My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

16. A Raid


I watched him walk away, leaving me on the table, my heart thundering as I realised this was it. i knew it wasn’t going to be anything more than sex but to leave me the moment we were done.

I clamped my hands over my mouth, muffling the sob that left my lips. I don’t know what I was expecting… but I wasn’t anticipating him leaving like that. Why had he felt disgusted at the end? Why could I feel his anger? I pulled my legs to my chest, rocking myself as I tried to control the pain that was suffocating me. I felt even more alone than I had before I gave myself to him.

I cried softly into my knees, the sharp throbbing between my legs was a stark reminder of what had happened. A moment of pleasure with the man I had liked for so long… Was it worth it? Had it been worth it?

I didn’t know the answer to that… At that time, I couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure. It felt like a dream come true, and I couldn’t deny that I felt like I was in heaven. But now I just felt lonely and scared.

Stop wallowing in self-pity, Yileyna. I took a deep, shuddering breath, brushing away my tears.

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I slid off the table, my legs giving way, I fell to my knees. I grabbed the table edge, getting to my feet. My entire lower body felt heavy as lead, and pain throbbed in my lower regions.

Was it meant to hurt this much?

I looked at the table that contained a few streaks of blood and remnants of our sex juices. I’ll clean it after I shower.

I made my way to the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked… a mess. My eye make-up was smudged, leaving black circles around my eyes from all the crying. My lips were bruised and my smudged lipstick only made it look worse. I realised it was bleeding a little too… As for my body, I was a canvas of marks and bruises.

I turned away from the mirror, stepped under the shower and turned it on. I touched my stomach where he had come all over and looked at my fingers, tears spilling down my cheeks and mingling in with the warm water.

It felt bittersweet. I just wish he hadn’t left like that.

I don’t know how long I remained under the water, but it was a long time. I soaped my body and washed my hair before I finally stepped out, feeling exhausted as I wrapped a towel around myself.

I returned to the living room and began to clean up the mess. My tears had all dried up but I was in a lot of pain now.

Was it meant to hurt like this?

I picked up my discarded clothes and placed them aside Once I was done with the cleaning, I staggered to my bedroom, just wanting to sleep First thing tomorrow, I will start packing and get out of this place

I jolted upright, feeling confused as I looked around. It was morning. The sun was shining through the window, accompanied by the sound of the birds and cockerels. I was naked in bed, the towel having come off. The pain between my legs made last night rush back to me, and I looked down to see dried blood coating my inner thighs. Theon had been huge; no wonder I was suffering now.

My heart skipped a beat and I sighed. No matter how sad I felt that he had left me, I couldn’t stop the fluttering in my stomach at the memory of last night.

He may have been cold and uncaring, but he knew how to fuck.

I heard some sounds from the living room, and I frowned, looking around as I got out of bed. I quickly grabbed a gown and wrapped it around my bare body before exiting my room. To my surprise, there were several of the Epsilon rank guards ripping the place apart. “What are you doing?!” I exclaimed. “I would have moved soon!” “Please step outside, Miss.” One of the men ordered. “This doesn’t look good…” Nikolai’s disgusting voice came from Mom and Dad’s room. My heart thumped No! Don’t touch that place!

I rushed to the door of my parents’ bedroom and froze at the state it was in. They had torn it apart, the bedding was strewn on the ground, the bed was upturned, and the drawers were all opened and emptied. Even I hadn’t changed anything in this room, from the way Mom had left her clothing on the rocking chair, I hadn’t touched them…

“Stop it! Get out!” I cried.

“Step aside, Yileyna. We are doing our job.” Nikolai smirked, blocking my path. His eyes raked over me, but I didn’t care.

“Don’t touch that!” I hissed, pushing past him and yanking a picture frame from one of the men’s hands.

“Calm down or you will be punished.” He growled.

My eyes widened as I realised that I was staring at none other than Delta Zeridaan Blackmore. The head of the kingdom’s security… The commander of the supreme army of Astalion.

What was he doing here? His black braided hair framed his face. The scars that littered his face only added to the hard look in his dark eyes. He was tall, and the sheer aura surrounding him made me back away.

“May I know what is going on, Delta Blackmore?” I asked quietly. “We received information that your parents were traitors and were working for the Obsidian Shadow Pack. Get out of the way and allow us to do our job.” His deep voice thundered.

My heart skipped a beat and I looked up at him sharply.


“That’s not possible. My parents loved this pack, they died protecting it! How can you.”

“They died protecting you, not the pack!” He cut in coldly.

“Regardless… They were not traitors, you can ask the king! He wouldn’t allow this, he knew my father since he was a child! Hey, stop that!” I shouted, turning as Nikolai pushed aside the cabinet containing Mom’s ornaments.

