Not Your Regular CEO Husband

Chapter 40 Justice


After my talk show the internet has been buzzing. Some call me a liar others think Emelia is the liar. I sighed at the way some people see the truth but chose to believe lies instead. 

I was at Mario’s lair, packaging the pictures that I found in Kade’s office. Pictures showing proof of Klyde and Emelia’s involvement in trying to get me killed. 

Just then the door to the small room I was in was opened abruptly, I quickly hid the pictures in a brown file ad tossed it under the bed. I couldn’t be too trusting of just anyone around here. The only person I trust is Pedro. 

I got up, pretending that I just wanted to pick up my pen from the floor. 

“I don’t think that’s a good position for a pregnant woman to take”I heard a familiar voice say. I looked in the direction the voice came from and there she was – Madame Faustina. 

“What are you doing here?”I asked getting defensive because last time I checked she works for kade’s parents. She is an enemy to me!

“I brought your children.”She said and my heart lurched when I saw my children running past her as they all embraced me tightly. 


“We’ve missed you!” 

“Are you okay?!” 

They all said at once making me laugh at first, happy that they were finally in my arms again. 

“I missed you every minute.”I said as I hugged then one by one. 

“Mom, where is Dad. Is he really in jail?” 

I really felt like crying but I needed to be strong for my children so I smiled at Dani who asked the question. 

“Your Dad is only going to be there for a while, we are going to get him out.” 

“I think I have something that can help us.”Derrick said and I stared at him as he brought out a phone from his pocket.

He handed me the phone as a video started playing. My eyes widened when I saw Emelia suffocating her husband with a pillow and threatening his lawyer about a will that would favor her.

“How did you get this?”I asked, pulling Derrick closer to me. 

“I was pressed so I begged to go use the toilet but I spent more time in the toilet than usual. When I came out the man who was supposed to be watching me was asleep so I stole his phone and tried to talk to grandpa in his room but grandma came in and that’s how I recorded this.”Derrick explained.

“But this was months ago!” 

“Madame Faustina wanted to help us out of the house but there was never the right opportunity until grandma travelled.” 

“And with that I must leave London, no where will be safe for me here in London so I must go.” 

“no! Stay with us. If our grandma could have us kidnapped from Vercixe frankly I doubt that there’s anywhere you’d go that with he safe. Our mom has hid here for a long time without being spotted right?”Derrick said and looked at me waiting for me to answer his question. 

“Yes..”I said and they looked at me.

“I still have to go, it’s not safe for me to be here either.”She said and I nodded.

“Thank you for bringing my children to me”I said, she smiled and said to me, “it was the least I could do after what I did to you. I’m very sorry for how I treated you.” 

She left shortly after while I caught up with the kids on how their lives have been like. 

“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’ll make sure you never go through that again, I’ll get your dad out of prison thanks to this video Derrick brought and we’ll be happy again.” 

“When can we see dad?!”Dani asked and I sighed.

“I can’t guarantee you that you can see him yet because I have to lay low. Your grandma might be searching for you for all we know.” 

They pouted but it only made me smile because this was the one thing I was certain of since Derrick brought this video – we’ll get justice. 

After two days of laying low, I was heavily guarded by police men who accompanied me from the house I pretended to be living in so they would not discover Mario’s lair. I went to the police station and presented my evidence to the detective handling the case. 

He was flabbergasted. He couldn’t believe that Emelia would kill her own husband because of money. 

“Do you know how many women look up to her?”he asked in astonishment.

“I don’t care. I want her punished for her crimes. She and her son Klyde ruined my life, I want them behind bars.”I said angrily.

“I’ve heard you Mrs Harold – I mean, Viola. My men and I will get on the case immediately and have them arrested.”He assured me. I didn’t smile, I just nodded and left his office, praying that he would not betray me and do nothing about this.

“Today is a really shocking day for people of London and others all over the world who have been following the story of the Harold family. Emelia and Kade Harold have been convicted and charged guilty for several crimes ranging from murder, homicide, sexual assault and public defamation. 

