Now and Forever

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

I'm hungry.

It's one am and I'm hungry.

I'm currently sitting on the table counter eating a tub of vanilla ice cream.

Who does that in winter?? I mean- eating ice cream? On a snowy night? That's just wrong... but why

does it feel so, so right?

"You know," I said and put a hand on my stomach, "you're gonna make me gain a lot weight-"

"Who're you talking to?" Great, just great...

"No one." I said and continued eating my ice cream, not sparing him a single glance.

"Listen... can we talk?"

"No." I answered and jumped off the counter then made my way to the freezer and put the ice cream


"Move." I said when I turned around and he was standing right there- looking him dead in the eyes.

"Not until we talk."

"I don't want to talk to you." I said then tried to walk around him but he blocked me from going



"Did.. did you just say please?" I don't think I've ever heard this man say 'please' or 'thank you' before I-

"That's not the point-"

"Fine. Talk." Might as well get this over with..

"I.. I just wanted to.. to say that I'm.. I'm.."

"You're.. ?" Is this going where I think it's going...?

"I'm.. I'm.. sorry." Hold up- did he just apologize?

"You're what?"

"You heard me.." he mumbled but I still heard him.

"Is that all?" I cleared my throat then asked.

"Well- yeah.."

"Okay then, have a good night." I smiled and sidestepped him.

"Wait wait wait.." He put an arm out, stopping me in my tracks.


"Aren't you going to I don't know- forgive me? Come back to bed-"

"Hold on- what exactly did you come downstairs for?"

"I came for water." He already had an excuse planned out?


"Yes, water." He clarified.

"And it didn't happen to do with the fact you couldn't sleep.. without me?" I crossed my arms and bit

down on my lip, trying so hard not to smile.

"Well..?" I urged for him to say the words I was so dying to hear.

"Fine," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I can't sleep because.. because you're not there."

"Oh so we're mumbling now are we?" I asked then tilted my head to side.

"So will you?" He asked, the tops of his ears and cheeks becoming a crimson color.

"Will I what-"

"Amelia..." he groaned.

"Okay okay, I'm coming." Why can't our conversation be like this all the time?

"Just to be clear, this doesn't mean I've forgiven you." I said and climbed into bed after taking off my

gown -well Bella's (new) gown.

"Then what does it mean?" Okay, he's got a good point... what does it mean?

"It means.. well it doesn't matter just know I've not forgiven you entirely." I switched off the bedside

lamp and shifted around to get a comfortable position.

"Well what can I do in order to get forgiven entirely?" He asked and switched off the lamp on his side.

I have to think about- Aha!

"You have to give me a job at-"

"Not gonna happen."

"Wha- you didn't even let me finish my sentence." I shifted just a little so I could look at him.

"It's because I knew where it was going."

"There's enough room in Bella's room, might as well-"

"Okay okay! I'll see what I can do." This man really doesn't want to sleep alone does he?

"Good." I smiled and went back into my former position -back faced to him- but then he did the most

unexpected thing ever: he pulled me closer to him so my back was against his rock hard chest and

then proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist- the other one snaking under me to meet up with

each other.

It oddly felt nice -his arms around me- so I decided to make it more comfortable for the both of us by

taking his hand and intertwining it with mine then pulling them over my chest area and yes I do mean

that area..

"Are you okay with this?" I whispered.

"I am if you are-"

"I am." I answered a little to quickly.

"Okay then, good night." He breathed out and placed a chaste kiss on my ear.

Can all moments be like this?


"Amelia..." someone called.

"Amelia wake..." Someone called again- but this time the voice was a bit more clear.

"Amelia wake up."

"Just a few more minutes.." I mumbled and turned to the other side.

"If you wait a few more minutes you won't make it for your first day of work."

"My first day of work?" I asked, my mind still fuzzy with sleep.

"Yeah, your first day of work." The voice became more and more clear.. Alexander?

"But I don't have a job." My mind thankfully started loosing sleep so I could think more clearly now.

