Pure Perfection

Bonus Chapter 1- Aria and Antonio

Bonus Chapter 1- Aria and Antonio

This chapter is going to be about Aria and Antonio (Tyberias' parents) and how they met. It is set in Jordan (where Aria is originally from)


I squinted as the sun hit my face and I continued to dip my legs into the lake near my house. I always came here to think. There was something about the serenity that helped me clear my mind. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I come here every day just to spend some time away from my family. My mom has been pushing me to start looking for a husband, claiming that I'm 'old' even though I'm only 20.

I hate it here. It's almost like the only goal for a female is to find a nice man and have kids. Although I did want that in the future, I wanted to explore first. Maybe even get a job or got to university. When I voiced my thoughts to my mother she simply to stop having 'stupid dreams' and to be realistic.

"Mind if I sit next to you? You look like you could use company." I heard a rough voice say. I looked up and my lips parted slightly as I saw who the voice belonged to. The man had pitch black hair with dark brown eyes and a light bear covering his jaw. He didn't look like he was from around here and his accent was more than enough to prove so.

"Sure. I'm Aria" I smiled and shuffled on the dock so there was enough room for him.

"Antonio" he said and gave me a charming smile.

"Italian?" I guessed and he nodded.

"I've always wanted to go to Italy." I sighed thoughtfully. The only place I've ever been to is America to visit a few friends.

"It is a lovely country." He agreed with a nod.

"So Aria, what's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting here all alone."

"Just thinking about... life"

"I find that the best place to contemplate is in the shower. You should try it sometime- it's very therapeutic."

"I'll make sure to give it a try. So Antonio, what brings you to Jordan, you don't look like you're from around here."

"Just business- boring stuff, really, so I'll spare you the details."

"So you're a businessman?" I asked and he hesitated before answering.

"You could say that." He replied and I decided not to interrogate him any further.

We continued to talk for about an hour about anything and everything- our favourite books, films, celebrities. What I loved most was how much we had in common. When he soon announced that he had to leave, he offered to was me home since it was getting late. I accepted and tried to hide my disappointment as much as I could because I secretly wanted to spend more time with him.


The next day I came to the same lake again and sat in the exact same spot. I knew it was stupid, but I was hoping to see Antonio again. I was waiting for about half an hour when I decided to finally leave.

"I didn't know if you would show today." I heard a voice. I smiled before turning around.


"The one and only. I hope you weren't expecting anyone else."

"I just didn't know if you'd come again. I was kinda hoping you would though."

"I'm glad to hear that"

Once again we talked for what seemed like hours where we got to know everything about each other. I've never opened up to anyone like I have to Antonio but it just felt natural when I was with him.

This happened everyday for about 3 weeks. When it was time for him to leave, he decided to extend his stay for another month just so we could keep seeing each other. I had begun to dread the day he would finally have to leave.


"Get in here, it's really warm." Antonio said as he swam up next to me and shook his head like a dog, making me wet.

He had arrived about 15 minutes ago and the first thing he said was that he wanted to go skinny dipping. He tried to convince me to do it with him but I wasn't going to do that anytime soon.

"I'm not getting in, Antonio." I rolled my eyes and dried some of the water off me.

"Don't be so boring."

"I am not boring" I said, slightly offended.

"Prove it then." He smirked.

I sighed and sat up so I could begin to undress.

"Turn around." I said when I noticed he was still staring. He sighed and turned in the water.

I looked around to see if anyone was around to see no one in sight. I hesitantly took all my clothes off and placed them in a neat pile. Without waiting any further, I jumped in the lake, splashing water everywhere.

"You said it was warm!" I screeched as my body shivered.

"It was, but by the time it took me to convince you to jump in, it had cooled down." He shrugged.

"I hate you for making me come in here" I said and I wrapped my arms around my body to preserve some of my body heat.

"I can think of a couple of things to warm you up." He says as he swims closer to me.

"Hmm. Like what." I said and lightly placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Well, it involves a whole lot of this." He said and lightly pressed his lips to mine. I was taken aback. This is way better than how I imagined it would feel to kiss him. He moved his hand to the back of my neck where he pulled me closer to him and deepened the kiss. We kissed until the sun came down, we were both gasping for air and smiling goofily at each other.

"We should definitely start doing that a lot more often." I breathed out.


