Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 21

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 21

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 21 The Montenero’s New Apprentice

Tanya’s POV:

I turn towards Lily, surprised by the chill in her tone. I’ve never seen her be openly hostile before, but when I look into her eyes, it’s not just anger that fills them; it’s fear. What could she possibly be afraid of? I can’t figure out what’s going through her mind, but I don’t get the chance to ask her. Ayana leaps at the opportunity to accuse me once again, yelling in my face.

“So, she’s not a murderer, but she’s a thief!” she cries.

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Eric and Marco help Cathy to her feet as the princess slowly begins to recover. Still, Ayana is relentless in her efforts to make me seem like the villain.

“That extraordinary perfume, you took it from Lily’s family! They recently showed Montenero’s custom perfume collection at the perfumery. Tanya must have stolen it from there.”

“I would never do that,” I try to explain. “It’s true that I visited the perfume display, but I didn’t steal anything. I made this fragrant potion myself, recreating the formula from what I smelled in the special collection.”

Everyone’s eyes dart between Ayana and me, unsure of whom to believe.

“Lair!” she persists. “The Montenero’s extraordinary perfumes are unique. No one else can create their special effects. How dare you say that you made it? You obviously stole it!”

Even Marco’s friend, Oliver, seems like he doesn’t know what to say. I start to panic again, fearing they’ll try to arrest me once more.

“I’m telling the truth, I swear,” I say pleadingly. “I recreated it from memory.”

I’m hit with an idea, and I hold up the little vial, showing it to everyone.

“I made this perfume, but I didn’t have all the right materials, so I had to replace an ingredient. I couldn’t find any butterbur flowers, so I used apple blossom and ginger root instead. So my perfume even smells different from the ones made by the Monteneros.”

It’s true, but silence hangs in the hall. The crowd remains divided and unconvinced, our argument reaching an apparent stalemate. My formula is unique, but unless I can prove it’s actually different from the Montenero’s perfume, no one will believe that I made it.

Ayana will insist that I stole the bottle from the perfume display. She is an established member of the court and a friend of Lily’s. If it’s just her word against mine, they will believe Ayana over me.

But then suddenly, a beautiful woman with dazzling green eyes steps forward. She smiles at me kindly, and I’m touched and surprised by her friendliness.

“That’s Lady Vivian Montenero,” someone whispers, and a shocked silence falls over the crowd. I bow my head at the noblewoman, feeling nervous and self-conscious.

“I’ve heard some rather lovely things about you, young lady,” Vivian says quietly enough that I’m the only one who can hear her. She’s stunning, but her presence is calm and commanding. I can only imagine how extremely well-respected she must be among the court.

“I can recognize my family’s extraordinary perfumes anywhere,” she says, raising her voice to address the crowd this time. “With their highness’s permission, I can identify the potion that healed the


Prince Eric looks at his sister, who nods at him slightly. “Very well,” Eric says. “Let Lady Vivian settle this matter once and for all.”

I hand the small bottle to Vivian. If what I’ve heard about her family’s gifted sense of smell is true, she will be able to identify the perfume as my original creation. Vivian holds the ornate little bottle up to her nose, inhaling deeply. She closes her eyes, pondering the scent.

“There are notes of… licorice root… hints of stinging nettle, and… yes, apple blossom and ginger. None of my family’s perfumes have these exact ingredients. The effects are similar, but the scent is slightly different. I believe this young lady is telling the truth. Tanya must have created this perfume herself.”

Despite my relief, my heart is still pounding in my chest, and there are several amazed gasps around me. “That’s incredible!” Someone says.

“How did she do that?!”

Vivian glances back at me, returning the small vial to my hands.

“You have a phenomenal talent, my dear girl. The craftsmanship required to not only recreate but modify this kind of formula is truly magnificent. If it wasn’t for your unique skill, I fear Princess Cathy might not have recovered in time. You saved her life.”

I curtsy slightly in response to her words, dazed by her praise. I glance at Marco, who gives me a grateful and encouraging nod.

“Thank you, my Lady. It was nothing.”

