Now and Forever

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

"Oh my god. Oh my freaking god Amelia.."

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Then who's was- oh don't you dare blame it on the baby.." Bella warned through gritted teeth when I

looked down at my stomach, "you had the chance of a lifetime to have sex with a freakin' Greek god

and you had to pee? What is wrong with you?!" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes down at


"It's not like I haven't before-"

"Oh please- you don't even remember what happened half of the time!" She does have a point there..

"I am so disappointed in you.." I'm disappointed in me too, "how was his mood this morning?" She

asked and took a sip of her mango smoothie, "it was pretty good actually." I smiled back at the memory

of his hands wrapped around my waist and his soft lips pressed against my cheek.

"Pretty good?"

"Mm-hm- in fact, it's his birthday today." I explained and popped an ice cube into my mouth. Heart

burn's a bitch..

"Really?" I nodded, "are you planning on doing anything tonight?" She asked in a weird tone and

wiggled her eyebrows, taking another sip from her drink.

"Umm no..?" I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as her face physically dropped, "why would I do

anything- and why at night?" I asked, confusion dripping from my voice.


"I could use a little help unpacking here!" Tony shouted from the kitchen of their small but luxurious and

cozy apartment.

"No! You got the bigger bedroom so do it yourself!" Bella shouted back.

They were sharing a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment with a four seater dining table and a living

room that accommodated an L shaped black leather sofa, a matching love seat, a black glass coffee

table and a big curved flat screen television.

The floors were clad of light grey wood in the living room and dining area, the bedrooms were carpeted

with the same color as the wood but the kitchen, bathroom and balcony were all tiled.

The walls were all painted the same color- beige. The over all color scheme of the apartment was grey,

beige and white. It was a very spacious and beautiful apartment they'd both worked very hard to get

without anyone's assistance- despite my requests to help them pay for it.

"Doesn't change the fact that you aren't gonna use these dishes!" He shouted back in a sing-song tone

which made Bella roll her eyes and me giggle.

"Anyways.. as I was saying-"

"Isabella Calliope Rodriguez!" Tony shouted once more, "what?!" Bella yelled back, "what do you mean

'what'?! Get your ass here and help me unpack-"

"Alright! Give me a second!" She turned back to me, "I'm just going to go ahead and spit it out, you

need to do something nice for him." She downed the rest of her drink and stood up, "nice how?" I

asked her retreating figure, "figure it out!" She then disappeared into the hall leading to the kitchen.

Nice? What does she mean by nice- oh.. she doesn't mean- oh yes she does..

"I'll see you later guys!" I shouted, grabbing my keys and bag I ran out of the apartment.

Am I really doing this..? I looked up at the two storied building that had Victoria's Secret written in big

bold white letters above the glass door.

Holy shit I am doing this.. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath before opening them

again and walking into the store.

The cool, sweet smell of a fruity, aromatic floral fragrance surrounded me as soon as I stepped inside.

A variety of things ranging from bath and body works to underwear and bras, sexy skimpy nighties to

long satin pajamas- it really was a sight..

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"Hi ma'aaa-" an employee's voice went up a few octaves higher when he approached me, "uhh.. hi..?" I

tilted my head to the side and dipped my eyebrows in confusion at his odd behavior.

"Umm.." he cleared his throat before saying, "I'm so sorry Mrs Knight, how may I help you today?" Oh

right.. Mrs Knight.. he pulled himself together and plastered on a huge smile.

"Umm.. this is a bit embarrassing," I chuckled nervously before clearing my throat and going on,

"today's my husband's birthday and I would like something that.." I cleared my throat and heat crept up

my neck, he fortunately didn't make me finish that sentence, "sure ma'am, follow me." He motioned

with his hand and I did so without hesitation.

"James..?" I called, "yes ma'am?" he -the employee- answered from the other end of the curtain, "I

don't think this fits.."

"Come out let's have a look- wow!" He exclaimed when I drew open the curtain, "what're are you talking

about?! This fits just fine!" He walked over to me and spun me around- I was comfortable with him

because I learned he was gay but other than that, he had a nice and bubbly personality.

"You're just saying that because you have to," I whined, tears at the verge of pouring out, "are you

kidding me?! Your husband's jaw is going to drop when he sees you in this," he consoled, "and

besides, I think your baby bump makes it ten times more sexier." Is it already visible?

