My Repentant Brothers (Madeline Larson)

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Everyone else was talking about it 100.

"Wow, isn't that Madeline? Sise's amazing"

Is the confident just because she's pretty?"

"Isn't her boyfriend Gavin? Why is she holding another guy's hand today? Did they break up?"

There was a lot of chatter.

But most of the looks were full of awe.

Madeline turned around and saw Bobby smiling warmly, like a gentle spring breeze.

Bobby said, "Madeline, you seem to have mistaken me for someone else.

was about to ask if you w

i wanted to grab dinner together since it's already that time.

"You're a student here, so you know the area better than I do. You should be the host"

Madeline, sanded, quickly let go. her heart racing She thought she was holding Harper's hand Madeline explained, "Bobby, you know I just grabbed the wrong person.

"When you suddenly grabbed my wrist, I thought it was Harper who was worried about getting lost"

Bobby heart her deliberately emphasize the relationship, realizing she didn't want to be misunderstood. "I came here to teach and forgot to tell you beforehand. You've been on leave this month, so you must have been busy" "Hobby, let me treat you to a meal. Should we goi to the cafeteria or Madeline asked trying to calm herself down

Bobby said lightly, "You are the boss."

Bobby smiled gently at Madeline, "I prefer lighter food, so it's best in have a proper meal. If it's a stew or something like that, my stomach might not handle it well

"Alright, let's go to the restaurant," Madeline said, squeezing her hands. "Let's go

"Wait a second."

1. Bobby glanced at his phone. "Hold on a second. I'll get the car

"You can bring your friend along too. I want to learn more about your school life"

After Bobby left, Madeline let out a deep sigh, thinking she did well siding her face, but she was still found out

Harper quickly asked, "Madeline, do you call Mr. Dalton Robby""

"Yes. Madeline explained, pursing her lips. "He's my brother"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Harper's eyes sparkled. "I wish I'd known Mr. Dalton earlier. He's so handsome" Everyone couldn't help but look at Madeline with emy. After all, their idol teacher was unreachable. But he was Madeline's brother and they could eat and chat together.

That was just incredible.

Madeline chimed in with a few words, feeling both embarrassed and apologetic, and then hurried off with b

her books in her arms toward the school

She even took 1

Harper with her.

The two of them stood at the gate for a while, then a white car pulled up beside them. The window came down, and it was Bobby

"Get in Bobby said,

Once Madeline and Harper got in the car, lobby asked with a smile, "Hey there, what's your name!"

"Im Harper Xenos, Harper replied from the back seat, leaving the front seat on purpose for Madeline. "Madeline and I are rotates and


Chapter 20

"Mr. Dalton, Madeline is extremely popular at school. Tons of people like her"

Bobby kept his hands on the wheel, driving carefully while listening to Harper, occasionally smiling,

He was also curious about what was going on with Madeline at school.

Madeline felt awkward. "Harper, stop it. You'd better think about what we should eat later.

"I'll eat less. I've gained weight, Harper said, not catching Madeline's hint. "Madeline, your brother really cares about you."

Madeline felt a bit helpless

She thought. Bobby isn't just concerned about me but actually interested in me

But since he is my teacher, some things have to be kept under wraps.

Bobby asked, "Does Madeline have any really close male friends... or a boyfriend at school?"

get along with, right? Especially someone as amazing as Madeline, she has friends of both genders

"Maybe. Everyone has male friends they get

Harper almost blurted out Gavin's name.

But then again, she thought. Since it is a question related to boyfriends, I can't just spill the beans because Mr. Dalton is handsome.

"Even among family, Madeline can also have her own secrets..

What if Madeline's brother doesn't let her dare?

Wouldn't that just c cause trouble for Madeline!

Bobby looked puzzled. I thought Madeline would be dating at school."