"Now you do, now get up." I've never sat up so quick in my life- which was probably a mistake because

the familiar burning sensation in my throat reminded me of the reality of the reality of pregnancy-

pregnancy... I'm still not used to the term 'pregnancy'.

To tell you I ran faster than the flash himself into the bathroom- well maybe a little bit faster..

And... there goes my vanilla ice cream..

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked, sounding panicked and all. It was kind of cute *insert blushing emoji*

"Apart from the fact I emptied my my ice cream into the toilet bowl? Yeah, I'm just peachy." I stood up

and flushed, immediately making my way to the sink to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth.

"Listen Amelia, if you're not going to be able to-"

"No no! I'm fine! It only happens in the mornings and if it's ever to happen during the day -which it won't

by the way- I have medication for it!" There is no way I'm going to let this opportunity pass me by!

"Wow- okay then, be ready in," he looked down at his wrist, "thirty."

"Okay!" He then gave a slight nod and closed the door.

Okay thirty minutes.. I can't do this! Right?

"Amelia let's go!" Alexander shouted from the other side of the door.

"Coming!" I shouted back and gave myself one more look in the mirror.

A black knee length pencil skirt, an off white long sleeved blouse and nude heels. To finish off the look,

I gelled back my mane of hair into a sleek low bun (not forgetting the poof!) and used a black handbag

that matched the outfit perfectly.

For make up or was just my eyebrows, concealer and lipgloss- nothing too flashy whatsoever.



"I'm here!" I opened the door seconds before Alexander could call out my name for the nth time.

"Finally! What took you so long- are you even supposed to be wearing heels?" The look of concern

stretched across his facial features.

"What? Oh- yeah it's fine." He looked between my face and my shoes like he wasn't so sure about my


"It's fine really! Now come on! We're gonna be late!"


"Good morning Mr Knight." A lady that looked like she was in her mid fifties? greeted. Hey! I recognize

her from the wedding!

"Morning Betty," he then gave her a peck on her cheek- what? "You don't have to call me Mr Knight you

know..." he whispered but loud enough for me to hear him.

"Oh I know.." she whispered back, a smile etched across her face.

"So, is this her?" Her attention turned to me.

"Yes, Betty meet Amelia, Amelia, meet Betty." Alexander introduced.

"Hi, nice to meet- oh!" I held out my hand for a handshake but was instead met with a huge hug.

"It's finally nice to meet the woman that stole my Xander's heart away!" She pulled away then gushed,

making my face heat up.

"Betty..." Alexander groaned, probably feeling as uncomfortable as me.

"What?" She innocently asked, "and oh my goodness are you beautiful." Her eyes darted across my

face and body..

"Thank you?" I answered in more of a question than a statement really.

"Okay Betty," Alexander cut her off before she could say anything else, "now that the introductions are

out of the way, I'll leave everything else to you," this was directed to Betty, "I'll see you later, okay?"

Now this was directed to me.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." He said then placed a small kiss on my temple. You heard that right- rather read that right..

He kissed me on my temple people!1

"Better take care of her Betty." He said while walking away. "I will!" Betty shouted back.

"Now, let's get started, shall we?" She said when he was out of sight.

"Yes ma'am." I said to be polite.

"Okay then Amelia, welcome to the accounting and finance department." She said cheerfully.


"This is where you'll be working -I've already left some work for you on the desk, any questions?" Betty

asked after a mini tour around the department.

"I don't think so- no, I don't have any questions, thank you Betty." A said then gave her a polite smile.

"No problem dear, anything for Mrs Knight." And there goes that name again..

"I do have a request though.."

"What is it dear?" She really was a kind woman.

"Can I umm.. can I be treated the same way as everyone- like can I not get special treatment because

of my husband?"

"That's a funny request... but sure, no problem. Now, if you need anything I'll be just down the hall in

my office!" She said and disappeared out of my office.

That's right guys! Not only did I get a job, I got an office to come with it too!

I walked over to my desk and set my handbag down then took off my heels because they were already

killing me.

