My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Down A Cobbled Street YILEYNA

The journey through the pass had been uneventful and everyone was beyond surprised at that. The tension had grown as the hours had passed, but I was just relieved that there had not been any attacks. We had reached Bellmead just before sunset the following day and would spend the night at a local inn.

The crew were dealing with mending the minor damage to the ship’s exterior, and those from the Silver Storm pack would spend the night in the inn, whilst half the crew would stay on the ship to make sure no one sneaks aboard.

Theon had made it clear to everyone that no one was to discuss our journey, where we were headed or where we were from. To keep it vague and simply state that we were from Astalion if anyone asked.

The town itself was small, and on every corner, there were people leering at us. Curiosity and suspicion had been clear in their eyes from the moment we stepped off that ship.

Theon had taken the lead, with Charlene and I right behind him, and the others had flanked us. I wish I wasn’t squashed in the middle, curious to observe the little island.

We had ordered some dinner downstairs before we retreated to our rooms to rest and have a proper hot bath.

It was now night, the sounds of violins and a woman singing seeped through the cracks in the window. There was a tavern just across the cobbled street where the music was coming from.

I had napped at first, allowing Madelia and Charlene, with whom I was sharing a room with, to bathe first.

“Can we go to the Tavern?” I asked, tilting my head as I peered through the window, towel drying my hair. “The princess needs to stay here.” Madelia replied, smiling slightly. “You go.” Charlene added with a knowing smile.

I pouted hesitantly.

“I’m sure Commander Theon wouldn’t approve.” Madelia added, after a moment’s pause.

I knew the four guards were on duty too, I’m sure if I went for a bit no one would notice.

“He will be fine as long as Charlene is here, I just want to explore the streets a bit, I’ll make sure to stick to areas that are busy. Fear not, I just want to have a little look around.”

She nodded and didn’t argue. After all, I was no longer of any importance. I wasn’t complaining because I could handle myself if something came up, and like a child allowed to go to the candy shop, I quickly got dressed in a white buttoned shirt with balloon sleeves that I tucked into grey wide-legged pants. I wrapped my damp hair into a bun on top of my head before sliding two small daggers into my boots. I picked up my pouch, putting in some essential items and my purse of coins, deciding that I would buy something as a souvenir from here. Who knows if I’ll ever visit Bellmead again. I left the room, slipping the bag over my head, letting the strap sit comfortably between my breasts as I left our room.

“Where are you going?” Patrick asked wearily. “Just for a walk. Take care of Charlene.” I said quickly before I walked off, hoping they didn’t push further.

Stepping out onto the cobbled streets, I was welcomed with a cold breeze. The ground glistened due to the rain from earlier, I could feel a very faint sprinkle still falling but it was not enough to dampen anyone’s spirits. The weather was typical for Bellmead.

The smell of smoke, cigars, and something or other cooking, filled my nose, and I was unable to stop the smile that crossed my lips. Excitement filled me as I began to stroll down the streets. Peering into the open shops, it was obvious Bellmead was a trading point and many of those trades were of illegal items. Items that were probably stolen, rare, or forbidden to sell.

I stuck to the open traders, but even then the ‘charms’ and items all seemed rather strange or suspicious, so in the end I simply chose a notebook each for Charlene and me. The covers were made of special Fae material that seemed to sparkle whenever it caught the light:

I ignored the obvious stares and the vulgar comments that were thrown at me by the men, most of whom were drunk. This was not a werewolf town, and deep down it was nice to see this much diversity in one place, even if most of the men were pigs.

Back in Westerwell, even though it was the capital, it was still mainly a werewolf city.

“That’s fourteen gold coins each.” The man behind the counter told me.

“Fourteen each? That’s crazy, I won’t pay more than seven each!” I stared at the diaries in my hand, I knew he was ripping me off. “Look lady, these things aren’t cheap. That is material made only in the fae kingdoms. Either you take it or-” “That’s fine. I won’t buy them then. Here you go. Thank you for your time.” I replied, placing the diaries down without even a moment of hesitation.

