My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 126

64 Our Turn

Alpha Jayden POV

I take a deep breath before I head up the stairs to meet with my father. I reach my office door and push it open. My father is on his feet pacing back and forth with furrowed brows. The minute he realizes I’ve entered the office he stops in his tracks. “Do you want to explain what the f**k exactly that was about?” “Sit down father, we need to talk.” He gives me a glare but takes a seat. I sit behind my desk. He starts to speak but I stop him with a raised hand. “Did you have anything to do with Brooke being taken by those f**king vampires?” He looks like I just slapped him. “I can’t believe you would even ask me that question Jayden.” “That’s not an answer. Tell me the truth, father. Did you take my mate from me because she was an omega?” I see something flash in his eyes and a pit forms in my stomach. “I can’t believe you think I would hurt those innocent girls. I never knew you thought I was a monster.” I stand coming around the desk and my father stands so we are eye to eye. “I will be bringing my mate home and she will be Luna of this pack. If I ever find out that you had something to do with what happened to Brooke and Jocelyn, I will not hesitate to take the pound of flesh my mate deserves for what she has been through. As far as that b**ch in the cells, she will be dealt with by me. I know she had something to do with it.” “Jayden, you can’t,” my father says. “This is not up for discussion. I suggest you think long and hard about your loyalties, father, because Rian and the coven will be dealt with. If you don’t want to be added to that list, I suggest you act like my father and help me make them pay for their crimes against my Luna.

“Of course, I will. I am your father and you are my son. I will help you make them pay for what they have done.” He pulls me into a hug and I wish I could say I felt he was sincere, but I don’t. I can tell Storm feels it too. He pulls back “what is the plan to get your mate back and deal with the coven?” “When I have the details I will let you know. I will be making a trip to the Scarlett Rose Pack to sign an

alliance tomorrow. Andrew will be in charge while I am gone. He nods and heads for the office door. “Dad, I expect that Rian will be in the cells when I return, am I clear?” “Of course, if I thought she was involved I would never have let her out Jayden. You have to know that.” I nod and he leaves the office. I link Andrew to come to the office so I can fill him in on everything. I take a seat at my desk thinking about everything Jocelyn said. A few minutes later, he arrives and I tell him everything that Jocelyn told me. I tell him about my father and Rian. “That is completely f**ked up. I know your dad’s an a**hole but do you really think he would give Brooke and Jocelyn to those disgusting leeches?” “I really wish the answer was no, but I’m not sure. I have to go to the Scarlett Rose tomorrow and I need you to keep an eye on him.” “You can count on me, you know that. I am your ride or die.” I smile because he has always been a goof. “Yes you are, that’s why you’re my Beta.”

Jocelyn POV

As we pull into the pack, I have a sense of peace knowing that Jayden had nothing to do with what happened to me and Brooke. “He may not have but I think his father did”, Emery growls. I hope she is wrong, but I had thought the same thing during our meeting. I couldn’t say that to Jayden about his own father. As soon as we reach the pack house, I turn to Gabby, Lake, and my parents. “Jo, you can show your parents to the guest room on the second floor. They can settle in while you go get your pups.” I wrap Gabby in a hug. “Thank you both” I say to Gabby and Lake. I lead my parents to a room down from mine. “I’m going to talk to Serina for a moment and grab the pups. I won’t be long.” My parents both hug me before I head down the hall. When I reach my room I can hear voices. Of course, I know one is Serina but the other I don’t know. I don’t know whether to knock or just walk in. “It’s our room”, Emery says with her normal level of sass. “Calm down Emery, I’m not going to be rude”, I say before I knock on the door. The door opens and a smiling Serina wraps me in a hug. She takes my hand, pulling me inside. “How did it go?” I look at the man who is standing near the chairs. “Oh, I’m sorry, Jo, this is Nicholas. He is Levi and Tracey’s son.” I feel like she isn’t telling me something and by the look on his face, he is waiting for her to say more. He clears his throat, looking in Serina’s direction. She

smirks well aware of what she is doing. “He is also my mate.” I can’t help myself but to scream, forgetting my pups are asleep.

Wesley starts to cry and I quiet myself. “Oh my goddess, congratulations to both of you” I say as I hug Serina. I head over to pick Wesley up and walk back toward Nicholas. “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Jocelyn but everyone calls me Jo.” “It’s very nice to see you again Jo” he says, and I look at him confused. “Before we left for training you were in the hospital and Serina was watching over you.” I smile, Serina and Ruby are so special and I would have been lost without them. Without all of them, I meant what I said to my parents. Emery and I belong here. I thank the goddess every day that she and Ruby found me. “Your pups are beautiful.” “Thank you” I say before I take a seat to feed Henry. “So tell me about the meeting,” Serina says. “There is so much to tell you. Jayden had nothing to do with us being taken but Emery and I think his father did.” Serina growls and I smile. “My parents are here, can you believe that they are going to meet my pups?” I try not to cry but I can’t help the tears of happiness that flow from my eyes. Serina comes over and bends down in front of me. “That’s amazing and I’m so glad that you have them again.”