Anyways, back to the stunt Alexander pulled earlier. He didn't even notice what he'd done- if he did, he

hid it amazingly well. I can still feel the tingles his lips left-

Knock knock

"Come in." I said without even bothering to acknowledge who had knocked on the door.

"Uh hi Mrs Knight-"

"You can call me-" I stopped mid sentence when I turned around and saw who had knocked, "Scarlett?"

A huge grin spread across my lips when I acknowledged the person.

"It's me!" She spread out her arms and grinned as well.

"Oh my goodness.. long time!" Even though I only knew her for a short while, I wrapped my arms

around her.

"Right?" She said and hugged me back.

"What are you doing here? I thought-"

"I got a promotion!"

"What? That's amazing! Congratulations!"

"I know right? Thank you! Anyways, I just came here to say hello and do you maybe want to have lunch

with me?" She asked while playing with her fingers.

"Sure." I said and smiled to make her feel comfortable because she was clearly nervous.


"Yes of course."

"Okay then, thanks! See you later!" She said, a little less nervous now.

"Bye!" I said then watched her walk out and close the door.

Now to get some work done...


"Can I ask you a question that doesn't relate to the topic?" I asked Scarlett and continued picking out

some ingredients of my sandwich.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you by any chance know how Betty and Alexander are related?" At this point I might as well not eat

the sandwich because everything but the chicken made me nauseous.

Stupid pregnancy..

"Umm yeah sure, Betty is Alexander's auntie." Auntie?

"Yeah Antie, from his dad's side though." She answered my thoughts.

"Oh." Was all I could manage to mutter.

"Amelia?" Scarlett called.

"Yeah?" I asked and continued picking out the ingredients of the sandwich and only eating the chicken.

"That's not really a sandwich if you only eat the chicken." She joked.

"I know," I groaned and pushed the plate away from me before a familiar burning sensation in my throat

appeared, "it's just.. everything else is making me feel sick." I scrunched my nose and took a sip of my


"Jesus your acting like your pregnant.." she giggled but stopped when she noticed I wasn't laughing

along with her.

"Holy shit are you-"

"Shh keep your voice down!" I whisper shouted at her and looked around to se if anyone was listening

in on our conversation.

"I thought the gossip Chanel was lying!"- she whisper shouted back.

"They were- look, it's a long story but you have to promise you won't tell anyone.."

"But but-"


"Okay! I promise.."

"Good. Now hurry up, we only have a few more minutes before our lunch break ends." I crossed my

legs and leaned back in my chair, sipping on my water while Scarlett was intensely looking at my



"Knock knock.." I said in a sing song voice while opening the door to Alexander's office.

"Come on in why won't you?" Alexander crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, the look of

amusement covering his facial features, making me scoff and roll my eyes playfully.

"So, how was your first day of work?" He asked and took off his glasses.

"It was amazing." I said and walked over to the sofa area.

"Really?" He asked, amusement seeping through his voice.

"Yeah it was." I plopped down on the sofa, immediately taking off my heels and putting my feet up so I

could be in a lying position.

"So am I forgiven?" He crossed his arms once more and raised an eyebrow, a small smirk settled This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

across his lips.

"Sure, you're forgiven." I smiled then closed my eyes, draping and arm over them.

"I was thinking that I should call the driver to take you home-" These words made me snap my eyes


"What? Why?" I sat up and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Because you're done with work?"

"Yes I know that but why can't I go home with you?" I stood up and walked over to his desk.

"I'm going to be here till 10 pm-"

"So?" I walked to wear he was sitting and crossed my arms.

"So," he started off and turned his chair so that he was facing me, "it's only 5 pm Amelia."

"Yeah and..?"

"And.. I'm sure you've had a long day so you have to-"

"So have you-"


"No, forget it. Now, if you need me, I'll be over there." I said and jerked my finger in the direction of the


"Okay fine, you can stay."

"I wasn't really asking but sure, thank you." I smiled and walked back to where I was sitting- or rather


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