Reborn Heart of Steel

Chapter 14: Reborn

Now the question weighed heavy on my shoulders, who… who could have pushed her off the roof? The last thing I could remember was the principal calling me up… was it him?

“Don’t you think she’s acting weird?”

“You know she hit her head yesterday night. I thought she was dead. She may just be struggling to remember somethings just like the doctor said.” The man said.

“What about this marriage thing?”

Marriage? My eyes widened.

“You know how strongly she disagreed with the marriage. And we feel he’s the best for her right now.”

My new dad sighed. “We have no choice princess, we have to make sure she marries him.”

Marries who?

“Besides she’s finally resuming her new school.” He said.

“I’m scared, you know how badly she handles things.” Mum said.

“She’ll learn. Plus, they know quite well nobody can mess with her. I’ll take the school and everything that concerns it to the ground.” His growl sent shivers down my spine.

I had never felt so much protected by anyone before.

“Mr. Salvatore.” I heard a man say from downstairs.

“That’s him.” Mum said and I knew that was my cue to leave. I hurried down the stairs, and much to my dismay I hit a wall… I mean person.

I looked up and saw the most handsome man I’d ever come across. He had his head slightly titled. I’d seen his face few time in commercials and from the way he was dressed could tell he was a man of influence and aura. A CEO. Why else would they want him to marry their daughter?

He didn’t looked so pleased to see me… I mean Brianne though. It made me wonder, did anything transpire between them in the past? Or was it the fact that she was spoilt?

“Mr. Salvatore. Goodness, what are you doing on the floor Anne.” That was my mum’s voice.

I quickly scrambled up. “Nothing.” I said quickly, dusting myself.

She turned back to Mr. Salvatore.

“Please Tessa, let’s drop the formality. Call me Daren.”

“Daren it is then. How well have you and Anne gotten along?”

He gave me a side look then looked back at my mother. “She’s better.”

Tessa gave me a look. “I told you to be nice Anne.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I noticed he cocked a brow at me.

“The marriage is taking place in just two days. You can’t keep acting like this.”

I was overwhelmed by everything and didn’t even know what to think at the moment. The fact that I was killed by someone I had no idea about even though I was quite suspicious of the principal and then my bullies, the fact that I was in Brianne’s body and now I was getting married the the most handsome man in the world without even knowing who he is? It was all to overwhelming.

“I’m sorry.”

I heard gasps. Which confused me. They were stunned that I apologized?

So Brianne was never one to apologize. I didn’t even say anything more and ran up the stairs.


I didn’t look back and just entered my room before sliding down to the floor. Who was Brianne? What did she do? Was she someone I could learn from because I was tired of being the victim. She seemed to get away with a lot of things. If I could just act like her, then maybe things would be better for me.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

My face was wet with tears as I looked at the now-unfamiliar wallpaper in this room. Brianne. Who was that girl? What sort of life did she live to end up with a fiance like Mr. Salvatore and parents so eager to arrange her marriage?

Marriage. The term felt completely unfamiliar in my mouth, a harsh irony in this strange scenario.

A part of myself, the part that is Lucy, reacted negatively to the idea.

However, a different section of the individual, driven by a urgent desire to stay alive, perceived a faint chance of hope.

Being married to this influential man could protect me and help me. Could I successfully execute that? Can I transform into Brianne, the fierce and seemingly invincible girl I hardly understood?

I was startled by a knock on the door. ” Anne?” “Are you alright?” Mom’s voice could be heard, filled with worry.

I quickly dried my tears, trying to appear composed. “Yes, I’m okay.” Simply a headache.

“Can you confirm? You seem as if you were on the verge of passing out down there.”

“I’m okay, honestly.”

For a brief moment, Mom paused, her eyes scanning my expression. After that, she let out a sigh and slightly opened the window.

“Okay, dear. Call me if you need help.”

When she left, I shut my eyes, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. I wanted answers.

Details about Brianne, her connection to Mr. Salvatore, and the circumstances surrounding Lucy’s “incident.”

A notification made my phone on the bedside table vibrate. The text was from someone saved as “Queen B” in the contacts.

Hello Bri! Are you going to the pre-wedding party tonight?

Queen B. Who is that?

A friend?

Feeling unsure, I decided to reply with caution, thinking it was a suitable starting point.

“Feeling a bit unwell. Possibly not in the mood for it this evening.”

A response was sent back almost immediately. “Are you kidding? Don’t say you are already backing out! Let’s go, Bri! This is going to be incredibly grand. Salvatore has reserved the entire club exclusively for our use!”

I raised my eyebrows. This Mr. Salvatore appeared to have a significant amount of influence, an influence that I could potentially leverage for my own benefit.

“Okay, okay,” I replied, attempting to sound like a teen eager for a party. “I will be there. However, no guarantees.”

“Incredible!” Make sure you arrive on time! “We have a ton of fun ahead of us!”

The phone’s screen turned off. I gazed at the monitor, slowly developing a plan in my thoughts. Perhaps, attending this party could potentially be the initial move in uncovering the enigmas surrounding Brianne’s life. Perhaps, only perhaps, it might take me to the person who pushed me from the rooftop.

I looked through the photos on her phone, examining each one closely. Brianne appeared to be a character from a teenage drama, always wearing designer clothes and sporting a cocky smirk with perfect blonde hair.

There were photos of her with a bunch of girls, likely her friends who were just as privileged. Pictures of her were taken at sports games, where she was seen supporting the team with a disinterested look on her face. There were numerous photos of her with Mr. Salvatore, their faces pressed together in forced smiles.

The further I searched, the less I understood. Was there any substance behind the illusion of riches and privilege?

I let out a sigh as I closed the photo gallery. Tonight, I will put on Brianne’s mask and act as her. However, deep down, I would still be Lucy, committed to uncovering the truth.

As the sun started setting and creating long shadows in the room, I realized it was time to stop introspecting. Tonight, I entered the lion’s den not as fearful Lucy, but as fearless Brianne.

The club throbbed with pulsating music and flickering lights. The scent of sweat, alcohol, and a faint chemical odor filled the air heavily. A bunch of girls, wearing attention-grabbing clothes, noticed me as I approached the entrance.

“Brianna!” cried one of them, running towards me to embrace. “We thought you wouldn’t make it!”

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