Prisioner In Your Arms


Alizza was being interrogated. Bertha had already given her statement, and Alizza insisted that the woman was lying. She claimed she didn’t work for anyone and hadn’t made any calls.

“This woman hates me, that’s why she’s trying to implicate me,” Alizza lied in an attempt to save herself. She had admitted everything to Bruno and Dante, but now she denied it.

“If you tell us who ordered you to harm Mrs. Leone, maybe we can reduce your sentence. You’re in a big mess, young lady,” the detective told her.

“I’m telling you the truth, I haven’t done anything. Bruno and I love each other, that’s why these women have set me up,” she thought of making them believe that Bruno was lying about her.

The police officer left the interrogation room and immediately called Bruno to give his statement. Bruno arrived promptly.

“Mr. Leone, you lied in your previous statement. The girl claims to have a relationship with you, which is why your wife and secretary have implicated her,” the officer informed him.

“That girl is crazy. I haven’t had anything with her. You can investigate among our acquaintances, and you’ll realize it. I don’t know what kind of mental issues she has. I’ve tried to keep her away from me as much as possible. Her father asked my father as a favor to accept her in the company.”

After answering several more questions, Bruno left the room furious. What kind of crazy girl was she to dare say such things?

As he left the police station, several reporters approached him, taking photos. It was the downside of filing a complaint. Reporters often turned it into a circus. He ignored them and got into his car to leave.

He returned to Nicole’s side, and she noticed that he seemed distant. She tried to push away her negative thoughts. What they were going through was not easy.

The next morning, Dante called Bruno. He wanted him to buy the newspaper to see a news article.

He left Nicole alone for a moment and went out to buy the newspaper.”

Sondra entered the room at that moment, and Nicole became upset when she saw her. Sondra had pretended to be remorseful, but Nicole didn’t believe her.

“My dear little sister, I’ve come to congratulate you. I heard you lost your bastard child. You have no idea how happy I was when I found out.”

“I knew your remorse was a lie. You’re a snake.”

“You know that your suffering brings me joy.”

“Get out, I don’t want to see you.”

“Hahaha, you have no idea how good it feels to know that you’re suffering,” Sondra approached and grabbed Nicole by the hair, “I’ll be there with you for every one of your falls, celebrating them, little sister.”

Bruno entered the room at that moment and lunged at Sondra, who pulled Nicole’s hair even harder.

“Let her go, Sondra.”

“I won’t. I want her to suffer for everything she’s taken from me, your love and the love of our parents.”

“I’ve never loved you, and you lost the love of our parents because of your wickedness. Let her go or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

“What, are you going to hit me? That’s all you’re missing, hitting a woman.”

“Let her go, Sondra,” he repeated while trying to pry open the redhead’s hand.

Sondra took scissors out of her purse with her other hand.

“I’ll cut this hair that I’ve always hated.”

Bruno used his other hand to hold Sondra’s hand with the scissors. The woman, fueled by her anger, seemed to possess tremendous strength.

Gio arrived at that moment and rushed to help Bruno hold Sondra. They managed to separate her from Nicole and took the scissors away from her.

“I’ll call the police,” Bruno said as Gio restrained her.

Sondra got scared upon hearing this. She stomped on Gio’s foot, causing him to release her in pain. She pushed him and ran away. Bruno tried to catch her, but she was too fast. He ordered the security guards who were in the living room to catch her, and they went after her while he returned to the room.

“Why didn’t the bodyguards stop her?” Gio asked.

“Because, as you can see, she was dressed as a nurse, and we forgot to give them her description to watch out for her.”

Nicole couldn’t believe what her sister had been about to do. When had she nurtured all that hatred toward her? That day, Nicole was discharged from the hospital, and Santi welcomed them with joy.

“Did you bring my little sister, Mommy?”

The little boy expected to see them with the baby.

Nicole couldn’t help but cry at the question. Bruno took the boy in his arms and took him away to try to explain what had happened.

Sara accompanied Nicole to her room. The nanny couldn’t believe the things that were happening. She had already suffered too much, and fate seemed determined to make her suffer even more.

