My Blind Fiancée

In the Hands of the Enemy

Mateo’s mother and Lola were waiting in front of the fitting room with little Matt, expecting Ava to come out so they could see how the dress looked on her. They waited for a while, but Ava didn’t appear. Lola left Matt with his grandmother and decided to go in to see what was happening. To her shock, she found Morgana and the shop assistant lying unconscious on the floor.

Chaos ensued as the security guards waiting outside rushed in. They reviewed the security camera footage and saw Clara and two men taking Ava, who was unconscious, and quickly driving away in a van.

Lola and Mateo’s mother were inconsolable, blaming themselves for what had happened, regretting their insistence on going out when Ava didn’t want to. They knew Mateo would never forgive them if anything happened to Ava.

Little Matt seemed to sense something was wrong and kept calling for his mother repeatedly.

Mateo was in the hotel, having just taken a shower and planning to return immediately. Máx was with him, reviewing some images captured by their men, hoping to recognize one of the men who had arrived at the bridal shop.

Suddenly, Máx’s phone rang. When he answered, the voice on the other end left him stunned. His expression changed, and he abruptly ended the call, looking at Mateo with a grave expression.

Mateo found Máx’s behavior strange and felt an ominous sense of foreboding.

“What’s going on, Máx?” Mateo asked. “What’s happening? Speak up.”

Máx lowered his gaze, feeling ashamed to have to deliver this news to his boss. He had made a grave error in selecting the security team for Ava, believing them to be the best.

“It’s Miss Ava,” Máx finally said. “I’m truly sorry, sir, but our men have failed us.” Mateo’s face turned pale as he sensed that something terrible was happening.

“Ava? What’s going on?”

“She’s been taken,” Máx replied.

Mateo felt like he couldn’t breathe for a moment but made an effort to regain his composure.

“It can’t be. The mansion is very secure. Who dared to enter?”

“No, sir, no one entered the mansion.”

“Then? Damn it, speak up.”

“Her mother and Lola insisted on going out so she could try on the wedding dress, and that’s when they took her.”

“For God’s sake! I ordered them not to leave.”

Mateo sat on the floor, bowing his head, holding it in his hands. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to Ava. He shouldn’t have left her without protection.

“My son, have they taken my son too?” he asked desperately, remembering Matt.

“No, sir. I don’t have much information yet, but I know he’s with Lola.”

“My God! Ava must be in the hands of that madman Miller.”

“We’ve reviewed the security camera footage from the bridal shop, and it shows Miss Clara with two men taking her. One of our men recognized one of them, and he’s sure he works for Miller.”

“Clara? Cursed woman. She’ll pay dearly for this,” Mateo said, realizing he had to protect Ava from Clara, but he didn’t think she’d go this far.

“We’ll keep an eye on the warehouse. Maybe they’ll transfer her here, just like they did with Camila. They won’t go near the airports in Milan because they know they’ll be monitored. By now, Miller must be aware of what happened in his corporate office.”

They returned to the port, hoping to catch Teodoro there. Mateo’s men had forced the bald man to send a voice message to Miller, explaining that he wouldn’t return until the next day due to issues with some merchandise that needed to be resolved. This would buy them another day without raising suspicions that they had located him.

Mateo felt like waiting would drive him insane. He paced around the hotel room all day, wanting to go and watch the warehouse with his men, but Máx wouldn’t allow it. He needed to calm down first.

The following night, there was movement near the warehouse as a small boat arrived. Ava was brought down from it, her hands tied and her mouth gagged. Her movements were erratic, and Mateo was already watching. He almost lunged at the men carrying her, but Máx stopped him in time.

Finally, Clara disembarked from the boat, smiling wickedly. The malicious woman wanted to witness Greece’s suffering, believing that Mateo would be all hers. Neither Teodoro nor she knew who he truly was.

