My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Derrick and Austin still had a grip on me, and Zeke ordered "James." I watched slowly and James

sighed then stepping out and pulling a gun out and slapping a magazine full of bullets.

He raised it up and my eyes widened as Ryker's went dark. James's finger wrapped around the trigger

and he took and deep breath.

"WAIT!" I yelled and everyone's attention snapped towards me. "I'll go" I breathed.

James put down the gun so it pointed to the ground, and Zeke nodded, snapping his fingers.

Derrick and Austin let go of me for a moment and I walked up to Ryker. The guys let go of Ryker and

stood off to the side.

I placed my hands on his chest then gripping his shirt in my hands and pressing my forehead to his.

"Rain don't do this" Ryker whispered.

I looked up to meet his eyes "I'll be okay." "Rain, you know I'd take a bullet for you" Ryker said as he

clasped his hands around my wrist.

"I know" I managed to get out "That's why I'm doing this. I don't want you to get killed, because if you

were; I don't know what I'd do."

"Rain don't do this" He said and I shook my head "I have to" and my voice was cracking.

Tears started to prick my eyes and guilt took over his expression. A single tear escaped my eye, Ryker

wiped it with his thumb then pulling me into his chest and hugging me tightly.

I sniffled into his chest and whispered feeling horrible "Baby, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." I gripped his

shirt in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut as a tear escaped and I took in his scent of Cologne and


He rested his chin on top if my head and he whispered "I don't want to let go of you." I pulled back and

placed my hand on the side of his face where he had stubble growing.

"Shave for me, okay?" I said with a small smile tugging up at the corner of my lips. He nodded and I

sighed then pressing my lips to his and giving him a quickly kiss.

I squeezed his hand and walked away and let go of his hand. I wiped the tears and Hayes grabbed me

by the wrist then shoving me into the Corvette.

* * * * * * * *

"Get up" A voice ordered and I was then kicked in the side by someone. I opened my eyes and I looked

up to see Austin. I sat up and realized I was on the ground, because I must of fell off the bed in my


He unlocked the chains around my wrist and ankle then dragging me out to where everyone was eating


Austin let go of the grip he had on my arm and walked over to get some food. I was then body checked

and stumbled off to the side.

"Oops. Sorry" Troian said sarcastically "I didn't mean to hit you, there's just..not enough room for


I was about to jump her when I was then grabbed and Troian stood there with her arms crossed and

smirk plastered across her face.

"Thompson!" Zeke yelled warningly. Benson put me down and I was pushed down into a wooden seat

at the table.

The door then opened and Tyson walked in with bruises, cuts, dry blood that stained his skin, a black

eye, busted lip, etc.

Clara walked up to him and gave him pain killers. Tyson took them from her and glared at me the whole

time. Taylor came over and gave me a bowl of cereal then going over to help Tyson.

James came and sat down in the seat on the side which was close to me, and I picked around the

cereal to avoid eye contact.

"Rain, about yesterday..I didn't mean it like that" James said. "Really?!" I snapped, looking at him "Then

what did you mean it by?! Because I'm pretty sure that saying "Break up with your boyfriend" means

only one thing, it doesn't have double meaning!"

James looked around and everyone was to engrossed in their conversations to notice us. James

grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the room.

Once we were out in the hallway I tore my arm out of his grip "Let go of me, Landlock!" "Listen Rain, I

saw you and Ryker yesterday; and I know there's no way you guys would break up but-."

I crossed my arms and looked off to the side and avoided looking at James. "RAIN!" He yelled

frustrated then unfolding my arms, and my head snapped towards him.

He pinned me back up against the wall and my breath faltered. He looked down at me and was silent

for a few moments.

"If you stage a break up with Ryker, Zeke won't want anything to do with you anymore. He'll let you go,

and go after another victim" James explained.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Rain, just listen. Please" James cut me off and I pressed my lips in a thin line as I

waited for him to go on.

"If you do this, Zeke will realize that it's worthless to keep you, because you have no connection to

Ryker" James said.

I pressed my lips in a tight line and crossed my arms. "No" I spoke out "I'm not going to stage a break

up, with a boyfriend. So get this through your thick skull, Landlock: I'm. Not. Breaking. Up. With. Him."

"Rain if you would just-" He started but I cut him off by sending a punch right into his jaw. He moved his

head to the side once my fist came in contact with his jaw and he held it pain before looking at me.

"That's that last I'm saying it. Now shut the fuck up and leave me alone, Landlock" I gritted then walking

away from him.

* * * * * * * * *

I was pinned up against the wall and I gripped Zeke's hands that were wrapped around my neck. I tried

to pry his fingers off, but he wouldn't budge.

"What did you fucking say to me?!" He gritted, and I was gasping for air "Don't mess with me,

Thompson. I'm this close to killing you."

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment then opening them and giving Zeke a begging look. He then let

go of me and I fell to the ground.

