My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

There was a knock at my bedroom door before it opened up to Jax. "Hey sis." He smiled, walking in.

"Hey." I offered a small smile.

It was 2 p.m. and I've only gotten out of bed to brush my teeth, hair, and eat. Last night was a

nightmare; Leah was sobbing her eyes out, Craig was beaten the shit out of, Liz is still mad at me, and

Ryker wasn't answering anyone's phone call or text.

I wonder what being a normal teenager feels like...

"Well I know you're going to prom tonight..and there's going to be peer-pressure.." He trailed off.

"Jax." I said, sitting up as I knew where this was going. "And I don't want you making a little mistake,

that changes your whole world." Jax sighed.

"Jax." I groaned, rubbing my temples and burring my face in my hands. "I'm serious Rain, you could

end up with an STD or pregnant..and you haven't had sex since you were with Tyson.." He trailed off.

I slowly started to look up from my hands and at Jax. His eyes then went wide "You did not!?"

"Jax it was in Italy and we were together for months.." I shrugged. Jax ran his hands through his hair,

"Tell me you used protection! Please tell me you used protection!"

"Jax!" I yelled, embarrassed as ever. "Oh my God, Rain." He muttered, "You could be pregnant."

"We used a condom, alright!" I blurted out, and he sighed in relief, "Oh thank God." My face had to be

bright red by now red by now and I pointed at the door "Out."

"I meant it Rain. Please be safe." He narrowed his eyes at me. "JAX!" I yelled, and he sighed before

walking out. I plopped back down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Rain sit still." Ally said, and I sighed in response. My bedroom door opened and I turned my head

quickly to see who it was.

"Ow!" I yelled, quickly putting a hand up to my neck because the curling iron Ally was using, just burnt

my neck. "Told you not to move." Alessandra pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, and stood up to walk over to Liz. "Hey." I said and she continued to give me the silent

treatment. "Liz..come on, you're one of my best friends; you can't ignore me forever." I said, but no


"Why are you even mad?" I asked. "Why am I mad?" She questioned, her head snapping to mine,

"Because you don't see what you're doing to yourself Rain! You're making these dumb decisions that

are hurting you."

Standing up straight, I pressed my lips in a tight line. "When are you just going to open your eyes and

see that you love him; and there's no denying that." She continued, "You trusted your dad again and he

beat you to the point where you couldn't walk, and you know who was always there?"

She paused, crossing her arms over her chest "Ryker. Ryker was there. So if you can trust your dad

again, trust Ryker again." Swallowing a lump in my throat "You still mad at me?"

She shook her head, giving a small smile "No. How could I ever stay mad at you." She pulled me into a

tight hug.

"Ok, you have a prom to get ready for." Liz grinned, pulling back from me "And I was thinking

something like a smoky eye."

~ ~ ~ ~

Clipping the earings in my ears the doorbell went off and my brothers yelled my name from downstairs.

I quickly headed out of room and down the grand staircase.

"Hey." Hudson smiled at me, and I bit my lip "Hey." Walking up to him, he pecked my cheek and

handed me a red corsage. "Aww, thanks." I smiled, as he slipped it onto my wrist.

"You look really pretty." He said, "Red is a really good color on you." "Thanks." I smiled, and a voice


I looked back to see Ryker and I stuttered "W-What are you doing here?" "Just came by to see, like the

rest of the gang." He clenched his jaw.

"Uh..Hudson, I'll be right back and then we can take pictures." I said, and he nodded. I grabbed Ryker's

hand and led him out to the library room.

"You really do look beautiful." He whispered. "Don't even try. Why haven't you been answering

anyone?" I asked.

"Because I didn't want to have to deal with anyone." Ryker clenched his jaw. "See! This what I mean! I

can't trust you, because you go and pull stuff like this!" I exclaimed.

"Rain, my sister is 4 months pregnant with her baby daddy as Craig!" He shouted. "Ok, mistakes

happen! But maybe you should show some support, and be glad its not you in that situation!"

"I rather it be us in that situation, because maybe we'd actually talk to each other without yelling and

fighting!" Ryker yelled.

"You're the one fighting!" I yelled, "You're the one causing all this! Because if you didn't lie, maybe we'd

actually still be together!"

"Stop putting this all on me! You're not innocent either, Rain! Remember kissing and almost having sex

with James while we were still together, because I still do! And not telling me my sister was pregnant,

or that you were going to have coffee with my mom!" He yelled, his voice raising.

"I'm done! I'm not dealing with this anymore, Get what's yours and leave!" I yelled, knowing I had some

of Ryker's stuff up in my room.

Ryker then picked me up and carried me over to the other-side of the room. "You." He whispered, "You

are mine."

Blush crept onto my cheeks and my heart fluttered. Ryker kept me pinned up against the wall, and he

started to lean in closer to my lips.

"Rain." A voice approached, and Ryker quickly moved away from me.

My dad came in and said "Pictures." "Alright, I'll be right out in sec." I said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So let me hoollddd both your hands in the hooolleess of your sweater!" We all sang, and even though

it was a fake fan song I still loved it.

