.” Queseidon said as a blast of light left his trident. I didn‘t move, not that there was time. A blinding light struck me and I felt the rush of power pour through me, then it felt like the pain had been lifted. Energy returned to every inch of my body, and my eyes flashed powerfully. 1 I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be without this pain, I had grown accustomed to it, and to be honest, I didn‘t think I‘d ever be fucking free from it. “Thank you, your majesty.” I replied seriously, lowering my head slightly to him. I never thought the day would come where I‘d be having a civilised conversation with a species I once hated. “Just do not hurt her again, for a siren‘s attack is indeed deadly when she is scorned.” 1

I saw Hunter smirk • “Understood.” I almost growled. He gave a curt nod, gesturing to the man beside him. “You already know the queen of the Aethirian Ocean. Allow me to introduce my son, King Earendor of the Metiolodia Sea.”

I stepped forward and held my hand out to him, his hair was flaming red and his eyes a sharp aqua green.

He took my hand, and we exchanged a firm handshake.

“Thank you for coming to our assistance.” I said, “‘We work towards a better future.” He replied in a deep voice.

“My job is done.. I will return to the ocean. Happy? I healed him.” He muttered, glaring at Deliana. 3

Her smile was faint, and she lowered her head to him.


It was because of her that I was healed. I wasn‘t sure how to feel about that. Seeing her again wasn‘t as hard as it was down by the coast, but perhaps the fact she was in human form helped.

He gave a small nod, motioning to his army of imperials before a large wave of water swirled around him. He turned, walking away, his cyclone of water growing larger before he disappeared into the darkness.

For a moment, I had wondered if the men would get distracted by the sirens, but they were not here to play, their attention on their commanders.

Hunter, who had just bid farewell to Charlene, looked more emotional than I had ever imagined he would, but the fear of not knowing if we‘d make it back alive was inside of every man and woman, regardless of how brave they were or appeared to be...

I nodded before getting onto the black stallion that awaited me. Although many would be attacking in wolf form, there were some who would shift later, but for now would go on horseback

As Champion, I had to give a word of comfort and confidence. I wasn‘t made for this... but for her, I would do it.

I looked around, not everyone was in my line of sight but I spoke loud and clear, my voice powerful and full of certainty. “Our army is powerful, with every race on this planet ready to fight for the middle kingdom. An honour many would only wish to witness. Together we raise our swords against the enemy, but remember, we do not harm the women and children, but those who raise a weapon towards us. We fight for the betterment of our own lands, and for the queen who has shown us nothing but compassion and kindness. May this union spread past our borders to other kingdoms! Tonight we ride for victory, for justice, and for a new dawn!”

Only the shouts of support and confidence followed. Zarian, Hunter, Earendor, Darshian and Deliana all stepped forward. Ready to lead their ranks

into war. Raiden would aim to free some of the Silver Storm on my signal, and lead them from within... We were ready.

I gave the signal, before breaking into a gallop...

Yileyna‘s cry for help had made me speed up, as we broke through the defence around the wall with ease. Arabella‘s spells resisted, but with the combined effort we blew up part of the wall, allowing us access.

He had his men on alert, and even when the bells of war rang in the air from the tower of the temple of Selene, we didn‘t slow down.

I saw the blast of power fill the sky from the castle far ahead, and my heart skipped a beat. It was followed by a blinding light. One that I knew was Yileyna‘s.

I‘ll handle Arabella.‘ Her voice came through the bond.

‘I will meet you soon. Take care of yourself.‘ I replied before I rode faster.

If she was using her power, it meant they had removed the collar.

I was halfway to the castle when I felt the flare of Arabella‘s power erupt in the air once more. The horse neighed and I pulled its reins, trying to calm him, before I cut through two of Theoden‘s men, feeling the darkness spreading.


I turned to see Thea yielding a sword, cutting through another warrior as she burst out from the castle gates.

“Be careful, I‘m going ahead. This battle ends if he dies.” I replied quietly.

“Take care.” She whispered as she spun around. “Go, I‘ll hold them off!”

