Chapter 30

“Hello De De” Sadie said in the sexiest tone that blended so well with the low suiting music playing, Edde slightly smiled at her as he welcomed her into his arms.

Elizabeth watched the scene in disgust feeling disrespected “I refused to show my anger to this” her head screamed as she sipped her drink.

“Hey Sadie, I am sure you saw us so why don’t you get your cheap ass to greet us!” Rue said, obviously pissed off as Sadie turned to her and rolled her eyes turning to Elizabeth who acted like she didn’t see her.

“Elizabeth you’re here, hi!” Sadie said, letting out a fake smile which Elizabeth gave back.

“And you’re here too” Elizabeth simply said and continued sipping her drink as everyone stared at her in shock by the way she acted, Edde gazed closely at Elizabeth wondering why she wasn’t feeling affected.

“De De, I think we should hang out before the event starts”

“Yes we should do that” Edde replied as he followed Sadie out, Rue and Wyatt watched their retreating backs as they sighed pissed off by Edde’s mannerless attitude, they turned back to Elizabeth to see her sipping her wine and nodding to the lyrics of Lady Gaga’s song.

“Elizabeth, you don’t seem bothered at all, what’s going on?” Rue asked curiously as Elizabeth shrugged.

“He is free to hang out with whosoever” She said plainly as Rue nodded amazed by her reply.

“I think I will go sit at the counter to get enough drinks” Elizabeth said as she walked to the counter, she felt the urge to go out and beat the hell out of Sadie but she knew that once she does that she will be tagged as jealous clingy wife so she held herself back “Can I get a glass of sex on the beach?” She ordered as the bartender nodded.

“Hello Mrs Loxley” Elizabeth heard as she turned to see a very petite young man whom she couldn’t capture his looks due to the dim disco light.

“Hi” she greeted as she turned back to her drink, the man leaned over to the counter and ordered a glass of white wine.

“I can see, Your husband” He said air quoting the HUSBAND “Left you alone to hangout with one of his slut” He said and giggled lightly as Elizabeth swiftly turned to him and glared at him in-between gnitched teeth as she took a deep breathe ignoring him.

“I am Ken, the C. E. O of Fitz” he said, stretching his hand to Elizabeth which she hesitantly took, faking a slight smile.

“Nice meeting you”

“Nice outfit my Lady, but may I help you do your collar?” He offered as Elizabeth nodded.

“Yes please” she replied free mindedly as the man leaned towards her.

“What are you tryna do Ken!?” Edde’s voice thundered harshly as Elizabeth turned to him, seeing his cold fury expression.

“Oh you’re finally back with your slut, nice seeing you once again!” Ken said, stretching his hand to Edde for a shake as Edde glared scornfully at him and Turned to Elizabeth.

“Betta, let’s go to our sit” Edde said as Ken giggled.

“I can see that you’re just affected because my company is on the verge of being more popular than yours” Ken said letting out a husky laugh as Edde bit his lips angrily pulling Elizabeth along with him.

“I don’t ever want to see you so close to any man ever again, I don’t care if it’s friendly…” Edde warned coldly as he pulled Elizabeth with him to the secluded spot

Where Wyatt and his wife and other celebrities sat. Sighting Sadie annoyed Elizabeth to the brim.

Soon the party started and was going all cozy, everyone enjoyed the jokes said by the MC and all the fun stuffs, Elizabeth definitely enjoyed every bit of the activities but the manner in which Sadie laughed and flocked around Edde’s body got her so jealous, she has never had such cozy time with Edde. All they do is fight.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“And now, it’s time for the couple’s game!” The MC announced as everyone cheered happily and clapped that Elizabeth wondered what the game was all about “I have a couple of games on my list and most of them were suggested by random fans so… We are starting with the couple’s DRINK FOR YOUR THOUGHT, this is how the game goes. Couples take a sip from the apple juice and sincerely say whatever they wish to say to their partners!” The man announced as they all clapped, thinking of the game got Elizabeth worried that she’d be definitely trapped with the game.