Prom was going good so far, after pictures we all went out for dinner and arrived at school. Hudson

was really sweet, and the dates of the football players were too.

It was nice to actually party like a normal teenager though, because since I've been caught up in all this

gang stuff; I never was a normal High Schooler at football games getting drunk, but instead I was drag

racing, or escaping from other gangs.

Hudson twirled me and I laughed as he brought me back to him. "I'm going to get us something to

drink, I'll be right back." He said, once the song ended.

I nodded, and he walked over to the drink and food table. I walked over to the table where all our stuff

was, and searched for my phone. I looked to see a bunch of text messages from everyone asking me

how it was going.

"Anyone I know?" A voice asked, making me whirl around to see Blake, and his flickered to my phone

"So I want the deets on the gang."

I put my phone away and glared at him. "I heard you met my brother and step sister. Sorry about

Troian; she's a real bitch." Blake admitted.

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I didn't understand why he wasn't threatening me or fighting with me.

"You back with Anderson?" He asked, shoving his hands in his front pockets.

Shaking my head, I pursed my lips "No." "Thats a shame, you guys really were meant for each other."

Blake shrugged. "You hate Ryker though?" I questioned, considering they absolutely beat the shit out

of each other anytime they were around each other.

"Yeah, but I hate my brother even more and what he did was NOT right at all. There was no need, for

doing that to you; because knowing that gang, it had to be brutal. I give you props Rain, really." He

nodded at me, "Well have a goodnight, Rain."

He started to walk off, but I stopped him "Blake, wait." He turned around to look at me and I asked "Are

you still part of the Dark moon gang?"

He rubbed his clenched jaw "Yeah, but I'm quitting. So you won't have to worry about me." I bit my lip,

nodding slightly "Good choice."

"See you Thompson." He said, putting a fist up. "Bye Monroe." I chuckled, fist bumping him and he

walked over to his date.

"Hey." Hudson's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "You good?" I nodded, taking the plastic cup of

fruit punch from him, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Think you're going to win Prom King?" I asked. "Got this in the bag." He smirked. "Who do you thinks

going go to win Queen?" I asked, taking a sip of the drink.

"You." He said nonchalantly, with a shrug. "I'm not even on the ballad, I can't win." I said, and he leaned

in closer to me "Well you should, because you're the most beautiful girl here."

Hudson then started to lean in slowly, I felt his mint breath on my lips and inhaled his scent of cologne.

His arm wrapped around my waist, and I didn't know what to do.

"Reveal of Dalton's High School Annual Prom King and Queen!" The speakers blew, making Hudson

and I pull back from each other.

"And this years, Prom King is Hudson Kai!" Principal Adams said, reading off an envelope. Hudson

smirked as everyone looked back at him. He handed me his drink, and walked up to the stage.

They set a crown on top of his head as everyone cheered and clapped. "Alright, Alright." Principal

Adams called over everyone, "This years Prom Queen..."

All the girls were in hope of their name being called and getting that crown with a dance of the Hudson

Kai. I honestly didn't want it, because it draws all attention to you and I already have enough on me.

"Karlee Manson." Principal Adams said into the microphone, and everyone made a path for Karlee. I

didn't know her very well, but she seemed nice and was head cheerleader.

Clapping and cheers erupted again as they placed the tiara on her head. Hudson took Karlee's hand to

lead her out to the middle of the floor for a slow dance. He sent me a wink, and I sent one back.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Come on, Rain." Hudson pushed, with his lips against my neck. "Hudson, stop." I said, but he didn't


I pushed him off me, "No means no." "Rain I asked you because I know you've put out before." He

rolled his eyes at me.

"You what?!" I choked. Attention now was being drawn towards us. "I'm a football player, I have to

sleep with someone on Prom night." He gritted in a whisper

He pushed me back up against the wall, I tried phshing him off me. He grabbed my ass, and I slapped

him across the face in reflex.

"Hey!" A voice yelled, and Blake with his date came up "Hudson let her go." "And what makes you

think, you get a say?" Hudson gritted.

"Because I'm captain, and what I say goes." Blake gritted, "And Rain doesn't need another asshole

raping her." Blake shoved Hudson off me, and he said to me "Go get some air."

I grabbed my phone and ran out of the gym. My phone then started ringing, to see Reece's number on

my screen. "Hello?" I answered.

"Rain!" His voice was filled with worry, "Ryker was in a car accident. He's being sent to the hospital.

They said he's in a coma."

My whole body froze, and I couldn't think straight. "No.." I whispered, pinching myself to hope I was in a

dream but nothing was working.

Tears started to prick my eyes and I took my heels off and ran down the hall. I fumbled for my keys in

my leather jacket.

"This can't be happening.." I whispered, and tears were streaming down my face. I started to run to a

exit door past the boys locker room, but I was grabbed and pulled into the locker room.

It was pitch black and smelt like cologne exploded. I was pinned up against a wall and tried to escape

whomevers grip I was in. "Let me go." I struggled.

The lights turned on and I met a very familiar pair of blue eyes. "Ryk.." I whispered, "But Reece just

called me-..he said you were in a car accident."