It’s a big day for Viola Harold who has been actively trying to get justice after Klyde sexually assaulted her and her husband tried to have him killed as revenge. Today, she is victorious as her mother in law and brother in law have been found guilty and are behind bars. 

Unfortunately, she isn’t here to witness this in person as she is currently in labor. 

Viola Harold is a woman who many have hurled insults at because they believed she was nothing but a gold digger but in the course of the trial, so much have been uncovered and we now know that Viola has been the victim all along. 

Please, women, men and children. Let’s not be the type that bashes people without knowing the truth. In Viola’s case the truth was that she was a woman who  was highly misunderstood and framed to look evil but now justice has prevailed.

On behalf of myself and every other person who onec accused you of being a liar and a disgrace to womanhood, I apologize. I had no right to bash a fellow woman like that, I was unprofessional and foolish about things. From now on, I will no longer be working as head journalist at Zenith TV. 

Once more our prayers are with Viola as she is in labor. 

I am Laura Hale.”

I sighed as I looked at the TV, tears trickling down my cheeks as I looked at the woman who I knew was popular for notoriously bashing me and labelling me a liar, step down as a journalist and apologize for all she said about me. 

“She’s awake!”I heard Elizabeth say as she rushed into the room I was currently laying. 

I was overwhelmed with so many feelings at once. I ent into instant labor the second I saw Kade for the first time in months, he was about to testify in court and we stared at each other for a while before his eyes found my protuding stomach and then he looked away.

I just thought, he must really hate me. There was no doubt that I was carrying Klyde’s children and Kade will not be happy about it at all. I started to panic, thinking he may never love me again and that’s how I went through the most excruciating labor I’ve been through. 

I was struggling to stay alive for the first two hours but after a while, I thought I should give up. What was the point of living a life where the man I love would despise me because I was carrying the spawn of his devilish brother? – that was what I thought until Kade rushed into the room I was taken. 

“I’ll save you the stress of having to see your worst enemy’s children come out of me.”I had said to him but he scolded me.

“Don’t ever say that! I love you Viola, regardless of who the father of this baby ends up being.”He had said to me.

“Please my love, think about our children too. Don’t let Derrick’s nightmare come true because I will not want to live a life you’re not in.”he pleaded. 

I knew he was right but I couldn’t help myself, I was too weak. I didn’t take care of my health the way I ought when I was pregnant. I was so concerned about winning my case against Emelia and Klyde.

As I looked at the TV now, I felt sad. I should’ve been happy but there was this sad feeling inside me because I knew I must’ve lost the baby. If felt like déjà vu because like my triplets I couldn’t carry them in my arms, only this time it’s worse because I can’t hold a dead child.

“Viola,”Elizabeth said to me but I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

“Quick, bring the children.”I heard her say and I shut my eyes in regret. 

I didn’t want them to see me like this.

I felt something delicate being placed in my arms. I gasped when I saw a baby wrapped in white, wooly cloth. I tried to sit up to see if I was seeing right but I felt a slight pain in my stomach.

“Caesarian?”I whispered to myself when I realized that I had been operated on. 

I ignored the pain and gazed upon the child and asked, “is it a boy or –” 

“they’re girls my love.”I heard Kade say. I rose my face and found him standing beside Elizabeth holding another baby as he smiled at me.

I started sobbing uncontrollably, Kade sat at the chair beside me, still carrying the other baby in his arms. He looked like he would be good with babies but…would he be good with his brother’s children? 

“Don’t cry Daisy, you should be happy that we all made it.”He said, stroking my hair. 

“Did they grant you bail?”I asked and he nodded. 

“I’m so sorry about everything. It’s all my fault, that’s why I did everything to try to fix –”

“– it was never your fault. Now listen to me, these children have been bottle fed with milk that didn’t come from you. I bet they’d really love to be fed.” 

“How can you be so happy when they’re not even your children?”