“It most certainly was not ‘nothing,’ and please, call me Vivian. I think you and I will be spending plenty of time together. A talent like yours is not meant to be wasted. I normally would never work with someone outside of my family, and I have not taken on an apprentice in a very long time. But with a gift like yours… I will gladly make an exception. What do you say, Tanya? Would you like to be my apprentice?”

I stare at her in awe.

“I would be honored.”

To be Lady Vivian’s apprentice is an unparalleled privilege. Everyone around me seems surprised and impressed. Well, everyone except for Lily, whose expression turns oddly pale at her mother’s words, i

After all the commotion, I’m relieved when everyone files into the ballroom, ready for the celebration to commence. Candlelight glows around me, and the guests gather around the edge of the main floor as the orchestra prepares to play the first song.

Prince Eric steps out into the center of the crowd, Lily standing beside him. But much to my surprise, instead of turning to her, the two of them walk in my direction. I’m stunned as Eric stands before me and bows politely, offering me his hand.

“May I have the of the first dance?” he asks.

At the sight of Eric inviting me onto the floor, Lily quickly rushes to Marco, all too eager to dance with him in my place. All eyes are on me as the prince waits for my reply.

“Me?” I ask meekly, struggling to believe that this is actually happening.

“Yes, you. It would be an honor to dance with the girl that saved my sister’s life, as a thank you.”

I feel safe by Marco’s side, and the idea of stepping away from him and into the middle of the crowd to dance with the prince is somewhat mortifying. I’m flustered by all the attention, but with so many nobles watching, I cannot afford to disrespect the prince by refusing him.

Hesitantly, I give Eric my hand, trying not to trip on my unsteady feet as he guides me onto the center of the dancefloor. The warm glow of the ballroom glistens on my golden dress, which flutters around me with ethereal elegance. Everyone watches as the music starts to play, and we begin to dance. But amidst the twinkling lights and the swell of the violins, all I can think about is Marco’s gaze from across the room, burning into my skin.

Lily’s POV:

Although I can’t help but resent the way everyone watches Tanya and Eric, I rejoice at the opportunity to reconnect with Marco. He cuts quite the dashing figure in his formal attire; his usually shaggy blond curls are neatly brushed, making him look younger and softer.

He guides me through the first half of the dance, but even as his strong hand rests on my waist, there is no trace of the old desire that used to fill his handsome blue eyes when he looks at me. In fact, on more than one occasion, his gaze grows distant and absent-minded, and I catch him looking past me. Subconsciously, his attention keeps getting pulled toward Tanya and Eric.

Jealousy courses through my veins, and I bat my eyes at Marco.

“We don’t dance like we used to anymore,” I say with a shy smile, my tone soft and flirty.

He clenches his jaw at my words, stiffening. “There is no ‘we.’ Not anymore,” he says gruffly. “You and I are a thing of the past. Tanya is my present.”

Envy turns to indignation, and I have to make an effort to keep my expression pleasant. My engagement with Eric has brought me closer to power and riches, but Marco was always the

handsome one. The strong one.

After I broke things off with him, I honestly expected him to wait for me. Even now, there’s still a part of me that believed he would always love me. The way he looks right through me as though he could only see Tanya is infuriating.

There’s a change of rhythm in the song, and the gentlemen on the dancefloor twirl their dance partners. I manage not to gasp as Marco takes advantage of the moment and spins me away, leading me right into Eric’s arms. Quickly, I compose myself and continue dancing with Eric, trying to pretend that the switch was intentional. I can’t believe Marco had the audacity to swap me right out of his arms to dance with Tanya.

Tanya all but stumbles into Marco’s waiting embrace before falling into step across from him. The two of them look like such a beautiful couple. His golden hair matches her gown, and the shades of green in her eyes compliment the deep blue in his as they gaze at each other. The sight of them makes me furious beyond words. He holds her so tenderly, and she moves with him so gracefully, gliding along to the music.

She looks like a fairytale princess that fell into his arms, and I hate her for it. I think I should do something.

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