My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

"Be my girlfriend"? Ryker asked.

Did I just hear that correctly?

Nope he probably asked "Be my goldfish"?

Yeah....yeah...he said goldfish....

I sat up quickly and my eyes lit up "What"?!

His eyes met mine and he pulled me into his lap "I like you Rain, and I want to be with you".

Butterflies erupted my stomach, my breath hitched, and my heart was racing.

I smashed my lips into his and smiled against his lips and he wrapped his arms around me and kept

me secured in his lap. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

I rested my hands on his shoulders and the kiss was soft and gentle.

I pulled away and Ryker pressed his forehead to mine "I'll take that as a yes"?

I smiled and blush crept onto my cheeks.

"You can take that as a yes" I smiled and he pecked my lips.

"How are you going to tell Liz and Leah"? Ryker asked.

"Why do I have to tell them"?

"Because I don't want to have to deal with their fangirling" Ryker said.

I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically "Well aren't you generous".

"Only for you, my princess" He smirked and pecked my lips "Only for you".

We walked inside and Ryker sat down as everyone was watching some movie.

Ryker pulled me down onto his lap and I groaned "Ryker"! And tried to get out of his grip.

He pulled me down and I smacked his chest "You're such an annoying boyfriend".

The word 'boyfriend' made my heart flutter.

Everyone's head whipped towards us and they all shot up "WHAT"?!

"Oh....did we forget to mention...Rain and I are dating" Ryker said then popping a piece of a cucumber

in his mouth, casually.

Liz and Leah's eyes lit up and they exclaimed "The ship has sailed!!!!! Since when has this been going


"Since about 5 minutes ago" I shrugged and my lips tugged into a smile, and Craig said "Ahaha! You

do like him!"

I rolled my eyes, and Liz and Leah started to freak out and Ryker wrapped his arms around my waist

and kissed my cheek.

* * * * * * * *

A week and a half later

"Rain are you sure that you don't want me to pick you up"? Ryker asked for the 5th time.

"Ryker" I warned in frustration "I can handle myself, I'm not paralyzed, you know. I can drive myself to


"I don't want you driving yourself to school" He said stern.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me"I said annoyance. I have to go back to school, and Ryker doesn't

think I'm capable of driving because of my ankle.

"You could get into a car accident"! He defend.

"I could get into a car accident even if I wasn't on crutches!" I snapped.


"Okay! Fine! ALEX"! I yelled and Alex came into my room and raised an eyebrow. "Will you drive me to

school, because to Ryker I'm apparently a horrible driver and can't handle myself" I accused to make

sure Ryker heard me over the phone.

She nodded "Yeah. I'll drive you", and I said "Thank you" and she walked out.

"Happy"? I asked Ryker over the phone.

"Very" He said and I could feel his smirk. I rolled my eyes in response, and said "Well I have to go get

ready, bye".

"Bye babe" He said then hung up, and I threw my phone on my bed and grabbed my school uniform

and got changed as fast as I could, then tying a converse since my other foot was in a boot.

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair, then splashing my face with water to try to

wake myself up.

I walked out of my room and to the elevator in the house, since I couldn't really take the stairs....

I hated this elevator, my brothers would always lock me in it when we were younger, and they thought it

was the funniest thing in the world.

I waited as the elevator went down and opened the doors and I walked out. Alex was waiting there and

I walked over to her.

"Ready"? She asked as she ran a hand through her blond hair, and I nodded then picking up my

backpack and slinging it over my shoulder.

I'm finally going to be off of crutches and out of a boot today, after a week and a half, since I convinced

the doctors that I didn't need it.

We walked out to her white jeep wrangler and I got in the passenger side as Alex went around to the

drivers side, and she backed out of the driveway.

"So....does your dad know about you and Ryker dating yet"? She asked curiously and I shook my head

"No, and I really don't want him too".

"Rain..." She sighed "You have to tell him...."

I nodded "I know, but he's been on edge for the past week with work" I admitted and placed my head

back against the seat.

"So you're dating a guy....that your dad absolutely hates....behind his back" Alex summoned up and

took a quick glance at me.

I nodded "Yeah...Don't make me feel bad about it"!

She sighed "Rain, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about it...but you need to be careful with the

things you're getting yourself into, especially with Ryker...he's older and-"

I rolled my eyes "Really Alex? You're going to play that card? Ryker is 2 years older then me! He's only

20, it's not like he's 37"!