I was worried for her, but I had to leave. I saw Ryan and Raiden jump from the wall and I felt a little more at ease.

Blood splashed everywhere as I slayed Theoden‘s men, galloping through to the courtyard.

Alphas were sprawled on the floor, some bloody, some simply unconscious, whilst others engaged the enemy. My heart raced when I spotted Yileyna, encased in a shimmering shield of what looked like ice, her power radiating off her. She looked like a goddess, and if the matter wasn‘t so fucking dire, I would have spent a little more time admiring her.

Parts of the castle walls were destroyed entirely. Wolves and men were fighting all around, to the point where I did not know friend from foe.

I sensed him before I heard him, and I spun around, my eyes blazing as I raised my sword that was coated in my flaming aura. An aura that had turned into a deadly fire–like energy since she marked me.

“You betrayed me.” He seethed, his eyes were filled with blistering rage as our weapons met.

I looked at him with unmasked hatred as our weapons clashed once more.

“You betrayed me, Mom, Thalia, Thea, our entire fucking pack! You killed them all, and you

think I would stay loyal to you? That I‘d never fucking find out?!“” His eyes blazed orange as he stared into mine, with clear confusion and anger on his face. He killed the horse I was riding, and I jumped off, bringing my weapon down, but it was met by the barrier of darkness around him. I could see Yileyna fighting against Arabella but I could also see that the latter was holding strong. We needed to kill her first,

and together, she was fucking powerful... “What are you?” Theoden hissed venomously as I blocked another swing of his sword.

“The Queen‘s Champion, and the one who bears her mark.” I replied coldly. 1

Anger flashed in his eyes, and I slammed my sword down on his shoulder. It hit the shield of darkness that was coating him, doing nothing but send shock waves of pain through my arm. He cackled manically.

“I will never die, Theon… Never!”

“We‘ll see.” I challenged quietly. ‘Yileyna, encase him in ice, we deal with her first.‘

‘Got it.‘ She replied, raising her hand she turned her attention to Theoden.

Arabella let out a cry of rage as she lunged at her, and a menacing growl left my lips. I was in front of Yileyna in a flash, bringing down my sword, she blocked, her eyes flitting to Theoden.

Protecting him had been rooted so deeply into her. “Arabella!” Theoden hissed. She backed away from me, creating a shield as she whispered something, and that same darkness we felt in the forest began weighing down on us. She darted for Yileyna, but I intercepted her as Yileyna worked on the barrier of ice around Theoden, who was trying to get away. He shifted, roaring menacingly as he made to lunge at her. His powerful aura swirled around him, but I blocked him. 1

A Naga came into view, and I almost prepared to defend myself on reflex, when he went for Theoden, but his teeth didn‘t penetrate the barrier.

“What on Kaeladia...?” Theoden hissed as he pushed the Naga away. “Naga… here in Astalion...” Yileyna seemed shocked before a smile graced her face although she was still attacking Theoden. “We will fight by your side, Alpha Queen.” The Naga said, his strength immense as he knocked Theoden to

the ground. Yileyna nodded turning her gaze back to 1 “We are not alone, Theoden. Truly every species is now here to defeat you.” She said icily

She aimed a wave of ice shards at him but they simply deflected off the barrier. Taking the chance, I and the Naga pinned Theoden down. 1

“Now!” I shouted.

Two sirens were attacking Arabella, and then I saw Zarian race towards her, a powerful blast of air pushing her back

Yileyna ran over to us, taking the chance with the distraction Zarian had created, grabbing Theoden‘s head, she frowned in concentration. I could feel the darkness burn my skin as I kept

Chim pinned down. Ice began spreading from her hands, only for Arabella to rip me away from


The Naga hissed, his tail knocking aside two of Theoden‘s men.

“I‘m fine!” Yileyna called as Theoden‘s anger rose. “Evil will never conquer!” She jumped back, avoiding his attack, but despite Theoden struggling with the ice that now encased half of his body, he was no longer able to move. He tried to shift, and Yileyna tensed ready to act, only for a roar of pain to leave him. He fell forward, breathing hard, unable to move or shift back.

