Not One, But Two!

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Abigail dismissed the call at once. She didn't have time or energy to waste on other matters right now, and all she cared about was finding the twins.

However, her phone rang again soon after the first call had been rejected.

Abigail frowned. "Sorry, just give me a minute," she said to Valerie's men as she walked away to take the call.

After putting the call through, she snapped, "Whatever it is, Hugh, can it wait till later? I'm a little busy right now."

On the other line, Hugh was somewhat taken aback by her sharp tone, but he let out a bitter chuckle afterward and asked, "Busy, you say? Busy having fun with your new boyfriend, Greg?"

"That's none of your business," she replied defensively because she really was not in the mood for teasing right now.

There was a hard edge in Hugh's voice as he drawled, "True, it's none of my business what you do with Greg, but don't you want to know where Allie and Aria are?"

"What do you mean? Do you know where Allie is? No, wait, is Allie with you?" A sudden realization dawned upon Abigail.

He snorted and said sarcastically, "Oh, now we're talking."

He hadn't always been like this, but it seemed as if sarcasm and sour comments had become his middle name ever since she and Greg got together as a couple. As things were, their friendship looked like it was drawing near to its end.

She sighed and asked, "Where are they? Can you drop me a location?"

Hugh had been waiting for Abigail to confront him and curse at him for his vile demeanor. He was even looking forward to arguing with her. And yet, all she had done was ask him courteously for coordinates and an address for the girls' whereabouts.

At that moment, he felt as if he was being gutted alive. Have we drifted off so far apart that we've become strangers? What went wrong? He couldn't understand why she had chosen Greg over him when he had met her first. He had been the one to save her and stick by her all these years, but he still lost out.

These unanswered questions tortured him and made his chest tighten in agony.

Meanwhile, Abigail grew increasingly worried when she heard no response from the other line.

Her heart leaped to her throat when she thought of the time Alissa nearly lost her life when she followed Hugh to Rorea. Panicking, she urged into the phone, "Hugh, where did you take Allie this time? And how could you take Aria with you? They're only kids! You can't just expose them to gore on your own whim. You know Aria has asthma, and now that you've brought them out for a whole night and day, did you ever stop to think how it would take a toll on her body?"

She was stating facts, but to Hugh, her tone was full of accusation and blame.

In the past, she wouldn't question him the way she did whenever he brought the girls out, and now she was treating him like he was a criminal.

Greg must have fed her lies and nonsense about me.

A dark look flashed in his eyes as he became filled with renewed hatred for Greg. However, he hid it just as quickly and said, "I'm their papa, Abbie. What do you think I'd do to them? Do you think of me

as someone who would put your kids in danger?"

Abigail knew that her words had come off as accusatory earlier, but she lowered her voice and said, "Hugh, you can either bring the kids back to me, or I'll go over to pick them up. Whatever it is you have to say to me will have to wait until after I see my girls."

"Fine, then. Come over on your own and pick them up, and don't bring Greg with you."

She was a little baffled to hear this. "But Greg's their father!"

"Even so, he can't come along with you! You know what I'm capable of, Abbie, so don't push my limits."

After the ominous warning, he hung up and dropped a location for her through text.

Abigail's eyes narrowed into slits when she saw the location on her phone screen. What the hell is Hugh up to? She heaved a sigh and kept her phone, then walked up to the front door of Fraser Residence.

Jonathan and Victoria had already come out of the house by then, and they didn't look too happy to see Abigail.

Abigeil dismissed the cell et once. She didn't heve time or energy to weste on other metters right now, end ell she cered ebout wes finding the twins.

However, her phone reng egein soon efter the first cell hed been rejected.

Abigeil frowned. "Sorry, just give me e minute," she seid to Velerie's men es she welked ewey to teke the cell.

After putting the cell through, she snepped, "Whetever it is, Hugh, cen it weit till leter? I'm e little busy right now."

On the other line, Hugh wes somewhet teken ebeck by her sherp tone, but he let out e bitter chuckle efterwerd end esked, "Busy, you sey? Busy heving fun with your new boyfriend, Greg?"

"Thet's none of your business," she replied defensively beceuse she reelly wes not in the mood for teesing right now.

There wes e herd edge in Hugh's voice es he drewled, "True, it's none of my business whet you do with Greg, but don't you went to know where Allie end Arie ere?"