" need to flip out" She sent me accusing look "But Rain...seriously please just be careful".

I pressed my lips in a thin line and said "I always am".

We came to the school parking lot and I got out and grabbed my crutches and backpack.

"I'll pick you up at 12 for your doctor's appointment"! She called after me and I gave her a thumbs up

and walked inside the school of hell.

Oh High I haven't missed you....

I walked to my locker and people stopped and stared me as they whispered "Thats the girl that was in

the fire"!

I rolled my eyes and punched in my locker combination, and put my books away and grabbed ones I

needed for the first 2 periods.

"Thompson!" Blake's voice called and I closed my eyes shut and sighed.

Just the voice I didn't want to hear...

I felt presence behind me and he demanded "We need to talk" his voice was cold and I could feel his

eyes boring into me and a shiver went up my spine.

"Now" He demanded and I shut my locker door and turned around to face him, he grabbed my wrist

and pulled me threw the hall.

We came to the football field and he gritted "Listen here you bitch! I want you to stop whatever game

you're playing!"

"You fucking tried to kill Ryker" I snapped.

He clenched his jaw "He deserves to die Rain", and I clutched my fist and shook my head "What the

hell did he ever do to you"?!

Blake was silent for a few moments as he scanned over me and studied me as if he was trying to find

an answer for something.

"You really don't know, do you"? Blake spoke and clenched his jaw.

"Know what"? I asked and pressed my lips in a thin line as my mind ran through thoughts.

He gave a un-humorous laugh and looked at me "Oh Rain...poor, poor Rain.....he really is keeping

everything from you".

I gave a confused look and my lips parted. Blake came closer to me and his face was inches from mine

as I felt his breath on me.

"You can't see the monster he is, because all's he tells you is Lies. All Lies, that you'll never find the

truth too" Blake stated.

"He's not lying to me" I stated.

"Are you sure sweetheart"? He asked and put an index finger under my chin and tilted my chin up to

make me look at him.

I swallowed hard and my eyes bored into Blake's. "Ask him then...ask him all the secrets he's keeping

from you, then will see if you still find him the victim in this case".

I blinked slowly a few times as I took in what Blake was saying.

"Because there is no way in hell he is the victim" Blake gritted then taking a step back and scanning

over me and his eyes met mine "Ask him" he smirked then walking off the football field.

I stood there frozen.

Lies? Secrets? Not the victim?

I heard the bell ring for class to begin and I tried to get the things Blake had said out of my mind, and I

walked inside for class.

I tapped my pencil on my textbook as I kept zoning out of class and my mind was somewhere else. I

couldn't stop thinking about what Blake had said.

Mrs. Doyle went on teaching and I looked back at Blake and he looked at me and smirked, I quickly

turned back ahead.

I watched the clock, as Alex should have already been here!

"Rain" My name was called and I snapped back into reality, and I looked up to see Mrs. Doyle and she

was at the board. Everyone's head snapped towards me.

"Name a classical composer, and how many symphony's they wrote in their life time" She stated and

placed her hands on her hips.

"Uh...Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...he wrote 41 symphony's in his life and the first one was wrote when

he was 8. He wrote Haffner and it was premiered in March 1783 in Vienna. He was buried in a

graveyard in a whole with a group of other people since he was low-class and his family could not

afford fro a tomb".

She looked at me shocked as so did everyone in the class "How'd you know that"? She asked

curiously and crossed her arms.

I gulped as everyone's eyes were on me "My mom....she use to teach me about classical


She nodded and people jotted down notes from the things I said, and the door opened and I saw Alex


"Mrs. Doyle may I please pull Rain out"? She asked and Mrs. Doyle nodded. I grabbed my things and

put them in my backpack then standing up and grabbing my crutches and walking out.

* * * * * * *

I jogged down the roads as music blasted through my ears and I ran as my feet picked up from the


I was released from the boot and crutches and I decided I need to go for a run. I tightened my high

ponytail and stared straight ahead.

I ran faster and faster as I tried to clear my mind with thoughts. I found myself zoning out of reality and I

snapped back into my thoughts.

I shivered as I was only in a sports bra, gray joggers, and running sneakers.

I came to Ryker's apartment building and I took a deep breath then walking in and jogging up the steps

and past people who were coming out of the building.

