Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 31 Tale of Encounters

Chapter 31 Tale of Encounters

Artemis’s point of view

Artemis had to admit she was glad Orion came back. The moment she saw him, all her mind and emotions flood back into one place. She missed him, she mourned his death. Now seeing him in front of her, it all came back to the day he died, and the day she realised she loved him.

Orion was her first love. Now with his return, the need to find Percy suddenly disappeared within her. She had slowly lost that feeling toward the werewolf....

N/A ???? I just wanted to joke a bit to bring you guys spirits up ??????? here's the the serious one. Cheers ???✌?

Oh and as usual. This chapter is dedicated to..... Princess_Andromeda56 congratulations ?✌??

Artemis had to admit Orion was a good tracker. Ever since he joined her on the quest of finding Perseus, his skills made her come closer to the werewolf. The hunters surely didn't please with his presence. Even Zoë was not comfortable. As about Artemis, it was her that caused up this mess. She never liked Orion, since she discovered him had a feeling towards her more than just friends. She turned him into a constellation out of sympathy, and it did not make Apollo happy.

The two advanced deep into the wood, Artemis followed behind him as she tried to catch any scene of that idiot wolf of hers. Artemis had punished herself with that guilt and regret ever since Percy left. Even Aphrodite was angry with her since she'd developed feelings towards Perseus as well, with did not appease Artemis in anyway. Artemis had promised herself that no matter what, she would never be the cause of him to leave again. Surely she'd hurt him because of his stupidity, but break him in any core would never occur. He was her wolf, and he was her responsibility to keep him with her. A voice came that brought Artemis out of her thought.

"You know I'm actually glad that you accepted me into the hunt again"

"It was just an other from my father" Artemis said coldly as she avoided looking at him. "I did not wish to have a male travelling with us"

"Yet you had me before" Orion smirked.

"Do not bring it up Orion" Artemis snarled. "You should be appreciated your life at the moment. Don't waste it!"

"Fine" he threw his hands in surrender. "Just trying to lighten the mood"

They walked in silence for a moment. It was a bit strange walking with Orion at the time. Something about him that she couldn't understand, perhaps she never would. She cared more about Perseus. Someone might have mistaken that she had a feeling for Orion, that was why Apollo drove him mad. But Artemis never did, only now she had just recently her feeling to a wolf boy. Yet she's driven him away.

Orion suddenly stopped as he picked up a broken stick and examined it. Artemis gleaned around, she knew they were close, so close that her blood moved with excitement yet fear.

"Something strange" Orion muttered. "This werewolf has different scents."

Artemis knew sooner or later Orion would track Perseus down, not unless she found him first. At that point she didn't require Orion help anymore. Percy was somewhere within those woods, he was close to her reach. She needed to separate herself from Orion before both of them finding Percy together. She was certain he would kill Percy before she could stop.

"I think we should spread out" Artemis suggested. "It's easier to find that way"

"Are you sure" Orion turned to her. "We're now in its territory. It could ambush us in any moment. Fighting it alone is kinda dangerous"

"You dare to question my ability Orion?" Artemis snarled.

"I just wanted to remind you to be careful" Orion stood up as he threw the stick away. "After all, I wouldn't want you to get hurt with my presence"

"Say that again I dare you" She hissed, her dangers were ripping out of her skin.

He said no more and summoned his black bow, it shines with intimidation and glory. The fear for Percy travelled down her spine.

"Your choice" he said. "But remember I'll be watching you"

With that, he took off ahead leaving Artemis to contemplate a plan to save her wolf.

Another day with another argument. Percy walked toward the stream as he threw a stone across its surface. If only that Lucien knew how he felt, he wouldn't be yelling at him.

Two months stuck in one forest was already torturous enough for Percy. Every morning he'd wake up with his body ached like boulders had dropped upon him. At night, he would try to transform that nearly broke every single bones inside his body.

He tried, he did tried with all his will, but every transformation was just too painful to endure. Lucien said if he could let go off that stupid memory, then it wouldn't hurt. But Percy didn't even know what it was to begin with. All he knew that now he needed someone, someone that could cheer his spirit up even with scolding.

Surely Lucien was annoying enough. He couldn't stop ranting at Percy ears of how important he was and his destiny. Even scolding was Lucien effort to wake Percy. But Lucien wasn't the person he needed to scold at him.

He missed her.

He had started to regret that impulsive decision he made that day. No matter how many one he got mad at her, how many time he wanted to get away from her. Yet that invisible chain always connected his soul to her. He couldn't get away from her no matter what, it's not that he wanted to. He needed her, even when she wanted to kill him all the time, ranting and scolding him every single moment of the day. He still wanted to stay with her.

Living with Artemis was like living in another world. She never stopped amazed him, stopped making him feel bore. Everyday spending with her was like another adventure, even though at the end of the day, he knew he'd end up butt hurt.

He wanted to return, but considering putting his life on the line made him hesitated. If there was one lesson he'd learnt ever since leaving Leto was this. To survive at all cost. He wouldn't risk coming out from these woods, from the protection of these trees, the cover of these leaves.

