Chapter 29 Rogue fang

Even though he’s like a princess, 

that doesn’t mean freedom is in her hands

Jeffry Ernest Luxion


Rogue’s head, which was about to pounce on the boy named Andy, just rolled down in front of the three of them. Suddenly, the three of them stared in shock at the presence of a black-robed figure standing in front of Andy.

“Your opponents are not them…”

“But I!”

Jeffry smirked, standing with his back to the three of them, his sword oozing fresh blood from the Rogue he slashed.

“Are you alright?” Zara panicked, approached Andy who was still frozen in place.

Feeling threatened by the arrival of a vampire whose strength must be greater than the three small children who dared to harass them,

The Rogues chose to retreat and stood around Jeffry.

Zara is about to run to Jeffry, not wanting anything bad to happen to her guardian. Seeing the number of wolves that can be said to be quite a lot.

“No miss! It’s very dangerous there. That friend of yours should be able to beat the wolves with ease.” The little girl restrains Zara’s movements and tries to convince her.

“Stay there, Zara!”

Zara freezes on the spot. Hearing Jeffery’s words made his mood even worse. A moment later, finally Zara gave a small nod. Zara tries to believe with her belief that Jeffry will be fine.

Zara is so worried about Jeffry’s condition now, considering Jeffry’s energy has been drained a lot during the previous fight. Even Jeffry had said that he needed a break.

Jeffry started the fight, playing shrewd sword fighting as well as several times kicking and parrying with fast movements. When one Rogue is defeated, the other Rogues seem to stop attacking. One of the Rogues, which is the largest in size, sighed in exasperation, staring at Jeffry with a sharp glare. It was predictable that Rogue was the leader.

“I will spare your lives, if you leave now!!” Jeffry said with his intimidating threatening aura.

It didn’t take them long to think, they, the Rogues chose to leave to end the fight.


“Miss wake up!” the little girl on the other side screamed in fear as she witnessed Zara suddenly lying on the ground.

“Zara!” Jeffry immediately sped up to Zara.

“Zara, what happened?! Open your eyes!!” Jeffry patted Zara’s cheek lightly. Her eyes were tightly closed and Zara’s lips slowly turned pale.

“Looks like he got poisoned, Let me check it out.” Jeffry nodded at the little girl who had started taking out some medicinal herbs from her sling bag.

“Has this lady been fighting? Look! There are sword marks on her hands.”

The little girl with dark brown hair started to think, what kind of spell should she use to remove the poison in Zara’s body.

Jeffry remembers now, when Zara tried to free herself from the vampire fighter Gervinder, she took a sword and maybe then accidentally hit her hand with a sword that was covered in poison.

“Are you sure you can cure it?” Andy asked to make sure, he realized that So Eun, Mark, as well as himself, were still novice wizards.

“I’ll try, so shut up and don’t bother me!”

“He’s right. You’d better shut up. You also haven’t mastered magic as well as So Eun.”

“Then have you mastered it too? Your level of magic prowess is still far below mine Mark!”

“You guys shut up! Now’s not the time to talk about who’s stronger. Don’t break my concentration!!” So Eun was embarrassed by the behavior of her two best friends. They finally shut up after getting angry looks from So Eun.

So Eun’s lips seemed to be muttering her magic spell. Then his hand appeared a bright light and brought it to Zara’s injured arm. It takes a lot of energy to get rid of the poison in Zara’s body, although the poison isn’t lethal, it’s possible that it will cause permanent paralysis.

So Eun , who incidentally is still at the beginner wizard level and only knows a few healing spells taught by her teacher, makes her look exhausted. Mark approached him and tried to encourage his best friend since childhood.

“Are you okay Lord Vampire?”

Jeffry is sitting not far from where Zara is being treated, he has been observing So Eun’s efforts to get rid of the poison in Zara’s body. And yes. Jeffry is a little worried about Zara’s current condition.

