My Fake Lover



#Lexi’s POV:


“Come on! At least one car! One car didn’t even pass us yet!” I yelled. “Are we there yet?” I say, exhausted. “I’m so tiered.” I complain. Tyler is a few steps ahead of me, and he isn’t even a bit tired looking and we’ve been walking for a good thirty minutes.

Tyler turned around with an annoyed look plastered on his face. “I told you that you’d slow me down. You should have stayed at the car.”

“And I told you that I don’t want to be alone.”

“That’s right,” a small grin made its way to his lips. “Your scared to be alone in the dark.” He smirked teasingly as we both started to walk again.

I elbowed him. “Shut up.” I glared at him but a smile was fighting it.

We spent a few minutes in silence. But it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was a good kind of quiet.

“Your an idiot.” I say after a while. “How did you not know to fill in your gas tank before driving us all the way here.”

“I-” Before Tyler had the chance to finish whatever excuse he had to say, I heard a loud sound coming from the fields and I screamed really loud as I jumped closer to Tyler.

“Did you hear that?” I whispered.

“Don’t be such a girl.” I just could picture him rolling his eyes but I can’t see due to how dark it is. The only light we had was coming out of our phones.

“I am a girl.” I stated. “And why didn’t we just call someone to bring us some gas.” I’m pretty sure there’s something out there.

“You’d be stupid to think we’d have service around here. Besides, no one would want to come at this hour.”

“I’m scared. And cold. And tired.” I complained.

Only if Tyler could be Peter Pan and I could be Wendy for a while, so we could fly all the way there.

Tyler sighed, clearly frustrated. “Fine, you can jump on my back.” He accidentally pointed the light from his phone towards my face.

“Ugh!” He faced it way quickly knowing his mistake. “What’s your problem.” I rubbed my tired eyes.

“So, wanna piggy back ride, or not?” Tyler asked.

This all brings memories. Memories back when we used to be friends. Tyler always used to give me piggy back rides. And sometimes when we walked to school together, I used to get tired so he picked me up. He was my first crush. Was.

“Sure.” I laughed. I mean, why miss this awesome opportunity. I’m exhausted!

Tyler turned around and kneeled to the ground so I was able to get on his back. My legs wrapped around him and he got up. He started walking, and it’s a good thing he’s tall enough to hold me up.


When we finally got to the nearest gas station, the owners of the place was nice enough to give us a ride back to the car. He even gave us the gas container for free because he felt bad for us.

“You know, it’s another long drive until we get home, how about we stop at a motel?” Tyler asked me.

“No, as inviting as that sounds, we have school tomorrow.” I said tiredly and let out a big yawn.

“Okay, we’re stopping.” Tyler said.

“I said no.”

“And I say I don’t care.”

“You have a soccer game tomorrow.” I crossed my hands over my chest.

“And we can get back before the game.”

“I’m going to get in deep trouble with my mom.”

“And she thinks your staying over Emily’s house.”

I give up. I’m tired anyways and I can’t sleep in this type of sports car. It’s just to… expensive looking.

“Fine.” I say softly.

When we got to the motel, I lazily got out of the car and was greeted by the cold air again.

I looked at the small motel and signed. It looked old.

I followed Tyler inside and there was a girl our age or older – I really couldn’t tell- leaning tiredly on the front seat with her chin resting on her palms. She probably works night shift and is tired already.

When she saw us walk in, or should I say Tyler walk in, her face lit up in excitement. She pulled her fingers trough her brown hair quickly to try and make it look more presentable. But the more she tried, the worse she was looking. I know she was trying to get Tyler’s attention.

“Hey,” Tyler looked at her up and down. What a perv. I felt like kicking him right then and there. But when I saw her outfit, it wasn’t that good looking. I think he’s just trying to get a discount or something by wooing her and it looks like it’s going to work. But why would he need a discount anyway? He’s filthy rich. “Nice shirt.” Tyler smiled witch made the girl blush.

“T-thanks.” She said nervously. “Do you want a room?” She asked.

What else’s did we come for? To give her complements?

All I did was glare at this girl.

“Sure.” Tyler said. I did a little fake cough from behind him. “Oh, Make that a room with two beds.” Tyler added. “My girlfriends kinda upset with me and she doesn’t want to sleep near me tonight. But all the other nights she’s crazy about me, aren’t you Lexi?”

Say what now? Since when did we have to pretend to be a couple when we aren’t even near the school.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I looked at the girl and she was looking weirdly at me.

“Sure.” I answered his question trough gritted teeth.

Of course she was going to look like that. All the girls do when they see me near Tyler.

I looked at the desk and saw a small sign with the name Miranda on it. So that’s the name of this shameful girl who thinks Tyler’s actually is flirting with her because he likes the way she looks. Pft, yeah right.

Miranda scrolled through the computer on her desk and then looked back up at Tyler. “I’m sorry, we have no more rooms that has two beds.

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