Pure Perfection

Chapter 50- the end

Chapter 50- the end


"How did you even manage to find us?" I asked him.

It had been a couple hours since Tyberias arrived and we were now lying in the bed cuddling. Estella was in front of us on the floor playing with one of her dolls.

"It wasn't difficult. Next time you try to runaway to the other side of the country, remember not to use your card. Rookie mistake."

"I'll remember that for next time. Any more tips?" I joked.

"If you try to leave me again, I'll tie your ass to our bed and lock the door"

"It seems like you have an unhealthy obsession with me Mr Romano."

"I wouldn't call it an obsession, call it being head over heals in love with you, soon to be Mrs Romano."

"I like the sound of that: Mrs Romano" I said, testing it out.

"Get used to it"

Tyberias' phone began to ring, interrupting us.

"Hey Adrian" he said into the speaker. NôvelDrama.Org content.

"Calm down. What happened?" Tyberias said, his voice full of alert.

"We're on our way" Tyberias said and quickly ended the call.

He began frantically stuffing my clothes in my suitcase.

"What happened?"

"Leona's went into labour" he said and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting" I gushed.

"Just get your ass up and pack Estella's clothes." Tyberias rolled his eyes.

"Yes, sir." I said making him stop.

"You now how much I like it when you call me sir, but we don't have time for that right now, baby" he said and went back to stuffing my clothes.

"Got it, si-. I mean Tyberias." I replied, almost slipping up.

^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

It has been about 2 days since Leona gave birth to a beautiful baby girl but her and Troy still haven't thought of a name. They've been referring to her as 'baby' for the time being.

Troy, her husband had to stay at home with Luca since there was no one to look after him. He would come visit her while Luca was at school.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Leona said to me. She was lying in her hospital bed and I was sat next to her, holding 'baby' who was peacefully sleeping.

"She is" I lied, looking down at the baby that resembled a potato.

I gently bought a finger to caress her small face. I couldn't wait until the time came where I would be pregnant.

There were two knocks on the door before the person walked in. Adrian walked in while holding Estella's hand. After she was complaining that she was hungry, he took her to the canteen to get something to eat.

"Adrian, I said don't give her any chocolate." I sighed as I used a tissue to wipe the chocolate stains off her mouth. She always got really hyper whenever anything sweet entered her system.

"It's not my fault. She gave me puppy dog eyes." He shrugged.

The baby in my arms began stirring in her sleep due to the loud noises.

"Adrianna!" Adrian exclaimed when he saw that 'baby' was awake.

"How many times Adrian? Her name is not and will never be Adrianna. I'm not naming her after you." Leona said sternly.

"Whatever. Juliana will just name her daughter after me, won't you?" He huffed looking at me.

"Don't bring me into this. I'm not involved." I said as I rocked her back and forth, trying to get her back to sleep.

I felt bad when I saw Adrian's eyes drop to the floor in defeat.

"I'll think about it" I sighed and I saw him grin again.

"See? This is why you're my favourite" he said and came to take 'Adrianna' out of my arms.

As soon as he held her she began crying. His eyebrows shot to the top of his head, shocked by her reaction. Leona giggled at the baby's apparent dislike for Adrian.

"Not you. You can't betray me like this" Adrian groaned and shook her rather roughly to try and stop her from crying.

"Adrian!" I said and took her from his grip. As soon as I held her she stopped crying.

"I think your baby is broken, Leona. Normally the women can't seem to get enough of me."

"Yeh that explain why you're 25 and have never even had a girlfriend." Leona replies, knocking any confidence he had out of his system.

I felt my phone ring from my pocket and picked it up to see Tyberias calling me.

"Hey Tyberias." I greeted and put him on speaker so I could still rock 'baby' in my arms.

"Hey, baby. I just got off work. I miss you, where are you?"

"Simp" I heard Adrian mutter. I shot him a playful glare.

"I'm at the hospital with Leona but I'll be home in about 20 minutes."

"Okay, make sure you're lying on our bed naked by the time I get there." He said, unaware that he was on speaker.

"Ewww" Leona groaned.

"Tyberias' you're on speaker" I blushed.

"Damnit, baby. What did I tell you about doing that?" He groaned, remembering the last time I had put him on speaker. I was with his mom and she was teaching me a new recipe. My hands were full so I placed my phone down on speaker when Tyberias greeted me with 'hurry your ass up home, I want you on all fours'. Since that moment, he's never been above to look his mom in the eye properly, knowing she heard.

"I'm sorry, I forgot"

"Maybe if you weren't so horny all the time, it wouldn't be an issue" Leona said.

"Shut up, idiot" Tyberias replied. Even in their twenties, they still bickered like children.

"You shut up, dumbàss"

"I'm the dumbàss? Aren't you the one who had 9 months to think of a baby name but you still haven't. How is 'baby' by the way?"

"That personal attack was really unnecessary" Leona said.

"I'll meet you at home, Tyberias. I love you, bye." I said, interrupting their little argument. They could've gone in for hours, trust me, I almost fell asleep during their last one.

^-^ ^-^ ^-^

Me and Estella returned to the house where she told me she was tired so I took her to bed. I walked over to mine and Tyberias' room where I heard footsteps. He must've arrived before us.

"Tyberias?" I asked when I walked in.

"What the fuck is this?" He said

I walked over to him to see him holding his late grandmother's vase that I had accidentally smashed when I thought he was cheating on me. At the time, I thought I had put it together quite well, but now, I was only just realising how bad of a job I had actually done.

Oh fùck. I was in some deep shît.

"Oh my god. What happened?" I exclaimed and reached for the vase, pretending to inspect it. What's that saying? Fake it till you make it?

"Do you know what happened?"

I was about to lie and say no but I couldn't lie to his face.

"... Yeh. I accidentally broke it"


"But I tried to fix it. I really did. I'm really sorry. Please don't be angry at m-". Tyberias stopped me by bringing his lips on mine.

"Shhh. I'm not angry. I just don't want you to ever be afraid to tell me something, okay? And even if I did get angry, I couldn't even stay mad at you for over 5 minutes."

"Really?" I asked and looked up to him.

He nodded and placed the vase in the table before he kissed me again. I sighed and drowned in his embrace.

A couple moments passed and he slowly pulled away.

"That's enough of the cute shït. Strip and get your ass in bed." He said and smacked my ass. I yelled and did as he said.

I was in bed when he stripped his shirt off his body and crawled on top of me.

"Your perfection, Juliana. Pure perfection"


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