Puck Pact: A Marriage of Convenience Hockey Romance (East Coast Series)

Puck Pact: Chapter 8

“Why can’t I come to the wedding?”

I ruffle Giuliana’s curls. “Because there aren’t going to be any other kids there. You’ll be bored, and up way past your bedtime.”

Her bottom lip juts out as she bounces onto my bed. “No fair. I’m four now. I can stay up later.”

I adjust the tie around my neck, double-checking it in the mirror before I sit down beside my daughter. “I’m sorry, baby. But you’re going to have so much fun with Annie tonight. And I’ll be back in time for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Can you bring home a rainbow bagel for me?”

“Of course.”

She climbs onto my lap and I wrap my arms around her, breathing in her sweet scent. “You still smell like you did when you were a baby, you know that?”

She rests her head on my shoulder. “I don’t remember being a baby.”

“No, we don’t really have memories from when we’re that young.”

She lifts her head and brings her big round eyes to meet mine. “Are you going to have a wedding one day like Uncle Trenton?”

Unease twists my gut. “I’d like to.”

“So why don’t you get married then?”

“Because I have to find someone to love first.”

“Well, are you looking?”

I chuckle and press my lips to her forehead. “Sometimes. But I’m busy with hockey and being your dad. If it’s meant to be, then the right person will find me.”

She furrows her brows. “That’s not how it works, Daddy. You have to go find her. The prince always has to go on an adventure and that’s where he meets the princess.”

“You think I need to go on an adventure?”

She nods. “You can bring Ellie and me as your sidekicks. Like Olaf and Sven.”

I lift her in my arms as I rise from the mattress, and walk into the hallway. “And what kind of adventure should we go on?”

“I don’t know. I’m just a kid. You need to figure that part out yourself.”

I laugh, deep and loud, the way this girl always makes me laugh. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

“You need a princess, Daddy.”

“You’re the only princess I need, baby.” I smack another kiss to her cheek before setting her down on the kitchen counter. “Now, let’s go over the rules while I’m gone.”

Giuliana’s shoulders droop. “No chocolate before lunch, and Annie is the boss.”

I nod. “Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean you get to be in charge. Respect the grown-ups. You got me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Annie lifts Giuliana from the counter. “Doesn’t Daddy look handsome all dressed-up?”

My girl nods. “Just like a prince.”

I arch a brow. “Maybe lay off the Disney movies for a while. Watch a documentary or something.”

Annie laughs. “Roger that.”

“I love you, baby. Be good and have fun.” I shoot Annie a wink as I grab my wallet and keys off the counter. “Thanks, Annie. Call me if you need anything.”

“We’ll be fine,” she calls after me.

Guilt pricks at me like it always does whenever I go somewhere without my daughter. I make a mental note to take her somewhere fancy where she can get dressed up like a princess for a night.

Since I told the team about Giuliana, they’ve embraced her with open arms. And she’s practically obsessed with her new uncles. She asks to see them almost every night for dinner, and begs me to FaceTime each of them at bedtime. Another wave of guilt rushes over me as I think about how long I’ve deprived her of having a bigger family.

By the time I get to the wedding venue, I’ve turned off Dad Mode and turned on Best Man Mode.

I was honored that Trenton would ask me to stand beside him on his wedding day. He went through so much losing his best friend and teammates after the scandal on his former team, and it means a lot to know that he trusts me as his best friend now.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

A sleek black limousine pulls up to the front as I approach the building. The back door swings open and a gold stiletto steps out. My eyes travel up the ankle attached to it, followed by the bare leg revealed through a high slit in an emerald-green dress.

My heart nearly stops as Aarya stands from the vehicle, smoothing her hands over the silky material hugging her curves. Her long, dark hair cascades over one shoulder, leaving the other bare, begging to be kissed and licked and bitten. The front of the dress twists in the middle of her breasts, full and luscious, yet another place I can’t help but imagine my mouth venturing to. Her brown skin shimmers in what’s left of the sunlight as it sets on the horizon, illuminating her like the goddess she is.