Lingering in his thoughts, he threw another rock until his motion stopped. All the muscles under his skin froze, his eyes widen as he stare at the image, blurred image on the stream surface in front of him. That auburn hair, smearing by the water. The undefined yet unmistakable silver eyes shined on the water like two mini-moons under the afternoon sun. The scent caused his head automatically turned, and like miracle that his dream was answered.

Even when the scene was what he did not expect find, a really mad Artemis was there, standing behind him with her arms across her chest.

He was uttered in words, that only Artemis gritted her teeth so hard that he heard the sound.

"You moron!" She ranged, landing her foot on his back that knocked in head to toes onto the stream. He turned around, only to find a goddess jumped onto his stomach.

"Fucking bastard, idiot, you bloody dog trashy male!" She punched, so hard that nearly cracked every rib, that break every bone in his face.

"Artemis-" he managed to say her name, but a fist connected his jaw that sent him drinking water.

"Two months," she slapped him so hard that he could see stars. "Two fucking months searching for you, you worthless pig!"

She hammered on his chest, she started yelling, she punched again and again with all her rage flooded out, even her sadness and relieve. He let her hurt him, not because he was stupid, but he saw her tears. Even in her madness stage, she was crying.

Artemis held his collar and ready to blow him another. Percy was pretty beaten up at that point. He closed his eyes, embraced to have another attack.

But she hugged him instead.

She pulled him close, so close that no gasp could be seen between them. Percy was utterly shocked that he just widened his eyes, his mouth just opened in an O.

"You idiot" she sobbed at his ear, her fingers ripped on his back that made holes on his shirt. "Why did you leave?"

"Artemis I...."

He couldn't speak. If only he come up with an answer without being kicked again.

"I thought you hated me" he managed to give her one at the end.

"You know I have temper right" Artemis said. "Of course when I get angry, I never think straight. And you always find pleasure in angering me." Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

"At least you got your pay" he smirked,

Artemis chuckled as she let go off him. "That will never be enough."

"Hey this much wound would take weeks to heal!" He pouted, pointing at his bleeding nose.

Artemis smiled. She ripped the cloth of her shirt, dipped into the water as she leaned closer to clean him . She gently poured the water on his face, her fingers softy swept the blood away.

"I'm sorry Perseus" she whisper.

She was so close to him, to the point that she could touch him with her lips. She wanted to kiss his forehead, to his bleeding nose that she caused, to the bruise cheeks and to that swollen lips. She knew she was harsh, but she couldn't contain it.

He suddenly caught her hand, Artemis only stared at his eyes in wonder as he set her hand down.

"I-I'm sorry too" he said. "For making you worry"

Artemis slowly went under his shirt, her cold soft hand sent shiver down his spine as it touched the wound she stabbed him. It was healed, yet silver leaves scars to werewolf. She traced the mark of his skin, her eyes watery as she looked at him.

"For this" she said softly, all the guilt gushed back to her. "It's never been an apology"

They sat there for awhile, letting the coolness of the stream flowed through the them, soaking and flood away that guilt, that sadness, all the worries and the memories. Artemis's fingers still pressed on the scar, with care and with....

Artemis couldn't understand that feeling inside her. Her heart kept beating hard, yet she showed no effect. She wanted to do something more for him, perhaps holding him in her arms wouldn't satisfy her. She wanted to care for him more, yet she didn't know how to. She wanted to do something for him, to satisfy the need, the feeling that she wanted to understand. It urged her closer towards him, the sea scent of Spring, to that sea green eyes and even the dense wall in his head.

A sudden scent snapped her out of her thought. She pulled her hand back immediately only to confuse Perseus. She knew that scent, that dark and intimidation. That madness, that stench of blood.

Orion was close.

"We have to get out of here quick" she stood up and grabbed his hand.

"What's the matter" he frowned. "Isn't it lovely to be here? I mean the beauty of the surrounding and all"

"These's no time for that" Artemis said in annoy as she grabbed his hand and started sprinting into the wood. Percy struggled to catch up with her speed.

"What's with the rush?" Percy said, Thai time a bit annoy because he didn't understand the situation.

"I did not come here alone"

Percy suddenly stopped, his unstoppable strength pulled Artemis into a halt.

"You brought the Olympians here" he ask, his hand gripped on her tightly.

"I-I needed help to find you Percy" Artemis said softly.

"And you risked to expose me?" He yelled. "By handing me to them?"

"You think I had a choice?" At that stage she did not hold back. It wasn't that she was mad because he yelled at her, but because of his carelessness. "I went day and night to find you. You think could sleep easily at night for the last two months!?"

"And yet you still brought them here to capture me" he accused, pointed towards the bushes.

"I can't believe you would say such a world." Artemis stepped back. "If I wanted to hand you to my father, I would've done it ages ago. You think I risked all the way in here, travelling with one of the most

dangerous and cruel person in this world to capture you? You think after all the effort of finding and tears and you still think that I want to betray you?"

Artemis swept the tears off her eyes, she glared at him with such fierce and anger. He did not forgive her, after everything he still did not. It hurt him and it hurt her that there was no trust between them. She knew she had broken a promise she made, but she did not know of how to rebuild it.