“My friend can definitely cure it, don’t worry too much.”

Jeffry now turned to look at the boy who had narrow eyes sitting next to him. Andy smiled as Jeffry turned to look at him.

“You’re a great lord Vampire! How can you be so brave to face so many Rogues alone?”

Jeffery smiled warmly. “When you grow up you will be great too, practice harder with your magic.”

Andy nodded enthusiastically. His hand reached into the small bag he was carrying and took a piece of bread for him to eat and recover his strength.

“You want?”

“No. Eat it so you grow up fast.”

Hearing that, Andy immediately ate his bread voraciously. While he was enjoying his bread, Andy realized something and held back his chewing.

“That lady isn’t a human. Then how can you be with her and not suck her blood?” Andy turned his face to look at Zara who was getting better.

“She’s a princess of the vampire kingdom, I won’t give up my head just because I’m thirsty right.”

Hearing Jeffry’s narrative, made Andy laugh amused.

“No wonder she’s so beautiful.”

“Yeah, she’s beautiful.” Jeffry’s eyes fell on Zara’s face which was not as pale as before.

Andy smiled after that, they both turned their heads at the same time when they heard So Eun’s voice screaming.

“Miss. You’re awake!”

So Eun smiled broadly, she was happy that Zara had come to her senses, also happy because it turned out that she was great enough to get rid of the poison. Jeffry immediately approached and lifted Zara to lean on his body.

“What are you feeling now? Anything still hurt? Zara said something!”

The throbbing in Zara’s head was still palpable, her stomach was also slightly queasy from the effects of the poison that had entered her body. Fortunately, the little witch, So Eun. He is smart enough to neutralize the poison that entered Zara’s body.

Zara’s hand was still holding her head which felt dizzy, until the grip was released when she saw three small children dressed all in black sitting in front of her with an equal eye on Zara.

“Why are we here Jeffry? And who are the three of them?”

“What magic did So Eun use? This lady seems to have amnesia!” Mark turned his head in panic and looked confusedly at So Eun.

So Eun stopped with her mouth open when Andy answered Mark’s words faster.

“Miss Zara has not lost her memory, when did you become smart like me?!”

Watching the little kids bickering made Zara give a small smile. His head lifted to look at Jeffry’s face with a questioning expression.

“You told me to help the three of them.”


The cry for help rang in Zara’s ears. Then the memory of what happened moments ago swirled in his mind.

Zara and Jeffry immediately ran to find the sound and found three children being attacked by a group of Rogue.

“Jeffry! Save them!!”

“What for? I have nothing to do with children.” Jeffry answered lightly and made Zara’s anger overflow.

“Oh my gosh Na Jeffry!! That’s not the problem, look they need help. Don’t you feel sorry for those kids?!” This time Zara had to scream to make Jeffry want to help a child who was lying around Rogue.

“Okay! I will save them myself!!” Waiting for Jeffry’s answer which will take a long time makes Zara desperate to walk away. And the way that managed to make Jeffry act, he immediately grabbed Zara’s arm

Jeffry stepped wide and immediately slashed the Rogue’s head without any sign of his presence being noticed by them. Made the group of Rogues howl in anger with fiery red eyes.

“I remember it.” Zara turned to look at the three children in front of her who were still silent. Then Zara gave a small smile looking at the three of them.

“Are you all right?”

“We should have asked Miss! You look sick.” Mark shows his concern to Zara. Feeling strange with Mark’s unusual attitude, Andy looked at him in horror.

“What happened to the albino?”

“Miss! Let me put this potion on your wound.”

So Eun stood up and took a potion in a small bottle from her sling bag.

“Sure! Thank you very much…” he paused

“So Eun. I’m So Eun Miss. She’s Andy and Mark.” show them one by one.

Zara blinks cutely, this little girl in front of her is not only brave but also very smart. “You’re so adorable So Eun.”

“And also beautiful, don’t forget that Miss Zara!”

