Pregnant For The Royal Prince


…….? TIME ELAPSE ?…….

LOOKING into the bathroom mirror and admiring her pregnant beauty was something Rina never misses doing every morning at the bath, infact, whenever she went to have her bath.

Her swollen and chubby cheeks, her bulging eyes, the little weight she had added, her beautiful baby bump, these she called pregnant beauty for she got them as a result of the pregnancy.

She rubbed her tummy and laughed into the mirror, looking at her bulging eyes.

“Oh my gee! I so look like a koala”, she laughed again, her right hand on her protruded tummy.

For the past few months, she had decided to be just okay for herself, and for the unborn, and she did and was happy she did.

Despite all that happened, she determined to remain the happy girl she was, and she did.

She was laughing when a sharp pain in her abdomen hit her, and she abruptly stopped laughing, looking intently at her reflection in the mirror. What was that?

She calmed down and exhaled, then made to leave the bathroom after properly adjusting the towel she was tying. She had taken out her right leg from the bathtub and was about taking out the other, when the sharp pain came again, hitting her harder this time.

She endured it, fisting her hands. Then slowly, she was out and began entering the room.

As soon as she got into the room fully, the pain hit her so hard this time and the next thing she saw, was water trickling down her legs. What!

With her eyes widely opened, she shouted for help, yelping loudly and hitting her right fist on her left palm.

Immediately, her mother and the nurses rushed in, looking inquiringly all over her.

“My… water… just… broke”, she muffled out the words, picking her words one after the other.

Immediately, the nurses got down to work.

“Set the bed, set the bed”, Nurse Meda said to Gilga who obeyed instantly, dashing out of the room.

The nurses knew her delivery dates, and had been coming around since then, should incase of anything.

Nurse Meda then crossed Rina’s right hand over her shoulder and asked her to begin walking gently, as they headed for the room where they were going to deliver.

“Ahhhhhh”, Rina yelped, shouting into the still silence of the room.

“You will be fine baby Rin, hold on”, Mrs Doween said, supporting her walk as well.

“Oh my God! Never knew this is this painful, God! Ahh!” She yelped and yelped.

“Breathe out, just breathe out okay?” Nurse Meda said to her.

Rina obeyed and breathed out, her eyes wide opened as she did. Gently, they walked out of the room and into the delivery room.

There in the room, everything had already been set and Gilga was waiting for them. As soon as they entered, she helped Meda put Rina on the bed, then handed her a plastic hand glove.

Rina laid on the bed shouting and turning from side to side. As Meda put on the gloves, Gilga helped Rina loosed the towel she was tying, then put on a uniform and a hair net on her, then she left the room.

Selena then went to her side and held her hand, giving her words of encouragement.

“You will be fine dear, you will be okay. You just need to calm down”, she said to her. All the while, Meda changed into her appropriate uniform and put on a hairnet, then her gloves.

Soon, Gilga came in carrying with her a tray of steaming hot tea. She walked in and dropped it on a table.

“Okay, so, you both would have to take this before I commence. It’s a really good one from me, specially made from herbals”, Meda said and gave Gilga a nod.

She took up the tray and went to Selena who looked at it and then at the giver.

“What is this?” She asked.

“I just explained it now”, Meda said, smiling.

“Really? Someone is dying here, and you are talking of tea”, she said, pointing at her restless daughter on the bed, groaning in pains.

Meda smiled.

“That’s expected Mrs Doween, and nobody is dying. Just have this okay?” She persuaded.

Selena sighed and gave in, taking a cup, then had some sip. Gilga took the other and made to make Rina sip, she refused.

“No, no I don’t want that, I am in excruciating pains here, I don’t want anything”, she said, rolling restlessly on the bed.

“Come on Rina you have to take it, you really need it. It would help you push out this baby with ease, I prepared it specially”, Meda persuaded.

“No, noooo. Oh God please, help me”, she prayed instead and then stealthily, Meda gave Gilga who was on the other side of the bed, a nod and she as well, stealthily, took up a syringe filled with a substance, and injected it into Rina’s outstretched arm, who yelped all the more.

“Okay good, we get down to work then”, Meda said and went to stand in front of Rina, and Gilga went to stand by her.