"I should get going. My mom's probably looking for me now" I said as I slowly got out the water and began to put to get my clothes on, making sure to cover my private parts from Antonio.

"Same time tomorrow?" Antonio asked hopefully to which I nodded.

"Bye Antonio." I smiled.

"Bye, gorgeous." I heard him say as I walked towards my house.

I turned around the familiar corner when I saw my Auntie Jana also walking home.

"Hi Auntie Jana" I smiled at her as I walked next to her. She gave me a disgusted look before, walking even faster towards her house, passing me. I frowned. That was weird. I quickened my pace when it began to get dark outside, eager to get home.

"Hi Mom, how was your day." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I went to kiss her in the cheek like I do everyday but she put the hand up to stop me.

"I was on the phone with your Aunt Jana today." She said as she went back to cooking.

"That's.... nice?"

"She told me she saw you with a boy today." She said and I froze when I registered what she said.

"It wasn't like that, Mom. He was just asking for directions" I lied.

"Directions, huh? So do you kiss all the men that ask you for directions." She said as she continued to cut the vegetables and grinned her teeth together. This is how I knew she was beyond angry.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. My mother has always been a very religious person, so for her to find out that her only daughter had gone around and kissed someone out of wedlock, let's just say she would be too happy.

"That's not all she told me." She continued and I gulped in anticipation.

"She said-" my mother began but took a deep breathe as if she couldn't even formulate the words. "She told me you were naked with him in the water."

"Mom-" i began but she put up her hand again to stop me from talking.

"Tell me it's not true. Tell me your not a slut like everyone is saying you are"

I lowered my eyes, unable to deny it. It was true, I was a slut. What was I thinking? Kissing and getting naked with Antonio when I've only known him for a couple months.

"Do you have any idea what people are saying about you? Saying about me? You've ruined my reputation. Since when did you become such a whore, huh? This is not the daughter I raised. Your father would be disgusted if he was still alive." She seethed and slammed the knife down in the kitchen counter.

"I'm sorry. You're right" I said in a small voice, tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"You should be sorry. But it's okay because I've got the situation under control. Go get change into some nice clothes and come down quickly. They'll be here in 20 minutes" she said and checked the clock.

"What do you mean? What's happening?"

"My friend Sarah has agreed to let her son Omar marry you. She lives in a different city so she doesn't know about what happened today."

"Marriage?" I say shocked. "You can't be serious, mom, please don't make me get married." I begged.

"You should be grateful, Aria. If not Omar, no one else will marry you." She said dismissively as if it was no big deal.

"Please, mom I'll do anything else just please don't force me to get married." I pleaded again but it was useless.

"Now you've got 17 minutes, hurry up and go sort yourself out, you look like a mess." She finalised and I knew pleading with her was no use.

Defeated, I made my way upstairs. Why did this have to happen to me?

I reluctantly undressed and put on some nicer clothes. I looked in the mirror and began reapplying my makeup that had washed off when I was swimming with Antonio.

Antonio.... How would he react? He would be heartbroken for sure, which makes this even worse because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him.

The ding of the doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts. Omar's family was here.

I slowly walked down the stairs where I saw my mother standing next to Omar and his parents.

Omar was short- about 5'6 and was very skinny. He looked to be around 10 or maybe even 15 years older than me and had a long, overgrown beard.

"This is her" my mother smiled fakely as I reached the end of the stairs.

"Wow she's even more beautiful than the photos you sent me" Sarah said and I saw Omar smile at me, revealing his crooked and yellowing teeth which I internally cringed at.

"Thank you" I said to Sarah, but my face remained emotionless.

My mom shot me a warning glare to stop looking so miserable so I changed my facial expression to a bright smile but fake nonetheless.

An hour quickly passed and most of the arrangements were made- I had no say in any of it. My mother suggested the wedding would happen in 2 weeks. Omar's family were unsure at first but she convinced them it was just because I was excited to be with Omar and couldn't wait any longer.


The next day, I was about to leave the house to go meet Antonio when my mom stopped me. She knew I was going to meet him and told me I was no longer allowed to leave the house unless I need to.

I was now lying on my bed, bored out of my mind with nothing to do when I heard a loud thud come from outside my window.

"Fùck sake" I heard a voice that I recognised all too well come from outside my window. I shot up from my bed and peered through my curtains. My suspicions were confirmed.