Zara laughed hearing that, “Ah yes of course So Eun.”

So Eun’s fingers were busy applying the potion on Zara’s injured arm. The two of them were seen laughing several times at Andy and Mark’s behavior.

“Why did you guys get here?”

Andy paused for a moment with his actions as well as Mark.

“We’re on an important mission, miss!”

“Mission?” Zara stares in surprise

“Yes, an important mission. The mission to retrieve Rogue’s fangs.” Suddenly Jeffry and Zara stared in disbelief.

“No wonder they attacked you. Next time don’t do something stupid like this again. You are endangering yourself!!” Zara scolds.

“No Zara, they are doing the right thing. Things like this can train them in survival.”

“Jeffry! This is no good, they are still small. What could happen to a child in this vast and dangerous forest.”

“Miss Zara is very talkative like our teacher!” Mark chuckled.

“Mark! Listen to what I have to say. Don’t ever do this again! Rogues are not good creatures, they will kill you if you disturb them.”

“You’re right Miss Zara, we’re sorry to have put you both in danger. However, we will continue our mission.” So Eun smiled proudly.

Before Zara could speak, Andy answered faster.

“Rogue’s fangs are one of the ingredients for the potion we’re going to make, so we have to take it. There’s more to it, Bear fur, snake venom, fox tail and what else, I forgot.”

“Forest fairy tears.” added Mark.

Zara just shook her head hearing their confession. In contrast to Jeffry, he actually smiled hearing Andy and Mark’s confession, according to him they were very brave even though their abilities were not much.

Actually seeing the three of them, made Jeffry miss his two friends, who he didn’t even know where he was.

“So Eun. Can your medicine heal these wounds?” Zara pulled Jeffry’s palm to bring him in front of So Eun.

“Of course you can miss. My potion is very effective. I guarantee it” So Eun smiled proudly making Andy and Mark look at each other and roll their lazy eyes.

“No need, I told you it would be fine.”

Zara immediately took the potion from So Eun and put it on Jeffry’s palm instead.

“It’s fine you say. I fainted because I was indeed cut by a sword. And the sword was poisoned wasn’t it. It was just a small scratch. Look at your hands! This much injury might not only be a faint, but it will end your life!!”

“With Rogue you were such a brave lord Vampire. But with Miss Zara you can be as stoic as my pet cat.” The three of them together laughed at Jeffry. Until Andy stopped laughing and gave an explanation.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Miss Zara is a princess from the vampire kingdom. That’s why Mr. Jeffry obeys Miss Zara. Or else Mr. Jeffry’s head is at stake.”

Mark and So Eun were surprised to hear that, especially So Eun.

“You are the daughter of Miss Zara?”

Zara and Jeffry looked at each other, then a moment later Zara nodded.

“Or maybe you like Miss Zara, Mr. Jeffry? Like the fairy tales I’ve read, the princess’s bodyguard usually falls in love with the princess herself.” Mark is a child who loves fairy tales. In fact, he aspires to one day be able to write his prowess in a book.

“That also makes sense.”

“Yeah, that’s true too.” Andy and So Eun nodded in agreement.

“What are you guys talking about? Ah yes, where are you guys actually from and where are you going?” Zara diverts their conversation, to be honest. In her heart she hoped Jeffry would say yes, but she already knew that would never happen.

Jeffry only for his Mate!

“We live very far from here, Miss Zara. After this, we still want to go on an adventure, gathering ingredients for the potions we are going to make.” Mark and So Eun nodded in agreement with what Andy said.

“You guys are still small, don’t do things like this. Go home! Your parents must be confused looking for you.”

“No Miss Zara, they didn’t wait for us. Our parents left us when we were little. We don’t have parents anymore.”

“Yeah, the three of us don’t have a father and mother like other children.” So Eun said with a gloomy face.

Zara was silent hearing the confession of the three of them, her anger has now turned into a very deep sadness.