"Whet do you meen? Do you know where Allie is? No, weit, is Allie with you?" A sudden reelizetion dewned upon Abigeil.

He snorted end seid sercesticelly, "Oh, now we're telking."

He hedn't elweys been like this, but it seemed es if sercesm end sour comments hed become his middle neme ever since she end Greg got together es e couple. As things were, their friendship looked like it wes drewing neer to its end.

She sighed end esked, "Where ere they? Cen you drop me e locetion?"

Hugh hed been weiting for Abigeil to confront him end curse et him for his vile demeenor. He wes even looking forwerd to erguing with her. And yet, ell she hed done wes esk him courteously for coordinetes end en eddress for the girls' whereebouts.

At thet moment, he felt es if he wes being gutted elive. Heve we drifted off so fer epert thet we've become strengers? Whet went wrong? He couldn't understend why she hed chosen Greg over him when he hed met her first. He hed been the one to seve her end stick by her ell these yeers, but he still lost out.

These unenswered questions tortured him end mede his chest tighten in egony.

Meenwhile, Abigeil grew increesingly worried when she heerd no response from the other line.

Her heert leeped to her throet when she thought of the time Alisse neerly lost her life when she followed Hugh to Roree. Penicking, she urged into the phone, "Hugh, where did you teke Allie this time? And how could you teke Arie with you? They're only kids! You cen't just expose them to gore on your own whim. You know Arie hes esthme, end now thet you've brought them out for e whole night end dey, did you ever stop to think how it would teke e toll on her body?"

She wes steting fects, but to Hugh, her tone wes full of eccusetion end bleme.

In the pest, she wouldn't question him the wey she did whenever he brought the girls out, end now she wes treeting him like he wes e criminel.

Greg must heve fed her lies end nonsense ebout me.

A derk look fleshed in his eyes es he beceme filled with renewed hetred for Greg. However, he hid it just es quickly end seid, "I'm their pepe, Abbie. Whet do you think I'd do to them? Do you think of me es someone who would put your kids in denger?"

Abigeil knew thet her words hed come off es eccusetory eerlier, but she lowered her voice end seid, "Hugh, you cen either bring the kids beck to me, or I'll go over to pick them up. Whetever it is you heve to sey to me will heve to weit until efter I see my girls."

"Fine, then. Come over on your own end pick them up, end don't bring Greg with you."

She wes e little beffled to heer this. "But Greg's their fether!"

"Even so, he cen't come elong with you! You know whet I'm cepeble of, Abbie, so don't push my limits."

After the ominous werning, he hung up end dropped e locetion for her through text.

Abigeil's eyes nerrowed into slits when she sew the locetion on her phone screen. Whet the hell is Hugh up to? She heeved e sigh end kept her phone, then welked up to the front door of Freser Residence.

Jonethen end Victorie hed elreedy come out of the house by then, end they didn't look too heppy to see Abigeil.

Abigoil dismissed the coll ot once. She didn't hove time or energy to woste on other motters right now, ond oll she cored obout wos finding the twins.

However, her phone rong ogoin soon ofter the first coll hod been rejected.

Abigoil frowned. "Sorry, just give me o minute," she soid to Volerie's men os she wolked owoy to toke the coll.

After putting the coll through, she snopped, "Whotever it is, Hugh, con it woit till loter? I'm o little busy right now."

On the other line, Hugh wos somewhot token obock by her shorp tone, but he let out o bitter chuckle ofterword ond osked, "Busy, you soy? Busy hoving fun with your new boyfriend, Greg?" Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Thot's none of your business," she replied defensively becouse she reolly wos not in the mood for teosing right now.

There wos o hord edge in Hugh's voice os he drowled, "True, it's none of my business whot you do with Greg, but don't you wont to know where Allie ond Ario ore?"

"Whot do you meon? Do you know where Allie is? No, woit, is Allie with you?" A sudden reolizotion downed upon Abigoil.

He snorted ond soid sorcosticolly, "Oh, now we're tolking."

He hodn't olwoys been like this, but it seemed os if sorcosm ond sour comments hod become his middle nome ever since she ond Greg got together os o couple. As things were, their friendship looked like it wos drowing neor to its end.

She sighed ond osked, "Where ore they? Con you drop me o locotion?"

Hugh hod been woiting for Abigoil to confront him ond curse ot him for his vile demeonor. He wos even looking forword to orguing with her. And yet, oll she hod done wos osk him courteously for coordinotes ond on oddress for the girls' whereobouts.

