Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 32

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 32

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 32 Kidnap

Tanya’s POV:

Despite the chivalrous nature of Marco’s actions and the warmth that I felt from being caught in his arms, it didn’t change how unsettled I felt. For the rest of the night, I barely spoke to him. Retreating back to being the girl I once was. As quiet as a mouse, withdrawn and doubtful that I could trust anyone.

Sure, Marco didn’t have to love me. It was only a marriage contract after all. But at least up until yesterday, I was made to believe he began to care about me. I was just… just a little bit sad.

Title of the document

Although I haven’t gotten over my sadness from yesterday, I try to hide my emotions and not bring them to work. I walk into work with a robotic disposition and set up at my workstation silently.

I don’t feel like talking but despite this, one of my co-workers walks up to me. “Tanya, Lily wants to see you,” I politely nod, but a sense of dread erupts in my system. Not again… the only person I could do without seeing today. With a sigh I start off towards her office, each step heavier than the last as the memories of yesterday infringe on my thoughts.

“Morning,” Lily says to me, with her usual demure and dignified smile. “Oh, good you’re here, my mum asked me to hand you this sheet.”

I curiously look at the sheet and find it’s the application form for the perfume contest that Vivian mentioned to me.

“Do you plan to attend this compet*ition?” Lily says softly. However, when I want to take the sheet from her, I find she’s subconsciously clutching the application form. Her fingers are slightly pale from the f*orc*e.

“I’m still considering whether to attend.” I shift my gaze from Lily’s fingers to her eyes.

“I know you have great talent, and my mum has always complimented your work. But if you ask my opinion, then I’d warn you that the compet*ition is fierce, and you haven’t been learning from my mother for very long. It might be smarter to attend the compet*ition in the future, when you’re better prepared.” Lily is still smiling, but I don’t know if it’s my own constructed illusion, but I feel as if Lily is a little nervous and she doesn’t want me to attend the contest.

I nod, taking the application form from her, and indicate that I will consider it carefully.

“Good. Other than that, Tanya, I have a difficult confession to make to you.” Lily’s tone of voice becomes pitiable.

I realize what she’s going to say and rush to look down at the floor, unable to look into her eyes as she speaks. “I am so sorry Tanya… I really am. But I still love Marco, can you forgive me?”

With great hesitance I raise my head, watching as tears stream down Lily’s face to my surprise. She takes a minute, sniffling into a tissue before continuing. “I saw Marco and apologized to him yesterday. I know he’s your husband and I shouldn’t have seen him, but I really miss him,” she nervously wrings her arm as she continues to speak.

“He’s my fated mate,” Lily continues. “I really, really love him so much that I feel I will die if he’s not by my side at every minute.”

She brushes a strand of tears from her eyes and continues to speak, “When we talked, I told Marco that I wanted to be with him again… but he said no, out of responsibility to you and your marriage.”

I wouldn’t have put it past Marco to decline, not because he loved me, but because Marco was a morally good man. He had chosen to keep his promise to me, over his happiness with Lily. And even so, it isn’t right for me to take that away from him. And by the minute I grow more ashamed for being upset with him for yesterday. “I need your help, Tanya. You know that Marco and I belong together. Even if you love him, you know what’s the right thing to do… could you please help me convince him to change his mind? Do right by Marco, relieve him of his burden so he can be with his true love, please,” Lily suddenly crosses the distance between us, leaving me unprepared as she clasps her hands on mine in a plea, now so close that I can see the w*etness of her cheeks, 1

Confronted with Lily’s words, I find the situation absurd. My husband’s ex-girlfriend is pleading with me to persuade my husband and help them be together again. Is there anything more dramatic than this?

However, after all my constant struggle, I realize it would also be monstrous of me to not give Marco the choice. Marco deserves to have a choice. Our marriage is indeed an accident, one that entirely relies on Marco’s good nature and faithfulness alone. Maybe it isn’t meant to be. Finally, I decide in my heart: I should agree to Lily’s request, I should give Marco the right to make a real choice for once. If Marco chooses Lily after their meeting,

then I’d let them be happy and leave his life for good. But if Marco chooses me, even with my extremely unlucky life. If the universe for some unexplainable reason decides to give me this noble man, then I would never let him go, I’d cherish him and care for him till the end of my days.

“I’ll help you, Lily. I’ll talk to Marco,” I mutter quietly, watching as her eyes grow wide and she smiles and thanks me. And although my heart aches uncontrollably, I think I made the right choice.

After the conversation with Lily, I shuffle out of the room and back to my workstations to get on with my tasks. All the while I’m acutely aware of the clock on the wall that slowly ticks down to the impending end of my marriage.

Following Lily’s request, I leave work and head straight home to have a talk with Marco. I step through the door and there he is, waiting patiently at the kitchen table, brows lifting as I enter the room. “Good day?” He asks.

I nod and put down my things before I sit at the table. My fingers are clenched tightly, and I just come out with it, “I think you need to meet and have a talk with Lily.” “Now why on earth would I do that?” he frowns at me with confusion in his tone.

I feel a burst of pain, and then I realize it’s because I’m too nervous that my fingers have pinched hard into my palm. “She really wants to meet with you and have a conversation about some things.”

“What things? Tanya, no. This is absurd, why would I meet with my ex? There’s no reason to.”

“Because, because she’s your fated mate, while I’m only …” I can’t say anymore. What the hell am I doing? I’m helping my love rival to persuade my husband! I must be crazy. The grievance hits me without warning, and I can no longer restrain my sorrow. Tears just fall from my eyes.

“Tanya, is there anything wrong?” Marco stretches his hand to wipe away my tears, but I cower a little and avoid his stroke.

I feel sorry as I notice Marco’s hand frozen in the air, “Just please, could you please meet Lily?”

There’s a moment of silence as Marco’s piercing blue eyes stare at me. Then, he stands up with an obscure expression and says in a deep voice, “Alight, I’ll meet her. Only because you asked. You really want this, yes?” Nodding, I avoid his gaze, feeling ashamed for treating him this way. But as promised Marco leaves the kitchen, saying he won’t be long and heads out of the house, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Even though I have been mentally preparing all day for this, it still doesn’t make it any easier for my heart to bear. Not long after, I also leave home and decide to go out for a walk, thinking that might help distract me from the anxious thoughts.

I walk on the road when suddenly a hand appears from behind, and a rag smothers my mouth without warning. Fear and shock cascade through me as I twist and buckle, trying to free myself. But strong arms lock me in place. Slowly I feel myself slipping out of consciousness and even with one final effort, the darkness consumes me.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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