"Just get out of here first" she said, swallowing down that urge to cry again. "When the danger passes, you will be on your own as you wish. After all, I'm the kind that you hate"

She attempted to catch his hand. She knew her decision was impulsive. She had spent too much, sacrificed t much for now to let him go again. She did not know if she could bear it this time. But considering if it made him happy, if only it could make him forgive her. She was ready to let him go. She was Artemis after all. People didn't call her the goddess of man haters for nothing. She'd move on just like normal, because she'd been in that life since her birth. He was her first crush, and would be her last. She liked him, more than just that bond blood between them. But if that made him happy just by not living with her, then it was his world to discover.

"And what if I say do not not wish to leave" he jerked his hand back a little from her reach. "I know I'm stupid and all, but I do think sometimes Artemis. It's just I'm still confusing over the incident that day. They day I thought you hated me. But since then I-I have no freedom even after leaving. It's a boredom in this vast world because I need you Artemis. Because I-I..."

He was about to spill it out. The word he had been holding so long, the concealed secret within his heart. He loved her. He'd just recently discovered it. It was not the one day crush that had him talk in his sleep. He believed she was the one, the one that complete him, that guide his soul to the light. At

that point, even when it was not an appropriate time to talk about it. He knew she would struck him down at the spot. He knew Artemis wouldn't believe him, but his heart urged him to say those words.

"Because I lo-"

But seemed that the Fates wanted to save him, or to ruin him. Artemis ran up and pushed him aside. Percy landed hard on the ground as he glanced up at her confusingly, his heart ached of how she acted until a black arrow flew straight and struck on her chest.

"Artemis!" Percy was out of breath, utterly shocked at the moment.

Artemis coughed out blood as the power of he arrow sent her straight to the ground.

At that point, his senses came back as he rushed to her.

"Artemis" he said in horror, the feather of the arrow still throbbing on her chest.

Ichor soaked his knees, yellowed the ground beneath her as he hands grabbed his.

"Run..." She managed with all her strength. But she knew it was useless for the idiot and brave in front of her.

He crutched down and carried her bridal style to a bush, he let her leaning on his chest as the steps came closer.

"Common little wolf" a British accent came. "Why don't you show up now and have a fun game. I've gotten bored with hide and seek."

It stopped as Orion inspected the blood.

"Hm interesting" he said. "You have blood like the Olympians"

Percy could sense Orion just few feet away, his bow was drawn with on arrow on it. That murderous aura radiated from him turn Percy blood cold.

"Come and play little wolf" he said. "I'll make it end quick I promise."

Percy felt a squeeze at his chest as he glanced down. Artemis gripped on his shirt, her eyes looked at him, telling him to run. But Percy cared her cheek as he pulled her face close to his chest.

If he came out now, Orion would certainly kill him an Artemis perhaps would not be discovered. But who would tend to her wound? Not unless he kills Orion first. But he knew nothing about him, and his ability. He only knew that this hunter was dangerous and should not be faced alone.

Artemis suddenly choked out blood, containing herself to make any noise. At that point Percy did not care anymore. He brought out his pen and silently prayed to Aphrodite. He didn't know if that could work. But he was desperate. If he died out there then certainly the goddess of love would come to rescue Artemis. That was what he thought. He didn't know if the pen Aphrodite gave him could send a message, but at the point he was so desperate to care.

A sudden pain spread at his back as he winced.

"Praying for someone?"

So it did work. But now he'd let Orion to discover his place. Sooner or later he would. Orion shot another arrow as it struck on Percy back, he ached the spine.

Artemis gripped on his chest, her finger holding dear on the fabric as tears swelling up her eyes.

No what am I thinking?

Percy reminded himself. He would not die. Artemis was in need of him, he wouldn't just leave her. She was at her vulnerable stage, and she needed him. He also needed to tell her that he loved her. Even

when he did not make her any promise, he had made one to himself that he'd protect her no matter what.

He gripped his pen as Orion advanced closer. Suddenly, a beam on gold slashed to his eyes as he looked through the leaves to the other side, just behind Orion in the bush. Those yellow eyes were gleaming in that darkness. A smirk came to Percy.

Lucien what there.

He had to protect Artemis, he'd to keep her safe, that was his destiny. He gently set her on the ground, kissed the goddess forehead who was now had lost her consciousness. Orion had to pay for hurting her.

He jumped out of the bush, his muscles flexed, the skin on his arms changed, his eyes turned red as the claws slashed out from his fleshed. He had changed, but it wasn't the anger that changed him. He changed himself because he loved Artemis, because he wanted to protect her. He did not intensify the anger, but he intensified the love. It was his strength, his trigger.

His control.

Orion smirked as he aimed at Percy. From the beast, Percy roared in his mighty form as he yelled in his beast voice.

"Lucien, NOW!"

The the bush behind Orion, a flash of grey fur submerged from the darkness to the clear. Orion widened his eyes in shock as things turned into chaos.

N/A damn that was Hades long. Anyway, hope you guys like it. Votes and comments help a lot. Chap come out next week and for now, bye and luv ya guys ❤❤???????

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