My Tool For Revenge (I bought her)


Author’s POV

GIANNA did her best to run deep into the brambles as the huge men chased after her.

Her right hand was busy dialing Greg’s contact as she ran, her other hand was also moving, trying to adjust properly on the gun’s trigger.

Then she started to stimulate which direction to run to. She ran with her little might glancing backwards through the thick brambles to see if her pursuers were close but to her awe, she saw no one.

Quickly, she turned back and continued running, increasing her pace, then she looked into her phone and breathed in relief as she saw that it was finally connecting.

It did and she halted behind a huge tree placing the phone on her ears, panting heavily.

“Are you okay Gianna?”, Greg’s voice sounded from the other end.

“G… Greg, please hurry up and save me, we have been attaked -“.

“Ta-da! Catch ya!!!”, a husky voice sounded right behind Gianna cutting her short and making her to quiver slightly.

Without aborting the call, she rashly deeped the phone into her breast pocket, then turned swiftly and faced the person that just blurted, pointing the gun at him.

Without thinking twice she pulled the trigger taking the strange man unnoticed.

“Y… Y…. o…u!!”, he choked as blood streamed out of his mouth and nose, and then with a great thud, he fell to the the ground with his eyes opened.

Gianna shuddered slightly, feeling bad for killing someone, her hands trembling slightly. Then suddenly, she snapped out of her emotions, she knew she couldn’t feel sorry for him now, he was her enemy, he was going to capture her.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Are you there Gianna?”, Greg sounded from the phone still in her breast pocket and she reached for it immediately.

She was still trying to take it out when she heard footsteps from behind, and she took to her heels one more time.

“Greg please if you can hear me, hurry up and save us”, she sounded into the phone.

She didn’t bother telling Greg the location because she knew he was gonna find out using her phone’s tracking device.

“There she goes, surround her”, another voice echoed and before Gianna could take another step, she was instantly surrounded by three deadly looking men.

The eerie around the men made Gianna almost screamed out and ask Greg to be fast, but she knew she had to stay calm believing that Greg was already on his way.

She tightened her hand on the gun’s trigger trying to shoot, just like a bolt of lightning one of the men grabbed the gun away from her grip, giving her a resounding slap.

“You wanna shoot? Go ahead and shoot us”, he muttered cocking the gun and pointing it at her.

She shuddered as she looked at him from in between her eyes.

The sky had become grey and the road was unusually empty, or maybe this route was usually like this.

She was roughly dragged out of the brambles, as she staggered along in the center with two men behind her and one ahead of her.

“I can’t believe she killed Snowky”, one of them voiced out.

“If it wasn’t that the boss asked us not to touch a string of her hair I would have dealt with her”, the first guy replied.

“Then why did you slap me then, if your boss asked you not to”, Gianna muttered, suddenly finding her strength.

“You don’t talk while we are talking”, one of them said angrily to Gianna.

Surprised at her outburst and attitude towards the whole thing, she wasn’t even acting like someone who was in trouble.

“Shut the fuck up, you don’t tell me when to speak or not”, she yelled angrily at them, and instantly the men began murmuring.

Having a little opportunity once again, she bent over to the ground fetching some sand.

“What the heck are you doing?”, the two guys behind her uttered and she rashly stood up, poured the sand right into their eyes and instantly took to her heels once again.

This time around, she couldn’t afford to get caught

“Greg please if you can hear me, hurry up already, they are after me!”, she said immediately bringing her phone out of her pocket. Neither she nor Greg had hung up yet.

She could hear Greg cussed before he said he was already on his way.

Gianna knew she couldn’t outrun them, she knew if they get her this time, it was gonna be deadly than earlier.

What should she do? She had to do something, as she could feel them getting closer.

Swiftly, she ran to another direction, running deep into the woods, not minding if she was gonna meet any danger ahead.

She figured she had to keep running until Greg come for her.

As she ran more deep, she noticed the soil of the woods become slippery with so many slopes.

She was still running when she tripped and fell down on a small slope causing her to yelp as her phone tossed off her hands bouncing a little farther from her.

Then she heard the men’s footsteps as they approached, running, and quickly, she got up and continued running, picking up her phone. The adrenaline rush had gotten the better part of her, and she didn’t know how farther she had run or where she was.

She kept running hearing their angered voices some steps away from her.

Soon, she was becoming weary, she knew her strength was gonna betray her soon, and so she tried to find somewhere she would hide but there was none, everywhere was too visible to sight.

She could hear her heart beating and her loud panting. Her body was beginning to get numb but she kept running as fast as she could until her feet gave way making her to fall to the ground.

A hot liquid streamed down her face as she held her head from hitting the floor.

This wound wasn’t caused by hitting her head, she predicted something sharp to have cut through there.

She rolled on the floor with great difficulty to hide in-between a large tree trunk, and luckily for her, she was able to hide away from her pursuers.

She sat in there hiding herself to the darkest area inside the tree, cupping her hands over her mouth.

As she sat in her hideout, she began remniscising on the whole occurrences. She thought of so many people who would want her kidnapped, just to use her get to Greg, knowing fully well the kind of games he was involved in.

She might be a frigile girl, but she won’t stupidly let them get her without her trying her best to fight for her escape.

One thing she had grown to like about herself was her stubborn and hard side, that was the only part of her that kept her going since she was a child still staying with Aunt Christa.

She could vividly remember the day she was beaten mercilessly by Aunt Christa because she had taken so long in her chores.

That night, she flogged Aunt Christa so well with the whiplash she normally used in flogging her.

She remembered hearing Aunt Christa screech loudly from her sleep.

The next morning, Aunt Christa’s body was red and swollen with bold traces of the whip all over her body.

Even though she had given Gianna the beating of her life after that, she never stopped smiling because she felt she was able to give Aunt Christa a little of what she always did to her.

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