If he didn‘t change back, he wouldn‘t be able to command Arabella... I saw her throw Zarian to the ground, blood pooling around him, and I wasn‘t sure he was alive as I fought the darkness, my aura around me seemed to be the only thing keeping it at bay.

“Zarian!” Yileyna screamed at the same time Arabella seemed to realise Theoden’s situation.

“Master!” She shouted, wiping blood from her face where Zarian had managed to leave a mark, her eyes full of hatred as she turned towards Yileyna. “You hurt him.”

Her voice was sinister and full of hatred.

But with Theoden out of the way, both mine and Yileyna‘s attention were now upon her.

We fought the darkness, giving it our all. We were a blur of attacks and defence.

Attack after attack she countered, I could see the wolves around us dropping, unable to stay upright with the darkness that had wiped out all light that once lit up the courtyard.

We were thrown back once more, but we both grabbed onto whatever we could to stop ourselves from being thrown further.

“Give me your hand!” I shouted to Yileyna as she tried to create ice to hold onto, and failed.

Our eyes met, her hair whipping around her. Her crown was gone, and her hair had mostly come undone.

“Ice and Fire?” She said softly, holding her hand out to me. 1

Try what we had back in Naran?

It might work...

I nodded, taking her hand and pulling her close as I got my footing. Holding her tight, she raised her arms, summoning her abilities as she pushed against the darkness that was attacking us violently. We both looked at Arabella, who was beginning to chant something. We focused all our power together and gave it our all. The blinding light of our powers combined hit her powerfully, but I could feel the barrier

that was now whirling around her. It wasn‘t working. ‘Help is coming.’ Yileyna murmured through the link as we were both thrown back again.

Flying debris filled the air, and I saw pieces of rock slicing into her bare arms. Theoden‘s roar caught my attention, and I realised the Naga by his side was dead. He was beginning to break through the ice. The pillar I was braced against ripped into the air,

lmocking us both to the ground. “Theon... mark me.” Yileyna said suddenly.

“What?” I asked sharply.

“It will strengthen me. Complete it!” She shouted as a dome of darkness crashed down around the courtyard, just as I saw the brilliant trident with electricity wrapped around it hit the dome. Deliana‘s scream of frustration reached our ears before she was thrown off.

Fuck, we could have used another hand. I looked around as Theoden shifted back to his human form, his eyes burning with rage as he honed in on me. I had to do it. Arabella rushed over to Theoden, and they said something which I couldn‘t hear, before I looked into Yileyna‘s eyes. It was just us against them... “Shield.” I commanded quietly as I stood from where we had been brought to our knees. Yileyna raised her hand, and although Arabella was fast to act, a blinding circular dome of ice encased us and I slowly pulled her to her feet. My heart was racing as I realised if I marked her... we were tied forever... 1 A dream that I didn‘t deserve...

She reached up, the white glow of the ice dome made her skin sparkle as she cupped my face, her chest heaving “Theon, do it now.” She whispered, looking down.

I took hold of her wrists and stared into the eyes of the one woman who meant everything to

1. me.

“Another unconventional place.” I murmured, knowing I was stalling, but when Theoden began hammering on the dome, I knew we didn‘t have time.

“With the one I love.”

“I want to let you know that I loved you long before I ever admitted... When I left you at the cabin.... it fucking hurt. That is a moment I‘ll never forget and always regret.” 2

A crack began appearing in the dome, but Yileyna smiled softly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“Then let‘s go back to that cabin.” She whispered. “But this time, come home, tell me I cooked your favourite dish. Tell me that you love me every night, and when I awake, be there with me.

“Even though I don‘t deserve you?” I asked quietly, my voice thick with emotions I failed to hide.

“You do. You are the only man I want.” She whispered,

“Then I may just be fucking selfish and take what I want.” I growled huskily.

Tangling my fingers into her hair and tugging her head to the side, a little roughly just like she liked it, making her gasp. She twisted her hand into my hair as I leaned down, sinking my

teeth into her neck just as the dome above us shattered.. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

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