Mateo clenched his fists, knowing he had to act smartly. Soon after, a luxurious van entered the area, and they assumed Teodoro was inside. They needed support, but the Metropolitan Police hadn’t paid much attention when they brought in the evidence.

Mateo called some associates to see if they could send some men to help. They agreed immediately and sent assistance. Now, all he had to do was wait for them to arrive.

Inside the warehouse, Teodoro was thrilled to finally have the beautiful Greece with him. Clara approached him, trying to make the most of the situation. When she got close to Tadeo, he grabbed her cheek.

“What a lovely doll! Osmar, get this doll ready. I’ll send her to the German; he’ll be delighted with her. He’ll wait for her in Rotterdam, and he’ll take care of her from there.”

“What’s wrong with you, idiot? I’m not part of your merchandise, ungrateful fool. You should be grateful that I brought you this bitch.”

“You only led my men to her; they brought her here. A German client will give me a lot of money for you. He’s ordered a little doll, and you’re perfect.”

“Why don’t you send Greece instead?” She tried to touch Teodoro’s face, but he instantly pushed her away as he replied.

“Because she already has an owner, and that’s me.”

Osmar took Clara away amid her screams, and outside, Mateo and his men watched as they took her on the boat and away from there.

Teodoro approached Greece, the girl sat with a fixed, vacant gaze.

“Ciao bella, I missed seeing that beautiful face of yours. You’re divine.”

She didn’t respond, continuing to stare at the same point.

“Damn it! I told them not to give her too much tranquilizer.” He grew furious when he realized she was lost.

“Sorry, boss. Your girl is a complete wildcat. She tried to throw herself overboard, and we had no other choice.”

Teodoro menacingly approached, slapping the man, who said nothing, only rubbing his cheek.

They loaded Greece into the van and headed to a private hangar at the airport. They would depart for France that very night, changing the route for merchandise delivery. Now they would move her to that country, using a ferry.

On an island in France, Teodoro would feel safer and could enjoy his love with Greece. In his twisted mind, he was sure she would fall in love with him.

Máx didn’t allow Mateo to act. They had too few men, and without reinforcements, it would be almost suicide. The plane took off, and from where he stood, Mateo watched with tears in his eyes as Teodoro took the love of his life away. He cried in frustration for not being able to save her.

Reinforcements arrived a few minutes later. Máx bribed the personnel working at the hangar, which allowed him to learn that the plane was heading to France. Mateo scolded Máx for not letting him act, feeling frustrated.

“Boss, that would have been suicide. Miller has too many people guarding his back. Outside our territory, we need support from others. If I had let you act, by now, you would be dead, and Miss Ava would be in Miller’s hands forever.”

Mateo didn’t reply; he struck the seat of the van. He knew that what Máx was saying was true. He had been so close to her and couldn’t do anything. He felt like he might go insane at any moment.

Meanwhile, far away in Sarja, the harem girls were preparing to perform and dance for the Sheikh. The lead dancer would be Camila, the one they had already taught what to do.

That day, a partner of the Sheikh had sent a new dancer as a gift. She would only be borrowed for that night as she was part of his harem, although she didn’t hold an official position. This partner, like others, enjoyed having multiple women, trying to emulate the Sheikh’s harem.

The time for the presentation arrived, several girls entered the salon moving rhythmically. At the front of the room, on plush carpets surrounded by large cushions, sat the obese Sheikh, observing the spectacle.

The lecherous expression on the man’s face was disgusting. Camila didn’t know how other girls could find him appealing. That man couldn’t be tolerated, even with all the money in the world.

All the girls were dressed in revealing clothes, adorned with translucent fabrics that showcased their splendid bodies. The girls divided into two groups, moving to either side of the room, leaving a space in the middle.

Camila emerged next, sensually swaying her hips. She had to do it well, or else she could be whipped or even executed for disobedience. All of them had their faces covered by a veil that only revealed their eyes.

The repulsive and lecherous Sheikh bit his lower lip, imagining the moment of having the girl all to himself.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

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