“because they’re innocent. They’re just children. Besides, it’s just my natural fatherly instincts I guess…since they’re my children.” 


“don’t lie to me right now Kade this isn’t funny!”I scolded but he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

“They’re ours Viola, that’s the best part. You were already pregnant before Klyde’s …you know what.”He said, the happy look in his eyes fading for a split second as he avoided saying Klyde raped me.

“I can’t believe it, how did you know?” 

“DNA test. I’m sorry but, when I saw their eyes I doubted that Klyde was the father. He’s eyes are blue but mine is blue-green like my father and these baby girls.” 

The baby in his arm opened her eyes and I gasped when I saw just how much her eyes were like Kade’s. She yawned and he looked at me faking annoyance.

“Are you going to feed them or not?”He asked with am encouraging smile. 

I took in a deep breath and cried tears of joy when I breast fed my baby. I have never breast fed before so this was so new to me. Kade wiped the tears from my cheeks and handed the other child to me as I fed her as well. 

I have never felt this kind of motherly affection at this degree for my triplets. I laughed when one of them sneezed and started to look for my breasts again to continue her meal.

“I wished Dani, Damien and Derrick experienced this. It feels so intimate and heartwarming. I won’t ever let anything happen to you girls”I said as I watched them feed. They were so beautiful! I’m sure Dani would be happy to have sisters.

“and I will never let anything happen to you,”Kade said, I smiled at him, loving how his long mullet and beards made him look so much more mature and different. 

“I love the new look Kade,” Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I love you,”he said before he leaned in and we shared our first kiss in almost nine months! I had no idea how much I missed him until we kissed.

“Okay okay! We get it, please feed your babies Viola. You two can catch up later.”Elizabeth said and I laughed. 

The door flew open and the triplets came running chaotically but stopped when they saw me awake and breastfeeding their sisters. 

“Mom!”Dani squealed as she ran to me and I did my best to make sure she got a good hug out of me even though my hands were occupied with carrying my children. 

“Look at our pretty sisters!”Damien and Derrick said in unison and they came closer, kissed my cheeks and then the babies as well.

“Woah, look at their eyes.”Derrick exclaimed and I smiled at them. I knew Kade was watching with a proud smile as I was surrounded by my children, talking and laughing. 

Isn’t life such an unpredictable ride? You in it without knowing where it leads, just a few moments ago I thought the worst of my life but it took less than a minute for everything to turn bright again. 

I never thought I could fix things with my children, yet here I am playing and laughing with them as I welcome a set of twins. 

“this is the exact picture of what the best mom looks like”Kade said after taking a photo of me and the children.

“Hey, mom’s not covering her boobies!”Dani protested and we all laughed. 

“that’s okay, only us can see this picture”Kade said but she still frowned at him. 

“I’ll go get something to cover your boobies mommy don’t worry”she said and started to search through a large bag of what I believed where baby clothing.

“Thank you Kade.”I said, throwing him off guard. He looked confused by my appreciation.

“Why would you thank me?”he asked genuinely oblivious of my reason for thanking him.

“You’re a different kind kade. I know that many men in your shoes – with what I did to you in the past would have never wanted anything to do with me but you gave me a second chance and despite all the trouble I caused you, you stayed by my side till the end. You’re not a regular husband Kade, you’re a gift – a gift I’m so lucky to have.”I said, leaving him speechless.

“I- I did nothing special Viola, I don’t understand.”He said making me smile. 

“you wouldn’t, you’re too kind to think of treating me less than the best way possible. That’s why I love you, because you’re the most special man I’ve ever known.” 

He gulped and clasped his hands together before he looked at me again. God, I love the way his eyes conveyed so much emotions as he looked at me.

“I’m only special because you’re my wife.” 

I kissed him again but the kids ran off yelling, “Ew!”and making us laugh. 

I knew this would be a fresh new start for me, Kade and the children. I couldn’t wait to spend more time as a mother, wife and an artist – yeah I won’t leave my dream behind and I know that Kade is with me every step of the way.

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