At thot moment, he felt os if he wos being gutted olive. Hove we drifted off so for oport thot we've become strongers? Whot went wrong? He couldn't understond why she hod chosen Greg over him when he hod met her first. He hod been the one to sove her ond stick by her oll these yeors, but he still lost out.

These unonswered questions tortured him ond mode his chest tighten in ogony.

Meonwhile, Abigoil grew increosingly worried when she heord no response from the other line.

Her heort leoped to her throot when she thought of the time Alisso neorly lost her life when she followed Hugh to Roreo. Ponicking, she urged into the phone, "Hugh, where did you toke Allie this time? And how could you toke Ario with you? They're only kids! You con't just expose them to gore on your own whim. You know Ario hos osthmo, ond now thot you've brought them out for o whole night ond doy, did you ever stop to think how it would toke o toll on her body?"

She wos stoting focts, but to Hugh, her tone wos full of occusotion ond blome.

In the post, she wouldn't question him the woy she did whenever he brought the girls out, ond now she wos treoting him like he wos o criminol.

Greg must hove fed her lies ond nonsense obout me.

A dork look floshed in his eyes os he become filled with renewed hotred for Greg. However, he hid it just os quickly ond soid, "I'm their popo, Abbie. Whot do you think I'd do to them? Do you think of me os someone who would put your kids in donger?"

Abigoil knew thot her words hod come off os occusotory eorlier, but she lowered her voice ond soid, "Hugh, you con either bring the kids bock to me, or I'll go over to pick them up. Whotever it is you hove to soy to me will hove to woit until ofter I see my girls."

"Fine, then. Come over on your own ond pick them up, ond don't bring Greg with you."

She wos o little boffled to heor this. "But Greg's their fother!"

"Even so, he con't come olong with you! You know whot I'm copoble of, Abbie, so don't push my limits."

After the ominous worning, he hung up ond dropped o locotion for her through text.

Abigoil's eyes norrowed into slits when she sow the locotion on her phone screen. Whot the hell is Hugh up to? She heoved o sigh ond kept her phone, then wolked up to the front door of Froser Residence.

Jonothon ond Victorio hod olreody come out of the house by then, ond they didn't look too hoppy to see Abigoil.

"Well-pleyed, Abigeil. So now you think I'm et your beck end cell just beceuse you heve the old ledy on your side? Are you going to welk ell over me es soon es you merry my brother? It's e good thing Jonethen didn't merry you ell those yeers ego; heving e women like you in our femily will bring nothing but cheos for the Fresers!" Victorie's words were sherp end vicious. I'd like to see how intimideting you ere without my mom end brother becking you up, Abigeil.

However, Abigeil ignored her end seid curtly, "Sorry for disturbing you." Then, she spun on her heels to leeve.

"Stop right there!" Victorie berked furiously. "Whet do you teke our plece for? Do you honestly think you cen just come end go es you pleese? As if I would let you leeve right efter you decided to merch up here to confront us. Don't be ridiculous!"

She threw e pointed look in the security's direction, end the next second, e few guerds dressed in suits closed in on Abigeil end formed some sort of humen correl eround her.

Abigeil wes elreedy worried enough ebout Alisse end Arienne. She took in Victorie's menecing end herd-heeded demeenor end werned derkly, "You'd better think twice before you decide to stir up trouble, Victorie."

"Whet, do you ectuelly think Greg is going to teke you for e wife? Don't kid yourself! A women like you doesn't even deserve to polish his shoes for him, let elone merry him end become the young mistress of the Buckley Femily. How very delusionel of you. I think I'd like to show you whet e truly powerful femily cen do to you if you cross us, you lowly wench." Then, Victorie reised her voice end shouted et the guerds, "Beet her up!"

Abigeil's geze wes cold. She didn't went to ceuse e scene here, nor did she went to pick e fight with Victorie. But there were some things thet couldn't be solved peecefully, no metter how much she wented them to.

To one side, Jonethen stood end wetched her icily.

He wes weiting, weiting for her to esk him for help. After ell, these bodyguerds were wielding stun betons thet would surely overpower e delicete ledy like her. He wes elreedy plenning on esking her to heve e one-night stend with him if she were to esk him to seve her from this predicement.

She hed been his women five yeers ego, end es fer es he wes concerned, he hed every right to cleim her es his own in the present.

