My Lady Chef

Chapter 88: A Royal Visit - Part 1

Chapter 88: A Royal Visit - Part 1

Ezran's POV:

Back in the Kingdom of Guthrie...

2 months later...

My wife.....

has become popular as Elena, her "supposed" protege but now...

She is gaining more admirers and popularity as she took over the duties of the head cook and taught

soldiers in charge of cooking on how to properly prepare food and even improved and taught more of

the city people how to prepare meals that they can forage around the area in times of emergency or


While working, she wore her old dresses and covered up her milky skin but there is no denying how

beautiful she is despite her plain attire.

As a result, the quality of the food was consistent, morale is at an all-time high and soon the soldiers in

charge of the food improved in a span of a few weeks as my senior knight led teams to put down any

remnants of the Guthrian forces.

I have also noticed something.

Our forces' overall stamina and health have been oddly good lately. I even checked the mana of some

of my knights and they are steadily getting stronger.

This may be due to my wife's practice of infusing a bit of her mana sprite's element into her food.

In theory, eating a large amount of infused mana cuisine can amplify a person's magic for a short time

but a steady diet of consuming food infused with a small amount of mana was said to permanently

improve a person's physical state and health.

More so if the mana dish correlates with the primary element your body possesses.

But this theory has never been proven yet but now that I am looking around using my draconic eyes. It

seems like soldiers who have strong ties to fire and water manas are improving faster than those with

air and earth mana.

As I stop over every day to see my wife supervising the soldier cooks alongside Kain, who effectively

keeps away a few admirers from being too forward with her.

My heart continues to grow warm every time I see my beloved enjoying herself. Her contributions to

maintaining the morale of my camp are sure to get noticed by the king.

Because in just 2 months, Guthrie has been cleared of any hostile opposition and is ready to be

annexed into the Holy Kingdom.

The common folk who were now looking at us favorably have promised to obediently follow as long as

the rules of the new ruler of the land are fair and just.

Well, that is for his Highness to decide. Perhaps he will be giving it to one of the younger princes to Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.


I have been asked by the other commanders who were currently still engaged in their own war

campaign about the secret to completing my mission to the crown so fast.

They would never believe that the reason for my men's efficiency and improving performance is due to

their anticipation to get back to camp and enjoy food cooked by their commander's wife.

I was smiling all day as I paid a secret visit to the Castle's kitchen where my wife is at her element.

"Your Grace! Is this looking okay?" One of the male cooks was having her check his bowl

"Hmmm add one more cup of water. The dough should be okay after that." she looked at the bowl of

bread dough. "After kneading it till it forms a ball shape, cover it with a cloth and let it rest for an hour in

a shaded area. This should be good enough for tonight's supper."

She was wearing a hair cloth to keep her hair away from her smooth face, her cream long sleeve

blouse and green skirt hugged her curves well. A white apron was tied around her curvy waist as she

walked around inspecting the food being prepared for dinner.

"Wife." I called out to her as Kain bowed to me but my gaze was only for her.

She was flushed from being near the hot fires and boiling pots and sizzling skillet pans but she never

looked more beautiful.

"Milord! How goes the excursion?" She smiled sweetly at me.

I lifted her hand to kiss her wrist. Numerous male gazes were trained on me but I don't care. I want

every one of them to know that she is mine.

"B-behave." She blushed before she shook my hold in her hand. "I have a report to hand to you before

I prepare supper for the soldiers, Shall we go back to the castle?"

I offered her my arm and she accepted. The proper and elegant way she behaves while we are in front

of people was a stark contrast to how passionate she was in my bed.

I love it, it was like have a sweet docile kitten by day and a seductive tigress by night.

"Kain stay behind. I want a word with my duchess in private."

"Yes, Your Grace." He nodded as I closed the door to the room I made into a study.

"We are almost out of water so we may have to send a few soldiers to fill at least three dozen jars to

last us another three days. We may need to pick up at least two sacks of herbs and nuts tomorrow. We

also need 6 more sacks of flour for bread making and more onions and garlic. The Garlic Chicken Rice

went so well last night so I am thinking of making Garlic Boar BBQ for tomorrow's meals." She gave me

her report. "Other than that, all supplies are still abundant." She gave me a written report as always

after she recites today's deficits and abundance on our food supply.

"Well done." I took it and perused it before placing it inside my drawer. " If all my soldiers can eat this

well during my campaigns, I fear they will want to stay on the battlefield than go back to their families."

" And they will continue to eat well Milord. The team of soldier cooks I trained for weeks have been able

to replicate my food well enough for them to handle the cooking station without my supervision now.

Give me a few more days and I recommend keeping them as full-time cooks as they are more useful

with a ladle and pot than with a sword." She untied her haircloth and her blonde hair cascaded against

her back.

"You are a marvel. I will talk with these men and give them a choice." I hugged her from behind and

smelled her hair which had the rich smell of smoke, herbs, and soap. "You seem to be adapting well

considering Lady Baristani left Guthrie a month ago."

She sighed at my words.

"Her father summoned her back. Besides I taught that girl a lot during the past month we were running

the kitchens together. She is a competent and smart girl."

"She did very well, I gave her a recommendation letter since you told me about her dream to study


"I know...and you have my thanks for that. I heard she is preparing for her entrance exam for the

Kalderos Culinary Institute for Higher Learning in her recent letter to me." She kissed my cheek.

Her joy made me smile. The air between us has been amicable and comfortable lately. I have not

gotten to telling her about my feelings because we were getting along so well.

Then I remembered something important.



"The Crown Prince is coming tomorrow with for an inspection of Guthrie lands along with the new

governor and a foreign guest."

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