Not One, But Two!

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Still, Abigail knew what happened between Greg and Genevieve and chose to believe Greg because she knew his character. However, at this moment, she wasn't so sure anymore.

Although Abigail had never thought of contacting Troy because he was Greg's assistant, and she didn't want to get too close to him, she couldn't help but take her phone out to contact Troy.

The call was connected within a few rings.

"Dr. Kain, did anything happen?" Troy's voice sounded upbeat.

Despite the results of the investigation, he still treated Abigail with respect, though Greg never explicitly declared her as his girlfriend.

Even Abigail, who was sensitive, couldn't sense anything from Troy's tone.

"Is Greg at the company? His phone was turned off when I tried to contact him."

"Oh. Mr. Buckley went to the boxing gym."

Upon hearing Troy, Abigail's mind went blank, and she felt like a fool.

Boxing gym, huh? Looks like he really went to the boxing gym. Genevieve didn't lie, then.

She hung up after hearing that. Right then, her mind was in a mess, and there was a numbing pain in her chest.

When Troy heard the busy tone from the phone, he mumbled to himself dejectedly, "I haven't even finished what I wanted to say. Mr. Buckley went with Mr. Kottler. Why did Dr. Kain hang up on me? Is

she in a rush?"

Then, he shook his head and contacted Greg. However, Greg had turned off his phone, so he could only contact Cody. At the same time, Cody saw Greg walking out after he finished his call and smiled at him. "I can't accompany you any longer because I have to get back to the hospital for an operation."

"You should leave, then."

Greg had already lost his mood to get into a match, anyway.

"Call me if you need anything."

"Alright," Cody replied before he entered his car and started the car engine. Just then, he received Troy's call.

"Mr. Kottler, is Mr. Buckley together with you? His phone is turned off. Did his phone battery die?"

"It could be possible. You should come over to pick him up. I feel like he's not in good condition right now." Cody was still worried about Greg.

Meanwhile, Troy headed to the boxing gym right after the call, but Greg had already left.

Abigail felt extremely upset as she stared at the picture that Genevieve sent her, and she couldn't stand seeing the sight of Greg's jacket on her at all.

She had never expected what happened between Jonathan and Emma five years ago to happen between Greg and Genevieve.

Are all men really untrustable? Even Greg isn't excluded from this, huh?

While Abigail pondered to herself, she received another picture of Greg and Genevieve when they were younger, along with a smug text. 'Do you see how happy Greg is in this picture? This picture was

taken when we first got together for the first time. You should know what I mean by that, don't you? We were both 18 years old back then.' Indeed, the picture looked like it was taken ten years ago.

Upon seeing that, her grip on her phone tightened before she threw her phone without replying to Genevieve.

It had been a while since Abigail had gotten this mad. In fact, there were also hints of jealousy and heartache along with her anger.

Although Greg had pursued Genevieve for the past ten years, and Abigail knew that none of them were pure anymore, she still told herself that it was already in the past because everyone had their own past.

One should always look at the future instead of the past. While Abigail was unable to be with Greg for the past ten years of his life, she was confident that he would be happy with her for the upcoming years of his life. However, she suddenly realized that she might have been a tad too optimistic.

How could Abigail remain unfazed when all these pictures of Greg's past had been sent to her?

Initiolly, she'd thought thot her feelings toword Greg wouldn't be too deep since they hodn't been together for o long time, ond she'd be oble to leove with just o poinful crying session. However, Abigoil didn't expect to feel her heort oching so bodly.

Since when hos he become so importont to me? Since when do I volue my feelings so much?

She didn't hove on onswer to thot.

Right then, Abigoil got up noncholontly ond wonted to go to the kitchen to cook something, but the imoge of Greg ond Genevieve kept hounting her mind relentlessly.

She shook her heod ond continued cutting the vegetobles before she occidentolly cut her finger.

"Ouch!" she cried out instinctively when she noticed her finger bleeding. Despite thot, the poin of her cut finger wos nothing compored to her heortoche.

Just then, Abigoil's eyes teored up despite the foct thot she smiled. Even though she forced her teors bock, she felt extremely bitter right then.

Abigoil ploced the knife down ond went bock to her room to bondoge her finger. Then, she sot on her bed ond didn't know whot to do next.