She asked Rina to raise up her legs and begin to push. She did, and oh Jeez! The pain was too excruciating, too much, as she tried all the more to push. Selena after emptying her cup of tea halfway, stood up and joined them, giving her words of encouragement.

Rina yelled, shouted, cried, even cussed at Raghav for putting her in such condition. Now, she could see more pains mightier than what she has experienced during their first night. She kept pushing.

“Oh yes, good, good girl, come on! I can see the baby’s head, go on”, Meda said tapping on the side of her thighs.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

The baby’s head was already out and bulging, when suddenly, Selena began dozing off, and few minutes later, she dropped on the ground and fell asleep.

The nurses saw her but continued and focused on their work. Rina was obviously and as expected, unaware of this, she was battling with her own pains.

Now, the whole of the baby’s body was out, Rina had tried her best to push it and as soon as the baby came out, she closed her eyes, and began to feel calm, and before one could say ‘Jack Robinson’, she fell asleep.

The baby that just came into the world surprised the nurses, it has refused to cry out. So, Nurse Meda immediately raised her right hand and began to slap the baby on the butts, and soon it cried out, the shrill voice piercing into the still silence.

“It’s a boy”, Meda said and handed over the baby to Gilga.

“Oh! Just as the Queen had feared”, Gilga said and then exit the room, in order to have the baby cleaned up.

Meda sighed and began cleaning up Rina, and then gave her some injections. Having done that, she proceeded to clean up the mess in the room.

She then took a last look on the sleeping duo, and shaking her head she walked out of the room.


Rina woke up an hour later to behold the calmness of the room, her eyes took a while before adjusting to the light of the room.

She yawned and turned to her right, to see her mother sitting down on the chair and looking like a helpless woman. She tried to sit up.

“Mother?” She called and Selena abruptly turned to her, she didn’t knew she was awake.

“Hey, Rina, you are awake”, she said and got up, then walked closer to the bed.

“Yes mom I am. Why are you sitting down there like someone who is finished? And where is my baby?”, She asked, looking around.

Little tears formed in her mother’s eyes and she began to sense something, she sat up.

“Mother, why are you crying? Where is my baby?” She asked, panicking this time. Selena said nothing, but only took her right hand in hers.

“Where is he? Is he dead? Is he ill? Has he been taken away already? Where is he?” She asked, almost at the top of her voice, vigorously shaking her hand.

“How do you know it’s a boy? You keep on saying he?” Selena suddenly asked.

Rina sighed.

“I just know, I felt it, I sensed the aura as soon as I woke up”, she said.

“Rina, we have been deceived yet again by the Queen”, Selena said.

Rina looked at her curiously.

“What do you mean deceived?” She inquired.

“I just realized I was sedated, the tea which the nurses offered us was spiked, and I took of it”, she said.

“What!” She cupped her mouth with her left hand, “how? Why?” She added, asking.

Selena was now whimpering.

“I don’t know, all I know is, it’s just what the Queen has asked them to do, it is her handiworks”, she said.

“Jeez! Holy Moly!” Rina shouted, letting out all her heart. Selena turned to her immediately, cleaning off her tears.

“Hey, you don’t have to do that okay? You are not really strong”, she said.

Still crying, she helped her out of the bed and they slowly walked out of the room, into the living room.

As soon as they got to the living room, they heard the screeching to a halt of a car outside, and they immediately sat down. They knew it was none other, but the Queen.

Soon the door opened and Arya came in, walking as slowly as she always does, in her characteristic manner.

She fully entered and the door closed behind her. She walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Selena watched her in disgust.

“Your Grace, I need to see my baby”, Rina said as soon as she sat down, without even as much as a greeting from her, “I… I know we agreed on something but please, I just want to set my eyes on him, please your Majesty, please”, she pleaded.

Arya looked at her as she pleaded and almost laughed out. How did she know it was a boy, who told her?

“And how did you know it’s a boy? You have any idea of the gender?” She asked, waving her fingers at her.

Rina felt mocked at, she knew she wasn’t aware of the gender, but there was this aura she felt as soon as she woke up an hour ago.

“No one told me, I just knew. Please, I just want to see him”, she said.

Arya sighed and looked away, then turned her gaze back at her.

“I’m sorry to say, but it was a still birth”, she announced the bombshell.

Rina and her mother sat up.

“What!” They exclaimed.

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