I haven’t seen her since I told her about my marriage predicament. Trenton and Cassidy have been busy with wedding planning, and it’s been a while since we’ve all gotten together for a fun night out. I thought I’d be fine seeing her after all this time, that my body wouldn’t have the same reaction to her as it once did. But I’m a statue watching her from afar while she helps Cassidy out of the limo, gathering the train of her dress so it doesn’t hit the ground.

“You got a little drool there, bud.” McKinley steps beside me and hands me his handkerchief. “Right there on your lip.”

I snap out of my daze and turn to face him. “I almost forgot how beautiful she is.”

He nods, glancing over my shoulder and raking his eyes over her. “And you’re the lucky bastard who gets to be her partner tonight.”

I shake my head. “It’s going to be a long night.”

“The bride and groom would like to ask the bridal party to join them on the dance floor.”

I suck in a deep breath. I managed to keep my staring to a minimum during the ceremony, doing my damndest to focus on my Best Man duties. But now that the reception has commenced, all bets are off. Trenton and Cassidy are occupied, as are the rest of the guests. Each of my teammates have their plus ones, and Aarya and I are the only ones without dates. It’s inevitable that we’ll be spending some time together.

“You ready to dance, Big Man?” Aarya downs the remainder of the champagne in her glass before she stands and holds out her elbow, waiting for me to take it and lead her onto the dance floor.

“Of course.” I smirk as I rise and link our elbows together. “I’ve been waiting for this moment all day.”

She quirks a brow as I spin her in a circle. “And why’s that?”

“So that I can do this.” I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against me, relishing in the feel of her soft curves. “I’ve been dying to dance with the most beautiful woman in the room.”

She shakes her head on a laugh as if she doesn’t believe me, and clasps her hands at the back of my neck.

“You look absolutely exquisite, Aarya.”

A deep-flush crawls into her cheeks. “You clean up pretty well yourself, Sponge Cake.”

“You know, eventually you’re going to run out of cakes to call me.”

She hikes a shoulder. “I Googled ideas leading up to the wedding, so I should be good.”

“So, what you’re saying is, you’ve been thinking about me.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Her eyes roll. “How’s the search going, by the way? Any luck finding a wife?”

“No.” My mood sours at the reminder. “Not that I’ve been trying. The whole idea of paying someone to marry me sounds insane. And how much would I even offer for something like that? One-hundred-thousand dollars should suffice, but what if she wants more? How do I put a limit on that?”

She chokes and coughs. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I mean, I can do more if you think that’s not enough.”

“More? That’s a lot of money.” She shakes her head on a laugh. “Shit, I’d marry you for one-hundred-thousand dollars.”

I’m reminded of the fact that Aarya is saving up for her own gallery, and then the idea smacks me in the head like an obvious sign I didn’t see coming.

Thoughts race through my head. We’re both attracted to each other. It’d be so easy to parade her around town and send the message to my grandfather’s lawyer that I’m officially on my way to owning the villa. Plus, she’s in my friend group, so it’d be a hell of a lot easier to trust her.

I’ve been so worried about finding someone to pose as my wife; someone I know; someone that could help me pull this off. Yet maybe she’s been in front of me this whole time.

I arch a brow. “You would?”

“That’s not what I meant. For a hundred grand, I’m sure a lot of people would be interested.”

“I’m not talking about other people.” I dip my head and bring my lips closer to her ear. “I’m talking about you.”

She cranes her neck to tilt her head and look up into my eyes. “I don’t think you could handle being my husband. I need someone who can keep his wife satisfied.”

The champagne on her breath mixes with her sweet vanilla scent, making an intoxicating combination for my senses.

“I’m not paying someone to sleep with me.”

“No, but don’t you think your wife would want to? How long can you expect a woman to pretend to be in a committed relationship with you and not fulfill her needs?”

This isn’t something I’ve thought of.

And she’s not wrong.