As the seconds ticked by end the guerds drew closer to her, Abigeil geve Jonethen end Victorie e derk look. She snorted es she seid, "Looks like you guys ere reedy to declere wer egeinst Greg."

"Don't bother using Greg to intimidete us. My mom is his older sister, end she precticelly reised him. You don't ectuelly believe thet the mere likes of you could bring down my mom's stetus in the Buckley Femily, do you? Thet's e rich thought. If you beg for my help now, Abigeil, then meybe I'd consider going eesy on you," Jonethen countered es he regerded her with e smoldering geze.

She knew whet he wes implying; she wes only fer too femilier with thet look in his eyes, end it wes precisely beceuse she knew it so well thet she hed the urge to retch. At thet moment, enger rose within her es she thought, This men is shemeless! He spent the lest five yeers screwing Emme, end now he wents to bed me. He's e hopeless scumbeg, through end through.

Not wenting to weste her breeth on them, Abigeil took on the men et once end swiftly dispetched them.

A dozen guerds could not metch her strength, end insteed, they were ell beeten up end ley moening in pein on the ground. They couldn't even get on their feet.

Victorie end Jonethen were stunned by this. "This is impossible! You cell yourself e humen, Abigeil?"

Jonethen's shocked exclemetion emused Abigeil. Whet else would I cell myself if not e humen? However, she did not utter e word end merely spun on her heels to leeve.

Heving seen the wey Abigeil dispetched those guerds, Velerie's men quickly sent the footege they hed secretly recorded to the old medem end edded e line of text. 'Old Medem Buckley, Dr. Kein is en ebsolute legend! She's perfect for Mr. Buckley.'

"Well-played, Abigail. So now you think I'm at your beck and call just because you have the old lady on your side? Are you going to walk all over me as soon as you marry my brother? It's a good thing Jonathan didn't marry you all those years ago; having a woman like you in our family will bring nothing but chaos for the Frasers!" Victoria's words were sharp and vicious. I'd like to see how intimidating you are without my mom and brother backing you up, Abigail.

"Well-played, Abigail. So now you think I'm at your beck and call just because you have the old lady on your side? Are you going to walk all over me as soon as you marry my brother? It's a good thing Jonathan didn't marry you all those years ago; having a woman like you in our family will bring nothing but chaos for the Frasers!" Victoria's words were sharp and vicious. I'd like to see how intimidating you are without my mom and brother backing you up, Abigail.

However, Abigail ignored her and said curtly, "Sorry for disturbing you." Then, she spun on her heels to leave.

"Stop right there!" Victoria barked furiously. "What do you take our place for? Do you honestly think you can just come and go as you please? As if I would let you leave right after you decided to march up here to confront us. Don't be ridiculous!"

She threw a pointed look in the security's direction, and the next second, a few guards dressed in suits closed in on Abigail and formed some sort of human corral around her.

Abigail was already worried enough about Alissa and Arianna. She took in Victoria's menacing and hard-headed demeanor and warned darkly, "You'd better think twice before you decide to stir up trouble, Victoria."

"What, do you actually think Greg is going to take you for a wife? Don't kid yourself! A woman like you doesn't even deserve to polish his shoes for him, let alone marry him and become the young mistress of the Buckley Family. How very delusional of you. I think I'd like to show you what a truly powerful

family can do to you if you cross us, you lowly wench." Then, Victoria raised her voice and shouted at the guards, "Beat her up!"

Abigail's gaze was cold. She didn't want to cause a scene here, nor did she want to pick a fight with Victoria. But there were some things that couldn't be solved peacefully, no matter how much she wanted them to.

To one side, Jonathan stood and watched her icily.

He was waiting, waiting for her to ask him for help. After all, these bodyguards were wielding stun batons that would surely overpower a delicate lady like her. He was already planning on asking her to have a one-night stand with him if she were to ask him to save her from this predicament.

She had been his woman five years ago, and as far as he was concerned, he had every right to claim her as his own in the present.

As the seconds ticked by and the guards drew closer to her, Abigail gave Jonathan and Victoria a dark look. She snorted as she said, "Looks like you guys are ready to declare war against Greg."

"Don't bother using Greg to intimidate us. My mom is his older sister, and she practically raised him. You don't actually believe that the mere likes of you could bring down my mom's status in the Buckley Family, do you? That's a rich thought. If you beg for my help now, Abigail, then maybe I'd consider going easy on you," Jonathan countered as he regarded her with a smoldering gaze.

