My Tool For Revenge (I bought her)


Yakuza’s POV


I was fuming in rage. Unending rage and anger surged through me, boiling in anger.

“Demolish the entire building”, I squalled angrily.

“No! Yakuza! Have pity, you can’t just demolish my restaurant. You know this is my only source of income”, Christa bawled agonizingly.

“Punk! Didn’t I warn you beforehand? You couldn’t keep to the deal by bringing the little girl to me”, I hallowed.

“Guys!!!” I raised up my hands and brought it down forcibly, signifying my men to go to work.

The ground shook vigorously due to the sounds of the powerful excavators as they got down to work.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No please! Don’t demolish my restaurant, I beg of you!” She whimpered, now kneeling before me as she cried on my toes.

I winced in more anger, this wouldn’t move me away from my decision, I was never going back on that. Never!

In anger, I kicked her in her abdomen and she screamed and roughly fell backwards.

I walked up to her and raised up my right leg, then brought it down on her chest, pressing her so tight and she screamed out in pain and agony.

“In your next life, don’t you ever play games you won’t gonna win”, I uttered, tightening the press on her chest.

She was about to say something but the blood gushing out of her mouth cut her short, as it gushed out like a tap.

It was night, and also the perfect time for all these.

The excavator finally got to the building and started demolishing the restaurant.

Author’s POV

Instantly the restaurant cracked up, as it collapsed roughly on the ground like a pack of cards.

So many half nude ladies ran out of the restaurant screaming in fright, likewise to so many men and women, even little kids who went to have a meal at the restaurant.

There were still some who couldn’t make it out on time, the building collapsed on them, and they all died, the few who made it out, were badly injured.

Christa watched with swollen and red eyes as her only source of livelyhood all crumbled before her.

Some of the people who had made it out alive all ran out of the gate, while others stood watching in awe, feeling pity for Aunt Christa who was crying uncontrollably.

At A Little Bungalow ?

A young pretty lady was seen sleeping or so to say, lieing down, with tears rolling down from the corner of her eyes.

She was restless as she rolled to and fro on her little bed. It seems as though she was having a deep dream.

“Arielle! Wait up for me!”

“No! Back off Greg!”

“Why? Let me come with you please!”

“No Greg! You will be nothing but a hindrance to me!”

“Tell the wealthy woman I am your twin bro, she might adopt me also!”

“No Greg! You would be an obstacle to me, go away from me! You have a heart disease and you are scheduled to die anytime soon”

“No, it’s not true! I know I’m sick but I won’t die now Arielle! Please!!”

“You are useless Greg”

“I’m not useless Arielle”

“You are! Isn’t it the reason mom and dad left us on the streets?”

“No, that is a flat lie”

“You think I’m lying huh! You are the reason our family splitted apart. At first dad left for another country to work for money for your deadly heart condition and what happened? He never returned after several years. Then Mom led us to the street and asked us to wait for her and never showed up! So who is faulty here? Go away from me! I hate you Greg!! I hate you!!!!!”

Instantly the sleeping lady woke up with a start, drenched in her sweat as she briskly sat up on her bed.

“I’m sorry Greg!! I’m so sorry!!” She uttered and bursted into tears.

This particular dream had been haunting her almost every night, since she got splitted from Greg.

She cried throughout the whole night, praying for Greg to forgive her.

Gianna’s POV

I can’t help but to be puzzled, I couldn’t believe Greg could pilot a plane.

I sat at the front seat with him as I watched him flew the plane.

I was scared at first, but later adjusted to it since he assured me that he was in control, besides, I knew that wasn’t his first time doing that.

I never knew when I dozed off, and that was all I could remember.

I flickered my eyelids open, adjusting to the bright blinding sun rays that reflected into the room.

I still didn’t wanted to wake up and so I closed back my eyes as I rolled on the bed smiling,

I couldn’t tell the exact place I was in. I could only perceive the sweet scents of vanilla, lavender and lemon.

