Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!

Chapter 119


My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the battlefield unfold before my eyes. The clash of fangs and claws painted a chaotic tableau, yet my focus zeroed in on Xander, leading our pack with unwavering strength. Ethan, standing beside me, shared the intensity of the moment. Little did we know, it held a cruel surprise.

Suddenly, a sinister figure emerged from the shadows-a vampire wielding a gleaming blade. My breath caught as the moonlight revealed the malevolent intent etched on the vampire’s face. In that harrowing moment, time seemed to slow, with each beat of my heart echoing with ominous dread.

Ethan’s grip tightened on my arm, his instincts sensing the impending danger. I felt his fear intertwine with mine as we both witnessed the unfolding tragedy. The vampire approached Xander stealthily, a predator ready to strike its unsuspecting prey.

“No,” I whispered, the word catching in my throat. The impending doom hung in the air, thick with the scent of blood and the bitter taste of uncertainty.

Xander, engrossed in the battle with one of the rogues, remained oblivious to the imminent threat creeping behind him. My mind raced, torn between the desire to warn him and the paralyzing fear that any sudden movement might alert the vampire to our presence.

The blade gleamed maliciously as the vampire prepared to strike. A cold sweat dampened my palms, and the air grew heavier with every passing second. Ethan’s eyes widened, mirroring the dread etched across my face.

In a desperate attempt to avert the tragedy, my hand tightened around Ethan’s, signaling him to stay put. My eyes never left Xander, the man I loved and the leader of our pack, unaware of the danger that was coming his way.

The blade descended with a deadly grace, cutting through the howling and clashing of fangs and paws. Time resumed its natural pace, yet every fraction of a second felt like an eternity. The vampire’s strike was aimed directly at Xander’s back, a cowardly act that sought to exploit a moment of vulnerability.

“Xander!” I screamed, my voice erupting in a raw plea. As a surge of primal instinct propelled me forward, the surroundings became increasingly hazy. My heart pounded in my ears, drowning out the chaos of battle around me.

Ethan, torn between following me and the fear of drawing attention, hesitated for a moment before sprinting by my side. Together, we charged towards Xander, the impending tragedy etched in the tapestry of the battleground.

I sprinted toward Xander while letting out a primal roar as a surge of adrenaline ignited every fiber of my being. My instincts overrode reason, and my sole focus was on reaching him before the vampire’s blade could deliver its fatal blow.

Ethan, my steadfast companion, veered towards the vampire with unparalleled agility. In that pivotal moment, the world narrowed down to the dance of life and death-the intricate choreography of survival.

With a swift and determined motion, Ethan collided with the vampire, his strength evident in the fierce battle that ensued. The sunlight cast shadows upon their intertwined forms, and the clash of fangs and claws reverberated through that afternoon.

In the eerie aftermath of the skirmish, my eyes fell upon Xander. The world seemed to slow, every heartbeat echoing in the stillness of the clearing. The aftermath of the battle painted the landscape with a solemnity that matched the gravity of the moment.

Xander stood there, a lone Alpha bearing the weight of both leadership and the blade that had struck him. The sunlight peeking through every branch and leaf of the trees played upon his features, highlighting the determination etched in the lines of his face. But something was amiss-a subtle shift in his stance, a wince that betrayed the stoicism he attempted to maintain.

As our eyes locked, a shiver ran down my spine, and an unspoken understanding passed between us. His gaze, usually ablaze with confidence, now flickered with a vulnerability that struck deep. Blood stained the fabric of his shirt, a dark testimony to the wound hidden beneath.

“Xander,” I whispered, my voice catching in my throat as the scenario revealed the toll the battle had taken. The struggle to stand tall in the face of adversity, despite the invisible wound that gnawed at him, mirrored the challenges we faced as leaders.

A bead of crimson trickled from the corner of his mouth, a stark contrast against his pale skin. His eyes, windows to a soul unyielding, held mine with a mix of reassurance and the unspoken acknowledgment of the trials we faced.

The need to get to him quickly guided my movements. With each stride, I closed the distance, my hand instinctively reaching out to touch his shoulder. The warmth beneath my fingertips clashed with the chilling reality of his injury.

“Xander,” I repeated a knot tightening in my chest. His attempt at a reassuring smile faltered, and for a fleeting moment, the façade of invincibility crumbled. He tried to stand tall, to be the Alpha who shielded his pack from harm, but the strain etched on his face betrayed the pain he endured.

