Not Your Regular CEO Husband

Chapter 2 When it all changed


I marched out of the ladies room after fixing my make-up disaster and had no problem finding Kade. He was trying to get Gina off of him, she literally would sleep with anyone wouldn’t she?

” Kade?” I said and his eyes lit up and he quickly dashed over to where I was  and laughed awkwardly. I suddenly wondered if Gina said anything to Kade about me and Klyde.

” Oh Vee-Vee, you’re back. Kade and I were just -”

” – I honestly don’t care Gina, I’m just gonna go with my boyfriend.” I said and looked at Kade. His eyes widened for a split moment as he realized what I actually meant.

” S-sure. Let’s go babe,” he said and I smiled at him.

” Enola, Jada. You girls have fun.” I said barely looking at them, I just wanted to get this over with. Yes, I was going to sleep with Kade out of spite for Klyde.

” Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the prom King and Queen announcements!” The MC announced and I cursed under my breath. My need for revenge was making me feel very angry and I couldn’t hide it.

” Calling on Josh Bradley – Harold High’s former prom King to announce this year’s prom King!” The MC added and everyone kept quiet as Josh made his way up to the podium.

” Kade, we should go. It’s not like either of us will be prom King or Queen – no offense to your ambition.” I added the latter part when I saw the surprise on his face.

” Come on Viola, give me some credit. You should know that I wouldn’t care about prom King or Queen – except my brother AND Gina doesn’t win it ” He said with a smirk and for once I shared the same desire with Kade to see the look on Klyde and Gina’s faces when they both lose.

” Hello Harold High…” Josh started and the girls went wild. He made some small talk and I was starting to lose my mind at how slow the announcement was going.

” This year’s prom King is none other than… Klyde Harold!” He finally announced and Klyde suddenly slithered out from the dark corner of the hall where he and his douchebag friends had been dining and he towered over everyone as he proudly walked through the pathway the students created as he walked, with everyone cheering his name and boosting his disgusting ego.

” Yeah we should totally go.” Kade said and I was the one who stopped him this time. ” Gina wants this crown, if we can’t see Klyde lose at least let’s see if Gina will lose.” I said and we glanced at her, she had some of  her blonde hair twirling in her index finger as she looked desperately at the crown in Heather’s hands.

” Okay if you say so.” He said and I smiled and watched as Heather started to announce the prom Queen.

” This year’s prom Queen is… Wait a minute is this right?” She whispered the latter part and everyone kept quiet because she looked so surprised and also pleased, then she looked in Gina’s direction and Kade rolled his eyes. ” Typical..” he said and I just clenched my teeth in anger at how this whole idiotic prom announcement was ruining my mood even more. I should’ve known that it would be Gina who would wear the crown.

” Congratulations to this year’s prom Queen – Viola  Walden!” Heather announced and I froze – in fact everyone froze.

However, all it took was Kent yelling, ” go Viola!” At the top of his lungs and everyone clapped and cheered for me. Kade’s surprise faded as he flashed me a proud smile before leading me through the pathway the students created as I walked and then he kissed my hands before I sat down on the brightly decorated chair prepared for prom Queen and Heather placed the crown on my head.

I watched as everyone cheered me and Klyde and I was honestly just so dazed. I thought they hated me, I thought I was a weirdo, how the hell did I win this and Gina didn’t?

When I looked at Kade’s face, he seemed to be having mixed reactions. He wouldn’t have bothered to pull some strings for me to be prom Queen, especially if it would mean that I’d also be Klyde’s Queen.

But Kade seemed proud of me nevertheless.

” Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this year’s prom King and Queen – Klyde Harold and Viola Walden!” The MC announced and we got another round of cheers and applause.

Klyde offered his hands to me for a dance when a soft waltz started playing making me glare at him. Just how stupid did he think I was, after what he told me in the ladies room he’s expecting a dance?!

” Fuck you,” I said to Klyde to everyone’s surprise and went over to Kade.

” Can I have this dance?” I asked loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, though I didn’t really need to shout since they were all quietly watching.

” Sure…” He said with sweet smile before he held my waist with one hand and held my hand up with his other hand while we swayed side to side until I saw Klyde’s pissed off face and dare I say… he looked jealous!

Right there and then, I made up my mind that I would stick with Kade, he loved me and honestly deserved me. I stood on the tip of my toes and kissed Kade on the lips and Kent said, ” shit Klyde just get off the stage this is embarrassing for you!” And everyone laughed as Klyde made his way down the stage and almost hit Kent out of anger but he controlled himself.