“No need to be sad, So Eun. It doesn’t mean you have to be sad because your parents are gone. The three of you must love each other, take care of each other, like brothers, like family.”

“Okay, no need to be sad, you can do what you want. But you have to be careful. You have to take care of each other and don’t…”

“Yes Miss Zara, you are very talkative.” Andy protested.

“I understand what you’re saying, I’m quite smart Miss Zara.” continued Mark.

“And where will Miss Zara herself go with Mr Jeffry?” asked So Eun with a curious look.

“We are going to Bijarim Valley.”


The three of them said at the same time.

“Yeah, and unfortunately I don’t know where the valley is.”

“What?! You didn’t know it? Then all this time?!”

“I only know if that place is among the Bijarim hills.” Jeffery replied at the same time, turning his gaze in any direction.

“No need to be angry Miss Zara. I can help you.” Andy laughed at Jeffry’s happy face.

“Really? You know where Bijarim valley is?” asked Zara enthusiastically.

“Not really. But this map knows.” The roll of paper was taken from So Eun’s bag and given to Zara.

“That map shows you the way there, miss. I hope this helps.” It’s clear So Eun

Jeffry immediately opened the map and observed the path leading to the Bijarim valley. It’s not far away. But the places they would pass were far from easy.

“Thank you very much. I really thank you.”

“No miss. We are the ones who thank you for saving us.”

Zara smiled widely and hugged So Eun.

“Okay, we will go. Bye Miss Zara and Mr Jeffry!” Andy stepped then So Eun and Mark followed behind him.

“You guys be careful. See you soon!!” shouted Zara excitedly.

“Why did you give me the map Andy! How are we going home?!”

“Tsk! I’m good at Mark. I’ve memorized all the ways correctly. No need to worry. Just trust me.”

So Eun and Mark just put on a resigned face, and hoped that Andy really remembered their way home. Otherwise, their uncle would look for them and of course scold them severely.

“How are you?” Jeffry was busy tidying his robes and I don’t know what happened, Zara’s slender hands helped smooth Jeffry’s slightly messy white mane, making the cold vampire stare at the figure in front of him.

“According to you?”

Jeffery smiled lightly. His irises fixed on Zara’s eyes.

“Your unkind heart is beating that hard.”

Zara’s reflex takes a quick step back.

“Get out of the way!!”


The Lord was informed by one of the palace spies of his sister’s whereabouts, also knowing the rumors that the Assassin had come out of hiding. Jayden then decided to look for the Assassins. A tinge of anger was evident on the Lord’s handsome face. “They want Zara. I knew it from the start. I’ll kill them if they do that!!”

Jayden wore all his attributes roughly, Yeri who saw that became worried about his mate’s rash attitude when it came to Zara’s safety.

“We will look for them together. Calm yourself!”

“You’re here, temporarily taking my place while I’m gone. Take care of yourself.” Jayden’s tone was peeling, a contrast to the look on his face, which still looked angry, showing the jugular veins in his neck.

Yeri stepped quickly when Jayden had reached the doorway, pulled his hand and hugged the man he loved so tightly.

“Take care of yourself! Don’t get hurt.”

Jayden’s hands returned his mate’s hug, hugged his mate’s body tightly and brought his head in the Yeri inhaling his mate’s scent deeply.

“Brother, don’t take too long! Get out!!” Rico, who was waiting outside the door of Jayden’s residence, was also ready with all his attributes. Jayden deliberately invited his younger brother to accompany him, because this younger brother would be of great help to him later.

Jayden lifted his head and grabbed Yeri and kissed her lips lightly.

“There’s nothing for you to worry about.” he continued, turning to land a kiss on the forehead, kissing for a long time there made Yeri close to feel the comfort that her mate gave her.

Rico and Jayden had prepared with their two horses at the palace gates, then moved their saddles together and raced their horses quickly across the path of the Blanchard palace.

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