“I am too. They are excited about seeing my pups.” “Of course they are. I know you were worried but anyone who raised you would not care that your pups came from that ba**ard.” I smile because she is absolutely right. “There is one more thing. Jayden said that Brooke is alive.” The shock on Serina’s face is exactly how I felt when he told me. “That’s wonderful but how,” she asks. “I’m not sure but Jayden said that pack members saw her a week ago.” She wraps me in a hug. “We will find her, I promise you Jo.” “Thank you” I say and she pulls back. She is smiling but I can see a sadness in her eyes. “What’s wrong, Serina?” “I’m going to miss you.” I smile “am I going somewhere?” She looks at me with confusion. “I just thought with Jayden not being involved and your parents. living in the other pack.” I stop her “this is my home now. I will visit my parents, but I won’t be returning to the pack.” Her smile is brilliant. I stand from the rocking chair and hug her once more before I lay Wesley in the stroller. “I better take the pups to see my parents. I’m sure they are wondering what’s taking me so long.” I lay Brooklyn down behind her brother. I shake Nicholas’s hand and hug Serina before I head

down the hall. The door opens before I even reach it and my parents are smiling at my pups. “Oh my goddess, they are beautiful” my mother says with tears in her eyes as she reaches for Wesley. My father wraps his arm around me “thank you sweet girl for being so strong and bringing these beautiful pups into our world.” I reach down picking up Brooklyn, handing her to my father before we head inside.

Gabriella POV

We head upstairs and I won’t lie I’m exhausted. Growing three pups is exhausting. As we walk down the hall, Lake scoops me up without warning. I screech before I wrap my arms around his neck. “Lake, I can walk.” “I can feel how tired you are and I need to take care of you and my pups, so let me.” Goddess I love this man. I rest my head against his chest. I swear I’m almost asleep when we reach our room. He stops when we are just inside because he must be getting a link. Once he is finished he smiles and sets me on my feet. “What was that about?” “Your uncle wants to meet with us.” I start to walk toward the door and he grabs my arm. “I told him after you rest for a couple hours.” “Lake” I start to protest but he shoots me a look. “You and the pups need to rest and then we will meet with him in a couple hours after you rest. It is nothing emergent. I asked, he said it’s important but it can wait while you rest.” If I wasn’t so tired right now I would be walking right out that door. “Two hours, Lake, then we meet with my uncle.” He smiles like he won. “Don’t think you won. I am only doing this for the pups.” He chuckles and I would like to slap that smug look off his face. He leans down, kissing me before he lifts me, setting me on the bed. He starts for the door “where do you think you’re going?” “I was going to head to the office while you’re resting.” “Oh no, if I have to nap, then so do you.” He walks back toward the bed and pulls his shirt over his head. I will never tire of looking at his gorgeous body. “Sleep Gabriella”, he says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and he gets in bed behind me, pulling my back to his front. He lays his hand on my growing bump. After a few seconds, I feel something and he sits up. “Was that” he asks with wonder on his face. “Yes, one of the pups kicked me.” He kisses my foreheadNôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

and we both lay back down. I still can’t believe we are going to have three pups soon. It doesn’t take me long to fall into a peaceful sleep.

Morganna POV

“So you have a mutt growing in your belly, cousin. I am very disappointed you would allow such a disgusting thing to even touch you, let alone impregnate you.” She shoots daggers in my direction. “You don’t speak of my pup or my beloved, you evil b**ch. You think that you two weak excuses for witches are going to hold me here. You are sadly mistaken.” Megan has shimmered back into her true form. When she came to me with this plan, I was more than happy to help her. Tabitha always thought she was something special. She could have been the strongest black magic witch our kind has ever seen, but instead she chose the light. Her parents were weak and allowed her to make this stupid choice. “I would be careful how you speak considering you’re bound by, enchanted black rock right now Tabitha.” “What do you get out of this Morganna. I understand her warped ideas” she says, pointing at Megan. “Power, of course. You will take your rightful place with us in my coven or you and your mutt can die the same way your parents did.” “Tabby, it can be like old times. Moganna will return your pup to the mutt if you just agree to our terms. You were always meant to be with me, not some stupid wolf”, Megan pleads with her. She laughs and I knew this wouldn’t be easy, but everyone has their weakness. I turn to Megan, “go find the mutt she is mated to and bring him back here.” “You stay away from my beloved”, she screams. I watch as her hands start to glow, but it isn’t possible with her bindings. I wave my hand casting a sleep spell. “What the hell was that, Morganna? She shouldn’t be able to cast at all with the shackles in place.” “Shut up Megan. Unless you have something to actually contribute, let me think. Get back to the pack and act like you know nothing when they discover she is missing.” She shimmers and is gone. I hate the thought of asking that b**ch Prudence for help, but I guess I have no choice. Megan is useless and only cares about having her. I knew Tabitha was strong, but I never expected she would be able to fight the enchanted black stone.

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