"Really? I turned around to look at myself in the mirror, "mm-hm," he hummed, "and if your husband

doesn't think so as well, I'll come over and kill him myself," he added an extra sweet smile at the end

which made me giggle.


"Hello?" I answered the phone when Audrey's caller I.D popped up, "where are you?" well hello to you

too... "I'm five minutes away from home, why?"

"I'm waiting, hurry up!" She said and cut the call. That was weird...

"Audrey?" I called when I got into the house, "up here!" I heard her yell from upstairs.

"What're you doing in here- AUDREY," I gasped as me eyes slowly widened at the sight in front of me,

"I got you a peace offering-"

"Piece offering?! Piece offering?! Are you out of your mind?! What happened in here?!" I looked around

Alexander's study in horror, "I kind of-"


"You didn't.." I breathed out slowly, "I did.." she bit her lip and threw me an apologetic look. I looked

back around; the leather seats in the corner were torn to shreds, the cushions- or at least what used to

be cushions were just pieces of cloth and feather lying around the floor and don't even get me started

on his desk... pens, pencils, files and papers were all over the place, the wooden table had scratch and

bite marks covered on it, his chair fortunately didn't look like it had any major damage done to it.

Woof woof!

"Well where is it?!" I asked, referring to the dog. "In there," she pointed to a cupboard behind her, "you

have got to be kidding me Audrey.." I scoffed and looked around again in disbelief.

"he's going to kill me-"

"Amelia?" Someone called from downstairs. I froze. Audrey froze.

"What is he doing here?!" I whisper shouted at Audrey, "I might- or not! have told him you weren't

feeling well.." I would've been flattered that he came if we weren't in a freakin crisis!

"You what?!"

"It was the only way to get him to come home before 7 o'clock, okay?!" She shouted back, "Amelia?"

He sounded like he was on the stairs this time.

"Go distract him and make sure he doesn't get in here while I try to clean up!"

"What?! How?!" I looked at her like she had ran mad, "I don't know! Just go!" Her peace offering better

be worth it..

"Ame- oh hey, what were you doing in there?"

"Hi.. I was umm.. looking for.. my.. earing.."

"Your earing?" Alexander repeated and dipped his eyebrows, "what would your earing be doing in my

study..?" He asked, confusion written all over his face, "I remember I once fell asleep on the couch and

it must have fallen off without me noticing so I was looking for it today when I couldn't find it in the

room, I thought it might be in there.." I ranted all at once.

"Did you find it?"

"No," I shook my head, "okay.. are you feeling better?"

"Huh? Oh! No, my head hurts.." I rubbed my forehead, feigning pain, "I think I need to lie down, can

you please come with me?" I plastered on a fake smile but he fortunately didn't seem to notice it was,

"sure, let me just-"

"No! I mean," I cleared my throat, "can you please come lie down with me?" He raised an eyebrow at

this but came with me nonetheless.

I took off my shoes and jacket and climbed onto the bed, Alexander did the same and joined me. I put

my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his stomach- this way there's no way he'd leave

without me noticing.

"How was your day?" I asked, "busy. How was yours?" He started stroking my hair, "busy as well, I

helped Bella and Tony with moving," I answered and he neither one of us said anything after that for a

while before he spoke up, "have you already thought of baby names?" He asked softly.

Did he just.. did he just ask about the baby? Don't you dare mess this up Amelia..

"Mm-hm.. Noah or Liam if it's a boy and Emma or Ava if it's a girl," I whispered back, afraid of speaking

too loud. Don't you dare ask- "you?" Idiot..


Knock Knock

"Come in," ugh...

"Aww look at you two.." Audrey cooed, "sorry to disturb but it's 6 o'clock and you must start getting

ready now," she said and walked into the closet.

"Ready for what?" Alexander sat up and asked loud enough for her to hear, "for dinner-"

"Audrey I said I didn't want-"

"A party. This is a dinner. Two completely different things. Now, go shower-"


"Go!" He muttered incoherent words under his breath but did what she said nonetheless.

"What did you do about the study and the dog?" I asked when the shower had started, "don't worry

about it," she waved me off and continued scrolling threw Alexander's side of the closet.

"Wha- don't worry about it?! Audrey!"