Just what was he trying to prove, that he can’t fight because of me? Yeah right.

” Ah-hem just a little contribution here…” I heard a familiar voice say through the mic and stopped dancing with Kade.

” Sorry guys, didn’t mean to ruin your moment but… what other choice do I have when she literally ruined MY moment!” Gina said and Kent scoffed.

” She won fair and square though Gina,” Heather said to her and Gina held up her index finger, silencing Heather.

” Maybe she did this time but one thing I know about this girl is that she doesn’t play fair and Klyde knows this first hand.” Gina said with a evil smile and I panicked.

“Kade let’s go I can’t stand her.” I tried to say so that he wouldn’t hear whatever Gina would say.

” No babe let’s listen to Gina absolutely embarrass herself just because she can’t deal with the truth.” Kade said boldly and I instantly regretted my entire existence.

” Honestly Kade, I like you.. but I see you’re clearly too blind as well as everyone else in this school who thinks that that girl is a saint! And that’s why I’m going to reveal this to the whole school!” She said and signaled someone to play a tape.

I looked at Klyde but he didn’t even care. He just looked at me as if to say, ” this was gonna happen one way or another.”

Everyone was watching the tape, I was naked in Klyde’s bed while he was giving me oral sex and the whole school gasped in shock. The teachers were appalled because I was a star student and never expected this from me.

” Klyde please stop…” I was saying in the clip, ” I want you…”

” You want me? Not Kade?”

” Kade who? I don’t care about Kade I just want you, please just fuck me already!!” I had said like a total whore before Klyde granted me my wish and fucked me. I shut my eyes as the whole school heard me moaning like a slut.

” And THAT is exactly who Viola Walden is. A cheater! Yeah she’s been sleeping with Klyde – in fact, Klyde has  already popped her cherry Kade so there’s like literally nothing for you to pop!” Gina announced with glee.

” Gina that’s enough!” Our principal said and Gina held up her hand in mock surrender.

” Oh I’m already done here. Anyways anyone who wants the sex tape can talk to me about it in private, let’s make a deal.” She said before she gallantly got off of the stage and out of the hall.  The second she left everyone’s eyes were on me, and all I felt was shame. I felt so ashamed of myself because the whole school now knew that I wasn’t as innocent as they thought.

I looked at Kade but he just looked away from me. Enola and Jada were beyond shocked.

” Damn she’s mean,”

” A whore that’s what she is…”,

” Sleeping with two brothers? What a whore.” I heard some people whispering.

” Kade… P-please, just let me defend myself.” I started and the look he gave me made me almost lose my balance and fall. I had never seen Kade’s eyes seethe with rage the way it was as he looked at me now.

” You really think there’s something you can say to convince me that what the whole school saw in that clip isn’t my brother fucking you like a fucking whore?” He said in a surprisingly calm tone as he picked up a wine glass from one of the waiters who forgot himself and was watching us but I knew better, Kade  was definitely boiling in anger.

” Kade… I just wanted Klyde, I was gonna tell you-”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“- that you were just using me to get my brother’s attention? Yeah, you’re lucky you didn’t do that. I would’ve killed you myself.” He said coldly before he drank from the wine glass and squeezed it so hard that it broke, making everyone gasp at his reaction to my treachery.

” Maybe I should just do that now that the truth is out ” He was saying as he walked close to me but Klyde suddenly stood in front of me.

” Oh calm down, it was just sex you idiot!” He said and Kade pounced on him. The rest of that night was something that I didn’t want to remember because that night was when everything changed for the worst for me. I was sure that I would never be able to pick up the pieces of my life after that night but here I am seven years later, sitting in a coffee shop and staring at the large, sparkly engagement ring on my finger. Would this ring still be on my finger if Rick knew about my past?

” Uh… hello? You’re gonna pay for this drink or what?” Said the waitress as she glared at me pointedly.

” I’m sorry, I was deeply lost in thought.” I said as I handed her money for the coffee that I had not even drank for the past one hour I had been there. Suddenly, she beamed at me when she saw the huge tip that I gave her and I smiled at her. Funny how people’s attitude towards you change when they see that you have money, she probably thought I was poor or something.

I leaned on my chair and ran my hands through my hair thinking about what I should do. Rick proposed to me yesterday and I accepted but there was still so much in my past that he knew nothing about. I knew that I needed to tell him everything, but I have to tell my best friends first. They would help me tell him in a way that he wouldn’t freak out.

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