I gasped for air and the circulation started in my lungs again. Zeke's glare bored into me, and I looked

up at him with years pricking my eyes.

Derrick and Arthur grabbed me by the arms and pulled me off the ground then dragging me out of the

room and into 'my room'.

They shoved me up against the bed and grabbed the chains then locking one around my ankle and

another around my wrist. They locked the door and walked out.

Tears started to escape my eyes and I screamed. I stood up and kicked over a chair as I screamed at

the top of my lungs out of anger and frustration.

I should have just listened to my dad and came home.

I shouldn't have ever gotten evolved with gangs and the violence.

I shouldn't have gotten evolved with Ryker Anderson...

I gripped my hair in my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. Words couldn't explain how I felt right now,

because it was to many emotions combined.

I grabbed the wooden chair and slammed it up against the wall as hard as I could. It broke into pieces

and fell to the ground.

I went up to the door and yanked on the lock, hoping that the door would open. "LET ME GO!" I

screamed repeatedly with agony filling in my tone.

I lost it...I was going insane, I collapsed under pressure, hatred, and constant worry because I had no

control over anything. It seemed like I was a puppet and someone had me on strings.

Once there was no answer, I sat down on the ground and pulled me knees up to my chest and sobbed

my eyes out. "Please..." I whispered to myself.


I woke up to the feeling of something flooding around me. I quickly sat up and saw water seeping

through the pipes.

It was already high up; to my knees, and I saw a pipe that broke and water was flooding out of it. I

climbed up to try and stop the water and block it but the chains pulled me back.

I tried to block the water from coming out but it just soaked my clothes and rushed out. I ran over the

door and screamed "LET ME OUT!"

No one answered as usual and I ran around to try and find something to cover the pipes with. "LET ME


I pounded on the door in hope that someone would come. I climbed up to by the pipes and tried to hold

them together, but I slipped by the water and fell.

I fell and smacked my head against the cement ground that was flooding with water. Pain came over

me, and my vision went blurry.

Before I knew it, everything seemed to slow down and go black.

○ James Landlock POV○

"James! Let's go!" Troian yelled and she pulled me out of the building where water was flooding.

The pipes bursted under the pressure running through them and flooded the building. Everyone was

already outside and Troian pulled me out.

"They're here!" Clara said to the rest of the gang, and their heads all snapped towards us as we

approached them.

"We're flying to North Carolina. I called Archer already and he said they'll meet us in OBX" Zeke said.

I stared at the warehouse, and felt something was off. "Where we getting the tickets?" Taylor asked as

she crossed her arms.

"Well jump someone" Troian shrugged "We've done it before."

"RAIN!" I blurted, and sprinted towards the earehouse before anyone could say anything. I ran as fast

as I could and broke through a window.

Water flooded the halls and I looked around to find a shortcut to get to Rain's room.

I saw a wall and I kicked a whole through it then walking through and getting over to the otherside of


Once I got to Rain, I quickly yanked on the lock over and over again and I saw water was seeking out

of the door. I pulled the door open and saw Rain on the ground with water over her and she was

passed out.

Moving quickly, I unhooked her from the chains then picking her up bridal style and carrying her out as I

looked around to find the quickest way out.

The water rose and rose as more flooded out. I ran down the halls and Rain was still unconscious in

my arms.

I bodychecked the exit door and ran out. Taylor ran over to me quickly with worry "Set her down, set

her down!"

I laid Rain down on the ground, and her face was pale white, her lips were blue and pressed together in

a thin line, and her eyes were closed. She was bleeding in the back of her head, and I don't know what


"Don't know CPR?!" Taylor exclaimed. "No Taylor! I haven't done it since the 8th grade and that was on

a manikin!" I exclaimed.

"Well can't you try?!" Taylor yelled and everyone came over. "Tyson you now CPR, you do it" I said

hurriedly with worry.

"No" He simply said "I'm not doing anything for that bitch. Do you know what the hell she's put me


"Tyson! She's not breathing for God-sakes! She could die!" Taylor yelled "Stop thinking about yourself

for once!"

I shook my head then placing my hands on her chest. I pressed down on her chest and did 30

compressions and whispered "Come on Rain, wake up."

I finished the compressions then titling her chin back and pressing my mouth on her and giving her 2


Her lips are so soft...

I shook my head at myself and told myself it wasn't the time to think about that. I did compressions

repeatedly and then breaths, and repeated the process.


I pressed my lips to hers and gave two breaths, and I then heard a gasp for air. I pulled away and

Rain's eyes flew open.

"Oh my God" I whispered in relief "You're okay." She coughed to try to get the water out of her lungs,

and she clutched her head before pulling her hand away to see it covered in blood.

"We have to get her to the hospital" Taylor said. "She'll be fine" Zeke muttered.

"Zeke! This is serious! She cracked her head open and she might have concussion!" Taylor yelled.

