My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 342

Lila’s POV

The silence that fell between us was so loud. I tugged at my fingers nervously and kept my eyes on Headmaster Prescott who was leaning back in her seat with her hands crossed on her lap and peering at us like she expected one of us to start first. Except I wasn’t really sure what to say and telling from Enzo beside me, I don’t think he knew what to say either.

Alpha Jonathan remained on his phone, typing away without a care in the world. He was engrossed with whoever was on the other end of his phone.

Headmaster Prescott cleared her throat, drawing my attention back to her.

“I wish you both would have come to me and tell me the truth,” she began to say, looking between the two of us. “Alpha Jonathan caught me up on most everything and I’d like to hear it from your mouths instead of a third party. So, whenever you are ready, you can tell me the truth.”

She looked at Enzo when she said that last part.

He sat up straight and kept his eyes locked on hers.

“What you heard is true, Headmaster,” Enzo began to say. “Lila is my mate.”

Headmaster Prescott clenched her jaw as she looked at me. I felt my entire body tense and I suddenly was feeling cold under the intensity of her gaze. I was waiting for the repercussions to come. For her to tell me that I needed to transfer schools or that Enzo was fired.

“And you knew this since last year?” Headmaster Prescott asked; the question was directed toward me.

I managed to nod.

She sighed and shook her head with dismay written all over her face.

“I wish you would have told me. I understand that you can’t help who your mate is, but not disclosing it to the school board is against school policy. Keeping something like this from us is grounds for expulsion…” she glanced at Enzo. “And termination.”

The entire world around me stopped moving; I suddenly couldn’t breathe.

This was it.

This was our punishment for lying and keeping secrets from the school board. It was all becoming a reality.

“We are going to wave it.”

My entire body froze.

That voice came from Alpha Jonathan who was now looking at us.

“Alpha?” Enzo asked, frowning at Alpha Jonathan with suspicion in his eyes.

“I just finished writing an email to the council. I believe under the circumstances from the last few days, we can let a rule slide. It’s the least I can do considering you saved my daughter's life.”

My entire heart swelled in my chest as Alpha Jonathan stood to his feet. Enzo stood to his feet too and reached his hand out to shake Alpha Jonathan’s.

Jonathan took it and the two of them shook firmly.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Enzo said.

Alpha Jonathan nodded and then he glanced down at me.

“Should I tell Sarah to expect a visit from you at the hospital soon?”

I nodded happily.

“Yes, sir,” I said pleased.

Alpha Jonathan actually smiled and nodded as he glanced at Headmaster Prescott.

“Headmaster,” he said, nodding his head before he turned and left the office, leaving us staring after him in shock.

Enzo took his seat again and we both turned back to Headmaster Prescott who was still staring between the two of us.

“That doesn’t mean things are going to return to the way they were,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. “You might not be in trouble, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow Professor Enzo to continue teaching you, Lila.”

My eyes widened.


“You’ll have to choose another course for the time being,” she further explained. “I can’t allow you two to be working in the same environment.”

I can’t take shifting and combat anymore?

I opened my mouth to say something, but Enzo’s words stopped me.

“I agree, Headmaster. I wouldn’t want Lila in my class anymore anyway.”

It was as if I was stabbed in the heart. I stared at him with a gaping mouth, but he kept his eyes on Headmaster Prescott who only had her brows raised.

“I’m glad we agree, Professor,” she said, staring at him suspiciously.

He nodded.

“We are,” he said firmly. “The class is far too dangerous for her. Lila is pregnant and I’d prefer if she didn’t partake in any combat for a while.”

Headmaster Prescott’s eyes widened in shock as she turned her direction to me.

“Pregnant?” She asked me.

I was red in the face and felt humiliated, but I nodded.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“I suppose congratulations are in order,” she said with a pleased smile.

“Thank you,” we both said at the same time.

I looked up at Enzo and I couldn’t help the smile on my lips.

“Will you be moving into his faculty house?” Headmaster Prescott surprised me by asking.

I stared at her in shock; I hadn’t realized that was an option.

“It would be ideal if she could,” Enzo answered for the both of us while I sat in my place completely frozen.

She nodded and turned toward her computer.

“I’ll make some arrangements. You can move in tomorrow.”

Enzo looked pleased as he stood to his feet. He glanced down at me and offered me his hand; I took it without hesitation, and I stood as well.

“Oh, Lila,” Headmaster Prescott said, stopping us before we left the office. “You’ll still be the president of the student committee, right?”

“Yes, of course,” I said quickly.

She smiled and turned back to her computer.


I felt a flood of relief washing through me as we left the office.

“Did that just happen?” I asked breathlessly.

He smiled down at me as we walked outside, our hands tucked in one another.

“You should probably return to your dorm and pack your stuff,” he said in return.

“So, we don’t need to hide our relationship anymore?”

To answer my question, and to my utter surprise, Enzo bent and brushed his lips across mine. The few students that were walking by the area paused and audibly gasped as I embraced my mate.

I knew these rumors were going to be wild and I was oddly excited to hear them.

Enz pulled back and gazed down at me lovingly.

“Does that answer your question?”

I nodded, my smile growing wide.


A week had gone by since our meeting with the headmaster. I was securely moved into Enzo’s faculty house and had some tearful goodbyes in my dorm. But it’s not like I was going far, and they’d still see me every day. But the thought of not being in my dorm every night with my friends was a sad exit.

But we quickly adapted and now I was embracing this new change. I loved waking up to my mate every morning and falling asleep next to him every night. He was everything I needed and more and I couldn’t wait for our lives to begin.

After we met with the headmaster, I went straight to the administrator's office and took myself out of shifting and combat. Instead, I signed up for a ceramics class taught by Miss Emily. So now I was taking advanced art and ceramics with Miss Emily, and I couldn’t be happier with the decision.

Cassidy-Ann also reached out to me recently now that her new studio is up and running, she’s still going to need an assistant and a new artist. I told her I would be happy to be both. I already sent her some of my new pieces for her exhibit and I will be officially starting work next week as her assistant and part-time artist.

I was excited about this new chapter in my life.

Today was the day that Sarah and Brody were returning to school, and I was beyond excited to see them again.

It’s crazy how at the beginning of last year Sarah was the girl who tormented me. She was the woman I caught Scott kissing; she was the woman who was so threatened by me, that she’d do anything to get in my way and make my life a living hell. Now she was someone I considered a great friend and the mate of one of my best friends.

When I saw Alpha Jonatha’s limo pulling around the corner, excitement rose through me. I stood in the parking lot with Kayla and Becca and the three of us were practically squealing when his car came to a stop.

The limo driver got out of the car and went around the back to open the door.

Soon, Sarah and Brody were stepping out of the limo, and I gasped when I saw how radiant Sarah looked. She looked as if she had never been sick a day in her life.

When she saw us, her smile grew, and tears instantly filled my eyes.

“Sarah! You look amazing,” I said as I rushed toward them. I first threw my arms around Sarah and then I threw my arms around Brody.

“I suppose I have you to thank for that,” she chuckled; she then turned and hugged a very eager Kayla.

I couldn’t imagine how lonely Kayla had been in her dorm room without her roommate.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“By the way, congrats on the pregnancy,” Brody said nudging my shoulder. “Alpha Jonathan caught us up on everything. We are happy for you.”

I beamed at him.

“Thank you!”

We went into the student lounge so we could talk about everything and catch up on all we’ve missed throughout this past week. We laughed and we cried, and it was the most incredible time.

That is until a wave of nausea hit, and I found myself tumbling over and releasing the contents of my stomach all over the ground in the student lounge.

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