My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 112

Serina POV

After I finish eating the food the boys brought me, I set the plate on the table in the corner. I walk back over to the bed and notice that some of the wounds on her face and arms look smaller. I hope that means her wolf is healing her. As I look at her pale skin, I start to imagine what she must have endured at the hands of those monsters. “Don’t do that, Serina”, Ruby says. “How can I not after what the doctor said?” “Us wallowing in what she has been through will not help this poor girl.” “We have no idea how she is going to respond to where she is when she wakes up, so let’s just pray she does.” “You’re right I just hate that such evil exists.” “All we can do is fight it when we find it” Ruby says and I smile. I walk over to the couch by the window and pull the blanket over myself. After everything that happened, I’m exhausted but I want to be here when she wakes up. It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep. I dream of monsters with red eyes and fangs, despite Ruby’s words.

Nicholas POV

As we walk back on the path to the pack house, I think about that poor girl and how strong Serina has become. My father told me how she found the girl outside our territory. I know how stubborn she is, so I didn’t even say anything about her going by herself. I laugh to myself, she would tell me that I’m not her boss like she always does. We have grown up together and I love that I know her so well. We share our birthday and I would never say this to her because I think she sees me more as a brother, but I have always hoped we would be mates. I definitely do not see her as a sister. “Hey why are you so quiet back there” James asks as they walk ahead of me. “Nothing, let’s just get back before our mothers come looking for us.” Once we reach the banquet hall everyone is dancing. “Nicky” I hear a familiar voice call from behind me. A voice I would rather not hear. I hate being called that and I really don’t want to deal with her tonight. I have made it perfectly clear that I am not interested, but she is a slow learner. I want to spend time with my family not deal with her. I turn and Lisa is coming toward me.

“I’m going to miss you while you’re gone Nicky” she says touching my arm. I step back “Lisa, first of all, please don’t call me Nicky.” “Secondly, I think I’ve made it clear that I’m not interested in a relationship with you.” “The only woman I will ever be with is my mate.” Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“We don’t have our wolves, so how can you be sure I’m not?” “We could be mates,” she says with a smile. Goddess, I hope not. She is a b**ch and was always giving Serina a hard time until Monica threatened her. You would think knowing she is a future Alpha of the pack, she wouldn’t be so stupid, but she is. “Only time will tell.” “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go spend time with my family.” I turn walking away from her before she can say another word and head back to the table. “She is definitely persistent” John says. I shoot him a glare and he raises his hands in surrender while James laughs. We spend the rest of the night just enjoying the party with our family. I hate that we will be gone for such a long time, but the training is important and I want to make my father proud. As things die down at the party, I can see my mother’s face turn to sadness as she looks at me. I stand walking around the table, “mom do you want to dance?” She smiles and nods. I lead her to the middle of the room and wrap my arms around her.

“Mom, I know your sad that I’m going to be gone for a year, but I promise you that once I’m back you won’t get rid of me again.” She smiles “I know I’m just not looking forward to not seeing you for that long and missing your eighteen birthday.” “I’ve been with you for every birthday since you were born and this one is very important.” I smile “I know and when I get back, we can have a huge party for me and Serina.” She nods “I love you Nicholas and I’m proud of the man you have become.” “I love you too mom.” She wraps me in a hug before we head back to the table. My father stands and wraps me in a hug. Archer stands, “are you boys ready to make the trip to the Black Mountain Pack?” “Absolutely” the twins say and hug Aunt Sabrina. We head to our rooms to grab our bags before we head down to the SUV. The trip takes a day and Archer and my dad are driving us. This is when I wish we had our wolves, so the trip wouldn’t take so long.

Jocelyn POV

I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. My arms and legs feel like lead. “Emery” I call out my wolf in my mind. I can feel her but she doesn’t answer. The last thing I remember is making it out of the fvcking horrible place and running. I ran until I couldn’t run anymore. I couldn’t shift because of my pups and running on foot almost four months pregnant isn’t exactly easy. I notice a beeping sound and I try to open my eyes. After a few minutes, I manage to open them enough to realize I’m in a room. They can’t have caught me. Please goddess, I can’t be back there, I plead. They can’t take my pups from me. I don’t care how they came to be, they are mine. I look around and realize this is not the coven. Where the hell am I? I notice a young girl lying on the couch in the room. I breath in deep trying to determine what she is. She is a wolf and this must be a pack. I can’t let them find out that my pups are part vampire. I know how wolves feel about other super naturals.

