Not One, But Two!

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Then, Victoria's words replayed in Sasha's head.

She was surprised that Victoria abhorred Abigail so much that that woman wanted her to drive Abigail away. But now that Greg was shielding Abigail, how should she make her move?

She would have to think long and hard about it.

At that, Sasha fell into deep thought.

Meanwhile, back in the red-light district, more than an hour had passed when Abigail finally rose. As soon as she opened her eyes, she sensed that she was in someone's arms, and the rhythmic thumps of strong heartbeats reverberating in her ears made her feel exceptionally safe.

She wanted to get up, but just as she shifted, Greg woke up.

"You're up? Are you hungry? Have a little something," he said with a hint of drowsiness.

Sure enough, she felt hungry at once.

As if anyone wouldn't feel hungry after such an intense 'workout'! However, she still asked, "Aren't we going to my dad's for dinner?"

"You think you'll have an appetite there?" Greg grazed her nose as he asked, affectionately doting.

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Of course, she wouldn't be able to eat!

She would've already lost all appetite just seeing Philip, Sasha, and Emma's revolting faces.

"Then why did you tell me to call Philip and say we're going over for dinner?"

"I just wanted to mess with him. What law dictates that I have to eat whatever they cooked?"

Abigail genuinely was at a loss for words at his scoundrel behavior now. However, she knew he was only acting so because of her, or he wouldn't even waste his time entertaining Philip.

"Thank you."

Her thanks, however, surprised Greg a little.

"Don't be silly. C'mon, get up and get dressed. I'll have them bring the food in. We'll go to your dad's after we're done eating."

At that, he handed her the clothes he had prepared earlier.

In actuality, Abigail didn't want to prosecute some matters. After all, the damage had been done. Even if she pressed on, the damage wouldn't be alleviated. Plus, she had her two girls now, so she didn't like trouble. If choosing to let things go could have her free from the Kains' troubles, she didn't mind dropping them.

After all, her girls were more important to her.

However, Greg was the one who didn't want to let things go now. Suddenly, Abigail thought a sliver of light had shed on her bleak life, illuminating and warming her.

She took the clothes and got dressed in front of him. No reason for her to act bashful; they had rolled in bed after all. So what if he ogled.

Greg's throat, on the other hand, felt parched, but he dared not have another go at Abigail again.

He got out of bed hurriedly and headed out with a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

"Jeb, bring the food in."

"Yes, Sir."

Jeb had the chef push the food trolley inside.

Steak?! Honestly, Abigail was certain she could swallow a whole cow right now. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

She was famished.

She walked over and took a seat. Meanwhile, Greg poured two glasses of red wine from the decanter, then placed one of them in front of her.

"Lafite '86. Give it a taste. It's not as good as the '82, but it's still nice. I've had them decant it for over an hour. Take a sip."

To be honest, Abigail didn't know how to taste wine.

She grew up neglected.

As a child, she never got any love from her parents, and when she grew up, she was forced to leave home because of Sasha's plots. Then, in her five years abroad, for the sake of her twins, her survival, and her job, she didn't have much time or opportunity to drink liquor.

So when Greg placed the red wine before her for her to try, she was actually a little freaked out. However, she didn't let it show.

She took a sip under his watchful gaze.

"What do you think?" He looked expectantly at her.

She felt a tinge of dry bitterness tingling her taste buds at first, then a whiff of alcoholic fragrance streamed down her throat and into her belly.

As for how it tasted, she couldn't express it.

However, Greg's expectant gaze was still on her, making her a little bummed.

She had never thought she was unworthy of him, even thinking she was living better than anyone else. But now, she realized their gap.

Despite being a gangster, reckless, and brash, he was like a nobleman. His social circle, the food he ate, and even his lifestyle were leagues above her.

If it weren't for her girls, she wouldn't have even spent a fortune to build a mansion.

All that mattered to her was that she had food to eat and the means to survive. She never gave too much thought or attention to anything else.

So now, when he asked what she thought about the wine, she really didn't know how to answer.

At that, Abigail said stiffly, "I've never had Lafite '86 before, so I can't tell. More accurately, I've never really had red wine before or even drank any alcohol. So I really can't tell if it's good or bad."

Her gaze was honest and lucid, and she seemed to be just briefly narrating, not at all feeling inferior because of it.

Greg was taken aback.

It had clearly exceeded his expectations.

It then hit him how Abigail was treated in her family and how she had lived in the past five years.

For a moment, he wanted to beat himself up.