"Antonio. What are you doing" I said in a hushed voice. He was on the ground and wincing in pain. He slowly stood up and rubbed his behind.

"I was trying to be romantic and shït by climbing up your window like they do in the movies."

"You fell?"

"No need to point out the obvious. I'm already embarrassed enough" he groaned and a light blush was forming on his cheeks.

"I'm coming down." I announced as I began to swing my legs off the balcony, preparing myself to jump down.

"Steady there. Why don't you just come out the front door." He said as he moved directly underneath me so he could catch me.

"My mom locked it so I wouldn't be able to leave." I answered.

"Ready?" I asked as I looked down. He nodded and raised his arms.

I jumped down thinking I would get a solid landing but my foot connected with something and I heard a crunch.

"Fùck" I heard Antonio groan from beneath me as he steadied me on the ground and rubbed his jaw where a red mark was beginning to form.

"I'm sorry" I said I'm shock. I slowly raised my hand to gently rub the bruise.

"Don't worry about it." He shook his head.

"But.... maybe if you kissed it better, it would stop hurting." He grinned cheekily.

I smiled and slowly placed my lips down on his jaw, careful no to hurt him too much. I trailed the kisses towards his lips where her eagerly kissed me back.

A couple minutes passed and we pulled away breathless, both our lips swollen from all the kissing.

"That was definitely worth getting kicked in the face" he mumbled and I shook my head playfully.

"Not that I'm complaining but why are you here, anyways?"

"You didn't show up today at the lake. I thought maybe you were hurt or something not that you'd be on house arrest" he joked but I didn't return his smile

The earlier events of yesterday came crashing down and I slowly pulled away. Antonio was going to hate me when I told him the news.

"I'm getting married in two weeks" I said bluntly.

"Is this your way of proposing to me, Aria?" He joked. The smile on his face slowly began to fade as he saw I wasn't smiling with him.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but it's true."

"So.... you were with someone the whole time? You were just leading me on." Antonio frowned.

I was about to deny it and tell him the truth, but what good would that do? Maybe if I hurt him enough, he'd stop pursuing me, making it easier for him to move on.

"...Yes, I'm sorry I dragged you into it, but I l-love my fiancé a lot. I just thought you'd be fun to hang around with for the time being, I didn't mean for you to actually develop feelings." I said as I nervously played with the ends of my hair and looked away from him. It killed me to say those words; the hurt in his eyes made it almost unbearable.

"I... think you're lying. You always play with you mr hair when you lie." When he said this, I instantly dropped the strand of hair between my fingers.

"No I don't." I said but he shook his head, not believing me.

"You don't need to lie to me anymore, if you don't like me just say so." He says and shoved his hands into his pockets. He looked like a lost puppy, making me feel even more guilty

"I do like you, trust me. I just don't have a choice. I have to marry him." I blurted and his eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean? Are your parents forcing you to get married?" He said concerned and lightly touched my arm.

"N-No of course not."

"Just tell me the truth, Aria, that's all I ask." He said and slowly bought his hand up to wipe something off my cheek. His thumb was wet with tears that I didn't even know I hand shed.

I'm that moment, I couldn't help but burst out in tears as he held me and told me everything was going to be alright. I told him everything. About how my mom found out about what happened at the lake. About how my reputation was ruined. And about how I was getting forced to marry Omar.

"I need to tell you something" Antonio said as he lightly pulled away.

"What is it?"

"I was planning on telling you today that I have to leave to go to Italy, tomorrow." He said and I held onto him tighter. This day couldn't get any worse.

"You're leaving." I sniffed.

"I want you to come with me." He said and my eyes widened. He couldn't possibly expect me to go with him to Italy.

"I can't do that, I can't just leave my mother."

"The same mother that's forcing you to get married to someone almost twice your age." He reasoned. He did have a point.

"But... we've only known each other for a few months. You could be in the Mafia for all I know." I said, not actually being serious. I saw Antonio gulp nervously but I just brushed it off.

"I care about you Aria. I don't want you to be stuck in a miserable marriage for the rest of your life. Besides, you told me you've always wanted to go to Italy."

"Okay." I decided.

"Okay?" He asked, shocked that I actually agreed.

"Okay." I nodded. This could either be the worst or best decision of my life. I just hope it's the latter.

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