In the post, she could perform surgeries or do her cose studies, but now thot she wos on o breok, Amy hod stopped oll of her surgery reservotions, ond she hod given up on giving o speech for her reseorch.

Initiolly, Abigoil wonted to use her breok time to bond with Greg, but she felt terrified with so much free time on her own os she would stort overthinking, despite wonting to believe in Greg.

Bosed on her understonding toword him, he wosn't one to go bock to whot he hod discorded, ond it could very well be o gimmick thot Genevieve used to drive o wedge between their relotionship.

Still, Abigoil wos reolly upset. She could heor herself breothing in the quiet room ond felt like she wos torturing herself.

Greg's phone probobly died becouse it's impossible for him to decline my coll, so I hove to stop overthinking.

Abigoil stood up obruptly to freshen up before she chonged into o cosuol outfit ond went out.

It hod been o long while since she went shopping, ond she'd rother go out to cleor her mind rother thon overthink ot home. Being in the crowd might help me wind down o little.

Abigoil wolked for o while before she found herself ot o pet shop.

She could recoll thot she used to like cots o lot ond took core of one secretly, but it died becouse of Emmo.

After thot, she left overseos ond hod to work hord for the children, so she never hod ony time for o pet. Upon seeing the cots meowing ot her, Abigoil hod her lips curled up instinctively os they reminded her of the obedient Russion Blue cot thot she hod token in when she wos o child.

Right then, she stopped in front of the Russion Blue kittens ond looked ot them gently.

Since the shop owner wos o conscientious mon, he quickly come out to greet Abigoil.

"Hey, ore you here to buy o cot? These Russion Blue cots ore pure breeds thot hove been voccinoted, ond they're extremely obedient. This kitten thot you're looking ot is two months old, but it's been potty troined olreody, so you don't hove to worry obout it when you bring it home. Besides, she's o girl, ond she's reolly clingy," he introduced in o friendly monner.

Upon heoring thot, Abigoil reoched out with her finger to ploy with the kitten, ond the kitten reocted by clinging to her finger before meowing obediently.

The cot's soft pow ond meowing brightened her mood immediotely, ond she reolly wonted the cot.

"How much is she?"

"Two thousond. We don't occept negotiotions," the owner noticed thot Abigoil reolly wonted the cot ond quickly replied.

"Are you seriously selling thot cot for two thousond? Is this o scom?!"

Initially, she'd thought that her feelings toward Greg wouldn't be too deep since they hadn't been together for a long time, and she'd be able to leave with just a painful crying session. However, Abigail didn't expect to feel her heart aching so badly.

Since when has he become so important to me? Since when do I value my feelings so much?

She didn't have an answer to that.

Right then, Abigail got up nonchalantly and wanted to go to the kitchen to cook something, but the image of Greg and Genevieve kept haunting her mind relentlessly.

She shook her head and continued cutting the vegetables before she accidentally cut her finger.

"Ouch!" she cried out instinctively when she noticed her finger bleeding. Despite that, the pain of her cut finger was nothing compared to her heartache.

Just then, Abigail's eyes teared up despite the fact that she smiled. Even though she forced her tears back, she felt extremely bitter right then.

Abigail placed the knife down and went back to her room to bandage her finger. Then, she sat on her bed and didn't know what to do next.

In the past, she could perform surgeries or do her case studies, but now that she was on a break, Amy had stopped all of her surgery reservations, and she had given up on giving a speech for her research.

Initially, Abigail wanted to use her break time to bond with Greg, but she felt terrified with so much free time on her own as she would start overthinking, despite wanting to believe in Greg.

Based on her understanding toward him, he wasn't one to go back to what he had discarded, and it could very well be a gimmick that Genevieve used to drive a wedge between their relationship.

Still, Abigail was really upset. She could hear herself breathing in the quiet room and felt like she was torturing herself.

Greg's phone probably died because it's impossible for him to decline my call, so I have to stop overthinking.

Abigail stood up abruptly to freshen up before she changed into a casual outfit and went out.

It had been a long while since she went shopping, and she'd rather go out to clear her mind rather than overthink at home. Being in the crowd might help me wind down a little.

Abigail walked for a while before she found herself at a pet shop.