"Definitely not" Madeline interjected. "Studying is the priority. It's a rare opportunity to attend college, so I need to make the most of these four


I plan to apply for graduate school at Japrium University afterward*

Bobby felt much more at case seeing Madeline so ambitiou

He knew there were temptations at school, and certainly in society, especially in the film industry that Madeline was in, which was said to be full of various temptations

He didn't stop her from dating at school because it was part of growing up.


But seeing her 1

hold on to her principles was really comforting for Bobby.

"Madeline, its great that you have plans for your life, but don't overwork yourself, said Hobby

Madeline nodded quickly. "I know, Bobby

1. w. Don't worry!

Bobby freed a hand and gently stroked her cheek. "Good girl"

Madeline's checks immediately grew warm.

From the backscat, Harper couldn't help but cover her nose, thinking. Oh, this is so sweet. one I can ship!

They arrived at the restaurant

The thire of them entered the private root

room and ordered sar

some disbel

What kind of sibling relationship is this? It's almost like

Madeline's phone rang. She picked it up and answered, "Hey Nolan, I won't be home for dinner tonight. I'll probably be back around seven, so don't worry. I'm having dinner with Bobby Yeah, I got it. I'll make sure to keep warmi

Madeline hung up the phone

Bobby was pouring war for the ten of them with a calm demeanor, not asking

Too much

Harper couldn't hold back her curiosity. "Mateline, just

how many brothers do you have?

Madeline pressed her lips together and said, "The


Chapter 220

"Oh my gosh," Harper whispered, covering her mouth in disbelief as she looked at Madeline. "Are they all good-looking? Isn't there even one who Madeline thought for a moment and replied, "No, they're all good-looking"

Harper was genuinely Ventious.

She thought. With twelve such handsome brothers, who needs other guys? Madeline might as well enjoy being single and hanging out with her brother forever

If it were me, I wouldn't even bother going out to find a guy. I would have just stayed relaxed at home"

Bobby reminded them. The food's all ready. You should eat it while it's hot.

another event to attend tonight, so I won't be able to drive you back. I just texted Caleb, and he'll come by to pick you up after work.

at more. It must be tough on set, right?"

As Bobby spoke, he put some food on Madeline's plate, his eyes showing concern. "Eat

Madeline shook her head. "Not at

at all, the crew's food is actually pretty good"

After dinner, Madeline and Harper went downstairs.

Bobby noticed the black car by the roadside and walked over to the window, smiling politely as he asked, "Thank you, but there's one more girl. Can you drop her off at school too" Caleb, utting inside the car, thought Bobby was being too polite.

"Sure, uid Caleb

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I blink rapidly, my mind struggling to process what's happening.

The glint of the bracelet the Grand Sage slapped onto my wrist catches my eye. Could it be some kind of cloaking device? He does love his magitech. It would make sense that it has multiple


That has to be what it is. These are all people who know me. They know my scent and my face, even if it is haggard after my incarceration. The bracelet must make it so I'm less noticeable somehow. Ryder steps forward, his brow furrowed as he looks at all of us.

He can see me, but it's like he doesn't really notice me.

Worry is etched into every line of his face. "Dr. Blackwell," he says, sounding relieved. "We're having problems with our phones."

"Yes, so I was informed." The Grand Sage looks at all the wolves with interest. "Shall we go inside? I'm going to need everyone's devices in order to check on the situation.

"Of course." Ryder snaps his fingers at the other wolves, who follow behind us without a word. Everyone seems on edge, shoulders tense and eyes wary.

As we step into the farmhouse, the sight before me steals my breath. Injured shifters lie scattered across the floor, their bodies arranged on blankets in a makeshift triage. The air is thick with the metallic scent of blood, leaving me nauseated. Two women I don't recognize flit between the injured, their hands steady as they tend to wounds. Their faces are grim, etched with determination and exhaustion. I'm rooted to the spot, overwhelmed by the sheer scale of suffering before me. Ryder's voice breaks through my shock. "I apologize for the mess, Dr. Blackwell. We're still setting up after our... retreat.

The hesitation in his voice speaks volumes. This wasn't a planned withdrawal; it was a desperate


The Grand Sage-Dr. Blackwell now, I remind myself-waves off the apology. "No need for that. We're here to help, after all."

