Pure Perfection

Chapter 35- business event

Chapter 35- business event


I slipped my diamond earring in my ear and smiled at Tyberias as he stepped inside our room.

I frowned when he didn't compliment me, only stood there and gaped.

"What's wrong? Do you not like my dress?" I asked self consciously.

"Do I not like it? I want to pin you against the bed and eat you out until your legs are shaking and you can't take it anymore, and then I want to fùck you senselessly until the only thing you can remember is my name. Does that answer your question? Sembri sbalorditivo (you look stunning)" He growled.

"Grazie. Sei anche molto bello (thank you. You also look very handsome)." I smiled at him. He raised his eyebrows as he heard me speak Italian for the first time.


"I've been taking some classes on duo lingo" I stated proudly.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any sèxier, you surprise me by speaking Italian." He said

I smiled as I felt him stand behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I placed my hands above his and drowned in his embrace. He was so big and muscular compared to me and I loved it.

He leaned down and dug his face in the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply and sighed. "You smell so good" he groaned. He began kissing along the column of my neck and I moaned lightly.

He spun me around peppered kisses along my jaw, my cheeks, the corner of my mouths.

I began to get frustrated because he wasn't kissing me in the place I need it most.

I lightly groaned, grabbing his collar to stop him.

"Kiss me, Tyberias" I breathed out

"I am kissing you" he grinned.

"Here" I said and patted my lips This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

"If you insist" he said before crashing his lips down on mine. I moaned and reached my hands up to play with his hair. I didn't even care that I was ruining my lips gloss, all that mattered was him and I.

He groaned into the kiss as it began to get more intense. I felt his tongue lips my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter, which I gladly obliged to.

His hands went down and gave my ass a firm squeeze, pushing his hips against mine. His fingers pushed their way into my dress through the large slit and rested on my bare àss. All of a sudden they began searching for something. He frowned and pulled away when he didn't find it.

"Why can't I find your panties?" He groaned

"Because I'm not wearing any" I smiled

"Fuck, are you trying to kill me?" He sighed and rested his forehead on mine.

I pecked his lips, "you'll survive" I said and began to walk away towards the door.

"Come on, we'll be late" I said and turned around as I reached the door. I found his eyes glued to my àss before quickly snapping to mine.

He cleared his throat and followed behind me.

•_• •_• •_• •_•

I sat in the limousine and waited for Tyberias. Deciding he was taking too long I began to reapply my red lip gloss. Soon after, I saw him walking out of our house rather awkwardly.

Bøner alert.

I opened the door, got in and told the driver to begin. I shuffled over next to him and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to his warm body.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he began to play with my hair, careful not to mess it up. I wrapped my arms around his body and I sighed at the comfort and relaxation that flooded through me.

In about 15 minutes we had arrived and Tyberias quickly got out the car and came around to open my door. We began walking to the entrance but I began feeling nervous and looked down to the ground.

Tyberias stopped and pulled me towards him.

"Don't lower your head. I want everyone to see my beautiful girlfriend". He said, making me smile and nod, before placing some fingers on my chin to push it up. He then put his arm out and I gladly took it, wrapping my hand around his big bicep.

A worker opened the door for us as soon as we arrived and we began to walk in. All of a sudden, everyone stopped walking to stare at us. Quiet murmurs erupted as he led me to the bar.

"Don't think anything of it. I've just never bought a girl with me before." He said into my ear, making me smile.

"Don't accept a drink from anyone other than me, okay?" He sternly said while I nodded and he placed a drink in my hand.

Just when I was about to say something someone interrupted us.

"Romano, what a pleasant surprise" said the stranger, referring to Tyberias as his last name.

I felt Tyberias tense up. "What do you want Martinez?" Tyberias said. The man in front of us was quite good looking with dirty blond hair and a light stubble. I guess other people would find him attractive, but ever since Tyberias came into my life, it's like my brain subconsciously turns a blind eye to other men.

"Just to introduce myself to this beautiful lady." He said and turned to me. "Alfonso Martinez, a... friend of Romano's" he said and placed a kiss on my hand. I sensed his Spanish accent when he pronounced his name.

The name Alfonso made me freeze. Before my mom died, she said the person behind this began with 'Al'. She never got to finish it but could she have been talking about Alfonso. I also clearly remember that the person who delivered the bullet and note to my old home was blond, like Alfonso. I mean, it wouldn't be completely absurd since Tyberias seems to dislike him.

