Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


Seb’s office was as quiet as a graveyard as Seb continuously punching on the wall angrily destroying it as his fist cracked the wall into little pieces as Ace, Arion and Rowan just watched him behaving as he liked as they spared glances at each other.

” Wouldn’t it be better if we stop him?” Ace asked referring to no one but Seb

” I don’t think so, just let him pour all his aggression on the poor wall” Arion suggested as the rest agreed with him nodding simultaneously.

“So Rowan, what will we do about that child, we all know what will happen to the girl in question if she bears the child, she’ll die” Ace emphasized as he really pitied Adia for whatever she has gotten her self into, they would never opt for an abortion.

“I’ll been pondering over this for some time now and haven’t come up with anything, Seb’s not even helping” Rowan painstakingly said as they glared at Seb one more time.

“We need to do something really fast, we can’t take chances” Arion said as they all pondered over the issue, it really seemed as if there was nothing they can do about this, there was definitely no way out of this.

“This can’t be fucking possible” Seb suddenly cursed as he had not said anything since

“Rowan you gotta think of something, you know this is literally impossible right?” Seb asked as he held rowan’s collar tight.

“Choking me wouldn’t help solve this, you know” Rowan managed to blurt out freeing himself from Seb’s grip as Laura walked in majestically as she stared at the four beauties in the office looking depressed “sir th….”

“Get out of my office right this moment” Seb barked at her in anger as she immediately left the office with fright.

“Well the only thing I can think of now is to keep a watchful eye on her, then we can think of something” Arion suggested as they a stared at him meaningfully.

“Why?” Seb questioned staring wondering what be was driving at, it was literally obvious that she would survive this, no human in the vampire history has survived this, humans were too weak to bear a vampire child, cause usually on the sixth month of the pregnancy the baby would start feeding on the human which was very bad, and the most interesting part of all was that hybrid vampires were very strong the few that existed was a force to reckon with.

“So what do we do have you guys thought of anything yet” Ace asked.

” We I think the only thing to do now is watch her closely and that would only be possible if you do the needful” Arion suggested as Seb stared hard at him wondering what he was talking about.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Which is?”

“Marry her Seb, yes marry her that’s the only thing we can think of now, marry her” Rowan immediately chimed as Seb froze at the thought of getting married.

“No no, I don’t th….”

“Marry her Sebastian” they all chorused together as Seb just watched them with bewilderment, they gat to be kidding him there was no way he would ever marry that lady.


“There’s no way she’s gonna accept my proposal and it’s so weird to get married, especially to that woman” Sebastian blurted out through gritted teeth as he walked towards the elevator with Rowan.

He just couldn’t accept that fact that Adia was pregnant with his child and to crown it all Rowan and the rest were suggesting marriage, he didn’t feel a thing for Adia and he knew she felt the same way too, but he just had to do this because someone’s life was on the line here and his child, that child was a vampire’s child and vampires doesn’t joke with their lineage as it was very difficult for a male vampire to impregnate a female, so it still remained a mystery to him how she just got pregnant.

“Yea, she’ll definitely accept the proposal” Rowan stated confidently as he removed his eyes from the iPad he was holding.

“How do mean?” Sebastian asked as he had the hunch that Rowan was up to something.

“From the research I have here, she’s currently in need of cash for her dying sister’s surgery, so this what you’ll do, go to her with a proposal and just volunteer to pay the bills and in exchange you both will get married” Rowan concluded feeling like a genius.

“And what makes you think that she will accept my proposal?”

“Her sister has little bit of time left, so she has no choice and will definitely accept”

“Look Rowan, can’t we just make a deal, we will watch over her without the both of us getting married, and makes sure she bears the child safely”

“You know that can’t be possible Seb, you’re her only safe heaven at the moment, once word gets out that she’s pregnant with your child, you know many people will come after her life, let’s not forget about Kate and her obsession at least think about the child, it’s not safe either” Rowan said as Sebastian signed deeply what Rowan just said was true though, but…

“So are you gonna let her suffer?” Rowan asked as he was literally trying all his possible best to convince Sebastian to accept Adia.

They walked out of the elevator as it made a dinged sound indicating they’ve gotten to the last floor where Sebastian office was.

“Hey Mr daddy!!” A voice cheerfully said startling them immediately they got out of the elevator, as they looked up to see the happy face of Ace who was holding two shopping bags.

Sebastian growled in anger upon seeing him as Rowan grinned sheepishly.

“What do you have there?” Rowan asked referring to the shopping bags Ace was holding.

“I went shopping for my nephew, look I got lots of baby things” Ace replied as he gave Rowan the bags while he went through them.

“They’re cute right?” Ace asked putting on a devilish smile wanting to provoke Sebastian but Sebastian just ignored him keeping a stoic face as he behaved as if he was unaffected by what was going on.

“Wow Ace you’ve really got good taste” Rowan praised as they were bent on provoking Sebastian.

“I Know Right, it’s our Sebastian child so he needs to be treated like a prince” Ace added putting on a cheeky smile.

“Who told you the baby is a he?” Rowan asked raising a brow at him.

” Well my instincts are always right you know and I strongly believe the baby is a he, right Sebastian?”

“You can’t even guarantee if the baby and the mother is gonna survive this and you’re here celebrating, you’re so impossible” Sebastian told him nonchalantly as he walked to his office.

“Come on Sebastian can’t you be positive for once?” Ace asked as he ran after Sebastian as Rowan walked slowly to the office hoping for the best.

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