“Get her out of here, and if she keeps this up, lock her in the cells for the night.” Zeridaan growled.

“I said to stop mistreating everything! When you find there’s nothing here, you will regret this! At least handle their things with care!” I hissed, yanking Nikolai back and slapping him across the face. How dare he come here and touch my parent’s things with his filthy hands.

A murderous growl from across the room didn’t make me turn. I don’t care who I pissed off. You do not disrespect my deceased parents.

“Take her to the cells!” Zeridaan roared.

“It’ll be my pleasure.” Nikolai smirked, grabbing me roughly by my arms and yanking me towards the door.

“Let go of me!” I hissed. I didn’t trust him and I was not going to allow him to take me there. Not alone. “I will go with someone else, Delta Blackmore!”

He didn’t reply, crouching down behind the shelf as he observed the wall.

“Come on, let’s go…” Nikolai whispered, his hand caressing my waist as he pulled me out into the living room.

Last time I was exhausted… Not this time.

I elbowed him in the ribs, turning and kneeing him in the crotch with everything I had, not caring about the strain I felt in my lower region.

He hissed, grabbing my hair. “You will pay for that, it’s treason to hit a guard!”

“Well, since I’m in trouble already.” I grabbed his hair, yanking him down just as I brought my knee up, ready to smash his fucking nose, but he jerked back and I missed, only managing to scuff his jaw before he threw me back, backhanding me across the face I fell back onto the ground.

I clutched my gown that had come loose as I glared up at him, the taste of blood now in my mouth.

“I think a good lashing will fix that attitude; the daughter of a traitor deserves far worse.” He hissed, his gaze trailed over me and I knew he meant a punishment far sinister… Reaching down, he yanked me by my gown and dragged me to my feet.

I could feel everyone watching as they searched the place. “Let me show you what punishment is befitting for a disobedient bitch like yourself.”

“I don’t think that is your decision to make now, is it, Levin?” A cold voice that sent my heart racing came.

I turned to see Theon standing there, as emotionless as ever, as if yesterday had never happened

His eyes were fixed on Nikolai, shimmering gold as he came over and pulled me from his holi 1 stumbled, hitting his chest. I closed my eyes, inhaling his intoxicating scent

He may have left me last night, but he was always there for me. I won’t ask for more, I’ll take what he gives me…

“Soon to be Beta, you need not concern yoursell here, I was handling it.”

“I could see exactly what you were doing. This doesn’t involve her. Do your job.” Theon replied, his voice dangerous and holding a hint of finality.

“Delta Zeridaan asked for me to take her to the cells.” “Do I need to school you on rank?” Theon remarked coldly, still holding me by the arm.

His warmth and scent made me lightheaded

“… I’m sorry. I was only following orders.” He replied with gritted teeth.

“My parents are not traitors, they would never do anything to harm The Silver Moon Pack!” I snapped.

“We shall see about.”

Nikolai was cut off by one of the men in the lounge.

“We found something, Delta!”

My heart thumped as I frowned. That’s ridiculous. I turned to see they had pried off one of the floorboards. My eyes widened in shock, I had never known that was there… The warrior began removing books, files, and some small sacks.

“What is it?” Zeridaan asked, stepping out of the bedroom.

“Our source was correct, there are blueprints of the city, patrol schedules, and letters from someone from outside of Westerwell.”

An ominous silence fell in the room, and my stomach twisted.

It was clear many of the warriors there weren’t expecting it. Even Zeridaan seemed stunned.

“So William was betraying us.” He muttered. “No. No, this is a lie, I know my parents! They would never do this!” I shouted, fear gripping me in its hold.

This was a lie, it was a lie!

“Yileyna.” Theon’s quiet voice came.

“No. No! My parents are being framed or something! This is a lie!” I pleaded staring up at him.

He didn’t reply, simply reaching down and wrapping my gown tighter, before knotting my belt firmly.

“Theon, listen to me!”

But he didn’t speak. I turned desperately only to see no one was listening. They were gathering

around and from the looks on their faces, I knew no one was going to believe me. I know my parents weren’t like this. They loved this place. They loved their Alpha and pack. It’s not true. It could not be true…

It felt as if my head was going to burst, everything was going wrong…

“You’re bleeding.” Theon murmured. Why wasn’t he listening? The pain in my body was far more than the slight bump from Nikolai. I was about to reply when I felt something trickle down my leg, I looked down to see a bit of blood on my thighs. “I don’t care, my parents were not traitors.” I whispered, grabbing his shirt. Please listen to me.

“Shall I take her to the cells, Beta?” Someone asked him. My vision was darkening, a sharp pain rushing through me.

Listen to me…

A strong pair of arms caught me, and I knew who they belonged to…


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