No, what was I thinking? There are thousands of names that begin with 'Al' . I couldn't jump to conclusions, but I still have to stay cautious

I forced a smile "Juliana" I said as I introduced myself. If Tyberias didn't like him, I didn't like him.

He turned to the man next to him and began speaking to him in another language.

"¿Cuánto apostas que puedo hacer que se acueste conmigo al final de la noche? (how much do you bet I can get her to sleep with me by the end of the night?)"

I immediately knew he was speaking Spanish and thanked god that I was fluent in it due to my father being from Venezuela.

"Agradecería que no hablaras de mí como si no estuviera aquí (I'd appreciate it if you didnt speak about me as if I wasn't right here)" I said and glared at him. The look on his face was priceless

"Tu hablas Español?" (You speak Spanish?)" he asked

"Obviamente, si estamos teniendo esta conversación ahora mismo (Obviously if we are having this conversation right now)" I replied, hiding the smirk that was forming on my lips.

"What did he say? I'll kill him if he said anything bad about you" I heard Tyberias mutter angrily in my ear.

"Don't worry about it. I dealt with it" I said reassuringly, deciding to spare Alfonso.

We began to walk away from Alfonso and his friend, the hall was still quiet as people attempted to listen in to our conversation.

"I need to go talk to a few people about business" he said and began to take me with him.

"It's fine, go without me. I should probably go a make some friends anyway" I smiled. I didn't want to intrude on his business or anything and I don't want him to think I was dependent on him.

"No, you're coming with me."

"I'm not a little girl. I can look after myself."

He nodded in apprehension "do you have the knife I gave you?" He asked. I nodded remembering the pocket knife he strapped to my thigh. I pecked him on the lips and we slowly parted ways.

*-* *-* *-*

I sat at the bar on my own. My attempt to make friends was futile as everyone here was bitchy and snobby. I hated socializing. I wish it was just me and Tyberias right now, but noooo I had to be difficult and wanted to show him I wasn't clingy.

"Need any company" said Alfonso as he took a seat next to me

Great, just when I thought my night couldn't get any worse.

"Nope." I said

"Listen, I'm sorry for what I said earlier" he began

"Whatever" I said cutting him off.

"Will you let me dance with you"

"No" I quickly said, shocked that he would even suggest that.

"Not even to make Romano jealous?" He said and nodded his head towards Tyberias' direction where I saw him talking to a skinny brunette. My blood boiled further as I saw her adjust her dress revealing more of her non-existant cleavage. I saw the girl place a hand on Tyberias' arm. Much to my liking, he instantly pulled his arm away.

Good Boy.

"Nope, because I know better than to jump to conclusions. And besides, why would I need to make Tyberias jealous when he's already mine." I said to Alfonso before flipping my hair behind my shoulder and walking towards Tyberias' direction. I'm proud of myself for not overreacting like last time.

"There you are, baby" I said as I greeted Tyberias and wrapped an arm around his waist.

He instantly smiled and I reached up to his face and bought it down so I could kiss him on the lips, blatantly ignoring the girl staring daggers at me

A few seconds passed and I slowly pulled away.

"Oh my god, I didn't even see you there. I'm Juliana, Tyberias' girlfriend" I said to the brunette and gave her my best fake smile while putting emphasis on the girlfriend part.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lucy. Me and Tyberias have history together" she said giving me an equally fake smile. I knew she was trying to get under my skin but I wouldn't let her.

"Well, I guess it's history for a reason then." I bit back with a giggle. My smile only brightened as I saw hers instantly drop.

Ha! Take that, bïtch.

"Well, we should get going. It's late" Tyberias said, breaking the stare off I was having with the girl.

"You're right. I've got a lot planned for you when we get home" I said to Tyberias and pecked him on the lips. I smiled as I saw Lucy grind her teeth together.

I hooked my arms onto Tyberias' and we began to walk out together.

"I love it when you get possessive. Wait and see what I'm going to do to you at home" he whispered not my ear. He gave my àss a hard squeeze as he helped me get into the car.

Fuelled with excitement, I lifted my dress so I could comfortably straddle his lap. I quickly leaned back and closed the partition so we were alone. I couldn't wait any longer as I crashed my lips down on his, my actions causing him to harden beneath me as I simultaneously grinned my core over him.

"Make it hurt, Tyberias." I whispered. This was all I needed to say for him to flip me over so I was lying over the car seats and rip my dress open.

My heart began racing. There was never a dull moment with him.

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