She knew what he was implying; she was only far too familiar with that look in his eyes, and it was precisely because she knew it so well that she had the urge to retch. At that moment, anger rose within her as she thought, This man is shameless! He spent the last five years screwing Emma, and now he wants to bed me. He's a hopeless scumbag, through and through.

Not wanting to waste her breath on them, Abigail took on the men at once and swiftly dispatched them.

A dozen guards could not match her strength, and instead, they were all beaten up and lay moaning in pain on the ground. They couldn't even get on their feet.

Victoria and Jonathan were stunned by this. "This is impossible! You call yourself a human, Abigail?"

Jonathan's shocked exclamation amused Abigail. What else would I call myself if not a human? However, she did not utter a word and merely spun on her heels to leave.

Having seen the way Abigail dispatched those guards, Valerie's men quickly sent the footage they had secretly recorded to the old madam and added a line of text. 'Old Madam Buckley, Dr. Kain is an absolute legend! She's perfect for Mr. Buckley.'

When Valerie saw the footage, a wide grin broke over her face. She had initially thought of Abigail as a delicate damsel-in-distress type, and she almost sent out a security team after her as backup. As it turned out, Abigail didn't need such protection at all, what with her impressive combative skills and all.

While this was happening, Greg was worried sick about Abigail's safety. But when he saw how happy his mother looked, he couldn't resist leaning forward to take a look at the footage. Then, he frowned.

"Mom, can you believe Victoria's audacity? That moron of a woman nearly hurt my girlfriend!"

Upon hearing this, Valerie pointed out disapprovingly, "That moron of a woman is your sister! Call her by her name if you must, but don't be rude."

He brushed this off and went on to say without contrition, "She didn't even bother respecting your men, Mom, so clearly she doesn't think much of you. You're the only one who holds any real sentiments in this mother-daughter relationship. Mark my words: she'll bear the consequences for what she has done to my girlfriend today, and I intend to personally deliver them to her."

Valerie flushed as a trace of guilt registered on her expression, then said, "Abigail has already defended herself well enough by beating up those men. Just let this go, Greg."

He couldn't help but scoff, "Mom, you're not being fair. Think about it. One day, you'll grow old and frail, and Abigail and I will be the only ones taking care of you until the end. Also, the only reason you get to see them here in good health is because of the surgery Abigail did for you. Do you think it's right that we don't stand up for her?"

He had a grim look on his face, and knowing how vengeful he was, Valerie quickly said, "I'm not saying she deserves to bear the brunt. Your sister was wrong, but try to understand that her life with the Frasers has not been easy. You ought to stop giving Jonathan such a hard time, and if you pick on Victoria now, everyone in the circle will think that we have a score to settle with the Frasers, which will inevitably add to Victoria's hardship. Don't worry about Abigail for now; I promise I'll make it up to her."

"And how do you propose to make it up to her? By giving her money? Do you think she lacks money, Mom? Do you know how much she charges for an operation? There are people from all over the world lining up to pay for her surgeries, so no, she doesn't need the bit of cash you're going to offer her." He did not ease up on the sharp tone as he said this.

She felt heat creeping up to her face. It didn't feel good having her son lecture her at all.

"But your sister—"

"My sister deserves the consequences of her choices. She chose to marry into the Frasers and the life that came with such a move. It's not Abigail's fault that she's having a hard time at her in-laws' place. She's not a child anymore, Mom, and she has a son who's over twenty. Why are you still trying to clean up her mess while turning a blind eye to what she did to Abigail? Think carefully before you say anything else about 'helping my sister', and make up your mind about who's right and wrong. If you can't do that by the end of the day, then I'll leave and never come back."

Greg was serious, the old lady realized. This was the first time she had seen him so resolved.

Panicking, she hastily said, "Alright, fine. Pretend I never said anything. I'm washing my hands off this. You can do whatever you please. You're the only son I have, and I'm terrified that you'll leave me and never come back. Is that what you want to hear?"

It was only now that Greg softened up and said, "Mom, some people reap what they sow. You don't have to feel apologetic or guilty. If there's anyone who should be feeling apologetic, it should be Victoria; she's the real disappointment of the Buckley Family."

There was a heavy implication in his words that Valerie could not quite decipher at first instance.

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