My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate

Chapter 19: Someone has a little explaining to do (PART ONE)

Chapter 19: Someone has a little explaining to do (PART ONE)

Spencer drives as fast as the car will go and my warning that we might get tickets for speeding doesn't

seem to have a toll on her at all. After skipping 3 red lights, we park outside of Spencer's house. Before

we get out of the fr she takes one look at me and her eyes linger longer than usual. "What?," I ask. She

looks away. "Are you okay?" I feel bad for making Spencer worry. "Yes. But only because you saved

me. Thank you," I gift her with another hug. "Are you sure you're okay? I wouldn't forgive myself if they

did anything to you," Spencer shakes her head, and I assume she's trying hard not to think about the

people who almost killed me. Now I feel guilty. "Spencer look at me. You are nothing but the most

amazing person I know, and youre brave too. I don't want you to ever feel like you haven't done enough

for me and I would never blame you if anything happened to me." Spencer nods and finally seems

more at peace with herself so we step out of the car and enter her house. Spencer had to take a call,

and she went up to the bathroom to speak to the person in private. I was pacing up and down like a

worried penguin and I didn't even hear Spencer come back downstairs. "Emerald?," she says her tone

sounding slightly worried, "What's wrong?" I stop pacing and sit on the edge of her beige couch.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong," I rake my fingers through my hair. "It doesn't seem like nothing. Spill," she

demands. And I almost laugh because this is the Spencer everyone knows and loves. I give in. "I don't

know why, but I'm worried about Liam," I admit. "What if those guys do something to him. If they-" I stop

myself from imagining every single bad thing that might happen to Liam. If anything were to happen to

him I would never ever forgive myself. Spencer giggles. "Is that really what you're worrying about?

Trust me Emerald, Liam has been doing this for years. He can handle himself." She squeals and

covers her mouth, realizing she has said too much. "Are you hungry?," she quickly changes the

subject. I laugh. "I could eat an entire cow!," I exclaim. Spencer grins. "I don't think McDonald's sell

cows," Spencer chuckles and cracks her knuckles producing a satisfying crunch. After Spencer and I

finish eating as much nuggets and fries as we can and drinking about 3 or 4 ice teas between us both,

we both sit in her room to discuss the activities of our current situation. I'm sitting on her floor of

Spencer's room in a loose T-shirt and comfy sweatpants. I'm surprised that I'm behaving so calm after

everything that has happened and I almost even died. A thought flashes through my brain, "Did you call

my parents? Ohmygad! They must be extremely worried!" I'm having a battle with myself until my best

friend snaps me out of my self loathe party. "They already know," she responds as if it's the most

casual thing ever and starts picking her nails. "Did you tell them about what happened?," I ask

suddenly panicking. Spencer looks up from her bright pink manicured, delicate fingers. "Of course silly.

Your dad would freak if he didn't know." Before I can ask her to explain what she means I hear the front

door open and clothes. I look at Spencer, my eyes bulged out, but she looks at me as if it's the most

normal thing for an unknown person to come into your house." Why are you not freaking out?," I ask

Spencer and scurry under her bed. Spencer continues to giggle as the footsteps are heard on the stairs

and I have to wonder if she is high or taking drugs. Her door opens and black boots appear. "Where is

she?," a masculine voice asks. I feel the bed dip and assume that Spencer just got up off her bed. Is

this her drug dealer? " Nice to see you too Liam," Spencer says her sassy self coming out. Wait...

Liam? Liam's face appears down to my level and I scream almost hitting my head on her bed board.

"Emerald?," he sounds sad. I crawl from under Spencer's bed and embarrassingly look up at Liam.

"Hey," I say casually. Liam looks a bit nervous, he scratches his neck. "Uh, hey." Spencer looks at me

and a evil grin appears on her face. "I think I might need some water downstairs. See you guys later!" Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

She leaves the room and doesn't look at me but that doesn't stop me from glaring at her. "So...," I say

as Liam rocks back and forth uncomfortably in the silence. We both try to talk at the same time but end

up interrupting each other. "You can go first," I tell him. He drops his hand to his side. "I'm really glad

you're okay," he states and looks me dead in the eye. As if he cares. Does he? Maybe. Maybe not. "I'm

glad you're okay too," I say genuinely and Liam looks taken aback. "Really?," He sounds surprised

and.... relieved. "Yea totally. Thank you for what you did back there." "I would hate if any thing

happened to you," he said causing my stomach to flip. "Thanks," I mumble and decide not to say

anything more. I don't know if it would be okay to talk about what happened back there. I know I should

be freaked out but surprisingly I'm not. Lucky for us both, Spencer decides to come in this exact time. I

throw daggers at her but she ignores me. "Liam, can you come downstairs for a little?, " Spencer asks

as if this was her first time bossing around Liam. They shared a amused look, and they both walk

downstairs leaving me around. After a few minutes, Spencer calls me downstairs. "What?," I try my

best to appear mad at her but no one can stay mad at Spencer for long. Which is annoying, by itself.

"You're going to need to come with us." I scoff. "Are you asking, or telling me? You can't make me go

somewhere I don't want to go," I try to be difficult. My best friend shoves my shoulder in a friendly

manner. "No one's forcing you to go anywhere stupid, your parents want to see you." I try not to act

surprised. "My parents are where you're taking me?," I ask confused. "I thought they were home."

Spencer shakes her head. "Nope," she says popping the 'p'. "They took a little trip, and so are we." I

groan. "You know I hate trips." Spencer drags me up to her room to get ready I assume. "Well, you

better buckle up. It's gonna be one looong trip," Spencer laughs.

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