"Fine. Let's go" Tyson muttered as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the ground fast enough

to give her whiplash.

He dragged her over to one of the cars and shoved in her into the backseat them slamming the door


* * * * * * *

Rain Thompson

"Rain..." The doctor trailed off as she walked in with a clipboard in her hand "Blix..?" My head snapped

up to hers, and I looked at Tyson who was sitting in the chair, and he sent me a look.

"Uh..y-yeah" I stuttered, my eyes flickering down to the ground and blinking a few times before I looked

back up at the lady. "I'm Dr. Butler, I see you're from America?"

I nodded slightly "Yeah, New York." "And you fell, that's how you hit your head?" She asked, flipping

through a bunch of papers.

"I guess.." I mumbled, and she moved closer to me and said "Well I'm gonna take a look at your head."

She looked at the back of my head and moved my hair, then examining it and put pressure in some

spots that made me flinch.

She pulled away and said "Well you're results came back said you did have a concussion. You did hit

your head pretty hard, but the cut will heal on its own so we're not going to do stitches.

"Is this your husband?" She asked as she looked at Tyson, and he stood up. I was taken back by her

question, and Tyson answered "Yeah, I am" as he clenched his jaw.

"Well make sure she doesn't do much movement and is on bed rest for a few days. She can take pain

killers to help, and sleep will help" Dr. Butler informed.

Tyson nodded slightly and she clapped her hands together "Well you're good to go, just check out at

the front desk" then walking out.

"HUSBAND?!" I yelled angirly as I got off the examination table. "I had to, or they would call your dad

and I really don't think you want him coming after you right now" He gritted.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and crossed my arms. "So you should be thanking me, Thompson."

I swallowed a lump in my throat "T-Thank you.." I stuttered in a mumble under my breath. He walked

out of the room and I sighed before walking out as well.

We came to the front desk and Tyson signed my name and his name then giving the lady working at

the desk money for the hospital payment.

He grabbed my forearm and pulled me out of the hospital. "Um...I actually have to use the bathroom" I

said, and Tyson gave an annoyed look while rolling his eyes.

I ran back into the hospital and walking up to some guy that was leaning up against the wall. "Hey, can

I borrow your phone? I don't have mine" I asked.

He nodded then handing me the phone. I quickly dialed Ryker's number because I knew it by heart,

and waited as it rang.

I bit my lip and kept looking back at the door where Tyson was on his phone. "Hello?" Ryker answered.

"Ryk, I'm at the hospital-" I started and Tyson looked up at me and his eyes went dark "Rain!"

"North Carolina" I blurted to Ryker then hanging up before he could say anything. I handed the guy

back his phone and Tyson came up then grabbing me by the forearm and gritting "Don't you fucking

try" then dragging me out of the hospital.

* * * * * * * *

I watched out the airplane window and laid my head against the window and seat.

"Please stay seated as we are about to land in our destination" The flight intendant said over a


It was a 9 hour and 58 minute trip from Italy to North Carolina. It was now 3 a.m. east coast time. I was

happy to at least be back in my home country.

I was sepereated further from Ryker and the rest of the gang. They didn't know where I was unless

they caught onto to me saying North Carolina over the phone.

I felt like I was stuck in eternal whole and it had no end so I just kept falling and falling because there Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

was no bottom to hit.

I had a migrane and it felt like someone kept hitting me in the head repeatedly with a hammer. I took

pain killers that Clara had given me because she felt bad and pitful.


I was grabbed by Christopher and Ty as they dragged me up to a old warehouse that was in the middle

of a nowhere on a abandoned road.

Running a hand through my hair, walking up to the warehouse; I was exhausted and sleep deprived

with droopy eyes. I struggled to keep my eyes open and felt as if I could pass out anywhere.

The door then opened and a gang of people walked out. I recognized them from Reece warning me

about a bunch of different gangs; they were known as the "Liberty Gang" and we're co-workers with

The Veins.

"Rain Thompson" A guy about mid 30's smirked as he came over to me "It's so nice to finally meet you.

I've heard so much about you."

He put a hand out to me and I glared at him then his hand and back at him. "Not a hand shaker, I see"

He said as he pulled his hand back "She's a Fiesty one, Zeke."

Zeke scoffed "I know." "Oh where are my manners?" The guy scoffed at himself "I'm Archer Hastings."

He then started pointing to each person as he said their names "This is

Cato Spears, Nevada Mitchell, Marley North, Reagan Con, Eve Jonas, Gunner Jennings, Felicity

David, and Axel Lively."

I stayed quiet and pressed my lips together in a tight line. James cleared his throat as he walked up

beside me "Archer, Rain is a but tired from the trip. I'll just take her to her room."

Archer nodded "1st room on the second floor." James put a hand to my lower back and started leading

me over to the house. "Sleep tight, Rain" Archer smirked.

I looked at him and already knew this guy wasn't good. James led me inside and I swallowed a lump in

my thraot.

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