Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 156

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Bastien Makes a Proposal

Bastien’s POV

It’s not much of a proposal, and certainly not how I ever planned on asking a woman to marry me, but given our dire straits, it will have to do. “We’ll get married.” I say again, sharing my idea as it forms in my mind. “I’ll reject Selene, we can have the papers sent from here via courier.”

“She’ll never sign.” Arabella argues, even though her doe eyes wide and hopeful.

“She won’t have to.” I announce, “with all the crimes she’s guilty of, we can get the marriage annulled. It’s not a true union if one party is tricked into it, and regardless I’m the Alpha.” I remind Arabella. My elite status gives me privileges even my spouse doesn’t enjoy. She doesn’t have to agree to being rejected, as long as I want it.”

“You’d really do that?” Arabella asks in awe.

“Trust me, Bella, I was already planning on it.” I remark ruefully.

“No, not the rejection.” She clarifies, “You’d really marry me?”

Turning to face Arabella head on, I can’t help but imagine Flynn standing beside her with his muscular arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me for ever letting a witch break my vow to take care of his sister in the first place. “I gave Flynn my word that I would always take care of you, no matter what.” I explain to Arabella, “I’m sorry I let Selene get the better of me, but now that I know what she is, I won’t be fooled again. You have my word. I will fulfill my duty, I will make you my wife.”

A beaming smile splits Arabella’s cheeks, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. For the first time since losing my memory, I remember part of why I waited so long to go through with this vow in the first place. Arabella is still so young, and I know we aren’t mates… she deserves the chance to find love as

much as anyone else. “Unless of course you’d rather marry another, or take some time to try and find your true mate. I’ll provide for you either way, and I don’t want to tie you to a union that won’t make you happy, I just want you to be safe.”

“No!” She exclaims without hesitation. “I want to marry you, Bastien.” She professes, “I always have, I just feel well, I know you don’t love me that way.”

Dropping my head so she can’t see my frown, I recall all the stories I’ve heard from generations past, when marriage was a legal and financial arrangement and fated mates were considered frivolous fantasies. “Lots of great marriages have started out being arranged between friends, or people who barely know each other.” I state simply, striding forward and taking Arabella’s hands in mine,”We have a great friendship and that’s a better foundation than many true mates start out with, I’m sure love will grow in time.” I proclaim confidently, though deep down, the thought of kissing my surrogate sister – let alone consummating a marriage with her, makes me slightly nauseous.

“Are you sure it will be enough?” Arabella simpers, sidling close, “You have no idea how horrible Selene truly is.” She murmurs, making my heart ache in sympathy. She did everything she could to destroy me and everyone believed her and now she tries to make you a fool and she’s succeeding.”

“I’m so sorry that happened, Bella.” Hugging her and hating every last detail of what she’s shared with me, I continue, “But it sounds like Selene succeeded by twisting my emotions for years and years. So losing my memory is actually a gift.” I declare with utter conviction. “I’m awake now. She doesn’t have any emotional leverage over me anymore. I’m certain the Goddess took my memory in that attack so that I could go back and make things right.”

I’ve always imagined myself to be a man of principle, but if everything Arabella is telling me is true, I’ve failed completely. I’ve let a horrible woman deceive me and manipulate me into acting completely out of character, and for what? This has to be a second chance for both Arabella and I, otherwise everything we’ve lost over the years has been a waste.

“I think I’m dreaming.” Arabella admits, suddenly uncharacteristically shy. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you coming after me,” she bites her lower lip, turning positively crimson. “how many times I’ve fantasized about marrying you.”

Guilt and shame wash over me, competing for dominance. Flynn’s little sister has only ever been good to me. She’s suffered beyond belief, from the loss of her parents, to the death of her brother. I can’t claim any fault in the former tragedy, but the latter was undoubtedly my fault. I have carried Flynn’s death with me from the moment it happened. But apparently it wasn’t enough, even before my head was turned by Selene, Arabella suffered and pined for me while I overlooked her at best and spurned her at worst.

“You’re not dreaming, and I’m not teasing you.” I promise, “I want to marry you.”

“Are you sure?” She presses, “I don’t want you to offer unless you really mean it.’

“I’ve never meant anything more.” I insist. “Please Arabella, be my wife. You won’t regret it. I promise,“

“You’re only saying this because you feel guilty about Flynn and Selene.” Arabella argues,

“You’re wrong.” I command. “I’m saying this because I want what’s best for you.” Scanning her features, I all but beg her to agree, so what do you say?”

“Of course!” Arabella smiles, throwing her arms around my neck, “Of course I’ll marry you!”

Laughing and spinning her around. I make a silent vow to myself. I won’t fail this woman again. I don’t care what happens with Blaise or Selene, I will never turn away from her again.

A few hours later, when we’ve broken out a bottle of Champagne and Arabella has enthusiastically began planning the event despite the fact that we’re in mortal danger a fact I’ve decided to ignore for one night, simply because I can’t bear to ruin her good mood. I collect the evening paper. We may be

celebrating, but there’s a lot of serious matters to deal with, as well as logistics to sort out, I can’t risk losing touch with the situation in Elysium.

As soon as I open the front page of the paper, I’m both immensely glad I chose to read it, and horrified by the headline.

Dr. Thomas Kane Issues and Ultimatum for the Alpha’s Return and Challenges Him for the Pack.

In an explosive press conference held at Elysium Memorial Hospital today, the chief of medicine called out the Alpha for his absence at a time of such peril in our pack. Combined with the wildfire, rogue attacks and the attempted kidnapping of Selene and Lila Durand last week, he insisted that Bastien return to Elysium immediately to face judgment for his neglect, calling particular attention to the plight of his mate and pup. “I was certain that no matter what neglect he may have inflicted on the pack in the past few years, a wolf as honorable as Bastien would never neglect his wife in the same way. I have come to the terrible and unfortunate conclusion that our Alpha is not the man we believed him to be.”

Arabella comes to read the publication over my shoulder when she hears me cursing. “Oh my god!”

“Who the hell is Dr. Kane?” I demand, eyeing the black and white photo closely to try and determine if he could be my cousin. Because our fathers were always at each other’s throats, I never spent much time with him when we were pups, and all association was cut off after the coup attempt. All I really remember is that he has green eyes.

“That’s not Dr. Kane,” Arabella confirms my suspicions a moment later, that’s Frederic. He became a doctor at Odile’s bidding. She knew the family doctor would have unlimited access to the Alpha, it’s how he killed Gabriel. He used one of the emergency passageways and then arrived with the investigators to pronounce him dead. That way his scent was mixed with everyone else’s, so they never got any leads on the assassin. It gave him the power to help Selene fake her death, forge the DNA results so she could convince you their pup was hers.”

“Odile?” I repeat, this is the first I’ve heard about Frederic’s mother being involved. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Arabella goes still, “Did I not mention?” She asks, licking her lips. “Selene and Frederic met after his plan was already under way. Odile had been grooming him to take revenge on your family every since the coup attempt. He and Selene simply had compatible ambitions, it wasn’t until after they allied that they fell in love.”

“And what’s this about a kidnapping attempt?” I growl, “He’s talking about it like it’s widely known, but it hasn’t been in any of the papers.”

“I don’t know.” Arabella sighs, sounding as frustrated as I am, “but if I had to guess I’d say it’s another scheme of Frederic and Selene’s, to win her sympathy and turn people against you. You notice it was only an attempt. He probably charged to the rescue and is now using it to say you’re a horrible mate.”

Crumpling the paper and throwing it against the wall, I snarl, “I’ll kill him. I’ll kill them both.”

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