Instead Ryker was standing in front of me in a tux, "Can't believe you actually fell for that. You know

how I drive, and I don't crash." He narrowed his eyes at me. "You asshole!" I yelled, smacking his arm

but her quickly caught my wrist.

"Why am I an asshole?" He questioned. "Because you scared me!" I exclaimed. "And why were you

scared?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow me.

"Because I love you!" I exclaimed, and tore my hand out pf his grip. His lips tugged up to a smirk, and

he pushed me back up against the wall. "You know we met here." He whispered.

Biting my lip, I realized that Ryker and I actually did meet here in the boys locker room. "Well won't that

be a pleasant story to tell people." I breathed, and Ryker came closer to me.

"You know it really was all your fault about getting into that drug deal here, and meeting at a High

School. You're just lucky I was here-" I started to ramble was cut off when Ryker smashed his lips into


I stood up straight, with my back pressing up against the wall. I gave into his kiss, and his tongue slid

across my teeth asking for entry.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kept us chest to chest. I had my arms wrapped around his

neck and tugged lightly on his hair.

The kiss was wanting and passionate with no gentleness whatsoever. Ryker pulled on my lip, before

we both broke away for air.

Our breath was both heavy, and he pressed his forehead to mine. "You have no idea how long I've

wanted to do that." He whispered.

I placed my hands flat on his chest and caught my breath. "I'm going to ask you something that I

should've asked you a long time ago." He said, then standing back.

He got down on one knee, and I froze. He pulled something out of his pocket, and I covered my mouth

with my hands out of shock.

"Rain Eliza Thompson...I love you, even though you're a total brat sometimes." He said. "Ryk.." I trailed


"Will you go to prom with me?" He asked, holding up a dime. My jaw dropped, and he smiled before

standing up. "You're such an ass." I scoffed, and he laughed, pecking my lips.

"I'm keeping the dime though." I said, taking it from him. "You can keep it, I get my pay-check

tomorrow." He said, making me roll my eyes. I stared up at him, and put a hand on his cheek.

"Babe, do me a favor and shave?" I said, referring to the stubble on his cheeks. "Babe?" He cocked an

eyebrow at me, "Last time I checked, only couples say that."

I threw my arms loosely around his neck. "Take me back?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Always, princess." He said, pressing his lips back to mine. My heart fluttered, electricity shot through

me, and butterflies erupted my stomach.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes flickered open and the sun filled through windows and curtains. "Good morning, beautiful."

Ryker's voice whispered, and I turned on my side to face Ryker.

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and his eyes boring to mine. "Morning." I smiled back. "I

could get use to waking up next to you every morning." Ryker whispered, playing with my hair.

We both stared at each other for a few moments with silence filling the air. But with Ryker and I, silence

was a thousand words.

I then headd the door open, and Ryker sighed "That's Ally," then standing up and pulling on a pair of

joggers on. He handed me one of his shirts and kissed my forehead.

Ryker walked out of the bedroom. I sat up and quickly clasped a bra on and pulled on underwear

before throwing on the plain white t-shirt Ryker gave me.

I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a messy bun. Heading out, I

walked to the kitchen and Alessandra's eyes snapped to mine. "Rain..I didn't know you spent the

night." She trailed off, and I walked over to the fridge.

"How'd you guys sleep? I mean if you did do any sleeping?" Alessandra smirked, sending a wink.

"Alessandra!" I warned, sending a glare at her. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

"Just saying." She shrugged, taking a sip of her water. Ryker claimed that it was the "after prom" that

counted, which basically was just a way to get me to sleep with him.

"Oh how was Prom?" She asked, giving me a cheeky grin. Ryker put up with a bunch of teenagers and

stayed with me the whole night, right after beating the shit out of Hudson of course.

"Was nice to be a normal teenager for once." I admitted, and Ryker wrapped his arms around my waist

from you. "Its about time you two got back together, we've all been waiting." Alessandra stated.

We both rolled our eyes, and Ryker handed Alessandra the keys to the skyline. "Here. Don't crash it."

Ryker warned. "Thanks." Alessandra said, "I'll leave you two to it. See you later."

Ally left, shutting the door behind her. Ryker whirled me around, so I faced him and picked me up to set

me on the counter.

He pressed his lips against mine, as his hands slid from my hips and tugged on the shirt I was wearing

before he pulled it off.

Breaking away, Ryker pressed his lips to my neck and I closed my eyes shut. "Ryk..." I said, biting my

lip "We can't I have a shoot today."

"Yes we can." He whispered, putting his forehead against mine. "No." I shook my head, "Not working

doesn't give me money."

Ryker frowned at me. "As much as I'd love to make out with you all day, I have to go." I said, putting a

hand on his cheek.

He clasped his hands around my wrist and pecked my lips "I Love you." "I love you too." I smiled,

sliding off the counter and pulling on a shirt with jeans.

"See you later?" He asked, and I nodded, "I'll call you after the shoot. Maybe we could go out for dinner

or something." I said, finishing off tying my Converses before walking out.

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