Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 30

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 30

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 30 Marco Kisses Lily

Tanya’s POV:

I am walking back home with excitement clearly written all over my face. I have a bright smile on my face while I cling the application form closely to my heart.

When I consider how my life has drastically changed, I am very surprised. My life has gotten much better, and I have a number of people to be grateful for. One of those people is Lady Viviane, Lily’s mother.

Title of the document

We’ve only known each other for a couple of months, and it feels as though we’ve known each other since forever. She is slowly becoming the mother I never had. I finished early with Lady Viviane, and I want to enjoy an evening stroll before I reach home.

My stroll takes me by the main gate of the palace. The main gate is truly a majestic work of art. It is adorned with gold and shines brightly under the evening sun. The gate was also peaceful. I expect to feel the same peace as I walk by but a loud noise startles me. I look towards the gate and am surprised to see the guards f*orc*efully toss a man out of the palace.

He lands very rough and awkward on the floor and I am worried that they’ve hurt him. I am about to go check on him but he is already on his feet in a flash. He doesn’t bother to dust the sand off his body before he starts yelling at the guards.

I am quite surprised that he hit the ground so hard and doesn’t even have a bruise on his body. I think he might be a powerful werewolf, maybe even an alpha of a pack. He is obviously angry but his

exaggerated gesticulations almost make him look like a court jester. He is gesticulating so hard that it is hard not to laugh at him. I am amused by the way he gestures wildly with his hands, and I wait to watch the drama.

“How dare you?” he is yelling towards the palace. “How dare you give such orders? Even if you’re the Lycans, you can’t give such horrendous orders without consorting the concerned pack.”

The guards just stare at him as though he is invisible. Their silence must have infuriated him further because he begins to yell louder and curse the Royal family. After a few minutes of causing a scene, he realizes that it is yielding no results.

“I am the alpha of my pack, and I will be back for you,” he threatens and turns to walk away.

It is when he turns that I am able to see his face clearly. My amusement turns to surprise when I see his face clearly. He is the exact same man I saw arguing with another man under the Blue Moon Tree. I am surprised as to what he is doing in the palace. I hastily clear the thought off my mind. Marco will soon be back and I need to get his dinner ready.

The Next Day

Making breakfast for Marco always makes me happy, and today is no different. I carefully serve his toasted pancake on the table after giving him a generous amount of syrup by the side. The morning sun is already shining brightly and I wonder why Marco is not yet awake. He usually wakes up very early in the morning because of the nightmares he has in his sleep, but recently, he seems to be waking up late.

I walk to his door and knock gently. When I get no response, I knock slightly harder, still no response. I slowly push the door open and am relieved when I see him sleeping peacefully on his bed.

There is something peaceful and alluring about the way Marco sleeps. His usual cold, troubled expression has disappeared. He now has a soft, almost childish expression on his face as he sleeps. His face is filled with peace, innocence, and comfort. I smile softly as I gaze at his face. Marco is so handsome that I get butterflies in my stomach just by looking at him.

Marco turns on the bed and I see him clutching tightly the perfume I made for him. Joy fills me up when I realize that my perfume might be the reason he is sleeping peacefully. I am proud of myself because I can also help Marco with something he really needs. He has helped me a lot and I feel very happy that I can help him in return, no matter how small.

His lips slightly curl into a lazy, sleepy smile. They are so soft, pink…and kissable.

I am intrigued by his beautiful lips and I unconsciously stretch my hand to feel them. My finger is just a few inches from his lips when I feel his eyes on me. I look at his face and am startled to see that his blue eyes are wide open and staring at me.

Shocked, I hastily jump back away from him. He has an amused look on his sleepy face. He doesn’t say anything but keeps staring at me. I am embarra*s*sed and I hastily explain myself.

“I wanted to wake you for breakfast,” I murmur. My heart is beating very fast and I am too shy to look at his face.

“I’ll join you soon,” Marco replies and I detect a small chuckle in his voice.

I am flustered while I hastily walk away from his room to the dining. I blush as I remember the awkward but sweet moment in his bedroom.

Marco joins me for breakfast a few minutes later and we eat in silence.

“I will come home late today,” I tell Marco, breaking the silence.

“Why?” he raises an inquiring eyebrow.

“I want to visit the Messenger Mage this evening to thank her for giving me really good advice,” I smile shyly. “It seems like I’ll change my schedule too,” a mysterious smile plays on the corner of Marco’s lips.

I cast a puzzled glance at him but he doesn’t give an explanation.

My day at work is smooth and filled with happiness. The Messenger Mage has helped me so much and I am excited to talk to her again. I glance at the wall clock and realize that it is closing hours. I quickly clear my table and prepare to close.

I am just stepping out of my office when Ella stops me. “Tanya,” she smiles. “You’re just the person I’m looking for.”

“Me?” I ask, surprised. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, Lily just sent me to find you,” she replies and walks away. “See you tomorrow.”

“Lily?” I mutter. “Me?”

I can’t help the bad feeling that slowly creeps up on me, but I can do nothing else than slowly pick my way to her office. I am just about to knock on her door when I hear Lily’s voice. It seems like she is talking to someone. I am about to leave and come back later when I hear her call a name that is dear to me.

“Marco,” Lily’s voice drifts from her office.

Although I know it’s wrong, I just can’t help it. I am too curious to leave so I eavesdrop at the door. I think I misheard but I hear it again, clearly this time.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Marco, look at me,” she says.

My heart suddenly picks up pace as myriads of questions flitter through my mind.

What is Marco doing in Lily’s office? Why didn’t he tell me? Is that why he changed his schedule? What is going on?

I can barely breathe as Lily continues to speak.

“I know you still love me, Marco,” Lily continues. “I know I’m still in your heart. That is why you married that omega. She’s supposed to replace me, right? Because she’s born on the same day as I am does not mean she can replace me. No one can replace me in your heart, Marco, no one.”

I wheeze when I hear her. I just can’t believe that Marco would stand there and let her say those words. It must be a prank. There is no other explanation. It has to be a set-up. I take the risk to look through the frosted window in Lily’s office. Frosted glasses are only clear from the inside-out. From the outside- in, I can only see silhouettes.

My heart plummets when I see Lily and Marco’s silhouette through the window.

This is not a prank. This is real. Marco is really in Lily’s office and he’s standing really close to her.

“I’m very sorry for breaking your heart and going after Eric,” Lily continues in a soft, apologetic tone. “I know you chose that girl to make me jealous and angry. I always recall our past memories and I want to be with you. I love you, Marco.”

I hold my breath as silence reigns in the office. My face is still glued to the window, looking at the silhouette of Marco and Lily. I feel a small flicker of hope that Marco would turn her down. That flicker of hope is like a lone candle saving me from drowning in darkness and misery. “I love you, Lily.”

That is certainly Marco’s voice. I would recognize it anywhere, even when I’m asleep. I am certain I didn’t hear wrongly. Marco just declared his love for Lily.

That is not the worst part. The worst part is what comes next.

Lily’s silhouette leans forward to Marco’s silhouette.

They are kissing! I gasp, unable to believe my eyes. At that moment, that flicker of hope inside me goes off, and I plummet into a despair, wallowing darkness.

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