My CEO, My Temptation

Chapter 27 Secret Message


“Boss, seriously, you should tell him. He’s going to freak out when he finds out from his security guy.”

Kayleigh was waving the note in front of my face while she kept on reminding me of the danger of the situation.

“Kay, I’m perfectly safe, I’m staying at his place anyway and working beside his office. What could go wrong? Bruce’s men are scattered around us and he even has a couple of them stationed outside the office.

I was actually kind of surprised when Bruce laid out his security plan with Tyler and me. I didn’t think so much manpower was going to be involved just to keep me unharmed. But obviously, Tyler would lock me in a glass cage if he could, he actually said it and I believed him one hundred percent.

With that thought I was back to my loyal assistant who looked at me, giving me her judgemental face.

“… but he’s in a freaking meeting and I can’t just barge in and expose my issues in front of his employees. Kayleigh, people here talk and what would they think of me when they found out that I have a stalker? they will dig and find out about my pictures, how long would you think this stuff can be kept hidden once someone had a sniff of it?”

“Jess, honey, please.”

There was no stopping Kayleigh on the matter. I know she relents just because I was currently safe in the office.

“Look, it’s just a note, I’ll give it to him later after his meeting. Now, let’s get back to work okay?”

Kayleigh didn’t look pleased but she did follow my instruction and we continue working until Tyler barged into my office looking pissed at me.

“Kayleigh, will you give us some privacy?”

I gave her my deadly stare, that moment I know she texted Tyler the moment he was done with his management meeting with the department heads.

“You waited?” he asked closing the door after Kayleigh and shutting the blinds to my office door.

“Excuse me?”

My voice was a bit shaky, it was the first time I saw his looking really pissed at me. I know he wouldn’t hurt me, but the feelings were there. My heart was beating so fast, that I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

Not until he cupped my face and slowly kissed the top of my head.

“I’m so sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you. Jessica, please let me see the note?”

Taking a deep breath, I opened my top drawer and give him the note.

I will get to you.

When you least expected.

Tyler took the note and put it inside his suit jacket.

“You are my priority, I need you to listen to Kayleigh. The faster you tell me about this note the faster Bruce can act on it.”

“You were in a meeting,” I said stubbornly.

“Nothing is more important to me than you, you should know that by now.” He whispered kissing me deeply, passionately until I can feel my toes curled before he abruptly left me. Then Kayleigh was to my front looking pleased with herself.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

“It’s about damn time someone takes care of you.” She put my tea in front of me then back to her seat with her trusty Ipad on her lap ready to continue our work while Tyler was off to take care of my security issue.

It was late in the evening when Tyler and I arrived back at his place. We had a dinner arrangement with one of my clients, it was not a pleasant one for me since there were bodyguards scattered meters away from us.

“I just don’t get why we have to have bodyguards in a restaurant, at least told them to wear something less conspicuous.”

“I told you, Jess, it’s a front, the person who’s doing this needs to know that you’re guarded, he or she needs to know that you’re untouchable and Bruce seemed to think that if we increase security the person will feel challenged and might make a mistake.”

Tyler gave me a glass of wine to help me calm down, but sitting next to him, being in his arms were already making me relaxed.

“So it’s back to he?”

“I don’t know Jess, until we caught the person I’m not taking any chances, not with you.”

“I love you, thank you for doing this.”

“I love you more, baby and this is selfishly my doing. I’m not losing you, if I have my way I won’t even let anyone threaten you. Bruce said the note was left on your desk by one of the cleaning ladies she said a kid was passing it to her, that kid was obviously an errand boy and Bruce is still looking into it, but it was a clever thing to do.”

“And the cleaning lady?”

“It’s handled, Larry is taking care of the issue with the cleaning services company. Don’t worry about it.”

“Will she lose her job?”

Tyler looked at me and shook his head as if I was a lost cause.

“Tyler, seriously… her job might feed her entire family. I don’t want her to get fired because…”

“You are the most selfless people I’ve ever known.” He cupped my cheek and kissed me softly.


“Larry knows, he’s handling it. He knows you, he wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

I smiled sweetly at him and started kissing him back.

The note didn’t actually make me that nervous, I know Tyler would protect me. I was shocked but I’ve been through the worst and honestly if the person would want to hurt me he or she would’ve done it already.

And by not doing so, I believed I was safe. I was not stupid and I wouldn’t want to break any of Bruce’s security protocol.

“You are making my aged ten years today, you don’t know how I was worried the second I opened the text from Kayleigh.”

“Yeah? but you’re still handsome and I always like older men.”

“Me, you like me, you love me. No other man.”

“You, my older man, a sexy one too.”

I tried to lighten the mood, but I could see that the note rattled him, I can already imagine his train of thoughts.

“The fact that a simple note can get past Bruce’s security, I’m worried what other things can be passed through Bruce’s security measures.” Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“But it’s good that I’m okay, right? it means that Bruce is doing his job?”

Tyler sighed and pulled me in closer.

“He’s sweeping the office for bugs and checking out the mail from now on…”

“Bugs?” I let out a small laugh but was silent the moment he gave me the look.

“This is not funny, Jessica…”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean,”

“Put yourself in my position, tell me what you think if your girlfriend, the person you love so much, more than your own life, is being threatened?”


“I thought so,” he sounded annoyed but soften when he caresses my cheek and kissed my forehead lovingly.

“I love you, Jessica, more than you ever comprehend.”

I didn’t know what to say but to scoot closer and snuggled in deeper in his embrace.

“I’m sorry, I love you too.”

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