My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

55 The Coronation

Jade POV

My eyes flutter open and I realize that Luca is staring at me. “Are you watching me sleep?” “You’re beautiful and even though you have been my queen since the day I met you, it will be official today.” “That makes it a little less creepy” I say and he bursts out laughing. He presses a soft kiss on my lips before he heads for the shower. Once he is done, he gives me one more kiss before he heads to join the men to get dressed for today’s ceremony. I sit up and look over at my sweet girl standing in her crib. It’s so hard to believe she can stand already. Soon she will be walking and talking more. I slide off the bed and scoop her up in my arms. “Mama got you the prettiest purple dress for today. You are going to look like a princess.” I kiss her sweet little face before I take her to the changing table. Once she is changed, I grab her bottle and sit down in the rocking chair. Luca got it for me and put it in the corner of our room. I know that soon she will be in her nursery, but I want to enjoy the time while she is still in our room. Soon we will have three little ones and we have decided to place a door between our room and the one next to ours. It will be the nursery where Luna and the twins will stay. I will still have a monitor, but with the door open we can hear should they need us. A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. “Come in” I say and when the door opens, Esme is smiling as she stares at us. “I’m here to take Luna so you and Brooklyn can get ready for your ceremony.”

“You need to get ready too, Esme. You and Victor need to be there right up front.” She smiles “we will be, but this isn’t our ceremony. I love that you want to include us Jade, but today is about you and Luca.” She leans down and hugs me before she takes Luna. Brooklyn passes her on the way out the door. “You didn’t tell her, did you” she asks me. “No, Luca wants it to be a surprise.” “Well, my Queen, it’s time to get you ready”, Brooklyn says, and I roll my eyes. She leads me down the hallway to a room where our dresses are being stored. When the door opens, my heart squeezes in my chest. Ruby, Danica, Autumn, my mom, Tabby, Gwen, Lucy, and my grandmother Sabrina are waiting for me. “YouCopyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

didn’t think we would miss your ceremony, did you” my mother says, as she wraps me in her arms. “Let’s get you ready to be Queen”, Ruby says. Everyone hugs me and Brooklyn. I notice Danica is smiling but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Danica, what’s wrong” I ask and she tries to wave me off. “Does someone want to tell me what has been happening, that Danica is so nervous,” I say to no one in particular. “Jade, today is a celebration. We are here for you and Brooklyn. We can talk about that later” Danica says. I come to stand in front of her. “You are my sister now. We have time to talk. I want to know what has you so worried. I can feel it rolling off of you in waves.” We take a seat and Danica begins to tell us about the trip to the mall and the witch that threatened my niece and cousin. Growls are heard throughout the room.

Ruby tells me about the coven moving inside the territory and everything that Tabby and Autumn have done to protect Danica and our niece. I take Danica’s hands in mine. “I understand why you are worried, but the pack is the safest place and our brother will not stop until the witch is dealt with. You are a part of this family now, Danica, and we will always protect you and your pups.” She smiles and it reaches her eyes this time. I wrap her in a hug. “Alright, enough of the heavy stuff. It’s time to help you two into your dresses” Autumn says. I have missed her. She hugs me and I head into the bathroom first. Once I’m showered and dried off, I pull on white lace panties. The dress I chose has a bodice that doesn’t need a bra. It is off white and despite being modern, it still looks regal. It flairs out below my breasts so it’s comfortable with my small bump. I love the dress. There is a royal robe that I have to wear over the dress for the ceremony but I knew this was the perfect dress for the celebration. Brooklyn picked a royal blue dress that has a high neck but an open back. She looks beautiful and I’m glad she will be here with me. The night we tried on the dresses, I made Esme come with us even though she insisted that she didn’t need such a fancy dress. Victor is going to lose his mind when he sees her in the floor length pale pink dress. It has a slit to mid-thigh and shows off her curves. It is tasteful and she looks gorgeous in it.

