One Night Stand With My Husband’s Brother


Chase and Mackenzie strolled out of Richard’s ward into the quiet hospital corridor. As they walked, Mackenzie found herself tucking her fingers into her coat at seconds intervals. The weather on its own was cold, but being close to Chase seemed to heat her up, causing all the cold to rush to the tip of her fingers.

“Uhh. Why don’t we just order a coffee?” She asked. There was a nervous edge to her voice, one she hoped Chase wouldn’t notice.

He did.

He looked down at her and managed a small smile. Mackenzie knew she should have looked away in that moment, from his eyes that always threatened to suck her in, but she didn’t. It wouldn’t hurt once to let her guard down and be completely drowned in his gaze, would it?

“I just wanted time alone with you.”

Mackenzie’s eyes widened, sparkling with delight. Her stomach churned from thousands of butterflies. She turned away immediately, chuckling from the shivers that rushed down her spine.

“I guess that much.” She replied, digging her teeth into her lower lip gently.

Chase reached out for her right hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. Mackenzie’s head jerked up to look at him. She stared down at the hand he held, and back up at him again.

The hairs on her skin stood erect, and it was not from the cold, rather, the heat that coursed through her body as he touched her. She was not aware of how much she had secretly yearned for that one touch until now.

“I miss you, Chase.” Mackenzie blurted out, careless of whatever consequences she had made up in her head.

Chase looked down at her. He wanted to say the words, he wanted to tell her how badly he had missed her, but all that came out was a growl underneath his breath.

“Then if you miss me, do pick your calls, please.”

“Chase…” Her doe hazel eyes found his again.

“No, Mackenzie. You have no idea how worried, how mad I get when I call you, and another voice picks up the call. I just…I just want to snap somebody’s bones.”

If you don’t snap mine first, Mackenzie thought to herself. Seeing how hard he was squeezing her knuckles, someone must have really gotten him pissed off. And it was no news that the only person who could rile Chase up like that, and how could answer her phone was…

Mackenzie narrowed her eyes on him.

“Hold on a minute.” She paused, causing him to stop in his tracks. She turned, a 180 degree spin, to look at him.

“You spoke to uncle Maverick today?”

Chase rolled his eyes in response.

“Seriously, why does he have the right to come into your home how he wants? It’s extremely uncomfortable, Mackenzie. If he continues to do that, I’ll have to get you and the kids out of the house.”

Mackenzie stared at him, eyes widened in alarm. She suddenly remembered all uncle Maverick had said to her that afternoon. Her shoulders fell as she turned away from Chase.

“You know.” She blurted out.

Chase scoffed. Like hell he did.

“Oh. He finally confessed, right? He finally grew some balls.” Chase hissed, kissing his teeth with his tongue.

“I can’t believe that motherfucker.”

“Language, Chase.” Mackenzie chided. It was meant to be a joke, but Chase did not seem to be in the mood for jokes. He glared at her for a split second, before tearing his eyes away and continuing his journey down the hall, leaving a giggling Mackenzie behind him.

She had no idea how funny annoying him could be.

“Hey! Chase, wait up!” She called after him. She hurried to where he was and locked her right arm in his left, causing him to look down at her.

“Move in with me, Mackenzie.”

Mackenzie dropped her gaze to the floor, her cheeks reddened. Chase continued to speak.

“Knowing that I have a family of my own is the best thing that has ever happened to me. When are you going to move in? When are you going to come to me, Mackenzie?” As he spoke, he laced his fingers with hers, locking their hold tight.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

She looked up at him. Her heart melted in her chest as she heard him speak. She longed to be with him, longed to have their children with him, but everything had to be done in due time.

“I know, Chase.” She tapped his elbow with all the love in her heart.

“I’m sure the children would want to be with you too. I…I want to be with you too.”

“But?” He had heard the silent but in her statement. Chase prefered to ask her, he wanted to know.

Mackenzie chuckled lightly as she looked away from him.

“Perhaps we should take it slow, and not do it so abruptly, you know.”

“So, when then?” Chase asked. He was willing to be patient, for as long as she was comfortable with. He only wanted her to know how much he really needed her around.

“Chase.” Mackenzie breathed out again. He stopped walking and turned to look at her, holding both of her hands as he looked into her beautiful hazel eyes.

He was reminded of how much he loved the woman, there was no other who could ever make him feel the same way.

“My house is big and empty, Mackenzie. Do you always want me returning to an empty home? Listen, okay?”

She heaved a sigh, and he continued to speak.

“I have already ordered some people to bring in furniture for the kids. I want to decorate their room myself. By this weekend, it would all be sorted out. I really want you and the kids to be comfortable. We could go shopping for Cameron’s new baseball gear, and I promised Calista colors…”

Mackenzie’s eyes danced around his face as he spoke with so much passion. She tried to hold back her laughter, but she could not. She had never seen him like this about anything order than work. There was so much depth and life to him, so much glee that brightened his usually grim and dark eyes.

“Chase, you really don’t need to…”

“And canvases too.” He cut in with enthusiasm, ignoring her words. He needed to, he wanted to.

“Things have just been so hectic, but they were always on my mind. I know I tend to forget things easily…”


“But these two things have been on my mind. I thought about them day and night and I never forgot. I have just not had the time to run around and get them, but I definitely will.”

“Well,” Mackenzie replied, pulling herself closer to him.

“You might just be in luck.”

When Chase corked his right brow in query, she blushed and continued to speak.

“It’s almost the weekend already. We could come to your place this weekend, move the kids things in. And after day care on Monday, the kids could move in permanently.”

Chase’s heart swelled with joy. For the first time in a long while, he smiled. And it wasn’t just any smile, but the type that spread from his left ear to his right.

“You really mean it, Sunshine?”

“Of course!” She called out, but Chase wasn’t sure yet. He had to make sure he had in no negative way, influenced her decision.

“Are you sure, Mackenzie? I do not want to make you do anything you do not want to. I do not want to force you to be with me because of the kids. Do you…” He held up her hands, caressed her knuckles with the tip of his thumb, and peered into her orbs.

“Do you really want to, Sunshine?” His tone was soft, as soft as his heart always was when he was around her.

Mackenzie blushed, staring into the depth of his eyes. She made no attempt to alter their eye contact. She wanted him to know that when she said it, she meant it.

“Definitely, Chase. I want to, I really want to.”

“It’s not just that.” He breathed out.

Mackenzie’s eyes narrowed into slits as she examined his face.

“What else?”

Chase looked down at her lips, before his gaze shifted back to her eyes.

“My father wants to know when he can meet yours. I want meet him too. Perhaps we can travel to North Dakota and…”

Mackenzie’s cheeks spread into a broad smile as she nodded eagerly.

“Yes, Chase! Yes! Oh! I’m sure he’ll love to meet you!”

With no further words, Chase pulled her into his arms, engulfing her in a tight and warm embrace. She was so close she could hear his heart scream for joy in his chest.

She could no longer feel the cold, not when his touch had sent warmth all over her body, and her thoughts of him spiraling out of control.

“I’m sure the kids are waiting for their chocolate.” She mumbled against his chest.

Her words called Chase back to order. He had almost forgotten all about the reason they had left his father’s ward in the first place.

“Of course.”

She chuckled.

“Let’s go get them the chocolate please.” She wriggled out of his hug and held his right hand, flashing him a bright smile.

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