I flickered my eyelids again and my long eyelashes quivered, and I opened my eyes slowly.

The first thing my eyes captured was the pure white ceiling that had a diamond chandelier in the middle.

“Huh! This isn’t the plane!” I mumbled stretching my muscles on the soft white mattress.

I sat up, eye scanning the room that was decorated in white without a stain.

“This looks exactly just like Greg’s bedroom back home” I thought.

Speaking of Greg, I wondered where he had gone to.

“I see you are awake baby”, Greg uttered as he shifted the curtains.

I was startled, I really hadn’t seen him standing there.

“How was your night love?” He asked and walked up to me.

“Sound!” I replied.

I watched as he walked gracefully towards me, with his hands in his pocket. His long lashes danced above his oval shape, black eyes shining as bright as the stars in the night sky when happy, and can hypnotize anyone that falls under his gaze, but could resemble black pools of fire when angry.

Handsome was always an understatement when it comes to Greg’s.

The lineament of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.

Ever since I met Greg, I never found or see any other man handsome anymore.

“You are gonna strip me naked with your alluring gaze baby!” He uttered in a flirty tone making me blush shyly.

I swallowed hard.

“I wasn’t staring at you”, I defended myself.

He narrowed.

“I have to punish you for lying”, he mumbled and sat beside me pulling me to lean on his chest. I chuckled softly.

“Where are we Greg? The room is quite cold, and when did we get off the plane?” I reeled out the questions.

“You were sleeping like some log of wood when I landed”, he teased.

My eyes widened in anxiety.

“Are we on the Island already?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes!” He replied.

I quickly jumped down from the bed and ran towards the glass window.

“OMG! I have always heard about this Island and read about it in several magazines. Oh! God knows I have always wished to be here but always shrug it off, knowing it was never going to be possible, but here I am today! All thanks to Greg!”, I wondered aloud happily.

From the glass window, I could view half of the island.

Beautiful and strong long coconut trees, the silky island shores, the resting chairs, the white sharp sands, the island waves were breathtaking.

“Let’s go have a swim Greg”, I beamed excitedly.

“Come eat first”, he urged, taking out a cigarette stick from its box and was about to light it.

I quickly rushed up to him and slapped it off from his hands.

“What have you done?” He asked eyeing at me.

“Not now Greg!” I mumbled, “it will do more harm than goo -“.

He quickly bent over and picked up the cigarette stick and lit it up, cutting me short.

Huh! My mouth fell open as I watched him. I guessed he wasn’t gonna change so easily. I reached out for the box of cigarettes that was on the bed, singled out a stick, put it in my mouth and then set to lit it up.

He abruptly turned to me.

“What the hell are you doing?” He questioned, his eyes glistening with confusion.

“Eating breakfast just like you”, I muttered.

He instantly dropped the cigarette on the ashes plate.

“Fine! Can we go down for breakfast?” He asked.

“Yes please”, I answered smiling inwardly, and then he lifted me up and took me to a moderate living room.

“Brother!” I heard a voice and I sharply turned to the direction the voice was coming from.

There and then, I saw a cute teenage boy of about sixteen years old with a natural gray hair that suits him so well.

“Hanuel!” Greg called instantly, putting me down.

“How was your sleep?” Greg asked him, unruffling his beautiful grey hair.

“Nice bro”, he replied, grinning as his deep dimples came into view.

“She is pretty bro”, he complimented me.

“Yeah, she is”, Greg replied, leading me to the dining table already set for two.

“I will be in my room then”, he announced and Greg nodded at him.

He left after flashing me a smile.

“Who owns this house? And who is that pretty boy?” I questioned Greg the minute we settled down to eat, trust me, I always loved asking questions.

“He is Hanuel! And I own the house,” he replied.

Hmph, he must have had so many properties, more that I do not know of.

“How about your family?” I asked him.

“Hanuel is the only family I have”, he replied passing me some vanilla, lavender.

“Thanks!” I uttered, already noticing how much he hates it each time I asked about his family.

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