Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 85

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 85

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 85 Joseph Wakes Up

Tanya’s POV:

Something uncomfortable writhes in my gut after hearing the news of Lily’s escape. It dawns on me that I have felt uncertain about the whole ordeal, like I knew she’d somehow find a way to escape her prison cell. No matter what victory I had earned, Lily always found a way to come out on top. Even now, even though she is seen as a criminal on the run, she still has escaped her fate once more.

With such thoughts in mind, my hand goes to take out the ruby necklace that I have been keeping in my pocket, studying the glossy crimson stones with intense concentration. When Freya and I snapped Lily’s diamond necklace I saw bits and pieces of dark matter floating within the crystals. And now, I can’t help but wonder if it was black magic that I had seen.

Title of the document

By tilting the necklace back and forth, and letting it catch the light, I try to see if it too has the same black swirl. But I see nothing, letting out a huff as I put the necklace away. But even if I can’t see any black magic in this necklace, something tells me that both necklaces could be directly or indirectly related to Dorian.

Other than Mr. Barlow, may his soul rest in peace. Dorian was the only werewolf I had seen wield such magic, and he in fact himself said that Lily had sent him to k*il*l me. There must be a connection between the two. I just couldn’t decipher the what, the why nor could I prove how.

But right now, learning the truth does not matter. Wolfish instincts tell me that something bad and terrible is on the horizon. I must hurry and create the perfume that will save Joseph, surely, he’d know

who poisoned him. Or at least he’d answer the questions I can’t. We need him awake again.

I leave Claire in Vivian’s care and use her perfumery room to make my concoction. Thankfully in Vivian’s workstation, all the required ingredients are available to me, and I work quickly to make the perfume. All the while something nags at me in the back of my mind, telling me that something bad is about to occur if I don’t hurry. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Marco’s POV:

I’m really missing home, I’m missing my house, I miss Tanya and my little girl Claire. I want to return to them, to go back to our routines. But I can’t, not with the mystery of my mother’s death weighing on my shoulders. I deserve to know the truth, my mother deserves that closure, and not for her death to be written off as a suicide.

Hence, I can’t explain the relief that expels through my system when the maid finally decides to tell us the truth. I notice that she’s trembling, obviously distraught as her hands shake and hair appears frayed as she runs her hands through it. “Sit down Susan. Please sit down. Oliver, get her water,” Oliver fills her a glass and sets it down in front of her, before sitting down beside me.

Her breaths are short and hesitant as she finally musters the courage to speak. “I poisoned your mother,” she sniffles, wiping streaks from her cheeks. “But not intentionally! I promise you Marco, I loved your mother with all my heart. She was not just my master, but she was also a friend to me. She treated me with respect and looked after my family, and especially loved my daughter…. The Queen… it was the Queen who sought out to poison her.”

My emotions writhe uncontrollably beneath the surface. But I try to keep my face neutral, even as the maid puts a hand on top of mine. Whether to try and comfort me or comfort herself I don’t know, either way she continues with the story.

“In the weeks leading up to her passing, your mother was very sad after Joseph rejected their bond. So, on this one particular day, I wanted to make her a bowl of her favourite soup, hoping this would make Marie feel better.” She sighs, and I can see through her eyes, that as she is reciting to us the story, her mind is wandering back to the moment. “But when I went into the kitchen to start cooking, I realized I didn’t have all the ingredients. I was going to scrap the idea entirely and cook something else, but suddenly the Queen’s maid walked in, carrying a tray food. She had the soup I needed. She was very enthusiastic about it as well, saying that the Queen had made it especially for Marie as a gift, after hearing how much she loved the soup.”

Susan shakes her head, now beginning to frown. “I should’ve known something was off,” tears well up in her eyes again as she shakes her head more furiously. “I should have known. But I was so naive. Just so excited that this would make your mother happy, and I rushed to serve it to her.”

Her tears continue to fall. “I came to check on her several hours later- but she was already gone. She was gone…” I try as much I can to soothe the maid, quietly running a hand back and forth over hers to try and comfort her. But emotionally, I feel myself detaching from the rest of the world. Hearing once again about my mother’s passing breaks my already cracked heart.