“Not all couples will participate in this game, Couples will be nominated” The man announced as Elizabeth face lit up hence there is almost no chance of being nominated.

“All you have to do is write the names of the couple you’re gonna be nominating in a piece of paper and drop it in this cup” the man announced as Elizabeth turned to Edde to see his reaction towards the game but Edde kept a stern cold Expression that made it seem like he wasn’t interested in the game.

The cup was already filled with papers as the MC started picking the papers and calling couples names out, most couples were called twice or three times, the game went all cozy and fun as Elizabeth already felt so relaxed and not scared of them being called out.

“And here we go! Our favorite couple Mr and Mrs Loxley!” The name echoed making Elizabeth almost choke up in her breath as the loud claps and cheering took over making Elizabeth more nervous and scared.

Edde took Elizabeth’s hand respectfully as they walked to the seat set for the game, Elizabeth gulped hard the thick lump that grew in her throat as she nervously looked down at the drink and took a quick glance at Edde who didn’t seem bothered with the situation.

What the heck am I gonna say! Elizabeth’s head screamed as she took a deep breath.

Edde took a sip of his drink and stared closely into Elizabeth’s eyes like he could see through it. “I never seem to get enough of you” he said as everyone cheered loudly and clapped as Elizabeth’s mouth fell open in shock of his thoughts. Now it was her turn and her feet seemed to be melting.

She slowly took a sip of her drink as her heartbeat increased as if she was sentenced to death “I…I… I never had a boyfriend all my life because I was so obsessed with you being my boyfriend someday” she said coldly as the crowd gasped loudly and clapped louder.

The game finally came to an end and they both went back to our seats waiting for more games which came with entertainment.

“Ken the C. E. O of Fitz company is now in the top five of world best Entrepreneur companies which calls for a celebration hence he is growing so fast… Congratulations to you Mr Ken, So to celebrate you better for a start pick any woman of your choice in the room to dance with” The MC said as another round of applause came in.

“Mrs Loxley please step forward” Ken said in a cringy smile as Elizabeth froze in shock, she turned around to notice all eyes on her. She nervously let out a light smile and stood up taking a step as Edde’s big hands held her back.

“I object to this! You can dance with any woman here but don’t go close to Elizabeth!” Edde yelled loudly as the room went dead quiet only the soft background music could be heard.

“Mr Loxley, please don’t be annoyed but that’s the wish of the celebrant and he doesn’t have bad intentions” The MC guy explained as Ken was sighted giggling silently.

“I still don’t accept it!”

“Okay fine then, You and Mr Ken will have to bid on your wife and as you both know, the person with the bigger amount takes the woman” the MC said as Ken stepped forward.

“Fine!” Ken said, looking closely at Edde.

“Fine,” Edde replied coldly, glaring scornfully at Ken.

All this while Elizabeth stood watching the whole scene in shock, She couldn’t believe that Edde would go as far as accepting a bid just for her not to simply dance with another man.

The audience was equally quiet curiously watching the scene between two popular CEOs.

“Five thousand dollars” Ken said as Edde cracked.

“Is that how low you can afford Mr C. E. O? Twenty thousand dollars” Edde said, dipping his hand into his pocket as everyone gasped in shock at the amount. Elizabeth couldn’t believe how easily he called such a huge amount, he made it seem like twenty thousand dollars was a peanut when such money can change her life for the better!

Ken gulped making a long face “25 thousand dollars…no 30 thousand dollars”

“35 thousand dollars!”

The bet went on and on that the amount was already getting too huge to build an empire, Elizabeth frowned, wishing all the money would go to her account and then she would gladly leave Edde.

“And finally the bet ends in the hands of our Billionaire Mr Edde Loxley, he betted the sum of 100 thousand dollars!” They announced as everyone clapped in utmost shock as Ken shamefully went back to his seat.

©Pop Precious

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