No matter how much I wanted them, I was not paying twenty-eight coins for them! Besides, I know how these traders worked.

Three… two…

“Alright, alright! Come back, woman!” The man growled and I smirked, schooling my face into innocence before I spun around and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“Yes?” ‘ NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Ten gold each.”

I shook my head. “I’m afraid I only have eighteen coins on me.” I sighed. “It’s fine, I don’t need them.” I smiled innocently, about to turn away again, when he slammed his fist on his table of items, making them all rattle.

“Deal then, eighteen for both!”

I paused not wanting to make it look like I was eager.

“Sixteen, I need to buy something else too.” I crossed my arms. “How about eighteen, and I will throw in this locket?” He held up a pretty pendant, but it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. However, I had pushed enough, eighteen for both plus the locket was fair, I guess. “Alright then, you’ve robbed me.” I grumbled dramatically, making sure not to let my purse tinkle as I took out eighteen golds. “Now I only have a few silvers left” I sighed.

“I robbed you? You robbed me!”

“Well, you insisted I purchase from you.” He frowned, wrapping the books in a square of brown paper. “Aiy, I couldn’t let a pretty customer just walk off.” He muttered, clearly not pleased. “Oh, how sweet. You really are a true gentleman, and those are very hard to come by.” I batted my eyelids, and to my surprise, his cheeks flushed. I resisted a chuckle. “Not really aiy… but yes, I say the same to my woman back home.”

Men were so fickle.

“Thank you for these. I will remember your kindness.” I said, taking the parcel he had just wrapped and waving, I walked off. It was then I realised I had ventured rather far out.

I best turn and head to the tavern for a good tankard of mead or rum! That would let me sleep well in a much more comfortable bed.

It was a few minutes later and I was making my way back, I was going through the streets when I stopped, it felt as if someone had called me. I looked around, but save the sounds of chatter, shouting and drunken songs, there was nothing more…


Shaking my head, I continued walking when I stopped, turning my attention down a narrower cobbled path. My mind was telling me to head to the tavern, but my instincts were telling me to walk down that dark alley.

I hesitated, trying to brush the feeling off again, but it came even stronger. No, I had to check this out. 2

I silently hurried down the path, not even stopping, just following my instinct. Goddess did I wish I had the mind link.

Wait, I should do this carefully… I took out my two daggers, placing my package on the ground in a niche between two walls for safe keeping before I continued down the dark streets.

The sound of the men on the streets and music had faded to a distant hum, soon it even stopped. I carried on, and by now I had forgotten where I was going or my way back I stopped, looking around, wondering if I should turn back, when suddenly a strangled sob reached my ears. My heart thumped as I spun back around. There was someone down there A mix of terrifying thoughts filled my head and I silently hurried along, trying to keep my heartbeat as calm as possible, praying that it was just someone

who had hurt themselves, but the moment I heard the sound of gruff laughter, my stomach sank. The worst thought was coming to me.

Nikolai and Kyson’s faces leered in my head, making me feel sick. I slowed down when I saw the glow of light ahead. Keeping close to the walls, I peered out into the small opening.

“That’s it, get that one right there.” One of the men muttered. A muffled shriek of pain followed. “Oh shut her the fuck up!” Another rough voice came. It took me a moment to realise what was happening and to comprehend the scene before me. My eyes widened in horror. Tied to a post, her arms twisted behind the post and a cloth in her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks, was none other than a Siren. But unlike the ones I had seen before she was smaller, perhaps around twelve or thirteen. Her long brown hair fell in her face but what made my stomach twist sickeningly was the blood that pooled heavily around her on the ground. Poachers.

Although killing Sirens was encouraged, taking their scales was a crime, but they were sold for high prices on the black market. Her fin was nailed to the ground, making me flinch, and to top it off, two of the men were bent down next to her as they ripped out her shimmering green scales. I clamped a hand over my mouth. Yes sirens were monsters, but this was wrong… They should have killed her first. This was not right… Suddenly, her green eyes snapped to mine, and despite her being gagged, I heard her voice as clearly as if she was standing next to me. Her soft, whispery voice resonated in my head.

‘Help me.

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