The song ends before I can explore this new level of anxiety further, and blaring bass pumps through the speakers as the DJ gets the party started.

“Thanks for the dance, Big Man.” Aarya reaches up and places a chaste kiss on my cheek before scurrying off to dance with Cassidy and their friends.

I shove away my thoughts as I head to the bar to grab a beer and join Trenton and the rest of the guys back on the dance floor. This night isn’t about me, and as the Best Man, I need to make sure that the groom is well-taken care of.

I replace Trenton’s empty bottle with a full one before slapping him on the back. “How does it feel to be a married man?”

His smile consumes his entire face, his eyes sparking as he gazes at his wife in the middle of her friends several feet away. “Fucking amazing.”

“I’m happy for you, man. You deserve this.”

He wraps his arms around me in a bear hug. “Thanks, Krum Cake. You’re my best friend, you know that?”

“Always got your back.”

“And I’ve got yours.” He grips my shoulder as he pulls back to look at me. “You and Giuliana.”

Warmth blankets my chest, squeezing my heart. “I appreciate that.”

McKinley dances over to us, his auburn curls bouncing as his hips shake. “Why are you standing all the way over here? Go dance with your wife.”

“Just having a heart-to-heart with my brother here.” Trenton wraps one arm around my shoulders and the other around McKinley. “Hey, Stamos! Get over here.”

Jason pries himself away from his wife and heads over to us, closing off our huddle. “What’s up?”

“I just want to say thank you for being here for me, and not just tonight. I really love you guys.”

Jason leans closer to me. “How many beers has he had so far?”

I stifle a chuckle. “Not enough to be having this talk right now.”

“Hey.” Trenton cuts us off. “I’m not drunk, but it’s my wedding night and I’m allowed to be all up in my feels.”

“Amen to that.” McKinley breaks away first and drags him onto the dance floor. “Let’s party, bro. Cassidy has some hot friends I need you to introduce me to.”

“You okay?”

Aarya waves me away, squinting one eye as she tries to clasp her shoe strap around her ankle. “I’ve got this.”

By the looks of her on the floor in the empty ballroom, and knowing how much she’s had to drink tonight, she most certainly doesn’t got this.

I crouch down on the floor beside her. “You sure about that? Because your shoe is on the wrong foot.”

She leans back and slumps against the wall. “Fuck it. I don’t need shoes.”

“Come on.” I slide my hands around her and lift her into my arms, scooping up her shoes with me as I stand. “I’ve got you.”

Immediately, her arms wrap around the back of my neck and she rests her head on my shoulder, nuzzling against the crook of my neck.

She’s not blackout drunk, but I’m not confident she’d make it to her room without taking a tumble. I’ll sleep better knowing she’s safe in her bed.

I carry her to the elevators in the lobby, and step inside the first empty one that opens.

“You smell good,” she slurs.

The elevator door closes and I glance at the buttons on the panel. “What floor are you on?”

“Seven-oh-seven. Or maybe it’s seven-oh-eight. The key is in my purse.” She pauses and lifts her head. “Where’s my purse?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t see it with you while you were attempting to get your shoes on.”

She groans and lets her head fall back against my shoulder, muttering something incoherent.

“I’ll look for it for you, don’t worry. Let’s just get you to bed first.” I slap the button for the eleventh floor.

“How am I getting to bed if I don’t have my key?”

“You’ll sleep in my room.”

She hums against my neck, sending a delicious tingle down my spine. “You going to sleep with me after all, Big Man?”

I bite back a smile. “While you’re drunk? Never.”

“You’re better than me. I’d totally take advantage of you if you were drunk.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

The door slides open and I carry Aarya down the hall to my suite.

Her head pops up as I step inside. “Your room is a hell of a lot nicer than mine.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing you lost your room key.” I lower her onto the foot of the bed. “Let me get you something comfortable to change into, and then I’ll grab a water bottle and some Tylenol from the lobby while I look for your purse.”

