My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The sun casts a warm glow over the city as Aiden drives me to work. Despite the cheery atmosphere, a slight sadness lingers

which means our time together will be brief. in the e car. Today is the start of Aiden’s more rigorous practice schedule.

“I’m sorry I won’t see you more today, Aiden confesses, vocalizing the disappointment we both feel, I rub his shoulder.

“Don’t feel bad! I know you have a big match coming up soon, reply, trying to keep my mood up. “There’s four big matches in total, right? That isn’t too long. I say, Despite my words, it feels like a very long time. This is what it means to date a professional athlete. I remind myself. No need to get bummed all of a sudden. You knew this was coming

Aiden sighs. His eyes remain fixed on the road, but I can tell that he’s feeling down. I think for a moment before a smile creeps across my lips.

“Hey, I don’t have any late meetings today. Maybe I could come to watch practice tonight?”

Aiden’s face lights up with excitement. “That would be perfect, he says. My heart feels warm and fuzzy.

As we pull up to my workplace, I feel another wave of dread overwhelm the happiness that I had just felt. Just seeing the building reminds me of the unfortunate events of the day prior. Even though Aiden forgave me, I still haven’t really forgiven myself and I certainly haven’t forgiven my boss. I kiss Aiden goodbye and reluctantly leave the ear, trudging toward my office

1. duck my head as I step through the front doors, not wanting to catch anyone’s attention. I would love to have just one normal day at the office, I think. Unfortunately fo me, I’ve barely stepped through the doors when my boss spots me. A large grin spreads across Daniel’s face. He makes a beeline in my direction, ignoring the employer he was just speaking with

“Ah, there’s my star employer, he says, clapping me on the back 1 try not to grimace. “That promotion yesterday went perfectly. I’ve been getting calls and emails from new clients all day and night. You really have done us all a favor. Miller.” Despite Daniel’s praise, all 1 feel is unease. I force anigicomfortable smile and nod. I already felt bad enough about the promotion itself. Now that Daniel is drawing direct attention to me in the middle of our workplace, it only feels more awkward

I know that I’m not the only one who finds the situation uncontable. I can feel the gazes of my coworkers burning into my back. 1 hear faint whispers around me. It’s clear they’re irritated by Daniel’s obvious display of favoritism, and I can’t even blame them. I only catch a few snippets of their words as they whisper

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“Thanks” 1 Jorer out, trying to drown out the words that have already begun to echo in my mind I suddenly remembert Danel mentioned he was going to plan out another promotion Did you schedule the nest one I add on quickly. Please

Please say no.

Thor you: I’m afraid. I’ve been too busy belding chenta” Dansel declares 1 for a way of relief. Daniel pats my back one more time. “Team tell you to altrady ready for the next one, but I’ifi affard you’ll have to wait just a bit longer. Don’t worry though

The smile on my dani în ang dùng but happy. I say goodbye to Daniel and try not to walk i 1iori tar cyra,ad any completa following

alk back toward my own office

mournfully Inderstand that they re produbly

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Chapter 33

The workday drags by, try to bury myself in my assignments and leave my office as little as possible. Any time that I do, I move quickly, dreading the moment that Daniel decides to stop me and cause a scene again. Luckily, the rest of the day slips by without further incident.

The end of the day finally arrives. I can’t wait to leave my desk and smile widely when I see Aiden’s driver waiting for me at the curb. I climb into the car and we drive to the rink, eager to see Aiden play again.

To my surprise, practice is already in full swing when I step through the doors. The sound of hockey sticks cracking against the ice and the puck flying across the rink makes it immediately clear just how intensely they’re playing My eyes flit to my watch as I had thought. I arrived early. That’s strange. Why did they start early?

Aiden barely has time to spare me a smile as I settle into a seat in the stands. I watch the team skirmish, shooting across the rink as fast as lightning.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

I can immediately see they’re all pushing themselves to their limit. Aiden is the only teammate who isn’t completely red in the face and panting with exhaustion.

It quickly becomes clear it isn’t just normal fatigue from a workout. The team looks overworked. Their exhaustion is evident in the droop of their shoulders and the weariness in their eyes. Aiden, however, seems oblivious to their struggles. He continues to fly across the rink like a man possessed.

The minutes tick on and practice only becomes more chaotic. I glance at my watch again – it’s already been half an hour and they haven’t even had a few minutes’ break.

1 glance at the sidelines, expecting to see the head coach egging them on. To my shock, he’s nowhere in sight. I don’t see any assistant coaches who sometimes show up, either. This must be an extraneous practice, I realize. Aiden himself seems to be the one leading practice for the night.

I have to do something, I think. Seeing the team in such a rundown state makes me nervous. Not only is it bad for them, but it will only make them resent Aiden more.

My eyes scan the rink. How can I stop them? There aren’t a shouts out the name of a particularly exhausting drill”‘

any breaks for me to talk to Aiden. My anxiety builds as Aiden

Finally, I can’t handle it any longer. “Aiden, can we talk for a minute?” I call out as casually as I can.

I immediately start to regret my decision to speak up as everyone turns to stare at me. The scraping of skates against the ice comes to an abrupt halt as Aiden stops. I feel a sudden rush of nervousness.

Aiden’s brow furrows in confusion, but he doesn’t start playing again. “Sure. Take ten, everyone.”

The team almost collapses as soon as they get the chance. Aiden still doesn’t seem to notice as he skates over the sidelines. I quickly make my way down the steps to meet him. I try to force down any apprehension as I steel myself to speak.



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