"Mm-hm, and here's my peace offering," she picked up a shopping back that seemed to come out of no

where and handed it to me, "Audrey..." I said through gritted teeth.

"Alright! Geez.. I called a cleaning company to come and fix everything up while we're at dinner and as

for the dog..."

"The dog...?"

"It's still here but I swear I'm going to take it-"


"I got you Louboutin's!"

"I don't care! You have to do something about that dog and quick!"

"Fine! But can you make sure-"

"Go!" God..


"Amelia? Are you ready-" He stopped talking, his lips parting as he looked me up and down, over and

over again, "what? You don't like it? I can change-"

"No! I mean," he cleared his throat, "it looks fine."

"It looks fine?" I repeated and he nodded his head, "just fine?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.

I was wearing a black sleek, curve-hugging silhouette midi dress that had spaghetti straps, a cross

back and square neckline. It had a thigh-high front slit with a ruffle detail and a mid-length hem that I

styled with the leopard print Louboutin's Audrey had gotten me, a black clutch and gold hoop earrings.

I'd straightened my hair that was now falling freely down my shoulders and back and all he could say is

it looked fine?

"What? No! It- you look amazing," he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. I narrowed

my eyes at him and said, "you don't look too bad yourself," oh who am I kidding? He looks HOT.

He was wearing a black dress shirt which he'd folded the sleeves up to his elbows, black slacks and a

pair of black leather dress shoes. God he made the simplest of clothes look hot..

The only thing he accessorized with was a watch and that was it.

Alexander kept on stealing glances at me the whole time we drove to the restaurant but I pretended I

didn't see him- I loved the attention.

"You made it!" Alexis stood up from her seat before giving Alexander and I hugs, "didn't really have a

choice.." he muttered and threw Audrey glare to which she just rolled her eyes and continued nibbling

on a piece of bread.

"Isabella! Tony!" Audrey called and Alexis visibly froze at this, "over here!" Audrey waved them over.

What's that all about?


"I have a present for you," I whispered into Alexander's ear, I smile plastered on my face, "oh really?

What is it?" He asked in a whisper as well and helped me down the steps that lead to the parking lot.

"It's a surprise," I bit my lip to refrain from smiling too wide, "a surprise? I wonder-"

"Alexander," someone called and he froze, we turned around and there stood Jessica. What is she

doing here? "Let's go-"

"We need to talk," she said.

"There's nothing I have to say to you," he spat, "let's go Amelia-"

"Please, it's important," she pleaded, "please?" her voice cracked and we both looked back, he looked

at me, then her, then back at me before cursing under is breath fishing for something in his pocket.

"Here," he pulled out the car keys and handed them to me, "drive safe, don't wait up for me," and

before I could process what was going on, he was gone.


It's past midnight.. where is he?


I should probably sleep.. No, wake up!


A few minutes won't hurt.. just before I was about to close my eyes the door suddenly opened and a

very exhausted looking Alexander walked in, "you're still awake?" He asked, surprise dripping from his

voice. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Where were you?" I ignored his question and asked one of my own, I walked over to where he was

standing by the door and crossed my arms, "we'll talk about this tomorrow, let's go to bed-"

"Did.. did you you sleep-"

"What? No!-"

"Then what took you so long? I'm sure-"

"Amelia..." he warned but I wasn't having any of it.

"No Alexander! Listen-" In a flash I was against the the wall with his hands placed on either side of my

head. I was trapped.

"No you listen Amelia. Nothing happened between us. We just talked, okay?" He put his finger under

my chin and made me look at him when I'd looked away.

When I didn't say anything he started trailing wet kisses down my neck- it sounds disgusting I know but

boy did it feel amazing!

I didn't want to stop him but I knew I had to, "no, not 'okay'," I pushed him off and crossed my arms

again, "just 'talking' doesn't take a whole five hours, Alexander, where were you and what were you


"I can't do this right now, I have work tomorrow," he took of his shoes and started unbuttoning his shirt,

"better get some sleep then, good night," I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and just before I

could walk out of the door he had the audacity to ask, "where're you going?"

"Away from you," I answered without stopping.

"You can't be serious.."

"Oh I'm serious."

"Amelia," he called but I just continued walking, "Amelia?" He called again but I still didn't answer.

Part of me wanted to be left alone but the part wanted him to come after me and when he didn't, I went

to sleep feeling both angry and disappointed.

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