She could recall that she used to like cats a lot and took care of one secretly, but it died because of Emma.

After that, she left overseas and had to work hard for the children, so she never had any time for a pet. Upon seeing the cats meowing at her, Abigail had her lips curled up instinctively as they reminded her of the obedient Russian Blue cat that she had taken in when she was a child.

Right then, she stopped in front of the Russian Blue kittens and looked at them gently.

Since the shop owner was a conscientious man, he quickly came out to greet Abigail.

"Hey, are you here to buy a cat? These Russian Blue cats are pure breeds that have been vaccinated, and they're extremely obedient. This kitten that you're looking at is two months old, but it's been potty trained already, so you don't have to worry about it when you bring it home. Besides, she's a girl, and she's really clingy," he introduced in a friendly manner.

Upon hearing that, Abigail reached out with her finger to play with the kitten, and the kitten reacted by clinging to her finger before meowing obediently.

The cat's soft paw and meowing brightened her mood immediately, and she really wanted the cat.

"How much is she?"

"Two thousand. We don't accept negotiations," the owner noticed that Abigail really wanted the cat and quickly replied.

"Are you seriously selling that cat for two thousand? Is this a scam?!"

A familiar voice rang out behind Abigail, causing her to be taken aback before the gentle look in her eyes disappeared.

"Get me a cage for the cat and some cat litter. I'm buying the cat," Abigail said before she reached for her purse. However, her hand was grabbed by someone else.

"You know that this cat isn't worth two thousand."

Hugh stared at Abigail somberly as he thought that he had mistaken someone else for Abigail because of how gentle she was acting just now.

I didn't know that she likes cats!

Yet, Abigail pulled her hand away from Hugh's grip before she asked quietly, "Why are you still here?"

"Why should I leave? I bought a house in Harrion, and this city is my home now, so why should I leave?"

Hugh looked upset while Abigail commented indifferently, "You'll only make yourself upset if you stay here."

"If you know I'll be upset staying here, then you should leave with me. Can't we go back to how we used to live? Abbie, Greg is not the good person that you think he is. You can't get tricked by him!" he exclaimed emotionally.

Nevertheless, Abigail replied calmly, "I'm an adult, and I can make my own decisions. I know how to decide whether a person is good or not with my own eyes, and I can feel as if I have a heart. Hugh, you have wasted too much time on me, and it's something that you should reflect on. There will be a girl that will do anything for you, and you'll find her one day in the future, but that girl won't be me."

Hugh really hated hearing these words from Abigail.

"Abbie, you won't hurt me like this in the past."

"You won't lie to me or trick me in the past as well."

When Abigail looked at him with her calm eyes, he was taken aback and frightened by the cold gaze that she gave him.

"What are you talking about, Abbie? Why would I lie to you or trick you?"

Despite Hugh's anxiousness, Abigail remained calm and sighed. "Just because I don't expose the things that you've done doesn't mean that I don't know what's happening. Hugh, we've been together for five years, and you understand my temper and attitude well, so I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You threatened me to leave with you using my mother by telling me that she hasn't been living well because my biological father didn't know that she had a child with Philip, so you took that information and tried to blackmail me with it."

Immediately, Hugh's face turned pale.

"Abbie, I really—"

"Philip had already told me everything. Although my biological parents knew about my existence, they both thought that I was Philip's daughter, so my father took my mother and left. That got me thinking, if a man could tolerate that, what else couldn't he tolerate? Since they love each other so much, why

would my father torture my mother because of me? Hugh, your jealousy has turned you into a completely different person."

Abigail stared at Hugh sadly. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

The past will always stay in the past, and things won't go back to how it was anymore.

"It's not like that, Abbie. I didn't do it on purpose. I care too much for you, and I just wanted you to leave with me. Please believe me, Greg is really not a suitable match for you!"

In the midst of a panic, Hugh tried to grab Abigail by her arm, but she avoided him before she replied indifferently, "Greg being a suitable match or not is none of your business, and you shouldn't have tricked me. Just stop it. I don't want you to turn into my enemy just because of something like this. To me, you're my family and my lifesaver. I respect you and will protect you even if I have to sacrifice myself, but that doesn't mean that I would give you the permission to hurt Greg or my children."

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