Ryder nods, but his eyes narrow slightly. "Speaking of which, how did you get here? Our communications have been down, and we've had scouts watching the roads."

I tense, waiting for our cover to be blown. But the Grand Sage merely clears his throat, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Ah, well, that's a trade secret, I'm afraid. Proprietary technology and all that."

Ryder doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't press the issue. Instead, he leads us to a battered kitchen table, pulling out his phone. "Well, whatever your methods, we're glad you're here. This



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is my phone. Mia, Chloe, hand yours over too."

Chloe, the taller girl with striking green eyes, immediately reaches into her pocket and places her phone on the table. Mia, however, hesitates. Her red hair seems to bristle with suspicion as she eyes the Grand Sage. "How do we know we can trust him?" Mia demands, her voice sharp with fear and frustration. "We don't even know this guy, and now we're just handing over our only means of communication?"

Ryder's eyes flash dangerously. "Mia, he growls, his voice low and threatening. "Do as you're

told. Now."

The command in his voice is palpable, and I find myself shrinking back instinctively. Mia's shoulders slump in defeat, and she reluctantly places her phone on the table with the others. The Grand Sage gathers up the devices, his movements calm and assured. "You three will be fine for now," he says, his voice soothing. "I'll look into the problem and see what I can do."

As he speaks, his eyes meet mine for a brief moment. There's a glimmer of something there- reassurance, perhaps, or maybe a warning. I can't quite tell, and it does nothing to settle the unease churning in my gut.

I glance around the room, taking in the tense faces of the wolves. They're injured, cut off from communication, and now relying on the help of a stranger.

A stranger who isn't who he claims to be.

I really hope shit doesn't hit the fan.

As the Grand Sage examines the phones, I drift toward one woman tending to the injured. She looks up as I approach, her eyes tired but kind.

"Can I help?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

She nods gratefully, handing me a roll of bandages. "Start with him," she says, gesturing to a young man with a nasty gash on his arm. "Clean the wound, then wrap it tightly."

I kneel beside the injured shifter, my hands shaking slightly as I work.

He hisses in pain as I apply antiseptic, and I murmur an apology. His eyes meet mine, filled with a mix of pain and gratitude. In that moment, I realize it doesn't matter why I'm here or how I got here. What matters is that I'm here now, and I can help.

It's so much better than sitting around mindlessly, not knowing what to do with my life. First as a prisoner, then as an escapee under the Grand Sage's tutelage.

This is the first thing I've actively chosen to do, of my own volition, in so long

As I continue to tend to the wounded, I keep one ear on the conversation at the kitchen table. The Grand Sage is speaking in low tones with Ryder, their words too quiet for me to make out. But from the furrowing of Ryder's brow and the tight set of his jaw, I can tell the news isn't good.

Mia paces nearby, her agitation palpable. At one point, she reaches for her phone, only for her


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hand to be slapped away by Ryder.

"Calm down, Mia. We've worked with Dr. Blackwell before. He's trustworthy."

"Sorry, Delta." She cradles her hand to her chest, stepping away from the desk with an air of chagrin.

Mia's attitude is odd. I mean, I get being wary of strangers, but Dr. Blackwell isn't exactly a stranger to them, is he? Ryder seems to trust him, at least.

And yet, there's something about the way Mia's eyes dart around the room, the tension in her shoulders, that sets off alarm bells in my head. It's like she's waiting for something to happen, something bad. 2

Chloc, meanwhile, stands still as a statue, her eyes fixed on the Grand Sage's hands as he works on their phones. The tension in the room is so thick I could cut it with a knife.

Chloe stands still as a statue, her eyes fixed on the Grand Sage's hands as he works on their phones. The tension in the room is so thick I could cut it with a knife.

It's only then that I see Chloe's not as calm as she's pretending to be. Her fingers are clenched into her palms, tight enough for blood to drip to the ground beneath her.


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