My Tool For Revenge (I bought her)


Greg’s POV

I raised the gun up to her temple and pulled the trigger before she could say one more word, and she dropped dead on the floor, with blood gushing out of her stomach.

Instantly, everyone within eyeshot became terrified, quivering and shuddering in great fright.

“I guess you all know me, but I doubt if you all know me so well, I’m not to be tempered with, especially when it comes to Gianna”, I mumbled angrily.

“Go back to your respective posts and steer clear of my assets if you want to have a grey life”, I warned and headed out of the scene.

…A Few Hours Later…

Gianna’s POV

Fluttering my eyes open to reveal an unfamiliar environment, I rubbed at my sleepy eyes.

I finally opened them and startled on seeing two huge burly men sitting beside me, each of them sat, one on my right and the other on my left, I was in-between.

I gasped.

“Oh my bad! Where am I?” I whispered.

I tried to sprang up to my feet and I immediately held back by one of the strange men.

“Stay put, you are on a plane”, the other guy replied huskily.

Huh? A plane? How? When?

“But why? Why did you abduct me? And where are you taking me to?”, I muttered as the memories of what had earlier happened before I blanked out came flooding back.

“We are heading to Australia, we still have some couple of hours to land, so stay put”, the guy who had held me back replied, letting go of my hands.

“Australia? But why?” I asked biting my fingers, fidgeting.

“Stay quiet, you will get to know when we get there”, the second guy replied.

“Isn’t it nice if we give her a hint?” the first guy chipped in grinning.

“Well, your so called heartless boyfriend has stepped on our master so hard, so you are just like a ransom”, he added.

My eyelids flickered in confusion, I was puzzled. What the hell did he mean by ransom? And who the hell was their master?

I exhaled in fright.

“No!!! You can’t hold me captive for what I know nothing about” I suddenly yelled out.

They turned to me.

“You are Gregory’s Achilles heel. You are the only one we can use against him right now, okay”, the guy who had replied me initially, mumbled.

Gosh! This was the actual reason I had always wanted to be so fierce and deadly, just so I could always defend myself, for I knew so many people would always want to get a hold of me, just to get back at Greg, owing to the kind of games he has been involved with.

Damnit! We were in the plane. If the kidnap had taken place right in front of the mansion, I bet I would have showed them my fighting skills.

“Your boyfriend kills without pity and mercy?”, the first guy came again.

“If you were to be put in his shoes, I bet you will do likewise”, I replied nonchalantly getting pissed already.

They both peered at me.

“He is the only Mafia King without a human heart. There was a time he killed a six year old boy, can you imagine that? The second guy said.

“Liar! Stop painting him black because you all are his rivals”, I screeched not wanting to believe them.

“Enough of the conversation”, he muttered bringing out a syringe.

I rolled my eyes in horror.

“What do you want to do with that?” I asked.

Instantly the other guy grabbed me, forcefully dragging my two hands to the back, I began struggling with him, but my little strength was no match with his.

“Time to get quiet Miss pretty”, he mumbled, and without a warning drove the syringe straight into my laps, I screamed but immediately went quiet as I felt weak and dizzy and soon, I closed my eyes.

…A Few Hours Later…

I couldn’t tell how many hours I slept, because I kept on waking up and falling back again into deep slumber, but at least, I was able to note that we were no longer on the plane.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty! We are home, I heard a voice snarled, and then chuckled.

I felt something unusual with me, it was as if I was floating in the air.

“Put me down”, I yelled as I realized it was one of the guys carrying me in a bridal style.

“Shut the fuck!” He sneered and quickly, I gave him a dose of my treatment, it was a tight bite on his chest and instantly, he put me down.

Then he stared intensely at me, and I looked away, who cares huh?

I watched the other guy got down the car and I quickly used my eyes to scan the environment.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

It was an ocean, no, a beach. It was a beach, a large ocean stood in front, and, the beach wasn’t filled with people like the type I see in the movies, it was empty!

“This way!”, the other man blurted and they both began leading me down to a little house that stood few metres away from the ocean.

Although the scenario was good but I couldn’t bring myself to admire anything knowing fully well I had been abducted.

As we walked along, I sighted some armed men around the area, just armed men.

We got to the house and I was led further into a room, which was made of fine wood painted all white with a touch of Procelaine wood used as a cupboard shelf.

The chairs were beautifully wrapped with velvet material giving the room a beautiful look.

“Stay here and let me get the boss”, the first guy growled existing the room.

I kept looking around if I could see a means to escape, but I found none.

Instantly, an elderly man walked in with the guy that had just left to get him.

“Greg has gotten himself a pretty lady huh?” He muttered with a snicker on his ugly looking face, walking towards me.

He looked middle aged, moderate in height with long curly hairs.

“I’m sure you know who your boyfriend truly is?” He said, making me wonder if it was a statement or a question, I replied anyway.

“What if I do?” I asked.

“You don’t talk to my boss that way?”, one of his boys yelled.

“You must be some stubborn freak huh?”, the boss muttered.

“Watch your words, mister.” I uttered fiercely.

“Hmm. Take her and tie her up by the tree, then release the dogs”, he commanded.

I widened my eyes in horror. What!

“Nah! You can’t do that to me!!” I cried.

“Why not huh? Your boyfriend killed and fed one of my best men to his dogs”, he smirked.

I immediately went weak.

“Please let me go. I have no single idea of what you are talking about”, I cried more.

“Save your tears for the worst, you are gonna need them when the worse comes”, he muttered coldly.

Two more of his men joined the others and they began dragging me out of the wooden house.

Good Lord! Why am I this unfortunate?

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