Luca POV

It’s so hard to believe how much my life has changed since I met Jade. I never thought being this happy was possible. She is the perfect mate, mother, and queen. She is soft when she needs to be, but fierce to protect the people she loves. The door to my office opens and my father walks in, followed by Archer, Lake, Jade’s grandfather, Sherman, Maverick, Connor, and Liam. It’s amazing how my circle of important people has grown. They are all dressed in their suits except Sherman and I are wearing the royal colors. Our suits are blue and gray. I have to wear the ceremonial robes for the coronation but they will be removed as soon as it’s over. Since the council is no more my father will be speaking. We will be electing new council members who can be trusted to have the kingdom’s best interest at heart instead of their own. “Are you ready son” my father asks, and I smile. I call Liam over before we leave the room. “I need you to do me a favor, brother.” He smiles and nods. “I want you to sit next to Victor and Esme with Lucy.” He gives me a thumbs up. We follow everyone out and walk down to the hallway that leads to the throne room. Some of the members of the kingdom will be present but most will watch the ceremony that is being streamed live. There are two thrones at the front of the room and since I’ve already been crowned, there is one crown waiting on an ornate podium to be placed on my beautiful mate’s head.

Sherman stands next to me and we watch as everyone begins to take their seats. Victor and Esme walk in with Luna. Liam jumps up, taking them to sit next to him. I wink at him when he takes his seat and he smiles at me. Archer, Maverick, Connor, Lake, and Jade’s grandfather are in the second row waiting for their mates to join them. “I can’t wait to see her, Luca”, Sebastian says, and I’m excited to see her in her gown. I won’t get to see it until after the ceremony but I know she will be gorgeous in it. She would be gorgeous in a burlap sack. Gabby, Ruby, Autumn, Sabrina, Gwen, and Lucy walk in next. I see Liam waving Lucy and Gwen over to sit next to him. I turn because I know that Brooklyn and Jade will step in next. When the door opens, everything seems to stop when I see Jade. She walks toward me and I step down to meet my Queen. I help her up on the raised platform so we are facing my father. Sherman and Brooklyn are behind us. “Today is an amazing day for the Dragon Kingdom. Today we will celebrate the crowning of our Queen” my father says and Jade smiles. “King Luca has been very

fortunate to find his goddess given Queen. They have accepted each other and today marks the beginning of their journey, as the joined rulers of the Dragon Kingdom. Jade Solace step forward.

I release her hand and she steps toward my father. “Jade, do you vow to lead the Dragon Kingdom by King Luca’s side. Will you be fair and kind? Will you defend the kingdom until your dying breath?” “I will”, Jade says with a confidence that is inspiring. My father nods at me and I walk to the podium lifting the crown in my hands. I turn to face my queen. She steps toward me and mouths “I love you.” I smile and place the crown on her head. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you, my queen.” She turns and I stand next to her taking her hand in mine. “I present to you King Luca and Queen Jade Williams.” Everyone breaks out in cheers. When the cheers die down, I address the crowd. “Your Queen and I have a few announcements to make. Liam, Lucy, Esme, and Victor please join us.” I see confusion on their faces before they make their way on the platform. “Brooklyn step forward.” She does and I face her. “Brooklyn, do you vow to be loyal to the crown and kingdom? Will you always stand by your king and queen?” “I will” she says. “Brooklyn from this day forward, you will be the female second in command.” Sherman comes to stand next to her and they both bow before they step back.

“Esme and Victor Conlon step forward.” They both step in front of me. I notice Esme give Jade a knowing look. I asked her to keep what I’m about to do a secret. Jade just smiles at her. “I have learned many things from my queen and my new family. From this day forward, Esme and Victor Conlon will be third in command. Do you both vow to be loyal to the crown and kingdom? Will you always stand by your king and queen?” I see tears well in Esme’s eyes and Victor puffs his chest up. “We will” they say in unison. They both bow before they step back. I look at my sister and brother. I offer them each one of my hands and turn to the crowd. “I would like to introduce the kingdom to Princess Lucy Williams and Prince Liam Williams.” They both look up at me and I smile down at them. The crowd erupts with cheers again. They step back with the others and Jade steps next to me. Everyone in attendance bears their necks to us. Jade is definitely my Queen in every way.

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