Susan eventually recomposes herself a little, saying. “I suspected that something was wrong with the soup. But when I went to inform someone about the truth, the Queen’s maid was waiting for me. She stopped me, saying that if I told the truth to anyone, I’d simply be the one blamed for the crime. Since I was the one to serve the soup to her.”

She curses beneath her breath. “When I tried to argue that I would tell them that I was given the soup by the Queen’s maid, she gave me a sickening smile, tormenting me, saying that no one had seen us. It was my word against hers, and no one would dare accuse the Queen or the Queen’s maid.”

Something stirs behind her eyes, and she retracts her hand from mine, dropping her head in shame. “I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut. I even had to let the Queen’s subordinates in to slit her

wrists, to make it look like Marie committed suicide from excessive grief… I… I can never forgive myself. I couldn’t even see her after they did it. I- I,” Susan breaks down again in loud sobs. “I’m so sorry Marco. I’m so sorry. I loved her truly. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to protect my family, so I ran away. I’m sorry.”

Despite how horrible it all sounds. Susan portrays true sincerity in everything she says. I believe her. I believe the fact that she loved my mother. And I believe that she ran away out of fear of being framed. “I want to help you,” I blink awake from my daze as she says this, looking into my eyes. “I want to testify about what happened. I want to help you reveal the truth.”

Just as she says the doctor walks over to us and tells Susan that her daughter has made a full recovery, and has successfully given birth to her baby. Susan weeps with joy and thanks the both of us for helping get her daughter to the doctor in time. She believes this to be a sign from the Moon Goddess that she must join us on our return to Capital and testify as witness.

After her daughter’s condition stabilizes, we head for the capital. Just as we near, we stop to fill up on gas. And the three of us decide to just take a walk to stretch our legs. That’s when we pass by the mouth of a darkened alleyway.

For a moment I think I see two orbs of yellow light, course, I think my mind is playing tricks on me. Till the alleyway echoes a deep and deafening growl. We all freeze. Then, from the shadows emerges a lone wolf. His hackles are raised, arching his back, whilst his jaw opens to reveal a set of sharp teeth.

Before any of us can react, the wolf pounces on Susan, forcing a scream from her lungs as it growls and snaps, just missing her neck. In reaction to the threat my werewolf senses kick in, my eyes glow and a growl leaps from my lips as I slam a hard kick into the ribcage of the wolf. The f*orc*e sends the canine colliding with the wall, rupturing the bricks as it whimpers in pain.

“Quick, get behind us,” I pull Susan to her feet and f*orc*e her to get behind me and Oliver as we stand defensively towards the depth of the alley. From it springs the figures of numerous werewolves, all in their wolf forms. Their eyes glow menacingly as they growl and snarl at us, nearing our position as they stalk towards us.

Boots click against the gravel and into the centre of the circling wolves walks Eric, a predatory smile gleaming on his face. “You always have been the strongest Lycan the kingdom of Mador has ever known,” says my brother slyly. “Alone, I may not be able to defeat you. But that’s why I brought a few helpers along. The kingdom has lived in peace for so very long, no wars to fight, no battles to be won. This would definitely be an exciting endeavour for my warriors.”

He chuckles as the wolf sounds grow louder and more chaotic, trying to edge me on. But I know to hold my ground, I try to stay planted by Oliver’s side, even as my Lycan rages to be released. But Eric knows this, his carefully chosen words only adding to the fire. “You won’t win this little brother. Let alone save the maid’s life.”

His eyes glimmer with confidence. “Give her to me, and I’ll leave you and Oliver unhurt. There’s no need for bloodshed.”

My heart hammers against my chest rapidly, my nostrils flaring with rage. But I maintain my emotionless expression, coiling my fists, digging my nails into my flesh to try and distract myself from the fury. “No,” I say bluntly. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

I ready myself mentally, ready myself to fend off the wolves that surround us. I try to count them, and mentally remember their positions so I know who to fight off first. But before any of them can attack, a long primitive howl sounds off in the distance.

It’s a warning call. I look at Eric and also notice his surprise. Just then, wolves come up from behind Eric, surrounding him and his men. I recognize the wolves as also being soldiers from the capital. And

amongst them in their human forms stand Tanya, Alexander and…. My father, the King.

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