“Chas,” he said, a whisper laced with the grit of determination. The afternoon sun bathed us in its ethereal glow, a poignant backdrop to a scene that transcended the physical realm. In the quietude of that moment, our bond held steady, a lifeline anchoring us in a sea of uncertainties.

I steadied him, our eyes locked in silent communion. Together, we stood, Alpha and Luna, confronting the wounds-both seen and unseen-that marked the path we walked. I held him in my arms and felt his head on my shoulder. I wanted to cry and howl to my heart’s content as I started to hear his fading heartbeat.

“I love you so much, Chas.” I heard him say,

“Yes, I know, and I love you too. Don’t talk, just let me handle this, huh?” I said in a low voice, trying to be strong even though deep inside I felt broken.

I looked for Ethan and found him locked in a fierce struggle, holding his own against the vampire. The battleground had become a canvas for the age-old dance of predators, each move calculated, each strike a testament to survival.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I saw him leaping into the fray, his form colliding with the vampire. The force of their impact sent them tumbling through the clearing. Fangs flashed, claws raked through the air, and the primal symphony of combat echoed around them.

Ethan’s relentless determination prevailed. With a powerful surge, he overcame the vampire, a triumphant snarl escaping him as he dealt the final blow. As the sun started to descend, witnessing the struggle between life and death, he sighed in quiet relief. Then he took charge, as I didn’t leave Xander’s side. I looked at the rogue he was facing earlier, and out of anger, I put Xander’s body down, and maybe he didn’t expect it. I lunged at him and took his life in an instant.

I went back to Xander and tried to wake him up. I know that everyone felt what had happened to him as the rogues started to retreat. In no time, Alex was beside him. “Chassy,” he said in a low voice. And that’s the time when I couldn’t help it anymore. My tears cut down my cheeks, and a howl of agony caused by the loss of my mate filled the entire pack. Ethan followed, and then the rest.

Time stood still as I cradled Xander’s lifeless form in my arms. The early moon above, witness to the tragedy, offered no solace. His body, once vibrant with strength and leadership, now lay limp, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life.

A wail of grief echoed through the night, emanating not just from my lips but from the hearts of every pack member who felt the loss. The air itself seemed to shudder with the weight of our collective sorrow, mourning the departure of an Alpha who had guided us through tumultuous times.

Tears blurred my vision as I clung to Xander’s still form. The hands that had once wielded strength and protection now lay cold and motionless. His eyes, once ablaze with determination, now stared into the infinite unknown, leaving behind an indescribable void.

The pack, once a tapestry woven by the threads of our shared journey, now bore a fracture that rippled through its very core. Each heartbeat resonated with grief, an ache that reverberated through the bonds we had forged under Xander’s leadership.

At that moment, as Luna walked to the fallen Alpha, I felt a depth of pain that transcended the boundaries of the physical realm. The moon above, an eternal witness to the ebb and flow of life, seemed to dim as if mourning the loss of a guardian who had stood beneath its silvery glow.

The pack gathered, their eyes reflecting the sorrow etched on my face. Xander’s Beta, warriors, and even the youngest pups all shared in the collective grief. An agonizing void had taken the place of the unity we had cherished and the strength we had derived from the Alpha at our helm.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The howls that once harmonized in a symphony of unity now rose as plaintive cries, carrying our sorrow into the night. The members of the Red Moon Pack, united by bonds that went beyond blood, lamented the loss of a leader who had grown to be the lifeblood of our community.

The den, once a haven pulsating with life, now echoed with a somber melody. Xander’s legacy, woven into the very fabric of our pack, lived on in the memories and teachings he had imparted. But his tangible absence-the void left by his departure-cast a shadow that dimmed even the brightest stars.

As Alpha, he had stood as a pillar of strength, guiding us through storms and ensuring our survival. His loss was not just a personal grief but a seismic shift that redefined the landscape of our pack dynamics.

Through the haze of tears, I gazed at the faces of my pack-a family united in mourning. Their pain mirrored my own, each heartache a testament to the impact Xander had on our lives. The moon, its luminosity undiminished, bore witness to the enduring legacy of an Alpha who had led with heart and soul.

In that solemn moment, as the pack mourned its fallen leader, we were left to grapple with the void he had left behind. The den, once filled with the resonance of his howls, now echoed in the silence of his absence.

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