“Rest, my child. I’ll bring you some tea to help you relax.”

Bruno was talking with Santi in his room.

“Son, the baby has returned to heaven. From there, they will watch over us.”

“Will I no longer have a little sister?”

“Not for now. God needed an angel by His side, and from heaven, the baby will watch over us.”

Santi became sad, and Bruno couldn’t stop tears from welling up. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but feel that Nicole was also to blame. If only she had listened and stayed at home, the baby would be safe.

After telling Santi a bedtime story, Bruno returned to his room. He looked at the books he had bought to read about pregnancy, took them, and left the room. Later, he returned to shower. Nicole hoped he would say something to her, but he didn’t. He lay down, turning his back, and after a while, he fell asleep.

Nicole silently cried. She felt that something inside her was broken, missing the little life that had been growing inside her and was now lost.

When she woke up the next morning, Bruno was already gone.

His coldness hurt her, and she didn’t understand why he was reacting that way. Perhaps it was his way of dealing with the pain he was feeling.

In the following days, she saw very little of him. He would leave early and only come back to sleep. On weekends, he devoted himself entirely to their son. She felt forgotten and only found joy when Leandro visited her.

Bruno would become upset when he arrived home and found bouquets of red roses. He knew the meaning of those roses all too well.

He looked for Leandro to confront him and ask him to stop sending them.

“What do you want, Leone?”

Leandro knew what was going on and showed his coldness toward Nicole.

“I want you to stop sending those roses.”

“I won’t do it. I know she likes them, and I’m trying to bring a little joy to her days since you refuse to do so.”

Bruno didn’t say anything and turned around to leave.

“I thought you loved her enough, but at the first sign of trouble, you turn your back. I thought you were smarter. You’ll regret it when you lose her. She won’t be available to you forever.”

Bruno quickened his pace. He knew he could lose her, but he couldn’t help feeling angry with her.

He needed a drink, so he went to a bar. There, he ran into Amadeus, who had arrived in the country that day. After greeting each other, they had a few drinks. Bruno, now a bit intoxicated, decided to pour his heart out. After all, Amadeus’s opinion would be neutral.

“Wow, I can’t believe what has happened. I’m so sorry.”

“The worst part is that I can’t shake off this feeling that Nicole is guilty. I asked her not to work, to stay at home for the time the doctor indicated there was a risk of losing the baby.”

“She couldn’t have known what that girl would do.”

“I know, but if she had listened to me, the baby would still be alive.”

Amadeus didn’t say anything else. If he did, it could start an argument that would be pointless since Bruno wasn’t listening to reason.

In the early hours of the morning, Bruno left the bar and went home. He immediately went to bed as he felt very dizzy.

Nicole, who was waiting for him awake, just stared at him. She didn’t want to bother him and wanted to give him time to cope with everything in his own way. In that moment, with his eyes closed, Bruno began to speak, saying something that Nicole never expected to hear.

“Yes, nanny, that’s for the best.”

The next day, Bruno woke up with a terrible hangover. He didn’t remember anything from the previous night after talking to Amadeus. He couldn’t even recall how he had made it back home. He looked for Nicole but couldn’t find her. Santi and Sara were also not there. It was Sunday, so maybe they had gone out for a walk. It seemed strange because Nicole had been feeling very depressed.

He made himself some chilaquiles, hoping that it would appease his stomach and stop tormenting him. He tried calling Nicole, but her phone was turned off. As the night came, he was still waiting. Worried, he called his parents, but they hadn’t seen Nicole either. Then he called Gío.

“Is Nicole with you?”

“She asked me not to tell you, but she is here. She doesn’t want to see you. I don’t know how the hell you managed to hurt her again like that. How dare you blame her for the death of her child? It was she who carried him in her womb, you selfish bastard. You only think about yourself, and if it’s to hurt her like that, don’t ever look for her again,” Gío said angrily before hanging up.

Bruno was stunned. What on earth had he said that early morning? If only he could remember, he would go to find her in the morning. He realized he should have talked to her from the beginning. Now he had gotten himself into a big mess. Nicole was proud, and he didn’t know if she would ever forgive him.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

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