She groans as she struggles with the zipper behind her back. “Just get me out of this dress.”

I toss a pair of my sweats and a T-shirt onto the bed beside her, then pull her up until she’s standing in front of me. She shuffles in a circle and I tug the zipper down her spine until it reaches her tailbone, exposing her smooth skin. My fingers tremble as I let them linger there, ghosting my knuckles along the dip of her lower back. She shivers under my touch, pushing her ass back against me. Then she pulls down the top of her strapless dress, shimmying it down past her waist until it pools at her feet.

She’s standing before me in nothing but a black satin bra and a matching thong.

Our eyes catch in the mirror across the room, and she lets her head fall back against my chest, every part of her bare skin pressed against my body as she watches me, waiting for me in silent invitation.

“You’re flawless,” I whisper, my lips brushing against the cusp of her ear. “Absolutely stunning.”

She pushes her ass against my growing erection over my slacks. “I want you. And you want me too.”

I grip her shoulders and step back, needing to put distance between us.

She pouts with an adorable whine. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”

I spin her around and cup her face so she’s looking into my eyes. “Aarya, you have no idea how much I want to give in to you. And you have no idea how difficult it is to restrain myself whenever I’m around you, because the only thing I can think about is tasting your lips, and all the ways I wish I could make you come.”

Her eyes widen and her lips part.

“But I need something more. More than just one night of passion. I want to be part of something bigger, something meaningful. And I’d love to see if we could have something like that, but you’ve made it clear that you only want one night from me.” I shake my head. “I’m worth more than one night, and I think you are too. I just wish you could realize that.”

Her eyes turn glossy as she blinks up at me. “Marry me.”

My throat goes dry. “What?”

She’s drunk. There’s no way she just said⁠—

“You need someone to marry, and I need a hundred thousand in my bank account. Why don’t you fake marry me instead of a stranger?”

“I…you can’t.”

“You’ve done nothing but reject me since the day we met. I’m putting myself in a vulnerable position right now, so please don’t make me regret it because I won’t beg for this more than once.” She takes my hands and squeezes them. “We can help each other.”

On one hand, it sounds perfect. But then Giuliana’s innocent face fills my mind. How would someone like Aarya fit into my home? Could I really bring her into my daughter’s life, knowing it’s all a lie? I thought this was what I wanted, but now that it’s real, I’m not so sure this is a good idea.

I tug Aarya into me, engulfing her in a sincere hug. “You’ve had a lot to drink. Why don’t you sleep on it, and we’ll talk about it in the morning.”

“Fine, but I already told you: I’m not that drunk.” She presses her palm against my chest and pushes out of my hold. “Also, you should know that I don’t like hugs.”

I chuckle. “Just think about it, please. For me.”

“Okay, Big Man. We’ll talk in the morning.”

I slip my T-shirt over her head, and she pulls out her strapless bra from underneath before tossing it onto the floor. Then she crawls into bed, forgoing the sweatpants, and tucks her legs under the covers.

I lean over and examine her hair. “Let me take these pins out of your hair.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Let me. You’ll have a headache if you sleep in them.”

I don’t tell her how I know, that Giuliana complains about her head hurting if she falls asleep with clips in her hair. I lower myself onto the mattress beside her and pull out each bobby pin one by one, setting them down on the nightstand beside her. Then I massage her scalp, shaking out her hair to relieve the pressure.

“God, you have the best hands,” she murmurs.

I let out a small chuckle. “Let me go find your purse, and then you need to drink some water.”

“Forget the purse.” She tugs my arm. “Snuggle me.”

With those big brown eyes looking up at me, there’s not much I’d say no to.

“The spitfire likes to snuggle?”

She grunts. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

I climb onto the bed behind her and pull her body close, wrapping my arm around her midsection. She fits perfectly against me, and I let out a long breath as she groans, mumbling nonsensical things into the pillow.

I feel her body drift off to sleep within seconds, and all I can think in the stillness of the room is…

This could be the perfect solution, or an absolute disaster.

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