My Unwanted Billionaire

13. Shopping

Another day at work, I place Mr. Jason’s coffee on his table when he speaks to me.

“Eleanor, pick up the card on the table,” He says, with his eyes glued to his laptop screen.

“Ok, sir,” I say, and do as he says. I pick up the card, and it’s a card for a boutique. Is he giving me this because he wants me to shop there? I already told him I won’t buy expensive clothes. I know he is arrogant, but I didn’t think he would force me to buy expensive clothes.

“During the weekend, visit that place and get yourself new clothes.”

“Alright, sir, thank you for the recommendation,” I say, even though I am not going to go to this place, but instead of arguing with him. I think it’s better to pretend like I took his advice so he would let the issue of my clothing choice slide.

“It’s not a recommendation; I want you to go there on Saturday and get good clothes for the polo match we are attending on Sunday. I can’t have my PA going anywhere with me looking like I don’t pay her well enough to buy good clothes.”

I understand my clothes are not the same quality as his, but he does not have to insult me. He does not have to put it in my face that he can afford high-quality clothes. It’s like this man wakes up every day and finds new ways to hurt me. If it’s not physical, it’s emotional. I hate him.

“Ok, sir,” I say, even though those are far from the words I wish to speak to him.

“Good, and also prepare for a meeting during lunchtime with Mr. Moretti.”

“Ok, sir,” I say before I walk out of his office.

I pray a day would come where I can tell Mr. Jason everything I wish to say to him.

I sit down on my chair by my desk, and I am about to start working when the phone rings. I just left his office; what could he possibly want.

“Yes, sir,” I say once I pick up the phone

“Come to my office.”

“Ok, sir,” I say and hang up. I stand up from my chair and walk to his office.

“What do you need, sir,” I say once I enter inside his office.

“I need you………….” The following words he says fades into the air as I take in the state he is in. Does this man know what his body does to me? I think he does because why would he call me to his office while he is shirtless. I hate him, but he is one damn sexy man. I think God is punishing me because why is someone like him gorgeous. The sun is also helping him punish me because what the sun is doing to his body makes me want to fan myself.

I don’t know what he poured on himself, but I am guessing coffee or water. He has a liquid on his stomach, actually not stomach because the only thing there is muscle. Well defined muscle that I am sure he worked hard for in the gym. As he tries to clean the liquid from his body, all this does is make his abs shine as the sun reflex on them. I don’t know how long I am staring until I hear Mr. Jason’s voice boom in my ear.


“Yes, sir,” I say, swallowing a lump that formed in my throat.

“I know I am attractive, but you don’t have to make it so obvious that you find my body appealing,” He says cockily.

I can’t believe he knows I find him attractive, but regardless he does not have to throw it in my face like that. I wish he had a potbelly; he won’t be so cocky and arrogant. He knows he is an attractive man; that’s why he is the way he is.

“Take my shirt and dry it,” He says, handing me the shirt.

“Ok, sir, I will be back shortly with your shirt dried,” I say, collecting the shirt from his hand and walk out of his office.

I don’t want him to accuse me of him catching a cold, so I quickly walk to the restroom. I run the part of the shirt that has the stain under cold water. I make sure to not let the water spread everywhere so the whole shirt won’t get wet. Once I have removed most of the stain, not all because while I was busy admiring him, the coffee stain was drying on his shirt. I walk over to the hot air-dryer to dry it. I spend like 10 minutes drying it. After 10 minutes or less, I touch the shirt, and it feels dry enough for me. I quickly go back to his office to give it to him.

I walk inside to find him still standing where I left him.

“Here you go, sir,” I say, handing him the shirt. He does not say anything and collects it from my hand. He puts it on, and I wait for him to say thank you, but instead, I see a frown on his face.

“This won’t do; I need a new shirt,” He says, looking at my handy work with disgust. I tried my best, so I don’t know why he acted like I didn’t even try. “You can leave; I will have Vivienne get me a new shirt.”

“Ok, sir,” I say and walk out of his office.

While at my desk working, I hear my phone ringing. I check and see it’s Evan calling. It’s been a while since I heard from him.

“Hello,” I say once I answer

“Hello, how are you doing?”

“I am good, you?”

“I am also good. I am close to your office. Do you want to grab lunch together”

“I would love to, Evan, but I have a lunch meeting today.”

“Oh, alright, maybe another time.”

“Yeah” I am about to hang up the phone but stop when he speaks

“How about this weekend, you won’t be working, and we could spend the whole day together.”

“I can’t; I have work.”

“Jason makes you work during the weekends.”

“Not really; he asked me to accompany him for a polo match on Sunday.”

“That’s Sunday; what of Saturday”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“I am going shopping for the outfit I will wear on Sunday, but I can see you afterward.”

“That would be great; see you Saturday then.”

“Bye,” I say and cut the call.

I am back home after spending the afternoon at the boutique Mr. Jason asked me to go to. The place has a lot of nice clothes for both genders. I think that’s where Mr. Jason buys his clothes. The stylist was a nice, easy-going person, so it was not difficult to work with her and find something for me to wear tomorrow. I was so happy Vivienne was not asked to come along with me.

“How was shopping?” Amber says, yawning while walking into the living room from her bedroom. She must have just woken up for the day. She works late at night at the club, so it’s expected that she sleeps during the day.

“It was nice, see what I got,” I say and pass her the shopping bag.

“It’s not the type of outfit I would wear, but it looks nice,” She says and removes the dress out of the shopping bag.

“Yeah,” I say, and a knock is heard at the door.

“Who is it?” Amber yells as she walks to the door. “What are you doing here?” Amber says once she opens the door. She sounds surprised to see whoever it is at the door.

“Amber, who is it,” I ask as I walk over to check who is at the door. I am also curious to see who made Amber surprised to see them. “Evan, you are here,” I say, smiling, once I see him standing outside the front porch.

“Hey Eleanor, are you ready to go?” He says, totally ignoring Amber. I think more like avoiding eye contact with her. She also looks everywhere but at him, and I wonder why.

“I hope you don’t mind; I need to change first. Amber, would you mind if he comes inside and wait for me to change?” I know they don’t like each other so I ask first and also it’s not my house. It would be rude to invite someone inside without asking her first.

“Sure, he can come in,” Amber says and walks back inside the house. This is unlike Amber; she did not insult him or refuse him from entering the house. Did something happen between them that I don’t know about?

“Thank you,” I say and open the door wider so that Evan can walk inside.

He walks in and takes a seat on the couch.

“I will be back shortly,” I say and run into Amber’s room to change.

While changing, I hear murmuring in the living room, and I wonder why. What could Amber and Evan be talking about that they don’t want me to hear? I place my ears on the door to try and hear their conversation but nothing. I think about opening the door a little but decided against it. Whatever they are talking about, I will find out sooner or later when Amber chooses to tell me.

Evans and I spend the evening together at a nice restaurant close to the beach. During our time together, any time I mentioned Amber, he behaved somehow. He will always take his eyes away from me and quickly change the subject so I could stop saying her name. It was, weird and when I asked him about it, he denied doing it. I wonder what happened between him and Amber.

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