I knocked on the door and the door shortly opened to Faith and she raised an eyebrow "Rain"?

"I need to talk to Ryker" I said, and she pressed her lips in a thin line "He went down to work at the

mechanic shop".

I sighed "Alright thanks", then jogging out of the building and down the streets of NYC.

I ran threw people as business men and women walked with black coats with brief cases in their hands

at the side, and they all walked slowly.

I made my way though people and ran to the mechanic shop, and I looked around at all the

skyscrapers and advertisements, and taxis on the road as people tried to flag them down.

I came to the mechanic and ran in as I heard guys cat-call me and wolf whistle as they checked me

from head-to-toe.

I ignored it and ran through the shop as I got yelled at by people saying "Miss you can't be in here!" but

I ignored it and searched for Ryker.

He looked up at me and gave me a shocked/confused look "Rain? What are you doing here"?

"We need to talk" I stated and he gave me an Are-You-Serious look.

"You're really breaking up with me already? Its been a week and a half..." He said and I shook my head

"No Ryker, I'm not breaking up with you".

"Good" He stated then grabbing his muscle tee shirt that was on a table beside him and handing it to

me "Put this on. You're getting a bunch of guys staring at you" as he glared at the guys.

I rolled my eyes and took the shirt then throwing it over me and tying the bottom of it with a hair-tie that

was on my wrist since the shirt was too big.

"Are you keeping things from me"? I asked bluntly.

Ryker seemed taken back by my question "What? No Rain-.."

"Blake came up to me today and said a few things" I informed and bit my lip.

"Anderson! Stop flirting and get back to work"! A guys voice yelled and Ryker ran a hand through his

hair and sighed "I have to get back to work, Rain. How about this, you can come over to my house or

something since I have to watch Melanie tonight, and will talk"?

I nodded in agreement and tried not to let my eyes wander to his shirtless body and his exposed 6 pack


Ryker's lips tugged into a smirk and he put an index finger under my chin and tilted my chin up to make

me look at him.

"Hey beautiful" Ryker smirked and pecked my lips, and my cheeks flushed red, and he pressed his lips

to mine and wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and I smiled against his lips.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Hey" Ryker smirked and pulled me inside and pressed his lips to mine and pinned me up against a

wall, and closed the apartment door.

I placed my hands on his chest and he snaked an arm around my waist.

"PDA!" A voice shrieked and I pulled away from Ryker and his lips left mine, and I looked to see


I got out of Ryker's grip and picked Melanie up and she hugged me.

"Hey Mel. How was school"? I asked and she shrugged and made face "Good, I guess"?

I chuckled and she put a hand to my forehead "Are you feeling better? Ryker said you weren't feeling


I chuckled again and took her hand away from my forehead "I'm okay, I wasn't sick I just sprained my


Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and I put her down and she ran off and yelled "Reece"! and I turned to

Ryker and raised an eyebrow "Reece is here"?

He nodded "Yeah he had some fight with his roommate or something and didn't want to stay in his

dorm, so he came here".

I nodded and he asked "You want anything to eat"? and I shook my head "No thanks, I just ate".

Faith came running out with a worried look and she bit her lip "Uh...Ryker I need the truck keys".

Ryker said stern "No".

"Why not"? She asked.

"Because you're 15! You only have your permit" Ryker said in a duh tone, and Faith said "I need to pick

something up...."

"What do you need to pick up"? He asked sending her a look and she bit her lip and turned to me and

gave me a pleading look.

"What"? I asked raising an eyebrow, and she took her index finger and put her other hand in a circle

then putting her index finger in the middle of the whole and signaling a string.

I looked at her confused "Faith, I don't speak sign language"?

She gave a frustrated groan and asked me "Do you have a tampon"!?

Ryker said "If you would have told me that I would have let you go to the store"!

I sighed "Go check my backpack in the front pocket". "Thank you Rain" She said then walking into the

living room since we were in the kitchen.

Ryker rolled his eye and handed me a waterbottle which I took gratefully.

"Just wait until you have a daughter" I laughed.

He said "I can handle kids, just not Faith".

I laughed and looked to see Faith searching through my backpack "She's the equivalent of me when I

was that age".

Ryker said shocked "I still can't believe you went to parites...I never took you as that type of gil" as he

wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well I'm full of surprises" I smirked and intertwined our fingers and he pressed his forehead to mine

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