My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

59. Her Pathetic Attempt THEON I had just showered after having trained with the men, I hadn’t even been able to face the princess so had told Madelia to handle training her today. My anger at just the thought of being tied to her made me physically sick. I hated her with such vengeance that I wished I could just kill her, I’m sure I could take over without the fucking heart of Kaeladia. I wrapped a towel around my waist just as there was a knock on the door. My heart raced for a second, and deep down I prayed somehow that it was Yileyna. Just to look into those beautiful grey eyes of hers. I wanted to see her again… but at the same time, I knew I couldn’t. I had to push her away. I opened the door, and my mood instantly darkened when I saw the woman before me. “Theon, may I have a word?” Charlene asked, her eyes fixed on my face. The look of determination in her eyes was something that you didn’t see often from her. No, you fucking can’t. “Make it quick” I said, turning away from her. She stepped inside, partially closing the door. My eyes flashed as I turned, glaring coldly at her. “Why did you agree to Dad?” Her voice was serious, her eyes full of anger. I raised an eyebrow, smirking coldly. So this was what she was here for. “Why are you so angry? If memory serves, you were always pretty infatuated with me.” I remarked coldly. 2 Her eyes flashed, and she glared at me. “The moment you and Yileyna started a relationship, those feelings were gone. Why did you agree? Why are you hurting her? She is such a good person, Theon. You are lucky to have her.” She whispered, keeping her voice low. I crossed my arms, not bothering to reply, but her words weren’t that wrong… I was lucky, because she did provide me with a mental break from the storm within my mind. A beautiful distraction. “Please, Theon, don’t hurt her. What did Dad promise you? Because I promise you, when I’m Alpha, I will give-”

“When you’re Alpha? Really? You’re so useless, princess, that even your own father has no faith in you. I’m doing this for this kingdom, so when the time comes and that throne needs an Alpha King, it will have

one who is worthy of it. If you weren’t so incompetent, this would never have happened. So congratulations princess, thanks to your uselessness, I decided to drop her.” Her heart was beating fast, her eyes filled with guilt, but she still shook her head. “No. No, I’m not marrying you. I don’t care, I will never let you mark me. Yileyna doesn’t know yet, but I’m going to tell her.” “Won’t that just hurt her?” I asked coldly. “Her knowing won’t stop it happening, now will it? “I rather she knows from me before she’s hurt, just how you and Dad hurt her at the festival when Dad announced you as Beta.” She spat. So she had some fire in her. Unfortunately, it only seemed to show when it came to her beautiful friend. I smirked coldly, it was satisfying seeing her in pain. “And tell me what will Yiléyna think, when she finds out it’s her own friend who will have her man?” I taunted mockingly. Her face paled, but she frowned. “That’s the thing, Yileyna and I trust one another before anyone else. She will believe me, and I won’t do this. I won’t. I may not be strong, but I won’t… I won’t…” She was shaking her head, her voice cold and determined. “I came to you because I thought we could come up with a plan… I thought… I thought Dad was threatening you, so you agreed, and I… We could have planned something. You deserve to be with who you want, Yileyna deserves some happiness… You made her happy.” She was whispering now, looking at my indifferent mask. Her hands began shaking as she realised how wrong she was. The only thing was, she didn’t realise she was pretty close to the truth… Yileyna… Both my father and hers wanted Yileyna out of the picture if she came in the way of their plans… 1 She didn’t deserve to become collateral damage… My heart squeezed at the thought, and I looked at the angry princess. “Well, it’s a shame that your visit was futile, I’m not backing down. This engagement will happen as planned.” I said coldly. My stomach churned at the thought, and I turned away from her. “Theon please, if you have even an ounce of feelings for Yileyna, and I know you do, then-” “Get out.” I interrupted coldly. “Theon, she only has you!” She stepped in front of me, blocking my path. Her eyes were full of fear and worry as she looked up at me begging. I was right, she was just useless. For an Alpha she couldn’t even protect her friend. I wanted to say more, but I heard footsteps in the corridor. “She doesn’t. I don’t need her…” I trailed off, my heart thundering as I realised who those light footsteps

belonged to… What was she doing here? This was the higher-ups section of the castle, I had only been given a room here yesterday… “She needs you, please.” Charlene whispered. I had to take the chance.. I swallowed hard. “I’m done with Yileyna.” I said clearly and loud enough that I knew she’d hear. “I think it’s high time we told the entire kingdom about us, that we are to be mated. Don’t you agree, Charlene?” I continued arrogantly, the words feeling like poison on my tongue. But if I was going down in Yileyna’s eyes, then so was Charlene. She didn’t deserve Yileyna as a friend… and I didn’t deserve her in my life either. 2 Charlene looked confused as I took hold of her jaw, painfully tight. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the shadow of someone stopping at the door, Charlene was too riled up in her own emotions to notice. Perfect. “Theon, we need to-” I cut her off, pressing my lips against hers. Anger flashed through me, and even when she tried to shove me back, I didn’t let her move, holding her face in place. I heard the small gasp and the sound of footsteps silently retreating, before she turned and ran. Only then did I move back, shoving Charlene away from me and wiping my mouth. “Get the fuck out.” I hissed venomously. Her eyes pooled with tears as she wiped her mouth with shaking hands. “I hate you.” She whispered before she ran from the room, slamming the door behind her. “I fucking hate you more.” I replied to the empty room. The pain in my chest was crushing me, I had fucking broken her, or more like whatever there was left to destroy. Congratulations, Theon. I clenched my fists, before quickly grabbing some clothes and pulling them on. I needed to at least see if she was ok… In this weather, I didn’t want her to end up on the roof of the Goddess’ temple. I pulled my shoes on, almost at the door when I realised I couldn’t. If she realised… If she noticed me…

If she was in front of me, it fucked me up. I needed to stay here… away from her… I removed my hand from the door handle and moved back. I needed to cut all contact with her, and I mean all… Which meant I would break the promise to meet her tonight… 1 I sighed, leaning against the door and dropping to the ground, resting my head back against it. Why was it that everything I was doing was at her expense? I had told her I’d destroy her and I had practically succeeded, but then even with the warning given, why did I feel fucking guilty? I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. Even back then, it didn’t hurt this much when I ended things with Iyara… Was it because we hadn’t gotten so deep? Or because she had her parents? Or that I ended it the right way? All I was doing to Yileyna was hurting her time and time again… She deserved someone who would cherish her, someone who could make her fucking happy and there was one person who did come to mind. But I had been too selfish to stay away from her. Someone who didn’t judge her for her parent’s actions, and death, even those were things she didn’t deserve to be blamed for. It was all my doing. I hated thinking that she deserved someone else… But at the same time, I knew I was killing her. I hung my head, staring at the shadows on the floor, my heart was too dark for her. I was not right for her, and I was far too twisted to ever give her anything but pain upon fucking pain. My goal in life was revenge. 2 That was the only goal I had and the only goal I needed to focus on. I leaned my head against the wood of the door and stared out at the darkening skies, the snow still falling In a few weeks, Yileyna would learn of my truth and she herself would turn her back on me. Then, whether I ever meant anything to her or not, it wouldn’t matter, because she would only have hatred left for me. A/N-tomorrow is my birthday so there may not be an update, also I have some stuff planned over the next few days so things might not be at the scheduled time. Thank you 17This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

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