I pull the leads off and disconnect the IV before I slide out of the bed. I walk to the door and open it slowly looking back to make sure the girl is still asleep. Once I see she is, I look up and down the hallway and thankfully the hall is empty. I have no idea which way to go to get the hell out of here. I pray I make the right choice and turn left. As I walk down the hall, I can hear people talking. I duck inside a room and wait for them to pass before I start down the hall again. I reach a door that looks like it leads outside. I say a prayer before I push it open and the fresh air surrounds me. I step out and again I see no pack members. There are woods only about a hundred feet from the back of the hospital and I head in that direction. Once I’m in the woods, it should be easier to make it to the border. As I walk through the trees, I feel like I’m being watched. “Emery, I really wish you would talk to me” I say. “Jocelyn, I’m here” she says, and I’m so happy to hear her voice.

I keep walking until I hear a b.ranch break. I turn placing my hands on instinct to protect my pups. I see a beautiful red wolf walking toward me. “Please don’t hurt me and my pups.” She stops and a few seconds later she shifts into the girl that was lying on the couch in the room. I must be losing it because she is completely dressed. That’s not possible after shifting. She must see my confusion. “We can talk about that later after we get you back to the hospital.” “I need to leave but thank you for your help”, I

say hoping she will let me leave. “My name is Serina and I am one of the Alphas of this pack.” Now I know I’m losing it because I have never in my life seen a pack have an Alpha Female. “I mean no disrespect but females are not usually Alphas.” She laughs “your right but this isn’t an ordinary pack.” “Please trust me, we only want to help you and your pups.” My hands again cover my stomach. Before I can say a word, she does “no one is going to hurt your pups because they are hybrids, I promise you.” “Emery, what do I do”, I ask my wolf. “How can I trust what she says, but what other option do I have?” “I think we should trust her.” “If we leave this pack they will find us.”

“If we stay, we put this pack at risk.” She clears her throat “I know that you’re scared and you have no reason to trust me but we will protect you from whoever hurt you.” I fight back tears I feel welling in my eyes. “Jocelyn, I think we should trust her.” I wipe my eyes and walk toward her. I stick out my hand “my name is Jocelyn.” She smiles taking my hand in hers “my name is Serina.” “Welcome to the Scarlett Rose Pack.” “Thank you” I say and we head back toward the hospital. As soon as I’m back in the room, a doctor and nurse rush in. They hook me back up to the machines and restart my IV. The doctor asks me some questions before he and the nurse leave. Serina is sitting on the chair and I wait for her to ask me a million questions but she doesn’t. “Are you hungry or thirsty?” I smile at how sweet she is “yes, I am.” I can tell she is linking someone and I assume she is having food brought. About ten minutes later, there is a knock on the door and a man and woman walk in carrying trays of food. He is definitely an Alpha, but the woman is human. I stay quiet and the human walks over to me after she sets the tray down.

Gabriella POV

Lake and I grab food after Serina links me that the girl is awake and hungry. Once we’re inside, I hate to see the concern on her face. She is carrying pups and all this stress can’t be good for them. I set the food down and walk over to the bed sticking my hand out to greet her. “Hi, my name is Alpha Gabriella and this is my mate Alpha Lake Solace.” She looks at me like I have ten heads and I can’t help but chuckle. “You look shocked by what I just said.” “Your human” she manages to get out. “Yes, I am, but I

assure I am the Alpha of this pack along with Lake and Serina.” “What is your name?” “My name is Jocelyn and I appreciate your pack taking care of me when I was in need.” “Of course, you are welcome her and so are your pups.” “So, you know that my pups” she says but stops herself. “That your pups are special, yes we know.” “Why would help me knowing that?” “This pack will always offer sanctuary to those in need.” “The monsters who hurt me will not stop until they find me.” I place my hand on hers. “As I’m sure you have figured out by now this is not an ordinary pack and we have no problem standing against evil.”

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