He took the glass of red wine from her and said, "Actually, it's not something worth drinking anyway. It's nice that you don't drink."

Then, he sat somewhat awkwardly across from her. As he held his cutleries, he took a pause before asking, "Do you like steak?"

Actually, he wanted to ask if she enjoyed steak, but he worried that he would hurt her pride again.

Though she had explained herself with perfect calmness and honesty, Greg felt absolutely terrible.

Sensing his mindfulness, Abigail smiled. "I have had steak before."

With that, she picked up her cutleries and cut up the steak.

"Let me do it."

He then cut the steak in front of him into bite-size pieces before pushing the plate to her.

"You must be hungry. Go on, eat."

As he spoke, he took her plate over and continued cutting.

His movements were elegant, like a nobleman.

For the first time, she thought his slender fingers were incredibly good-looking, and how he looked when he was cutting up the steak was even more ravishing.

This man sure looked like he could be on The Sexiest Man Alive cover.

Sensing Abigail's stare, Greg looked up and asked with a smile, "What is it?"

"Nothing, I just thought you looked good enough to eat."

And then, she froze.

Did she just hit on Greg?!

Greg was taken aback as well, but very quickly, he smiled smugly. "Of course. I have the looks to die for."

"Narcissist." Abigail chuckled under her breath at that, then began eating.

In honesty, Greg wanted to drink the red wine, but it wasn't nice of him to do so when he remembered Abigail didn't know how to drink. So he just left it aside.

A bottle of Lafite '86 wasn't cheap. The wine in the decanter itself was already worth a good few tens of thousands. What a shame that Greg cast it aside without even giving it a glance and ate away with Abigail.

The couple said nothing more and focused on their plate. However, a sense of life-long tranquility filled the atmosphere for some reason.

After they were done eating, Greg ordered his men to clear the table before getting dressed and heading out of the private room with Abigail.

It was only then she realized why their surroundings were so silent.

They were on the top floor, which was solely Greg's. Naturally, no one dared to come up.

When Greg escorted Abigail out, everyone who saw her would greet her as Ma'am.

Self-conscious, she asked, "They shouldn't call me like that, should they?"

"Why shouldn't they? You're already mine. Don't tell me you want to deny it." Greg sounded utterly aggrieved.

At that, she said nothing more.

Downstairs, there was a karaoke bar, a gym, and an entertainment area.

Abigail had thought he would escort her straight out of the building, but who would have thought he told the manager to gather all the staff around? Then, he personally grabbed a chair for her to sit in before announcing, "Everyone, take a good look. This is Abigail Kain, my woman, your Ma'am. In the future, whether I'm around or not, her words are mine. Understand?"

However, no one said anything.

Jeb frowned slightly, then cleared his throat. "Mr. Buckley, a weak woman like her should just stay at home. She shouldn't be wandering in this part of the town for no reason. After all, it's not safe here. Besides, we all have a lot to deal with. We probably can't and don't have the time to constantly look after her."

Abigail got the gist of what scarface was trying to say. He despised her.

Greg already introduced her as their Ma'am, but this guy wouldn't even address her so. However, he chose not to humiliate her in front of Greg.

Nevertheless, his words still displeased her somewhat.

She loved Greg, and she only came to say hi because these men were like brothers to him, but it didn't mean she would lower her status to humor them.

Her face turned cold.

Meanwhile, Greg gave Jeb a solid kick.

Caught off guard, Jeb dropped to the ground.

Jeb was Greg's best right-hand man and, even more so, the club's underboss. No matter how displeased Greg usually got, he never used his fists. But this time, he kicked Jeb without a word.

Not only that, the kick was merciless. For a long while, Jeb stayed on the ground, his face pale and cold sweat dripping down profusely.

"Remember your place, Jeb! How dare you speak to my woman like that? What do you mean by 'you can't and don't have time to look after her'? If you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me. What? Are you thinking because you've thrived over the years here, you can now surpass me and make a living away from here, huh?"

Greg's expression was horrifyingly grim, and his words rendered Jeb terror-stricken.

"Mr. Buckley, I have no intentions of being disloyal. I just…"

Greg's coercion exploded instantly. "Disrespecting her is being disloyal to me. Stay if you think you can. If not, f*ck off! Don't assume I can't do anything without you. I know exactly who among you all are loyal to me. But if any of you think you can trample over my woman just because you're my man, then you better think otherwise. None of you have the right to question my woman! No matter what she's like, she will be your Ma'am as long as I like her! Even if she's powerless or incompetent, she's someone you should respect deeply. Have I made myself clear?"

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